Dubai brings honesty to global finance

2009-11-28 Richard Moore Every nation which fell for the bailout scam is now insolvent and should default on its debts if it has any hope of restoring national sovereignty. Instead they are all going back to the banking mafia for still more credit to refinance their debt, pushing their populations deeper and deeper into debt … Read more

Novye Izvestija: WHO manufactured Swine Flu scare

2009-11-27 Richard Moore World Health Organization ‘Manufactured’ The Global Swine Flu Scare — Suspected Of Corruption Translated from Russian by Infowars Ireland Novye Izvestija November 26, 2009 The Swine Flu Pandemic which Novye Izvestija has written about many times, may be the most ambitious scam and corruption of our time. In any case, the enormous … Read more

Possible Flu Mutation in Iowa and Canada

2009-11-27 Richard Moore Possible Flu Mutation in Iowa and Canada BY: muzikdiva  Glendale : CA : USA | 2 days ago  Interesting report on apparent cases of hemorrhagic flu appearing in Iowa, Ontario and Vancouver, she brings up some very good points on sub-types of flu’s and the vaccines to match them.In other words, there is no vaccine for this … Read more

Porter Stansberry: bankruptcy of US is now certain

2009-11-27 Richard Moore The bankruptcy of the United States is now certain Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Text Size:    From Porter Stansberry in the S&A Digest: It’s one of those numbers that’s so unbelievable you have to actually think about it for a while… Within the next 12 months, the U.S. Treasury will have to … Read more

Fwd: the Shadow of Unemployment – short video

2009-11-27 Richard Moore Begin forwarded message: From: Larry Victor  Date: 27 November 2009 06:02:05 GMT To: Larry Victor <•••@••.•••> Subject: the Shadow of Unemployment – short video Watch the shadow of unemployment move over the USA from 1/2007 to 9/2009.  Scary. ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: archives: Moderator: … Read more

Afghanistan escalation aimed at “regionalization”

2009-11-27 Richard Moore The true character of the Afghanistan war is becoming ever more evident. The issue was never democratization, nor the driving out of the Taliban or the punishment of Al Qaeda, whose supporters in Afghanistan are currently estimated at only a few dozen. The issue at stake is imperialist control of a country … Read more

Lisa Pease: Facts Behind ‘Men Who Stare at Goats’

2009-11-27 Richard Moore Facts Behind ‘Men Who Stare at Goats’ By Lisa Pease  November 16, 2009 Can people really influence the physical world with thought alone? And if so, dare we use that power for evil, instead of good? Or will the effort come back to haunt us? That is the quandary posed … Read more

Venezuela: conflicts between Chavez and labor – an anarchist view

2009-11-27 Richard Moore VENEZUELAN LABOR BETWEEN CHAVEZ AND THE GOLPISTAS The Bolivarian Government Against Union Autonomy by Rafael Uzcategui, Tierra y Libertad Orlando Chirino, a revolutionary Venezuelan labor leader, has recently denounced the Bolivarian government as “anti-worker and anti-union.” It would be difficult to accuse Chirino of being a “golpista” or an “ally of imperialism.” In … Read more

World flooded with fake gold bars

2009-11-27 Richard Moore The manufacture of fake gold bars goes back years and, because of this, it is not likely that the originator of this scheme will ever be revealed or brought to justice. Meanwhile the world is just beginning to learn that much of its national reserves of gold may be fake. If more … Read more

Dr. Sherri J Tenpenny: Flu Vaccines and the Risk of Cancer

2009-11-27 Richard Moore There is a real risk of residual retinal DNA and stray viral fragments from the animal tissues getting into flu shots. DNA snips are classified as either “infectious” or “oncogenic” by researchers who worry that the stray DNA is being incorporated into the recipient’s DNA. FDA regulations insist on the “importance of … Read more

Arundhati Roy: “Sri Lanka solution” threatened for Maoist-led uprising in India

2009-11-27 Richard Moore There’s an MoU [Memorandum of Understanding—an agreement between government and corporate investors] on every mountain, river and forest glade: social and environmental engineering on an unimaginable scale. And most of this is secret. Somehow I don’t think that the plans that are afoot to destroy one of the world’s most pristine forests … Read more

Nighttime aerosol spraying by planes reported in poland

2009-11-27 Richard Moore The Ukraine government has since implemented a state of emergency, postponed elections, banned public meetings, closed some of its borders, ordered the arrest of critics of vaccinations and is also prepared for a mass forced vaccination programme with the toxic and untested swine flu jab. WHO has acquired extraordinary powers over the Ukraine as … Read more

Carbon Trading: How it works and why it fails

2009-11-26 Richard Moore New book on carbon trading – Carbon Trading: How it works and why it fails Contributed by Dr Karabi Dutta Added: 25 November 2009 The book reveals how carbon trading is only a very recent invention by business and political elites that undermines existing environmental legislation and diverts from planning a rapid transition away … Read more

Important: Jane Burgermeister’s website, re/flu pandemic

2009-11-26 Richard Moore She has a long list of links to article on her site. The one I included below is of urgent concern. It looks like they’ve introduced Baxter’s new virus in Iowa, following the tests in the Ukraine. rkm ____ THE JANE BURGERMEISTER WEBSITE – INVESTIGATING THE SWINE FLU PANDEMIC First The Ukraine, Now … Read more

Zahir Ebrahim: Climategate & Science in the Service of Empire

2009-11-26 Richard Moore A Project Humanbeingsfirst Document Letter to a ‘co-conspiracy theorist’: Reflections on Modernity, Climategate, Peer Review, and Science in the Service of Empire Letter to a ‘co-conspiracy theorist’: Reflections on Modernity, Climategate, Peer Review, and Science in the Service of Empire Dear ‘co-conspiracy theorist’ M – Hi. What Dr. Tim Ball stated … Read more

Russia: Economic crisis fuels differences within Kremlin

2009-11-25 Richard Moore Russia: Economic crisis fuels differences within Kremlin By Andrea Peters  25 November 2009 The impact of the global financial crisis on the Russian economy is fueling conflicts within the country’s ruling elite over the administration of state resources. In recent weeks there have been a series of events pointing to tactical … Read more

Swine flu hoax: interview w/ star CBS reporter

2009-11-24 Richard Moore [good videos in original] Superstar CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off the Swine Flu Media Hype and Hysteria Posted by: Dr. Mercola  November 24 2009 | 11,891 views Sharyl Attkisson is a CBS News correspondent and investigative reporter. She’s covered Capitol Hill since February 2006 and has been a Washington-based correspondent there since … Read more

Excellent scientific report on Swine Flu scam (video)

2009-11-24 Richard Moore Deciphering the Swine Flu Scam A Nun’s Story ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: archives: Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Inquiry sought: manipulation of global warming data

2009-11-24 Richard Moore Thousands of emails and documents stolen from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and posted online indicate that researchers massaged figures to mask the fact that world temperatures have been declining in recent years. Website of the Telegraph Media Group with breaking news, sport, business, latest UK and world news. Content from … Read more

UK to enforce copyrights on Internet

2009-11-24 Richard Moore See also even more draconian plans in US: Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad. _______ Government lays out digital plans The government has laid out its plans to deal with illegal file-sharers as part of its Digital Economy Bill, outlined in the Queen’s Speech. It includes the power … Read more

Tomgram: Filling the Skies with Assassins

2009-11-23 Richard Moore a few months old, but still quite relevant – rkm Tomgram: Filling the Skies with Assassins Posted by Tom Engelhardt at 12:31pm, April 7, 2009. [Note for Readers: To catch an audio interview in which Tom Engelhardt discusses assassination from the air, click here] Terminator Planet Launching the Drone Wars By Tom Engelhardt In 1984, Skynet, … Read more

Targeting Muslim Charities: part of the fascist formula

2009-11-23 Richard Moore In Germany they attacked the Jews, and in the the US they attack the Muslims. Neither was or is a threat to the state, but an ‘enemy of the state’ is needed in both cases, in order to help justify the ongoing development of the police state. rkm _____________ Targeting Muslim … Read more

Canadian study links seasonal flu shots with H1N1

2009-11-22 Richard Moore The study began after researchers in British Columbia this summer found a possible link between contracting H1N1 and receiving flu shots the previous season, for some people in the province. The researchers shared the information with colleagues in the other provinces, some of whom in turn found their own links, said Dr. … Read more

Neuroscientist (Chris Shaw) Slams H1N1 Vaccines

2009-11-22 Richard Moore  What’s in your H1N1 flu vaccine? By Alex Roslin Researcher Dr Chris Shaw (Phd, UBC) says  GlaxoSmithKline’s product information leaflet  for its H1N1 vaccine doesn’t carry nearly  enough safety data Chris Shaw wasn’t always skeptical about vaccines. The neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia had his teenage son vaccinated … Read more

AP: Vaccine industry seeing long-term profit growth

2009-11-22 Richard Moore Vaccines are no longer a sleepy, low-profit niche in a booming drug industry. Today, they’re starting to give ailing pharmaceutical makers a shot in the arm. The lure of big profits, advances in technology and growing government support has been drawing in new companies, from nascent biotechs to Johnson & Johnson. That … Read more

How to hack RFID-enabled Credit Cards for $8 (video)

2009-11-22 Richard Moore All your personal details, credit card number, etc. easily stolen while you walk by. How to hack RFID-enabled Credit Cards for $8 (video) ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: archives: Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Christina England: Adverse reactions to the Swine Flu vaccine soar

2009-11-22 Richard Moore Adverse reactions to the Swine Flu vaccine soar Christina England November 21, 2009 Glaxo Smith Kline have recalled a batch of Swine Flu vaccines containing around 170,000 vaccines in Canada, due to a larger than expected number of adverse reactions. GSK say that they expect to have reports of a severe … Read more

M K Bhadrakumar: US’s dalliance in Beijing is short-lived

2009-11-22 Richard Moore South Asia      Nov 21, 2009 US’s dalliance in Beijing is short-lived By M K Bhadrakumar  Discourse between India and Pakistan can be deceptive – like when cats hiss. You can never quite tell dalliance from discord. The fact remains that at different levels, despite their occasional shrill rhetoric, contacts have been … Read more

Oath Keepers: what’s it all about?

2009-11-22 Richard Moore This article, along with the videos, gives a good example of the concerns of those on the ‘right’, and the propagandistic way that is presented in the mainstream media.  rkm _________ [videos in original, from CNN & from the Oath Keepers themselves; boldface phrases below are live links] CNN Propaganda … Read more

Ukraine virus, Baxter, & Joseph Moshe: an update

2009-11-22 Richard Moore [videos in original] Scientist Warned Baxter Would Release Plague in Ukraine NoWorldSystem November 21, 2009 Bio-scientist Joseph Moshe who was arrested by the FBI tried to warn the public about Baxter’s sinister plan to release a plague in the Ukraine by creating a vaccine bio-weapon that would result in hundreds of deaths. That … Read more

Ukraine: Wash Post: pure propaganda

2009-11-21 Richard Moore Finally the Washington Post chimes in on the Ukraine outbreak. At least the NY Times admitted that the effects of the virus were quite unlike those of H1N1, while the Post simply describes the outbreak as H1N1 and leaves it at that. If you’ve been following what’s really happening in the Ukraine, … Read more

US & Israel escalating threats against Iran

2009-11-20 Richard Moore More ominously, the DEBKAfile web site, which has close links to Israeli intelligence, reported on Monday that “two high-ranking teams of American CIA and DIA intelligence officials are conferring with their opposite numbers in Israel, in line with President Barack Obama’s strategy for applying military heat to Iran as well as diplomatic … Read more

Congress shows good sense; Wash Post seeks to spin

2009-11-20 Richard Moore Congress is rebelling against the Obama’s economic agenda because that agenda continues to destroy the economy and the proposed measures will only make things worse. This article lays out some of the grievances rather well. Nonetheless the tone of the article does not take issue with Obama, whose programs are referred to … Read more

European rebellion against vaccines

2009-11-20 Richard Moore Major Victory with Swine Flu Scandal Posted by: Dr. Mercola  November 19 2009 | 3,978 views European scientists and health authorities are facing angry questions about why H1N1 flu has not caused death and destruction on the scale first feared, and they need to respond deftly to ensure public support. Accusations … Read more

Alex Jones responds to ADL propaganda blitz

2009-11-19 Richard Moore When fascism takes over, truth must be silenced. rkm __________ Maximum Alert: Establishment Launches Huge Purge Against Alex Jones, Patriot Community Prison Tuesday, November 17, 2009 UPDATE: Purging The Undesirables: ADL Attempts To Pin A Yellow Star On Grass Roots America UPDATE: The ADL’s Three “Extremist Conspiracy Theories” In Context And With … Read more

* Inspiring: Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperatives *

2009-11-19 Richard Moore Bcc: you know who you are ________ This is really good news, another initiative in the US, inspired by Mondragon. And from the video we learn that the people involved are fully conscious of the transformative potential of the worker-co-op movement. This is much more than a jobs creation program. It’s a … Read more

Anna Baltzer: Life In Occupied Palestine

2009-11-19 Richard Moore Anna Baltzer: Life In Occupied Palestine A very good, three part video, talking about the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. You need to scroll down a bit to get to the videos: ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: archives: Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Global Research / Rick Rozoff: Global Warfare USA

2009-11-19 Richard Moore Global Warfare USA: The World is the Pentagon’s Oyster US military operations in all major regions of the World By Rick Rozoff Global Research, November 16, 2009 Stop NATO “Not only does one country account for the overwhelming plurality of world military expenditures, but that nation also has troops and bases … Read more

Mike Whitney: the real reason Obama went to China

2009-11-19 Richard Moore Obama’s China Junket: “We’re Opening Doors for Wall Street and Nothing More” By Mike Whitney Global Research, November 18, 2009 information Clearing House – 2009-11-17 Barack Obama took Hu Jintao to task this morning, scolding the dejected-looking Chinese leader at a press conference held in Beijing. Obama delivered one ferocious jab after … Read more