Novye Izvestija: WHO manufactured Swine Flu scare


Richard Moore

World Health Organization ‘Manufactured’ The Global Swine Flu Scare — Suspected Of Corruption

Translated from Russian by Infowars Ireland 
Novye Izvestija

November 26, 2009

The Swine Flu Pandemic which Novye Izvestija has written about many times, may be the most ambitious scam and corruption of our time. In any case, the enormous commercial aspect of the “swine flu scare” is already evident.

featured stories World Health Organization Manufactured The Global Swine Flu Scare Suspected Of Corruption
murray featured stories World Health Organization Manufactured The Global Swine Flu Scare Suspected Of Corruption
The main cause of the hysterical response to the swine flu epidemic is a strong public relations campaign by experts from WHO. Photo: Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization.

The same conclusion was reached by Danish journalists who expertly examined the links between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, who gained wealth by selling drugs to counter the disease. It turns out, for example, that many scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, carefully concealed the fact that they receive money from the giant pharmaceutical companies of the world.

According to the international investment bank JP Morgan, the pharmaceutical industry will make more than 7 Billion Euros this year on the sale of A/H1N1 vaccines. Leading western countries have ordered enough doses to vaccinate either their entire population (such as Australia) or one third (Germany and several other EU member States). Factories making the vaccines and pills are working around the clock, in four shift rotations, with a backlog of orders …they are not experiencing the global economic crisis as others might.

For the first time in many years flu pandemic ‘panic’ has affected the EU. The vaccine has been produced without a sufficient number of clinical and laboratory tests.

Is such a panic justified? a growing number of specialists are examining the issue by comparing the mortality statistics from the swine flu virus and it’s ‘conventional’ varieties, each Autumn they begin their march across the planet. So far, according to WHO, six thousand people have fallen victim to A/H1N1, while the average annual death rate during epidemics of ‘traditional’ varieties of flu reaches half a million.

The main cause of the hysterical response to the swine flu epidemic, according to reporters from the Danish newspaper ‘Information’, is not because it is so dangerous, but because of a strong public relations campaign by experts from WHO. Some of them [WHO experts] are literally in the service of the vaccine manufacturers.

“It is disturbing that many of the scientists who sit on various committees of WHO, are presented as ‘independent experts’, but they carefully conceal the fact that they receive money from pharmaceutical companies”, Professor of epidemiology, Tom Jefferson, who works at the Cochrane Center in Rome, told reporters.

WHO announced the swine flu pandemic under pressure from a panel of advisers, headed by a Dutch doctor, Albert Ostenhaus, nicknamed ‘Dr. Flu’ (from the name ‘Tamiflu’) because he was active in promoting mass vaccination of the population through WHO and the Western media. Now the government of the Netherlands is conducting an emergency investigation into the activities of ‘Doctor Flu’, as it became known that he receives a salary from several vaccine manufacturing companies. Many other WHO advisers sit ‘on two chairs’ (conflict of interest) like Ostenhaus, and while dealing with the swine flu pandemic on behalf of WHO, they do not like to advertise that they are paid advisers to pharmaceutical giants Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline and Beecham Glaxo Wellcome, who have received the lion’s share of orders for manufacturing of vaccines. The result of pressure from these experts was the resolution of WHO on 7th July this year, which called for an unprecedented campaign of mass vaccination.

“The WHO is biased in their recommendations – says Professor Tom Jefferson. – Normal hygiene measures provide much greater effect than these little-studied vaccines, and at the same time WHO refers to the use of masks and hand-washing as a means to combat swine flu only twice in their documents. Vaccines and other medications are referred to 42 times!” Dr. Jefferson and several of his colleagues believe that paid advisers of the pharmaceutical companies should be removed from their positions and not allowed to give recommendations to the WHO, but the organization itself is in no hurry to carry out such a reform. WHO spokesperson, Gregory Hertl, commenting on the article in ‘Information’ (Danish newspaper) said it is impossible to deny the services of the world’s leading experts on the sole ground that they have a financial interest in the promotion of a strategy to combat various diseases.

It should be noted that this is not the first year that ’scope for corruption’ in pharmacology has been the focus of the Western media. The New England Journal of Medicine published ‘The Whistleblower’ several years ago. In a series of articles the Whistleblower showed the inside life of the ‘medical mafia’. According to them, only 11-14% of pharmaceutical companies budgets are spent on research, but 36% of funds are spent on PR. Much of the money ends up in the pockets of doctors, scientists, and the accounts of various organizations working in health care.