Dahr Jamail: Fukushima radiation alarms doctors

2011-08-19 Richard Moore rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/08/201181665921711896.html Fukushima radiation alarms doctors Japanese doctors warn of public health problems caused by Fukushima radiation. Dahr Jamail Last Modified: 18 Aug 2011 14:09 Scientists and doctors are calling for a new national policy in Japan that mandates the testing of food, soil, water, and the air for radioactivity still being … Read more

Norway: were police involved un massacre?

2011-08-19 Richard Moore rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/16/norway-berwick-in-constant-contact-with-police-during-massacre/ Norway: Berwick in Constant Contact with Police During Massacre Berwick’s Massacre Reenactment Takes on “Picnic Atmosphere”   By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Frightening inconsistencies in the Norway massacre continue.  Other suspects arrested have disappeared, as though they never existed, the cover story of the world’s largest car bomb is … Read more

UK magistrates told: ‘ignore the rule book’ and lock up looters

2011-08-18 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8703370/UK-riots-magistrates-told-ignore-the-rule-book-and-lock-up-looters.html http://tinyurl.com/4yv5d3k UK riots: magistrates told ‘ignore the rule book’ and lock up looters Magistrates have been told that they can ignore sentencing guidelines and hand down more draconian penalties to rioters and looters. By John-Paul Ford Rojas, Tom Whitehead and James Kirkup 10:09PM BST 15 Aug 2011 Courts … Read more

David Graeber: “Debt: The First Five Thousand Years”

2011-08-18 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.metamute.org/en/content/debt_the_first_five_thousand_years Debt: The First Five Thousand Years By David Graeber Anthropologist David Graeber argues that it is only with a general historical understanding of debt and its relationship to violence that we can begin to appreciate our emerging epoch. Here he begins to fill in our historical knowledge … Read more

Japan: Rice Trading Halted Due To Radiation Contamination

2011-08-18 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/08/08/food-riot-fears-strike-japan-rice-trading-halted-due-radiation-contamination-51751/ http://tinyurl.com/3embphp Food Riot Fears Strike Japan After Rice Trading Halted Due To Radiation Contamination Posted by Alexander Higgins – August 8, 2011 at 12:09 pm Fears of food riots strike Japan after rice trading is halted due to a 40% price spike triggered by massive hoarding of … Read more

German economy slowing: EU stocks plunge

2011-08-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.presstv.com/detail/194211.html Germany, Spain add to EU econ. woes Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:1PM GMT European stocks plunge following a sharp economic slowdown in Germany and Spain amid Europe’s economic uncertainty and continuing debt crisis. The development came after Germany’s Statistics Office said Europe’s largest economy slowed sharply … Read more

Thierry Meyssan: NATO crimes in Libya

2011-08-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://inthesenewtimes.com/2011/08/17/libya-and-the-end-of-western-illusions/ Libya and the end of Western illusions Posted by seumasach on August 17, 2011 Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet   16th August, 2011 Five months into the bombing campaign, it is no longer possible to believe the initial official version of the events and the massacres attributed to the … Read more

Ontario: fatal levels of radiation from Fukushima

2011-08-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ In the early part of the video, still in Japanese, they show the wind patterns. That indicates that Washington, Oregon, and California are getting the same exposure as Ontario. rkm ________ Begin forwarded message: Date: 17 August 2011 07:36:42 GMT+01:00 Subject: Extreme Radiation readings in Ontario (20,000 CPM) after … Read more

NATO allows Libyan refugees to drown

2011-08-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://inthesenewtimes.com/2011/08/16/nato-allows-libyan-refugees-to-drown-in-the-mediterranean/ NATO allows Libyan refugees to drown in the Mediterranean Posted by seumasach on August 16, 2011 Peter Schwartz WSWS 13th August, 2011 According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, 1,500 Libyan refugees have died while trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe since the beginning of the … Read more

James P. Hogan: Electricity Powers the Universe

2011-08-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ many beautiful images in original http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig9/hogan1.html Electricity Powers the Universe by James P. Hoganby James P. Hogan Electricity is an immensely more powerful force than gravity, and far more complex in the ways it interacts with matter. Yet modern astronomy remains wedded to a belief in gravity as … Read more

Aspartame triggers an irregular heart rhythm

2011-08-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.mpwhi.com/aspartame_and_sudden_death.htm ASPARTAME AND SUDDEN DEATH 31 Aug 2010 – Meat, Diet Soda Linked To Heart Disease: Study (Reuters) – With Additional Information By Dr. Betty Martini 31 Aug 2010 – Aspartame Induced Arrhythmias And Sudden Death 31 Aug 2010 – Athlete Alert: Renowned Neurosurgeon Identifies Aspartame & MSG In Sudden … Read more

Earth’s systems in rapid decline (duh!)

2011-08-11 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ At present, the average US citizen’s ecological footprint is about 10 hectares, while a Haitian’s is less than one. The planet could sustain us if everyone’s footprint averaged two hectares, Mora said.  very interesting. If there are more people, then there are simply fewer resources available for … Read more


2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/08/uk-riots-inside-job.html TUESDAY, AUGUST 09, 2011 UK RIOTS – INSIDE JOB? Louis James, 19, who says he has never held a job and learned to read only three years ago, admitted to looting a $195 sweater. Photo by Tom Pilston for the International Herald Tribune (London Riots Put Spotlight on … Read more

Are the London Riots a False Flag?

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread738175/pg1 Are the London Riots a False Flag? Since first hearing about the riots I have suspected they may have been instigated by dark agents provocateurs. Having done some searches to try to find out more information I have come across some articles suggest this could be … Read more

Panic on the streets of London: Why?

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Laurie Penny, below, theorizes about why people are rioting. She says: Most of the people who will be writing, speaking and pontificating about the disorder this weekend have absolutely no idea what it is like to grow up in a community where there are no jobs, no space … Read more

Spain’s “Indignados”: Vanguard Of A Global Nonviolent Revolt

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ The ‘Indignados’ are fully aware of the fact that their government does not represent them, whenever they congregate they shout that loud and clear. They know that only popular unity will salvage them from the train wreck… This is true for all of Europe, and the West in general: … Read more

GMO Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ It would certainly be to Monsanto’s advantage if GMO crops kill bees. That makes their monopoly on crop production even stronger.  rkm _______ http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=AMO20110809&articleId=25950 Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America By Brit Amos Global Research, August 9, … Read more

Wash Post: global markets continue to fall

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Concern over Italy, in particular, is growing in large part because Europe’s economies are slowing at the same time that the countries need strong economic growth to tame their debt loads. That is to say, the collapse is continuing according to plan. Part of the plan is for the … Read more

Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/19380 Global currency replacing all paper currencies, limiting manufacturing, food production and people movement Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy? – Patrick Wood  Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Introduction Critics who think that the U.S. dollar will be replaced by some new global currency are perhaps thinking too small.  … Read more

US stripped of AAA credit rating

2011-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ This is all totally arbitrary. S&P could have lowered the rating to B- with just as much justification. It’s all part of a planned, incremental, controlled demolition of the global economy. rkm ____________ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/richard-adams-blog/2011/aug/06/us-credit-rating-downgrade-debt US stripped of AAA credit rating by S&P over political weakness The US … Read more


2011-08-08 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://allenlrolandsweblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/sinking-of-america.html ALLEN L ROLAND’S WEBLOG SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2011 THE SINKING OF AMERICA Not only are over 50% of U.S. Homeowners under water but America itself is underwater, owing more than we are worth, while Obama continues to offer false hope and promises while preparing the country … Read more

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism

2011-08-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://news.yahoo.com/nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-global-warming-alarmism-192334971.html New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism By James Taylor | Forbes – Wed, Jul 27, 2011 NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study … Read more

Obama signs debt-limit bill into law

2011-08-03 Richard Moore rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ With the immediate crisis averted, Obama and congressional leaders quickly turned their attention to the next front in the war over the federal budget: a new legislative committee that will have the job of developing a broader plan to control the government’s debt. Foreign investors and economic analysts see … Read more

Horrors Of US-NATO Butchery Of Libya Revealed

2011-07-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.rense.com/general94/natobutcher.htm Horrors Of US-NATO Butchery Of Libya Revealed Exclusive to Rense.com 7-30-11 Note – The following email was received by a colleague of Susan Lindauer and we thank Susan for sending it immediately to us. This document is extremely important to read as it shows the hideous … Read more

New moves to curb criticism of Israel in US and Canada

2011-07-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.uruknet.de/?s1=1&p=80043&s2=30 New moves to curb criticism of Israel in US and Canada Kristin Szremski EI, July 29, 2011 A number of new initiatives to curtail freedom of speech by conflating opposition to Israeli crimes with anti-Semitism are underway in the United States and Canada. The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition … Read more

Nano-pesticides and your health

2011-07-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://kcfoodcircle.blogspot.com/2011/07/tell-epa-to-test-it-monitor-it-collect.html Nano-pesticides and your health Tell the EPA to collect all the data The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), like other U.S. regulatory agencies, currently has no regulations to ensure the health and safety of new nanotechnology products being introduced onto the market. Meanwhile, nanotech developers are not … Read more

US: Disturbing “Super Congress” is being Created

2011-07-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ This would be more like Ireland or the UK, where the the majority party, or a majority coalition, has dictatorial powers. -rkm http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20110725&articleId=25769 The Disturbing “Super Congress” that is being Created as Part of the Debt Negotiations Global Research, July 25, 2011 Economic Policy Journal There is … Read more

Pentagon to Deploy 20,000 Troops Inside the U.S.

2011-07-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=AMB20110725&articleId=25768 Pentagon to Deploy 20,000 Troops Inside the U.S. to Curb Potential Civil Unrest By Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas Global Research, July 25, 2011 The Intel Hub In 2008 The Pentagon announced plans to deploy a 20,000 strong internal troop force inside the continental United States (CONUS) that … Read more

Norway articles…

2011-07-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ Begin forwarded message:  Norway Terror Attacks Predicted Day Before http://www.infowars.com/infowars-predicted-norway-terror-attacks-day-before/ Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag http://www.infowars.com/norway-terror-attacks-a-false-flag/ Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls in with Exclusive Account of Bombing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-BhqrBiix0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akbjlbwwAZ8 Survivor of The Oslo Bombings Speaks Out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLrlU1B-kow&feature=channel_video_titlehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZnJyMqCBE&feature=channel_video_title  Webster Tarpley’s Analysis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw4hHshzmXM&feature=channel_video_titlehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1_2DMKqE8c&feature=channel_video_title  Feds Profiling Whites, Middle Class Americans … Read more

Sarah Whiteley: Power of the Evolutionary Edge

2011-07-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://tinyurl.com/3uvxsgp   ~~~~~ And remember…if you want to understand the power of the evolutionary edge, simply recall the fragility of a stalactite catching the newness of a droplet forming at its tip, having journeyed from ground level – through moss, stone, soil, rock itself… Equally, recount the … Read more

10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.activistpost.com/2011/06/10-most-influential-people-in.html Monday, June 13, 2011 10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media (2011) Activist Post Many readers will expect to see Matt Drudge or Arianna Huffington on this list.  Although they both indeed have leading Internet news websites that cover some fringe stories and report on … Read more

link between cholesterol drugs and higher rates of diabetes

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.naturalnews.com/033109_cholesterol_drugs_diabetes.html Studies confirm link between cholesterol drugs and higher rates of diabetes Sunday, July 24, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Seven years after the American Diabetes Association urged all diabetics, regardless of whether or not they had high cholesterol, to take statin drugs because … Read more

Finland: Inside The World’s Most Surprising School System

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.care2.com/causes/the-finland-phenomenon-inside-the-worlds-most-surprising-school-system-video.html http://tinyurl.com/3p5n2dz The Finland Phenomenon: Inside The World’s Most Surprising School System – VIDEO The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World’s Most Surprising School System, is the title of a documentary by Harvard’s Tony Wagner, which looks at the way that the Finnish education system delivers consistent, high-quality education … Read more

NORWAY + ISRAEL = Unfavourable Relations

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://thirteenthmonkey.blogspot.com/2011/07/norway-isreal-unfavourable-relations.html NORWAY + ISRAEL = Unfavourable Relations With the devestating attacks that have rocked Norway’s Oslo and the peacefull little Utoya, a tiny holiday island .. Firstly we must give our thoughts and prayers to those who are suffering.. Then we turn our minds to those who … Read more

Women, Citizenship, and the End of Poverty

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/what-would-democracy-look-like/566 Women, Citizenship, and the End of Povertyby Hilkka Pietila One day in the early 1990s a friend of mine a long-term servant of the United Nations bluntlyremarked, “It is better, Hilkka, that you keep quiet about the Nordic welfare society. It is such a luxury of the rich, the poor countries … Read more

Federal Reserve: $16 Trillion In Secret Bailouts

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.countercurrents.org/bailout240711.htm Audit Of The Federal Reserve Reveals $16 Trillion In Secret Bailouts By Unelected.org 24 July, 2011Unelected.org Click on the image for a larger picture The first ever GAO(Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the … Read more

Wall Street bracing for possible downgrade of U.S. credit

2011-07-25 Richard Moore rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://inthesenewtimes.com/2011/07/24/wall-street-bracing-for-possible-downgrade-of-u-s-credit/ Wall Street bracing for possible downgrade of U.S. credit Posted by seumasach on July 24, 2011 Zachary A.Goldfarb Washington Post 24th July, 2011 Wall Street’s top concern is no longer that the United States will fail to increase the federal limit on borrowing by Aug. 2 but that political … Read more

James Ridgeway: Mass Psychosis in the US

2011-07-25 Richard Moore rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=RID20110724&articleId=25756 Mass Psychosis in the US How Big Pharma got Americans hooked on anti-psychotic drugs by James Ridgeway AlJazeera Drug companies like Pfizer are accused of pressuring doctors into over-prescribing medications to patients in order to increase profits [GALLO/GETTY] Has America become a nation of psychotics? You would certainly … Read more

Saudi and Emirati Forces Open Fire on Unarmed Protesters in Bahrain

2011-07-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org ___________________________________ http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CUN20110724&articleId=25758 Washington’s Allies Run Amok: Saudi and Emirati Forces Open Fire on Unarmed Protesters in Bahrain by Finian Cunningham Global Research, July 24, 2011 A shocking new video shows Saudi and Emirati forces firing indiscriminately at a crowd of unarmed youth protesting against the autocratic US-backed Bahraini … Read more