Alex Jones – New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Film)

2012-03-05 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The beginning is a little fluffy, but it gets quite informative… New World Order: Blueprint of Madmen (Full Film) Infowars – Please help to make this video go viral, so we can warn as many people as possible about the real threats we face, and how … Read more

Bill Gates: One of the World’s Most Destructive Do-Gooders

2012-03-05 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Bill Gates: One of the World’s Most Destructive Do-Gooders? Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 04 2012 | 145,547 views By Dr. Mercola Above, ABC’s “Nightline,” Bill Weir talks with Microsoft founder Bill Gates about his charitable endeavors. Gates’ latest plan is to try to end world hunger by growing more … Read more

Cartalucci: AP spin & US-funded Agitators in Egypt

2012-02-24 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Egypt: US-funded Agitators on Trial: US “Democracy Promotion” = Foreign-funded Sedition. By Tony Cartalucci Global Research, February 13, 2012 – 2012-02-12 AP reported that US General Martin Dempsey has met directly with the military leaders of Egypt to discuss an Egyptian “crackdown on Western-funded pro-democracy groups.” Threatened … Read more

UK seeks to destroy the family as an institution

2012-02-24 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ A mother on a visit to the UK loses three children to social workers A particularly disturbing case emerges, as the media wake up to the soaring numbers of children being taken into care. By Christopher Booker 7:00PM GMT 11 Feb 2012 The media, it seems, … Read more

Michael Hudson: Inside the World Bank’s Population Policy

2012-01-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ American liberals have been its unwitting allies, and thereby the allies of the world’s most reactionary regimes. Inside the World Bank’s Population Policy January 18, 2012 By Michael Hudson Taken from Super Imperialism, 2nd Edition, p213 (1972) For instance, the World Bank is essentially an American instrument, and … Read more

Fitch rating agency: “How to bankrupt France & Germany”

2012-01-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Here’s the formula: Mr Riley urged the European Central Bank to abandon its current reluctance to scaling up its purchases of troubled euro zone debt such as Italy’s and drop its resistance to the bloc’s bailout fund, the EFSF, borrowing directly from it. …”Why not turn the … Read more

The EU fiscal draft treaty: in full

2012-01-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The EU fiscal draft treaty: in full An EU fiscal treaty draft states that bailout aid is only for countries that ratify the new budget pact. Here is the draft in full. TREATY ON STABILITY, COORDINATION AND GOVERNANCE IN THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION CONSCIOUS of … Read more

Look Up: The New Age of Inoculation Is Aerial Vaccines and Nano Delivery Systems

2012-01-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Look Up: The New Age of Inoculation Is Aerial Vaccines and Nano Delivery Systems As the masses enjoy a steady awakening regarding the dangers and fraud that are vaccinations, the use of aerial vaccines and nano delivery systems are now being utilized and fully implemented … Read more

Brian Martin: Debating vaccination

2012-01-22 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Debating vaccination: understanding the attack on the Australian Vaccination Network Published in Living Wisdom, Issue 8, February 2011, pp. 14-40 Brian Martin Brian Martin is Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Wollongong. He is the author of a dozen books and hundreds of articles on scientific … Read more

re/ the vaccine controversey

2012-01-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Here’s a message I received, in response to our vaccine postings: — [excerpted] From: Lucija Tomljenovic Date: 16 January 2012 19:54:04 GMT To: •••@••.••• Subject: vaccine papers Hi Richard I am sending you here some of our relevant recent publications on the subject of vaccines. I am also … Read more

Brian Martin: “Debating vaccination”

2012-01-12 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Debating vaccination: understanding the attack on the Australian Vaccination Network Published in Living Wisdom, Issue 8, February 2011, pp. 14-40 Brian Martin Brian Martin is Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Wollongong. He is the author of a dozen books and hundreds of articles on scientific … Read more 1/11/12 – the importance of forgetting

2012-01-11 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ In today’s excerpt – total recall, the ability of someone to remember every word they read or hear, has often been lauded as tantamount to a high level of intelligence. The opposite is more often the case. Those with total recall often have difficulty making decisions, … Read more

Chris Hedges “Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over”

2012-01-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Very perceptive and well-informed interview, and insights into American history & current situation. You might want to watch a bit at a time. -rkm _____   2:54:27 Chris Hedges “Brace Yourself! The American Empire  Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying”


2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Begin forwarded message: From: jeff wefferson <•••@••.•••> Date: 9 January 2012 00:49:53 GMT To: •••@••.••• Subject: “GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR UNDER WAY AND INTENSIFYING” Jeff Phillips/Global Research NOTE FROM JEFF: Since 1945 homo sapiens, “man, the wise”, has been holding the nuclear ‘gun’ to his own head. But who does he think he’s fooling? … Read more

U.S. turns to drones to counter China

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012 U.S. turns to drones to counter China By MICHAEL RICHARDSON SINGAPORE — A recent offer by the Seychelles to refuel and replenish Chinese naval ships on anti-piracy patrols in the northwest Indian Ocean was seen as the latest sign of China’s expanding naval … Read more

US secretly funding IPPC

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Defund the IPCC Now Posted on January 5, 2012 by Willis Eschenbach Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, I woke up to some bad news this morning. It turns out that the GAO, the US General Accounting Office, says US has been secretly hiding their funding of the IPCC for … Read more

Nancy Banks on Vaccines

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Nancy Banks on Vaccines Nancy Banks speaks out on the problems with vaccination.

Elisabet Sahtouris: Why We Allow Bad Medicine and Bad Science

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Conversation with a Remarkable Mind: Why We Allow Bad Medicine and Bad Science – Part 3 Published 2 weeks ago By GaryNull, garynulltv Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D, Evolutionary Biologist, Professor, Author, Speaker and Consultant on Living Systems Design, talks to Dr. Gary Null about why we allow bad medicine … Read more

Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Study: Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US, mostly babies, in weeks following disaster Saturday, January 07, 2012 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) For the very first time, a scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal has come up with a solid estimate … Read more

Fukushima: The Asian 911

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ photos and diagrams in original Fukushima: The Asian 911 Fukushima is the worst nuclear “accident” in history. Many Japanese have come to the conclusion that not only is their government lying to them about how bad the radiation is but they are also lying to them … Read more

US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed GMO Crops

2012-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Leaked: US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops Anthony GucciardiNaturalSociety January 3, 2012 The United States is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) crops with military-style trade wars, according to information obtained and released by the organization WikiLeaks. Nations like France, which … Read more

Government Sponsored Technologies for Weather Modification

2012-01-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ 9. Government Sponsored Technologies for Weather Modification Rising global temperatures, increasing population and degradation of water supplies have created broad support for the growing field of weather modification. The US government has conducted weather modification experiments for over half a century, and the military-industrial complex stands … Read more

US Proxy War in Somalia Veers Towards Regional Conflict

2012-01-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ BREAKING: Horn of Africa: US Proxy War in Somalia Veers Towards Regional Conflict Ethiopia’s anticipated invasion marks scramble for territory with Kenyan rival By Finian Cunningham Global Research, January 1, 2012 The conflict in Somalia has been raised to dramatically higher stakes at the weekend after … Read more

U S Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers

2012-01-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ 28 Signs That U S Public Schools Are Rapidly Being  Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps Categories: Politics Sunday, January 1st, 2012 by olddog are-rapidly-being-turned-into-indoctrination-centers-and-prison-camps?utm_ source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=28-signs-that-u-s-public-schools -are-rapidly-being-turned-into-indoctrination-centers-and-prison-camps It has been said that children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are … Read more

US-Israeli missile exercise: prelude to Iran invasion

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The drill, which is unprecedented in its size, will include the establishment of US command posts in Israel and IDF command posts at EUCOM headquarters in Germany – with the ultimate goal of establishing joint task forces in the event of a large-scale conflict in the Middle East. US commander visits … Read more

Obama signs indefinite detention bill

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ “I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens,” Obama said in a statement Saturday. “Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation.” Obama lies when he speaks, tells … Read more

Wayne Madsen: CIA, Mossad made up fairytale al-Qaeda

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ CIA, Mossad made up fairytale al-Qaeda Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:42PM GMT Wayne Madsen An American investigative journalist says the al-Qaeda is a fairytale terrorist group made up by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Israeli spy agency, Mossad. “In the US, the Zionist propagandists … Read more

Decision to attack Syria made at Camp David 15th Sep 2001

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The decision to attack Syria was made at a Camp David meeting on 15th September, 2001 Posted by seumasach on January 1, 2012 Cherif Abdedaim Voltairenet 29th December, 2011 Featured below is the interview that Thierry Meyssan gave to our colleagues from the Algerian daily newspaper … Read more

Arab Bloody Spring: ‘Protests bring Sharia law not democracy’

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________! Arab Bloody Spring: ‘Protests bring Sharia law not democracy’ The Arab Spring uprisings were arguably the most significant events of the last 12 months. Protests are still raging across the region, even after regimes were toppled. Our correspondent Irina Galushko who’s at Tahrir Square in Cairo says … Read more

BREAKING: Welcome to America Police State 2012

2012-01-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ BREAKING: Welcome to America Police State 2012: President Barack Obama signs controversial NDAA By Joe Gullo Global Research, January 1, 2012 President Barack Obama signed the controversial National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law earlier today in Hawaii.  CNN reports Barack Obama “reluctantly signed a … Read more

2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered “Arab Spring”

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ many images in original 2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered “Arab Spring,” One Step Closer to Global Hegemony Timeline and History by Tony Cartalucci dupe (dp, dyp) n. 1. An easily deceived person. 2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or … Read more

Fracking Cracks the Public Consciousness in 2011

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Fracking Cracks the Public Consciousness in 2011 Abrahm Lustgarten Published 29 December 2011 “For the first time, independent scientific investigations linked the drilling technique with water pollution.” This was the year that “fracking” became a household word. It wasn’t just that environmental concerns about the underground … Read more

US Military Manipulates the Social Media

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ US Military Manipulates the Social Media The US military is developing software that will allow it to secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with US Central Command (CENTCOM), which … Read more

The 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011 (NaturalNews) A lot happened in the vaccine industry in 2011 — a year ofaccelerating changeand increased awareness among the people. One of the big realizations that hit home in 2011 is that vaccines are far more dangerous than … Read more

The silencing OKC Bombing witnesses (video)

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Threats, intimidation, and murder:  the silencing OKC Bombing witnesses

VIDEO: US-NATO Sponsored Armed Insurrection in Syria.

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The Arab League was sent in with the mission to actually support the Western military alliance and it just so happens that their findings contradict their US sponsored mandate. VIDEO: US-NATO Sponsored Armed Insurrection in Syria. Arab League Mission Refutes Media Reports by Michel Chossudovsky Press … Read more

Should Scotland look to build more links with Scandinavia?

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Should Scotland look to build more links with Scandinavia? December 5, 2011 by Hamish Macdonell · 7 Comments  What do you think of when you hear the word Scandinavian? Is it liberalism? Or social democracy? Perhaps high standards of living? Or high tax rates? Maybe saunas and snow? Whatever … Read more

Beijing-Tokyo monetary agreement threatens the West

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Beijing-Tokyo monetary agreement threatens the West ARTICLE | DECEMBER 28, 2011 – 11:32AM | BY DIONYSSIS KEFALAKOS The China-Japan agreement to stop using the dollar, or any other currency, in their bilateral transactions was a very strong blow to the US financial standing in world affairs. To a … Read more

Dow seeking deregulation of GE corn resistant to 2,4-D

2011-12-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Exclusive: Dow seeking deregulation of GE corn resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of Agent Orange(NaturalNews) This is an exclusive breaking news story from NaturalNews, please cite this article as the source. It was received as a tip from a concerned health advocate who found it … Read more