* Thomas Greco: Beyond Money

2010-04-28 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://beyondmoney.net/the-end-of-money-and-the-future-of-civilization/ The End of Money and the Future of Civilization The End of Money and the Future of Civilization considers the money problem within the broad historical and political context that has made the control of money and banking the primary mechanism for concentrating power and wealth and the nullification of … Read more

Deep Solar Minimum: Goodbye Global Warming

2010-04-28 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles_2009/Solar_Minimum.pdf Deepest Solar Minimum in Nearly a Century: Goodbye Global Warming by Gregory Murphy & Laurence Hecht Editors, 21st Century Science & Technology April 9, 2009—A continued low in solar activity, as measured by the appearance of irregularities on the Sun’s surface known as sunspots, may be responsible for … Read more

Greece: same thing in store for all of us

2010-04-28 Richard Moore “My longer term concerns on Greece remain, namely my doubt whether the domestic political and social fabric can withstand the reforms that are needed to simultaneously cut the deficit while restoring growth,” Erik Nielsen, chief European economist at Goldman Sachs, wrote in a note to clients. Every Western government is in heavy debt, … Read more

Japan to open military base in Africa

2010-04-27 Richard Moore http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ROZ20100426&articleId=18869 When Empires Join Hands: Japanese Military Joins U.S. And NATO In Horn Of Africa By Rick Rozoff Global Research, April 26, 2010 Stop NATO Japanese navy commander Keizo Kitagawa recently spoke with Agence France-Presse and disclosed that his nation was opening its first overseas military base – at any rate since … Read more

Obama’s phony banking “reform”

2010-04-27 Richard Moore http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/apr2010/pers-a27.shtml Obama’s phony banking “reform” Barry Grey 27 April 2010 Debate on the Senate version of the Obama administration’s bank regulatory overhaul is expected to begin shortly. The House of Representatives passed its banking bill last December. Neither bill does anything to curb the power of the banks or limit their parasitic … Read more

Prophetic: The Sixth Protocol of Zion

2010-04-27 Richard Moore Begin forwarded message: From: Don Stacey  Date: 27 April 2010 07:53:58 IST In the early part of the 20th century, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion appeared. I previously circulated them in serial form as they are a bit long for a single read. But I recently had occassion to … Read more

* BEWARE: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010

2010-04-27 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/s-510-is-hissing-in-the-grass/#more-1828 S 510 is hissing in the grass April 24, 2010  By Steve Green S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010,  may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.  It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live … Read more

Can You Pass The Iran Quiz?

2010-04-27 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.countercurrents.org/rudolph240410.htm Can You Pass The Iran Quiz By Jeffrey Rudolph 24 April, 2010Countercurrents.org What can possibly justify the relentless U.S. diplomatic (and mainstream media) assault on Iran ? It cannot be argued that Iran is an aggressive state that is dangerous to its neighbors, as facts do not support … Read more

Biodiesel: 4 times carbon footprint of regular diesel

2010-04-27 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-47879220100421 Once-hidden EU report reveals damage from biodiesel Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:56pm IST By Pete Harrison BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Biofuels such as biodiesel from soy beans can create up to four times more climate-warming emissions than standard diesel or petrol, according to an EU document released under freedom … Read more

Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics

2010-04-26 Richard Moore http://www.countercurrents.org/eisenstein250410.htm Sacred Economics By Charles Eisenstein 25 April, 2010Realitysandwich.com This article is a adapted from the introduction to the upcoming book Sacred Economics. The purpose of the book is to make money and human economy as sacred as everything else in the universe. Today we associate money with the profane, and for … Read more

Toddlers Hospitalised From Untrialed Flu Vaccine

2010-04-26 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Panvax was tested on 400 children before its release last year, but the combined shot was not subjected to any clinical trials. http://snipurl.com/vs8xn [One Click] Fears Grow As Toddlers Hospitalised From Untrialed Flu Vaccine April 24, 2010 Flu jab fears grow as toddlers hospitalised Debbie Guest and Natasha Bita CLINICAL … Read more

The war on the family: mother accused of abuse for cuddling her child

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://snipurl.com/vr4cd [Daily Mail, UK] In hiding, the mother accused of abuse for cuddling her child By RYAN KISIEL Last updated at 9:23 AM on 24th April 2010 Planning a new life: Shahnaz malik and Amaani in Ireland A mother alleged to have ’emotionally abused’ her daughter by telling her she was … Read more

Barrie Trower on microwave radiation, stealth warfare and public health

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Now to answer your question, ma’am…uhm…I have three papers showing that low level microwaves can interfere with the genetics in the ovarian follicles. Now what that means in everyday language, different from boys, young girls when they’re born, they will have up to four hundred eggs in their ovaries. The microwaves can … Read more

Napolitano Speaks on Natural Rights and the Patriot Act

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Judge Andrew Napolitano Speaks on Natural Rights and the Patriot Act      http://tinyurl.com/25uelcc (video) _________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/02/prognosis-2012.html The Grand Story of Humanity http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/03/grand-story-of-humanity.html The Story of Hierarchy http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/03/story-of-hierarchy.html Climate science: observations vs. models http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/01/climate-science-observations-vs-models.html related websites:  http://www.governourselves.org/ … Read more

Christopher Booker: Weather records are a state secret

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Sir John was a fervent believer in the theory that the cause of global warming is man-made CO2, and the HadCrut computer models, run by his CRU ally Professor Phil Jones, were programmed accordingly. Sir John (and the Hadley Centre) continued to play a central part in the running … Read more

*Food, Inc: excellent film on US agriculture

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.pbs.org/pov/foodinc/film_description.php Film Description Posted on January 26, 2010 Updated on April 16, 2010 American agriculture has in many respects been the envy of the world. U.S. agri-business consistently produces more food on less land and at cheaper cost than the farmers of any other nation. What could possibly be … Read more

Polish plane crash: warning device was switched off

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Terrain warning device was switched off  on Polish crash plane, reports Interfax By Jane Burgermeister A safety device that warns pilots when they get too close to the ground was switched off on the Polish plane which crashed in Smolensk on April 10th, according to a report by the … Read more

2. Modern history. Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.nuclear-demolition.com/controlled-demolition-wtc-nuclear-demolition.html Part 2. Modern history. Nuclear demolition of skyscrapers. So, how come that this old atomic demolition concept, despite of being known to be too costly and despite of having a too low performance index compare to a conventional controlled demolition by implosion was eventually revived and even implemented … Read more

3. How does a modern nuclear demolition work?

2010-04-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Many pictures and diagrams in original. http://www.nuclear-demolition.com/911-wtc-thermo-nuclear-demolition-how-it-works.html Part 3. How does a modern nuclear demolition work? First of all, such a modern nuclear demolition has nothing to do with the former atomic demolition using SADM or MADM as described above. It is an entirely new concept. During modern nuclear … Read more

* Megan Bachman: From Globalization To Re-Localization

2010-04-24 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ At a workshop in my community of Yellow Springs, Ohio last year, we designed a host of new business opportunities, including a local delivery company, small business loan fund, venture capital fund, energy services company, local farm and garden cooperative, business incubator and wellness center. These local businesses would … Read more

FEMA: What are all these burial vaults for?

2010-04-24 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________   _________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/02/prognosis-2012.html The Grand Story of Humanity http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/03/grand-story-of-humanity.html The Story of Hierarchy http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/03/story-of-hierarchy.html Climate science: observations vs. models http://rkmdocs.blogspot.com/2010/01/climate-science-observations-vs-models.html related websites:  http://www.governourselves.org/ http://escapingthematrix.org/ http://cyberjournal.org archives: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/messages http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/messages


2010-04-24 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.appliedmeditation.org/The_Heart/articles_joseph_chilton_pearce.shtml An Interview with JOSEPH CHILTON PEARCE by Chris Mercogliano and Kim Debus from JOURNAL OF FAMILY LIFE magazine, Vol. 5 #1 1999 For nearly half a century Joseph Chilton Pearce, who prefers to be known simply as Joe, has been probing the mysteries of the human mind. Author … Read more

Ariz. governor signs immigration enforcement bill

2010-04-24 Richard Moore Earlier Friday, Obama called the Arizona bill “misguided” and instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it’s legal. He also said the federal government must enact immigration reform at the national level — or leave the door open to “irresponsibility by others.” Here we see the standard method by … Read more

Obama spending billions on first-strike weapons

2010-04-24 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/apr2010/weap-a24.shtml Obama administration spending billions on new global strike weapons By Bill Van Auken  24 April 2010 The Obama administration is spending billions of dollars to develop new weapons systems, including powerful conventional warhead missiles capable of striking any target in the world within less than an hour. The … Read more

The saturated fat scam: What’s the real story?

2010-04-24 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors & misc ____________ The saturated fat scam: What’s the real story? The “Coca Cola conspiracy” and the obesity epidemic Aletho News | February 7, 2010 In the late 1960′s the US, through conventional hybridization techniques, succeeded in creating new types of corn, dramatically increasing yield per acre by reducing the space … Read more

NPR & Trust in Government

2010-04-23 Richard Moore NPR & Trust in Government aletho | April 22, 2010 at 10:00 am | Categories: Deception, Mainstream Media, Warmongering |  URL: http://wp.me/pIUmC-2eQ Robert Shetterly | 19 Apr 2010 I was just sitting down in my kitchen this morning — Sunday, April 18th, 2010 — to a bowl of oatmeal topped with walnuts, some pieces of ginger, and … Read more

Erekat: Israel incites settler violence

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Erekat: Israel incites settler violence aletho | April 22, 2010 at 11:33 am | Categories: Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism,Illegal Occupation |  URL: http://wp.me/pIUmC-2f2 Press TV – April 22, 2010 Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat has blasted Tel Aviv for inciting a new wave of Israeli settler violence as part of a culture of vandalism and extremism. … Read more

Nonviolent Communication Primer

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.WantToKnow.info/inspiration/nonviolent_communication_summary_nvc Nonviolent Communication Primer By Inbal and Miki Kashtan Introduction to Nonviolent Communication Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has been described as a language of compassion, as a tool for positive social change. NVC gives us the tools to understand what triggers us, to take responsibility for our reactions, and to … Read more

Israel: 21st Century Mass Expulsion

2010-04-23 Richard Moore http://www.countercurrents.org/ahmed220310.htm 21st Century Mass Expulsion By Nasim Ahmed 22 April, 2010The Palestine Telegraph Briefing on the Israeli Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) and the Order regarding Security Provisions (Amendment No. 112) passed on Tuesday, April 13 2010. Behind the euphuism, ‘prevention of Infiltration’ lies a horrible truth which Israeli … Read more

The globalization of NATO

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ The world has deferred if not fully subscribed to NATO’s grandiose and aggressive global strategy: That a Western military bloc whose officials are not elected by or accountable to any nation or people is empowered to intervene anywhere in the world with deadly force at its own discretion. http://snipurl.com/vpfav [Oped … Read more

Israel First: More on Dr. Lani Kass

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Israel First: More on Dr. Lani Kass aletho | April 22, 2010 at 6:17 pm | Categories: Wars for Israel | URL:http://wp.me/pIUmC-2fp By Philip Giraldi | April 22, 2010 My recent account of the career of Dr. Lani Kass was based on what has appeared about her in the public record and media, including her own comments … Read more

Bill Clinton: psy-op preparation for martial law

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ The Oklahoma City bombing was an inside job and the Hutaree case was the product of an agent provacateur. These phony incidents play a central role in this article’s narrative. This is a psy-op article aimed at preparing the public mind for some kind of false-flag militia-uprising incident. rkm _______ … Read more

Secret Draft of Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors __________ http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=18774 Secret Draft of Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement Makes Demands of Canadian and European Governments Global Research, April 22, 2010 Canadian Biotechnology Action Network – 2010-04-19 Ottawa – As the third round of Canada-European Union free trade negotiations commence the newly formed Trade Justice Network today publicly released the … Read more

Carbon credits for destroying forests

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Redefining plantations as forests will create perverse incentives that actually finance deforestation by oil palm plantation companies. This is clearly contrary to current global efforts to protect forests by providing funds to assist countries and companies in reducing the degradation and destruction of forests and peatlands responsible for more … Read more

Oklahoma City bombing: eyewitness testimony

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://tinyurl.com/zauw5p Video: OKC Bombing Survivor Jane Graham Reveals Gov. Prior Knowledge on Alex Jones Posted by sakerfa on April 22, 2010 Alex also talks with Jane Graham, the OKC bombing witness who revealed in a video affidavit that men in General Services Administration uniforms were in the Murrah federal building … Read more

Ron Paul: Sanctioning Iran Is an Act of War

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://original.antiwar.com/paul/2010/04/22/sanctions-on-iran-is-an-act-of-war/ Sanctioning Iran Is an Act of War Posted By Rep. Ron Paul On April 22, 2010 @ 11:00 pm In Uncategorized | 6 Comments Before the US House of Representatives, April 22, 2010, Statement on Motion to Instruct Conferees on HR 2194, Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act. I rise in opposition … Read more

Devvy Kidd: “Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in”

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.devvy.com/new_site/splc_041910.html Southern Poverty Law Center: Liars Ca$hing in By: Devvy April 19, 2010 “The Southern Poverty Law Center, for the viewers who may not know it, is an organization that specializes in finding offenses that they can raise money around…..Morris Dees, who is the owner of it, if you’d … Read more

Rev. Ted Pike: Israel wiretapping America?

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ It’s bad enough that the government can listen to you whenever they want. There is an even more troubling side to this Orwellian reality. Israeli companies are wiretapping America. Authorized by our government, they are doing the actual work of listening to and recording the phone, email, and internet … Read more

Ellen Brown: How Germany solved its infrastructure problems

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ http://www.webofdebt.com/articles/bankrupt-germany.php THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX: HOW A BANKRUPT GERMANY SOLVED ITS INFRASTRUCTURE PROBLEMS Ellen Brown, August 9th, 2007 “We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of … Read more

Colleague Disputes Case Against Anthrax Suspect

2010-04-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____________ Asked by reporters after his testimony whether he believed that there was any chance that Dr. Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008, had carried out the attacks, the microbiologist, Henry S. Heine, replied, “Absolutely not.” At the Army’s biodefense laboratory in Maryland, where Dr. Ivins and Dr. Heine worked, … Read more