History Channel 911 Hit Piece: Journalistic Fraud


Richard Moore

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History Channel Hit Piece: Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies & Journalistic Fraud

The real story behind Brad Davis, NBC, Popular Mechanics and the History Channel
- media whore stooges who engaged in deliberate deception, manipulation and 
chicanery to please their corporate bosses

Prison Planet | August 21, 2007
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson

The History Channel 9/11 special that aired last night was by far the worst hit 
piece we have ever witnessed, a completely savage, dishonest and deceptive 
abomination, replete with dirty tricks, malicious lies and a level of 
journalistic fraud that goes way beyond simple bias.

Bradley Davis, the producer of the show, is a paid liar and a hit piece 
specialist who deceives people by gaining their confidence and then attacking 
them behind their back.

He is famous for the smear job documentary on Michael Jackson and makes a career
out of conning people and then stabbing them in the back. His tongue is so 
smooth, that even the Loose Change crew were prepared to give him the benefit of
the doubt on his impartiality before last night's hit piece was aired, with 
Davis having tricked them into believing he was a friend.

Before filming began, Alex Jones asked Davis point blank if the documentary was 
going to be a hit piece, which Davis denied. After we brought attention to the 
History Channel's blurb on their website , which clearly characterized the show 
as a hit piece, Davis panicked and promised to alter the promo, calling it a 
"misrepresentation," as well as re-edit the entire program to make it more 
balanced. The promo temporarily disappeared from the website and the broadcast 
of the show was put back by a week.

During the course of this second exchange, Davis again promised Jones that the 
show was not going to be a hit piece and was very upset that we had discovered 
he was behind the NBC hit piece on Jackson - seemingly frightened that his cover
might be blown and his next victim would be alerted to his scheming tricks. He 
was terrified and kept repeating that he didn't want to be quoted on anything he

Just like Popular Mechanics swore that their straw man smear job wouldn't be a 
hit piece, Davis engaged in journalistic fraud and complete dishonesty by lying 
directly to Alex Jones' face in claiming the documentary was to be neutral just 
so he could secure the interview.

Just like William Randolph Hearst, the progenitor of the term "yellow 
journalism," Davis will go down in history as a liar and a fraud.

The show itself was deliberately crafted, edited, shot and manipulated to 
portray the 9/11 truth movement in a completely negative light, while exalting 
the so-called experts to almost God-like status.

- The program makers pulled out all the stops to hire nationally renowned NBC 
news anchor Lester Holt (pictured) to narrate the show, a trusted voice that was
utilized to brutally debunk 9/11 truth representatives.

- The debunkers, people like James Meigs whose scientific expertise stretches as
far as being the editor of Video Review and Entertainment Weekly , were labeled 
as experts while real experts like Physicist Professor Steven Jones were 
stripped of any such description.

- The debunkers' interviews were pristinely shot and framed, with beautiful 
backdrops and highly sympathetic camera angles and filters, whereas the truthers
were shot from bizarre positions, their images were deliberately distorted and 
even the color filter of the shot had been manipulated to make their appearance 
look tainted, blurred and contorted. This was an intentional ploy and a crude 
act of manipulation to detract credibility from the truthers and violates all 
known ethical standards of journalism.

- The producers of the show failed to offer the proviso that Hearst Publishing, 
the owner of Popular Mechanics, also holds a controlling stake in the History 
Channel (via its stake in the A & E Television Network), therefore concealing 
from the viewer a blatant conflict of interest that negated the neutrality of 
the show before it had even begun.

- The debunkers were afforded far more time on camera while the truthers were 

- The narrator of the show would dismiss the questions and evidence raised by 
the truthers as unproven or debunked in an ad hominem manner without providing 
any evidence to justify the assertion.

- The truthers were edited so that only hesitant responses to questions were 
broadcast, casting doubt on the veracity of their claims in the mind of the 
unsuspecting viewer.

- The show included a clip of Alex Jones' appearance at the University of Texas,
at which around 500 people packed the lecture hall to hear his speech, but 
deliberately and maliciously edited the footage to include shots taken during 
recess, so as to make it appear that the lecture hall was mostly empty. In 
addition, lingering shots of empty chairs were included to further deceive the 
viewer into thinking few had attended the speech. This is journalistic fraud of 
the worse kind - a blatant misrepresentation and deliberate skewing of actual 

- In a similar vein, footage from 9/11 truth protests was broadcast but the 
angle of the shot was always tight, so as to make out that few people had 
attended the demonstration, when in fact thousands were present.

- Davin Coburn of Popular Mechanics, mirroring a dirty trick that was also 
employed in the BBC hit piece , maliciously lied and smeared Alex Jones and 
others in the program by claiming that most of the 9/11 families hate them and 
that they are responsible for causing the families more pain. Coburn and the 
show's producers know this is an outright lie and that the majority of the 
family members are asking the same questions as Alex Jones and others. Bill 
Doyle, representative of the largest group of 9/11 family members told the Alex 
Jones Show directly that over half of the family members have questions about 
the official story. Alex Jones and the Loose Change crew offered contact details
for numerous 9/11 first responders, firefighters and family members that were 
asking questions of the official version, but absolutely none were interviewed 
by Brad Davis and the rest of the show's producers.

- The producers of the show tried to make out that Loose Change had recanted 
their position on the issue of controlled demolition, when in fact Dylan Avery 
and the other members of the crew were merely using their Final Cut version to 
focus on other topics, having already covered controlled demolition at length in
previous versions. This trick was used to claim that evidence for bombs and 
controlled demolition, which is attested to by scores of firefighters and first 
responders, none of which were interviewed by the producers, had been debunked.

- Articles and text from 9/11 truth websites were shown, but the actual URL 
addresses of the sites were blurred out, with the History Channel obviously 
frightened that people might actually visit such websites and find out that the 
program was a pack of lies.

- The debunkers attempted to wriggle out of Secretary Norman Mineta's bombshell 
testimony about Cheney's actions in the Emergency Operations Center, by claiming
that Mineta was talking about Flight 93 and not the plane that hit the Pentagon.
In reality, Mineta makes it clear in his testimony that he is talking about 
Flight 77, "the airplane coming in to the Pentagon," and this is then confirmed 
by Commissioner Lee Hamilton.

- The debunkers admitted that temperatures inside the twin towers were not hot 
enough to melt steel, but claimed that they were hot enough to weaken steel and 
cause the collapse. The debunkers uniformly failed to address the fact that 
firefighters and first responders described witnessing molten steel beneath the 
rubble of the towers and they also ignored Professor Steven Jones' scientific 
analysis of the iron-rich microspheres found in the rubble. In a website posting
last night , Professor Jones stated that he emphatically pushed the dust 
analysis during his interview with the producers, but the topic was completely 
overlooked. The New York Times reported that the molten steel was "perhaps the 
deepest mystery uncovered" but the History Channel, mirroring NIST, failed to 
address the issue.

- The debunkers mentioned WTC 7 only in passing and completely failed to address
why the building, which wasn't hit by a plane, collapsed in 7 seconds into its 
own footprint after suffering only limited fire damage from falling debris. They
also failed to mention why news outlets were reporting the collapse of Building 
7 over an hour before it actually fell.

- The wargames that dovetailed 9/11 and deliberately confused NORAD personnel so
as to slow response to the real attack were completely excluded.

- The Able Danger program and how the hijackers were discovered before 9/11 was 
completely excluded.

- The fact that the money man behind the hijackers, Pakistan's ISI Chief Mahmoud
Ahmad, was meeting with U.S. government and intelligence officials before and on
the morning of 9/11 , was completely excluded.

- William Rodriguez' first-hand testimony of explosions prior to the impact of 
the planes was completely excluded, as was the testimony of numerous 
firefighters who attested to bombs and explosions.

- NBC reporter Pat Dawson claimed that FDNY Chief of Safety Albert Turi had only
described explosions, not bombs, going off, contradicting Dawson's own report at
the time which stated , "Reports of a secondary device, that is another Œbomb' 
going off."

After watching this two hour charade, Alex Jones was left stunned and irate that
the producers had deliberately set out to create something that goes way beyond 
the scope of bias - an intentional propaganda attack piece strewn with 
manifestly provable lies, dirty tricks and misrepresentation, and that the 
show's producers, and in particular Brad Davis, had purposefully lied all along 
in order to shield the fact that this was a savage hit piece of the highest 

In comparison, The History Channel makes Fox News look fair and balanced!

Framing Alex Jones as a demon and making out that he is causing pain to 9/11 
families, when in fact during our last visit to ground zero most of the 
firefighters and police personally thanked us, is a very serious allegation and 
we are waiting to see what kind of damages will accrue as a result while we 
consider our next step.

As we expected all along, Brad Davis and the rest of the charlatans at NBC, the 
History Channel and Popular Mechanics, have pleased their corporate masters by 
unleashing the most twisted, distorted, dishonest and savage hit piece in 
television history. They have shown their hand by deliberately abandoning any 
pretense at ethical journalism and delivering exactly what their Hearst "yellow 
journalism" Publishing and GE bosses demanded - a bias, malicious, deceptive, 
and manipulative tissue of lies and another reason for Americans to disengage 
from an establishment media empire that continues to hemorrhage viewers on a 
daily basis due to its ceaseless lies and propaganda.

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