Naomi Wolf: Assange and the Espionage Act

2010-12-15 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Naomi Wolf Bestselling Author, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot Posted: December 10, 2010 12:28 PM Espionage Act: How the Government Can Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States This week, Senators Joe Lieberman and Dianne Feinstein engaged in … Read more

Chossudovsky: Who is Behind Wikileaks?

2010-12-15 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Who is Behind Wikileaks? By Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, December 13, 2010   “World bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are … Read more

Engdahl: China and Russia boost economic cooperation

2010-12-15 Richard Moore’s-geopolitical-nightmare-china-and-russia-boost-economic-cooperation/ Washington’s geopolitical nightmare: China and Russia boost economic cooperation Posted by inthesenewtimes on December 14, 2010 F.William Engdahl Voltairenet 11th December, 2010 Whatever internal factional battles might be going on inside Kremlin walls between Medvedev and Putin, there are clear signs of late that both Beijing and Moscow are moving decisively after … Read more

Der Spiegel: China Expanding its Influence in Europe

2010-12-15 Richard Moore China Expanding its Influence in Europe Posted by inthesenewtimes on December 15, 2010 Spiegel, a longstanding atlanticist outfit, delights in portraying China’s engagement with Europe as “political”. So, of course, is the campaign to undermine the euro. China’s deployment of soft power in Europe illustrates the shift of power away from the … Read more

M K Bhadrakumar: Moscow moves to counter NATO

2010-12-15 Richard Moore In sum, what emerges from the CSTO [Collective Security Treaty Organization] summit are the following. First, there is an unspoken but underlying suspicion in Moscow regarding NATO’s intentions. This apprehension translates as a new determination to build up the CSTO as a rival organization that challenges NATO’s bid to project itself into … Read more

Afghanistan: Opium, the CIA and the Karzai Administration

2010-12-15 Richard Moore CIA involvement in the drug trade hardly began with its involvement in the Soviet-Afghan war. To a certain degree, the CIA’s responsibility for the present dominant role of Afghanistan in the global heroin traffic merely replicated what had happened earlier in Burma, Thailand, and Laos between the late 1940s and the 1970s. … Read more

BIS stats on US/UK bank exposure to PIIGS

2010-12-15 Richard Moore The country with biggest exposure to the PIGS is not surprisingly Germany with $513 billion, followed by France at $410 billion, Great Britain at $370 billion, and… the US at $353 billion. As for the next two dominoes to drop, Portugal and Spain, the countries whose banks are most at risk are … Read more

Escaping The Matrix 101: The Dangers of Believing Mainstream Media

2010-12-15 Richard Moore good video on economy in original. rkm _____ Escaping The Matrix 101: The Dangers of Believing Mainstream Media By Kyle2012 on December 14th, 2010 Posted In: Everything 2012 Noticed a post over at ‘SHTF Plan’ titled: From Bad To Worse: The Economy Today, and Tomorrow had a really good quote in it “I feel quite a bit … Read more

David McWilliams: Corporate Welfare Will Sink Ireland:

2010-12-14 Richard Moore Unlike the US and Britain, sensible voices can sometimes be found in the Irish media, as we see in this article. rkm _____ FF’S PARTING GIFT OF CORPORATE WELFARE WILL SINK THE COUNTRY December 10, 2010 Posted in Articles | Banks | Irish Economy | Irish Independent  by David McWilliams A farmer told me he had just taken €53,000 … Read more

Ireland: The People’s Convention

2010-12-14 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ A very sensible initiative. rkm _____ We are a country of great natural wealth and resources, we have abundance of all of the primary sources of food and we have the knowledge to exploit it. 5.1 The fundamental organization of the CPPC is the constituency Convention which is organized according to … Read more

* James P. Hogan: Electricity Powers the Universe

2010-12-13 Richard Moore [many images in original] Electricity Powers the Universe by James P. Hoganby James P. Hogan DIGG THIS Electricity is an immensely more powerful force than gravity, and far more complex in the ways it interacts with matter. Yet modern astronomy remains wedded to a belief in gravity as the dominant mover and … Read more

U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse

2010-12-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ U.S. Military Prepares for Economic Collapse Written by Raven Clabough    Tuesday, 07 December 2010 11:35 Skeptics who continue to assert that the economic plight of the United States has been overstated need not look further than the Pentagon to find out just how wrong they are. CNBC has learned … Read more

* Biggest Financial Scam In World History

2010-12-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Do you get that? The very people most responsible for crashing the system, were then rewarded with trillions of our dollars. This gave that select group of insiders unlimited power to seize control of assets and have unprecedented leverage over almost everything within their economies – crony capitalism on … Read more

* Chris Martenson: “Straight Talk” Interview *

2010-12-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ An unhealthy dependence on the State to organize and fund everything manifests in a peculiar split-personality disorder: people want their entitlement check and their corporate welfare, yet they rail against the State’s increasing power. You can’t have it both ways, but the adolescent response is to whine and cajole … Read more

Stephen Lendman: The myth of Obama’s ‘progressivism’

2010-12-08 Richard Moore Challenging Obama’s Anti-Progressivism By Stephen Lendman 08 December, Believing Obama is progressive is like calling a cat a dog. Only the delusional think so. He’s, in fact, hard-right, a neocon, a warrior president, a corporatist pursuing anti-populist policies favoring wealth and privilege, not social justice when more than ever it’s … Read more

Chinese firm downgrades U.S. credit rating

2010-12-05 Richard Moore Chinese firm downgrades U.S. credit rating with “negative” outlook BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) — The United States has lost its double-A credit rating with Dagong Global Credit Rating Co., Ltd., the first domestic rating agency in China, due to its new round of quantitative easing policy. Dagong Global on Tuesday downgraded … Read more

CNN Reporter Put On Watch List After Criticizing TSA

2010-12-03 Richard Moore The TSA itself has also listed journalists critical of its policies as potential terrorists, ostensibly as a punishment and a warning to other reporters that if they broadcast anything negative about the agency then they will be bracketed together with Al-Qaeda members and be forced to endure copious amounts of hassle and harassment every time … Read more

Michael Brownlee: The Evolution Of Transition In The U.S

2010-12-03 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ The Evolution Of Transition In The U.S By Michael Brownlee 30 November, 2010Transition Times Colorado THE BACKSTORY The emergence of the Transition movement in the last four years or so is one of the most hopeful signs in the early 21st century, and Transition may yet turn out … Read more

TSA Mandates Government Permission For All Fliers

2010-12-02 Richard Moore Perhaps the pat-down molesting was introduced for the purpose enabling a ‘back down’ to permission-only travel. rkm ________ TSA Caves On Pat Downs But Mandates Government Permission For All Fliers Pistole says airport security measures will be refined, but all fliers to be checked against dubious government watch list Paul Joseph … Read more

Climate: One good thing from the Republicans

2010-12-02 Richard Moore It looks like we’ll get at least one good thing from the Republican victory — an end, or at least a delay, in the criminalization of Co2. See also:      Climate science: observations vs. models rkm ireland where all-time temperature records are being broken, as we descend into the next ice age. … Read more

Peter Schiff on the dollar decline (video)

2010-12-02 Richard Moore A good explanation of what it means, for China and Russia to stop using dollars for their trade exchanges. My only disagreement is when Peter says this is because the Fed is stupid. He fails to grasp that the whole collapse scenario has been intentional. rkm ______ Peter Schiff Freedom Watch … Read more

Dangerous drugs used on Guantanamo prisoners

2010-12-02 Richard Moore An absolute prohibition against experiments on prisoners of war is contained in the Geneva Conventions, but President George W. Bush stripped war on terror detainees of those protections. Some of the “enhanced interrogation techniques” also had an experimental quality. My view is that Guantanamo has been a research experiment in preparation for US … Read more

W.C. Varones: social issues have no place in the Tea Party

2010-12-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Judson Phillips tries to hijack the Tea Party for social conservatism 11.30.2010 Posted by W.C. Varones | 11.30.2010  at 4:03 AM   Judson Phillips is the huckster who created a for-profit corporation called “Tea Party Nation.” He tried to cash in on the Tea Party movement by hosting a “Tea Party Convention” last January that charged … Read more

NWO articles & videos

2010-11-30 Richard Moore Max Keiser Interviews Alex Jones  CIA Admit Faking Bin Laden Video Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed Internet Censorship (Alex Jones) 2012: The Year The Internet Ends date of video: 2008 The END of the Internet 2012 is when the Internet will end – Part 1 … Read more

** China, Russia quit dollar

2010-11-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ St. Petersburg, Russia – China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday. …The documents covered cooperation on aviation, railroad construction, customs, protecting intellectual property, culture and a … Read more

The Reagan Airport TS incident

2010-11-26 Richard Moore Police Beat Up Girl at Reagan National Airport The biggest question about the airport incident covered here is why and how it was recorded on video. The video was obviously taken by an official airport camera, not some traveller with a camera. So why did they release it? It certainly doesn’t … Read more

Supercomputers ramp up to tackle global societal problems

2010-11-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Supercomputers of the future, capable of rapidly crunching vast amounts of data way beyond the existing capabilities of current technology, will spearhead the development of new drugs, new sources of energy and environmental monitoring. How nice, super computers to run the world, just like the Venus Project talks about, or The … Read more

EU: phony hedge-fund regulation

2010-11-25 Richard Moore By failing to address the system’s potential for going into debt and generating speculative bubbles, the European Union avoids tackling the essential question. The EU directive on hedge funds formally designates a scapegoat: the speculative funds; yet it does not increase their surveillance. On the contrary, it eliminates, in practice, the means of their control by … Read more

David North: Assessing Leon Trotsky

2010-11-24 Richard Moore Assessing Leon Trotsky seventy years after his assassination Report given at the annual convention of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies November 21, 2010 By David North The following report was given by WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman and SEP National Chairman David North in Los Angeles, California … Read more

Dave Johnson: Shock Doctrine attack: Social Security & Middle Class

2010-11-24 Richard Moore November 22, 2010 The Shock Doctrine Push To Gut Social Security And Middle Class — by Dave Johnson This post originally appeared at Campaign for America’s Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF. Today’s Washington Post has punch two of a one-two punch. Punch one was the Simpson/Bowles … Read more

TSA ‘crossing line’ re/ ‘pat downs’ of children

2010-11-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Did you know about this?? Posted by martha donahue on November 23, 2010 at 12:16am in Constitutional Issues === It’s sick – plain and simple === There’s been little discussion about the euphemstically-named full-body “pat downs” taking place in US airports as they effect CHILDREN. We’ve put up numerous videos now … Read more

Wash Post announces austerity agenda

2010-11-23 Richard Moore ‘Cutting the deficit’ is a code word for submitting nations to receivership by the central banks. The context of unrepayable sovereign debt was intentionally created by the orchestrated financial collapse, and the ensuing, treasonous bailout programs. The goal is the destruction of the middle class in the West, and the complete collapse … Read more

Steward Rhodes interview re/ Oath Keepers

2010-11-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ Exclusive Interview Oath-Keeper Stewart Rhodes on the Rise of Authoritarianism and How US Law Enforcement Can Take a Stand for Freedom Sunday, November 21, 2010 – with  Anthony Wile Stewart Rhodes The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with E. Stewart Rhodes (left). Introduction: E. Stewart Rhodes is … Read more

Daily Bell: Irish Shadow-Play

2010-11-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ The World Bank and the IMF have played out this pattern over the past 50 years; and we see it emerging among the PIGS as well. The result has far more to do with intensifying control than top-line black ink. Ireland, if we are correct, will doubtless emerge with less independence than … Read more


2010-11-22 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ You see, neither the Progressive Populists nor the Conservative Populists are strong enough to take back the country for the people.  Only if we put our differences aside and work together can we succeed.  We the People have been artificially divided for far too long.  We have been divided into left and … Read more

Tomgram: David Swanson, All War All the Time

2010-11-22 Richard Moore Don’t you remember those halcyon days under Obama when we traded guns for butter, the military shrank, and peace was at hand?  Me neither.  These last years, of course, have seen the largest military budget in history, the repeated doubling down on one war, a pretend conclusion to another, the building up of the structure of U.S. military bases across … Read more

* Evolution of the two-party vote during past century

2010-11-22 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ This is a very interesting animation. While the years click by in tiny print, you can watch the back-and-forth dance of blue vs red zones, Democrats vs Republicans. Most of the period is dominated by a blue FDR era, and before that a Republican roaring 20s. Since about 1964, … Read more

Wash Post: the elite party line re/Ireland & EU

2010-11-22 Richard Moore Ireland’s emergency stems from deeply troubled banks that are riddled with bad loans from a U.S.-style real estate bust. Ireland’s banks have a crisis because they made bad loans. There’s no reason why that has to be an emergency for Ireland.  The still-unknown extent of those losses is zapping confidence from investors … Read more

* David Koten: Building Community – An Economic Approach

2010-11-21 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ It’s truly amazing that the changes we have to make if we’re going to have a human future are exactly the same changes we need to make to create the world that most people have dreamed of for millennia—create an economy that brings prosperity to everyone. An economy supports strong families, strong communities, … Read more

Pepe Escobar: NATO’s imperial designs

2010-11-20 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI ________ NATO has left Western Europe a long time ago; too small, too provincial. It’s already in Central and South Asia as well as Northeast Africa, interlinked with the Pentagon’s AFRICOM… Welcome to NATOstan Posted by inthesenewtimes on November 20, 2010 Pepe Escobar, 2010 Asia Times 20th november, 2010 Be afraid. Be very afraid. … Read more