Friends, Given the widespread and long-standing U.S. policy of imperialism via destabilization, I have been reluctant to get get enthusiastic about the "people's uprising" in the Ukraine. Images of the fabricated "popular revolt" against Chavez are too recent in my memory. And of course the American media and the White House are showing total hypocrisy, as regards voting fraud, pointing to a mote in the others eye, and ignoring the stick in their own. With no trust in the matrix presentation, I had to assume I knew nothing about the Ukraine. Below is a wonderful contribution from Jan Slakov, who we have not heard from much on these lists for some time. She shares a very personal and inspiring eyewitness report by a participant in the events in the Ukraine, from someone she knows and trusts. It is a very credible report, and I feel I now have some insight into what's happening 'on the street'. There does seem reason to believe that the opposition represents sincere and right-minded grassroots energy. At the same time, as Tom Atlee's appended posting reminds us, Washington has in fact covertly done what it could to stir up the confrontation, for its own geopolitical reasons. Let me share one pre-glimpse with you, from the eyewitness / participant report. Viktor writes: Yuschenko is not an ideal man, a philosopher or charismatic leader. Possibly, he even has no long-term scenario. But he is immeasurably more honest and intellectual than his rival Sounds like a 'nice, bright guy'. The danger to watch out for here is that the popular movement might be inadvertently betrayed by our nice guy, if he ends up negotiating a solution with devious foxes from Washington, Berlin, or Brussels. We might be reminded of Woodrow Wilson vis. a vis. Clemenceou at Versailles, or General Collins vis. a vis. Whitehall re/ the British-Irish Peace Treaty (resulting in civil war and North- South antagonism). interesting times, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 22:38:15 -0800 Subject: re: Ukraine, words from Shirin Ebadi too From: Jan Slakov 3 items below: 1) quote from a speech by Shirin Ebadi 2) "Awakening of the nation" message from Viktor Postnikov 2) posting from Tom Atlee, of the Co-intelligence Institute, with [an article] about what is happening in the Ukraine. In the midst of conflicting reports about what is happening in the Ukraine, I am lucky to have a trusted and much-respected friend there. I never met Viktor Postnikov, but thanks to e-mail and mail exchanges, I feel we know each other quite well. We met through a left biocentrist e-mail discussion group; I know he loves and cares deeply about our home, the earth. He has worked in Electrodynamics (has a PhD) and is now a translator of poetry. (I think you will sense his gift for communicating his caring and commitment in the text below.) The words from Shirin Ebadi I want to quote come from a speech she gave at a convoction ceremony at the University of Toronto. I feel they fit in well here, underlining the importance of seeking always to find each person's "piece of the truth", even when what is being said contradicts our parti-pris, underlining the importance of a deep commitment to peace: "Doubt everything, including what you are given as news. Especially do not accept news that comes from only one political perspective. Seek different means of interpreting what you read and see. Leaving your intellect at the mercy of any one group, religion, party or ideology is to invite brainwashing. Inevitably logic and your intellect will be manipulated. Regardless of your own religious beliefs, study other religions. Examine received notions and choose your own path. If you belong to a particular party, do not attend only that party's meetings. Listen carefully to what is said. Do not let prejudice rule. Be mindful of inflexibility and its danger signs. Always be prepared to accept they who might have made mistakes.... We must distinguish between humanity's own mistakes and the religions and cultures to which we belong. Cultures are not in conflict with each other but have much in common. Let us speak about shared values, not differences. Let us not justify war. No one will emerge victorious from such horrors." ********************************************** from: "Viktor Postnikov" <•••@••.•••> Dear Jan, thank you for your emotions on the part of Ukrainian revolution. (We all are very much anxious for the last six days). Two articles [see posting below Viktor's message] which blame the opposition and present the events like an American plot, are, to put it mildly, false, if not blatantly provocative. (I have a feeling that they have been written on demand). You should have lived here for the last 15 years to see everything with your own eyes. The indignation with the corrupt regime has finally been blurted onto the streets as soon as the facts of election frauds were reported. The students are at the front of rebellion. I've never seen so many free people at one place in all of my life, the Independence Square was literally flooded with people. This is really a people's revolt, an awakening of the nation. I never imagined that this could happen! As I said, the students at the front, in the very revolutionary mood. These are the children who never suffered repressions, and therefore they act fearlessly. They have a special revolutionary brigades "Pora", or "High time", I think that Che's spirit is flying over them. All western and central parts of Ukraine have raised against the criminal regime. Kievites voted 80% for the oppossition candidate. During the last five days and nights about a million people or more stay on a vigil and would not leave the Independence Square dispite bitter cold weather. The opposition has maintained the order, and managed to organise a self-sustained life on the square, with a student camp. I've never seen so many happy and dignified faces in all my life. Their faces are illuminated, they have come from all corners of Ukraine (although the authorities have in many ways blocked their routes), and other countries. A lot of flags in the air, everyone has something orange on, a striek, a scarf, a hat, or a flower. -- a color of revolution. All Ukraine is raising from its knees, and it reminds me the 1968 Prague spring, or Polish solidarity movement. Until recently, we had only one opposition tv channel (Channel 5). Fortunately, all the attempts to switch it off were futile, as the journalists went on a hunger strike. They won, and the channel still running. But it is being switched off in eastern parts of the country. All pro-government channels are nauseous. (Some honest journalists, though, refuse to collaborate with them). The people's candidate Yuschenko has been de facto proclaimed by opposition as President. Many progressive leaders of other parties have joined him (Socialists, for example). He is circled with alive, honest and patriotic people who speak for themselves. (I mean they are not puppets) . This is a rare phenomenon in our history. I've seen on the square many respected world leaders, independent trade-unions, etc. One of the first note came from Vaclav Havel. European Parlaiment warned the Ukraine of sanctions if the government would accept the forged elections. However, despite the seige of the presidential administration, the former President Kuchma, the illegally elect new President Yanoukovich are plotting to blackmail the country and introduce an emergency situation. The south- eastern regions (governed by criminals) are supporting Yanoukovich and are threatening to break away and join Russia. In this they are backed by Moscow. Yuschenko is not an ideal man, a philosopher or charismatic leader. Possibly, he even has no long-term scenario. But he is immeasurably more honest and intellectual than his rival (the latter had been convicted (twice) for criminal cases). I, for once, would not want to live in a country with such a president-convict. I'm ethnically Russian, but with all my heart I'm at the side of a nation that is rising from its knees. The Russian, however are under the pressure of their biased mass media, and do not understand the underpinnings of this revolution. What is interesting, for these several days we don't see drunk people on the streets, no curse, -- just very loving, gentle relations. (as if people have been totally changed in a moment). Today I was in a church and prayed that these orange light were not suppressed by brutal force, and that the corrupt power would finally give in. No passaran! Love from us, Victor ************************************** ---------- From: Tom Atlee <•••@••.•••> Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 22:13:46 -0800 To: •••@••.••• (hi list) Subject: CII HI - Nonviolent Movements wielded by Power From: "Rick Ingrasci M.D." <•••@••.•••> Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 17:41:51 -0800 Subject: [Invit] U.S. Campaign Behind the Turmoil in Kiev U.S. Campaign Behind the Turmoil in Kiev By Ian Traynor The Guardian U.K. Friday 26 November 2004 With their websites and stickers, their pranks and slogans aimed at banishing widespread fear of a corrupt regime, the democracy guerrillas of the Ukrainian Pora youth movement have already notched up a famous victory - whatever the outcome of the dangerous stand-off in Kiev. Ukraine, traditionally passive in its politics, has been mobilized by the young democracy activists and will never be the same again. But while the gains of the orange-bedecked "chestnut revolution" are Ukraine's, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavory regimes. Funded and organized by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organizations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box. Richard Miles, the US ambassador in Belgrade, played a key role. And by last year, as US ambassador in Tbilisi, he repeated the trick in Georgia, coaching Mikhail Saakashvili in how to bring down Eduard Shevardnadze. Ten months after the success in Belgrade, the US ambassador in Minsk, Michael Kozak, a veteran of similar operations in central America, notably in Nicaragua, organized a near identical campaign to try to defeat the Belarus hardman, Alexander Lukashenko. That one failed. "There will be no Kostunica in Belarus," the Belarus president declared, referring to the victory in Belgrade. But experience gained in Serbia, Georgia and Belarus has been invaluable in plotting to beat the regime of Leonid Kuchma in Kiev. The operation - engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience - is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template for winning other people's elections. In the center of Belgrade, there is a dingy office staffed by computer-literate youngsters who call themselves the Centre for Non-violent Resistance. If you want to know how to beat a regime that controls the mass media, the judges, the courts, the security apparatus and the voting stations, the young Belgrade activists are for hire. They emerged from the anti-Milosevic student movement, Otpor, meaning resistance. The catchy, single-word branding is important. In Georgia last year, the parallel student movement was Khmara. In Belarus, it was Zubr. In Ukraine, it is Pora, meaning high time. Otpor also had a potent, simple slogan that appeared everywhere in Serbia in 2000 - the two words "gotov je", meaning "he's finished", a reference to Milosevic. A logo of a black-and-white clenched fist completed the masterful marketing. In Ukraine, the equivalent is a ticking clock, also signaling that the Kuchma regime's days are numbered. Stickers, spray paint and websites are the young activists' weapons. Irony and street comedy mocking the regime have been hugely successful in puncturing public fear and enraging the powerful. Last year, before becoming president in Georgia, the US-educated Mr. Saakashvili traveled from Tbilisi to Belgrade to be coached in the techniques of mass defiance. In Belarus, the US embassy organized the dispatch of young opposition leaders to the Baltic, where they met up with Serbs traveling from Belgrade. In Serbia's case, given the hostile environment in Belgrade, the Americans organized the overthrow from neighboring Hungary - Budapest and Szeged. In recent weeks, several Serbs traveled to the Ukraine. Indeed, one of the leaders from Belgrade, Aleksandar Maric, was turned away at the border. The Democratic party's National Democratic Institute, the Republican party's International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros's open society institute. US pollsters and professional consultants are hired to organize focus groups and use psephological data to plot strategy. The usually fractious oppositions have to be united behind a single candidate if there is to be any chance of unseating the regime. That leader is selected on pragmatic and objective grounds, even if he or she is anti-American. In Serbia, US pollsters Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates discovered that the assassinated pro-western opposition leader, Zoran Djindjic, was reviled at home and had no chance of beating Milosevic fairly in an election. He was persuaded to take a back seat to the anti-western Vojislav Kostunica, who is now Serbian prime minister. In Belarus, US officials ordered opposition parties to unite behind the dour, elderly trade unionist, Vladimir Goncharik, because he appealed to much of the Lukashenko constituency. Officially, the US government spent $41m (£21.7m) organizing and funding the year-long operation to get rid of Milosevic from October 1999. In Ukraine, the figure is said to be around $14m. Apart from the student movement and the united opposition, the other key element in the democracy template is what is known as the "parallel vote tabulation", a counter to the election-rigging tricks beloved of disreputable regimes. There are professional outside election monitors from bodies such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, but the Ukrainian poll, like its predecessors, also featured thousands of local election monitors trained and paid by western groups. Freedom House and the Democratic party's NDI helped fund and organize the "largest civil regional election monitoring effort" in Ukraine, involving more than 1,000 trained observers. They also organized exit polls. On Sunday night those polls gave Mr. Yushchenko an 11-point lead and set the agenda for much of what has followed. The exit polls are seen as critical because they seize the initiative in the propaganda battle with the regime, invariably appearing first, receiving wide media coverage and putting the onus on the authorities to respond. The final stage in the US template concerns how to react when the incumbent tries to steal a lost election. In Belarus, President Lukashenko won, so the response was minimal. In Belgrade, Tbilisi, and now Kiev, where the authorities initially tried to cling to power, the advice was to stay cool but determined and to organize mass displays of civil disobedience, which must remain peaceful but risk provoking the regime into violent suppression. If the events in Kiev vindicate the US in its strategies for helping other people win elections and take power from anti-democratic regimes, it is certain to try to repeat the exercise elsewhere in the post-Soviet world. The places to watch are Moldova and the authoritarian countries of central Asia. =========================== _______________________________ Tom Atlee * The Co-Intelligence Institute * PO Box 493 * Eugene, OR 97440 * Read THE TAO OF DEMOCRACY * Please support our work. * Your donations are fully tax-deductible. ________________________________ -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website ( or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland _____________________________ Now available for review: ESCAPING THE MATRIX - Global Transformation: Why We Need It, and How We Can Get It TOC with URLs of chapters: Entire draft as one web page: Previous version, with more American history: _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: QuayLargo discussion forum: cj list archives: newslog list archives: _____________________________ Informative links: ============================================================