Original source URL: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/030807B.shtml http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/article2339289.ece We'll Have to Talk to Militants, Says US Chief in Iraq By Lauren Frayer The Associated Press Thursday 08 March 2007 The new commander of US forces of Iraq, General David Petraeus, said today that insurgents in Iraq have sought to intensify attacks during a Baghdad security crackdown and additional US forces will be sent to areas outside the capital where militant groups are regrouping. Petraeus said the troop build-ups outside Baghdad will focus on Diyala province north-east of Baghdad, a growing hotbed for suspected Sunni extremists fleeing the US-Iraqi security operation in Baghdad. But Petraeus stressed that military force alone is "not sufficient" to end the violence in Iraq and political talks must eventually include some militant groups now opposing the US-backed government. "This is critical," said Petraeus in his first news conference since taking over command last month. He noted that such political negotiations "will determine in the long run the success of this effort. " Petraeus listed a series of high-profile attacks since US and Iraqi forces began the security sweep three weeks ago, including a suicide blast at a mostly Shiite university and an assassination attempt against one of Iraq's vice presidents. The Pentagon has pledged 17,500 combat troops to the capital. Petraeus has said the full contingent should not be in place until early June. He declined to say how many US forces will be deployed to Diyala, where the group al-Qaida in Iraq has made one its main staging grounds. Military officials believe many insurgents have shifted from Baghdad to Diyala to escape the security operation. "Car bombs have targeted hundreds of Iraqis," Petraeus said. He also denounced the wave of other attacks, including the "thugs with no soul" who have killed more than 150 Shiite pilgrims in the past three days. "We share the horror" of witnessing the suicide bombings and shootings against the pilgrims, who are heading for a religious commemoration beginning Friday in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, about 50 miles south of Baghdad. The attacks - mostly blamed on Sunni insurgents - are seen as attempts to provoke a civil war with Shiite militia. But Petraeus said it was " critical" for leaders to halt any drift toward sectarian conflict. He said US forces are ready to help provide additional security for the pilgrims if asked by Iraqi authorities. "It is an enormous task to protect all of them and there is a point at which if someone is willing to blow up himself ... the problem becomes very, very difficult indeed," he said But Petraeus added that he saw no role for the powerful Shiite militia known as the Mahdi Army, which had sent out fighters to guard the pilgrimage in the past two years. He said "extremist elements" in the militia have been engaged in " true excesses" in the past - an apparent reference to suspected gangs carrying out targeted killings against Sunnis. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org Community Democracy Framework: http://cyberjournal.org/DemocracyFramework.html subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/