* US Northern Command: major exercise in May *


Richard Moore

       "In Indiana, National Planning Scenario One, a detonation of
        an improvised nuclear device, will drive the deployment of
        more than 2,000 active duty military personnel and nearly
        1,000 National Guard personnel to Camp Atterbury and the
        Muscatatuck Urban Training Center.  U.S. Northern Command¹s
        Joint Task Force ­ Civil Support will deploy to Indiana."

Recall that on 9/11 there was an exercise going on regarding airliners crashing 
into buildings, and on 7/7 in London there was an exercise going on regarding 
bombings of the subway system -- at the very stations where bombings occurred. 
These were well documented exercises, although seldom mentioned in the 
mainstream media. We cannot rule out the possibility that this NorthCom exercise
will be accompanied by an actual false-flag nuclear device in Indiana, to be 
blamed on Iran, and used as a pretext for the long-expected attack on Iran. 
Please forward this article so that people will be forewarned of this 


Original source URL:
(United States Northern Command website)

Major preparedness exercise slated for May
April 11 , 2007

The Department of Defense in cooperation with the Department of Homeland 
Security, the Canadian Department of National Defence (Canada Command) and 
multiple state and local officials will conduct a major preparedness exercise 
from April 30 to May 18.

Major events will take place in New England, Indiana, Alaska and adjacent waters
and along the Western U.S. ­ Canadian border.

Ardent Sentry-Northern Edge 07 is a Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) 
directed, U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) sponsored Homeland Defense (HLD) 
and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) exercise.

The Homeland Security Council has designated Ardent Sentry and associated 
exercises (Northern Edge, Vigilant Guard, 2007 National Hurricane Preparedness 
Exercise, Blue Flag, Positive Response and Alaska Shield) as a national level 
exercise for 2007.  This exercise will be the largest and most complex exercise 
undertaken by USNORTHCOM.

The exercise will include a hurricane scenario, the 2007 National Hurricane 
Preparedness Exercise, in the northeastern United States.  Rhode Island, 
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and New York as well 
as the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be involved in the event.  Most 
activity will be centered in the Providence, R.I., area.

In Indiana, National Planning Scenario One, a detonation of an improvised 
nuclear device, will drive the deployment of more than 2,000 active duty 
military personnel and nearly 1,000 National Guard personnel to Camp Atterbury 
and the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center.  U.S. Northern Command¹s Joint Task 
Force ­ Civil Support will deploy to Indiana.

The state of Alaska, in coordination with U. S. Northern Command¹s Joint Task 
Force ­ Alaska, will respond to a series of simulated terrorist related events 
throughout the state.  Maritime events will take place in the waters adjacent to
Alaska, and several events involving aircraft will unfold in the state.

³Exercises like this provide an excellent opportunity for federal, state, and 
local agencies to review processes and techniques and build relationships,² said
Mike Perini, the NORAD and US Northern Command director of Public Affairs. ³This
exercise is designed to be challenging and complex.  It allows participants to 
challenge their people and resources and look at new options and solutions.²

For this exercise, participants developed various training objectives.  Exercise
planners then designed situations where the participants would have an 
opportunity to meet those objectives.

³This exercise is not the culmination of training.  It is only part of an 
on-going cycle of training that prepares people to face real challenge,² added 

The exercise also provides the reserve components with a unique opportunity to 
exercise with USNORTHCOM, other federal agencies, and representatives from 
state, local and non-governmental organizations involved in homeland security.

U.S. Northern Command was established Oct. 1, 2002, to provide command and 
control of Department of Defense homeland defense efforts and to coordinate 
defense support of civil authorities. NORAD is a bi-national United States and 
Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and 
aerospace control for North America

Editors¹ note:  The media may contact NORAD and US Northern Command public 
affairs at 719-554-6889 or Canada Command at 613-944-8258 for information 
regarding the overall exercise.  For information regarding activities in 
Indiana, contact Pam Bright, Public Information Director, Indiana Department of 
Homeland Security at 317-232-6632 or LTC Deedre Thombleson at 317-247-3105.  For
information regarding state and local activities in Alaska, contact McHugh 
Pierre, Director of Communications Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 
at 907-428-7091 or Lt. Candice Miller, Alaskan Command Public Affairs at 
907-552-2341.  For information regarding the 2007 National Hurricane 
Preparedness Exercise, contact Marty Bahamonde at 617-956-7547 or Bob Purtiman 
at 210-845-9777.  Media can also check the NORAD, USNORTHCOM, and Canada Command
Web sites at www.norad.mil, www.northcom.mil, and www.canadacom.forces.gc.ca, 
respectively, for additional information.

Click to download the AS 07 Fact Sheet

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