The face of medical fascism


Richard Moore

Waxahachie Clinic Threatens to Pull Treatment, Call Cops for Patient’s Swine Flu DVDs

November 6, 2009 by JoeyGDauben   
Filed under Ellis County

Clinic threatens to pull treatment, call cops for patient’s swine flu DVDs
Told to sign ‘behavior agreement’
Joey G. Dauben
The Ellis County Observer
WAXAHACHIE, TEXAS – A kidney dialysis clinic threatened to pull treatment from an elderly patient who distributed DVDs warning of the dangers of the swine flu vaccine, and then was told to sign a “behavior agreement” to cease the practice.
The patient, who requested anonymity for fear that she would be retaliated against by doctors and medical staff for coming forward, was cited once before by specialists and office managers for distributing Aaron Russo’s America: From Freedom to Fascism as well, she said.
Located on Interstate 35 East and Farm to Market Road 66, the officer manager for FMC Dialysis Services who handed the patient the “behavior agreement” refused to comment.
“Our company is a large company, so I can’t comment,” the office manager said, who refused to give her name. “I don’t make company policy, I just follow it.”
The two-page behavior agreement came with an audio recording prohibition policy after the patient attempted to record meetings with the doctors and staff who threatened her.
The patient, who still must rely on the dialysis center for treatment, said she is fearful that causing “trouble” by coming to the press will cause the clinic to follow through on their threats.
The swine flu DVD, the patient said, was the 1979 60 Minutes clip that broadcast a report about the dangers of taking the swine flu vaccination.
Russo’s America: From Freedom to Fascism details the allegations into the unconstitutionality of the U.S. income tax, a film distributed widely among “tax honesty” advocates across the nation.
“Notice both documents say law enforcement will be called in if necessary,” the patient said. “The office manager threatened me several times with that if I didn’t sign the behavior agreement. Their handbook doesn’t have any of this in it. They repeatedly told me I had signed ‘the papers.’ They only produced [one] signed paper in which I gave my consent for dialysis treatments and acknowledged the risks of the treatments.”
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