Secret memo: One-world agenda


Richard Moore

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Secret memo: One-world agenda dominates SPP summit
Document reveals plan for meeting of U.S., Mexico, Canada leaders

Posted: July 24, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2007

A multinational business agenda is driving the upcoming summit meeting of the 
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, according to a document 
obtained through an Access to Information Act request in Canada.

The memo shows a secondary focus of the leaders' meeting in Montebello, Quebec, 
Aug. 20-21, will be to prepare for a continental avian flu or human pandemic and
establish a permanent continental emergency management coordinating body to deal
not only with health emergencies but other unspecified emergencies as well.

(Story continues below)

As WND has reported, President Bush, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexico's 
President Felipe Calderon will attend the third SPP summit.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership is unveiled in Jerome Corsi's book, 'The
Late, Great USA'

The document, obtained by Canadian private citizen Chris Harder, is a two-page 
heavily redacted summary of the ministerial meeting in Ottawa, held Feb. 23 
between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her counterparts, Canadian 
Foreign Minister Peter MacKay and Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa.

The purpose of the Feb. 23 meeting in Ottawa was to set the agenda for the 
August summit.

The Access to Information Act-obtained memo noted the nation's leaders intend 
next month to pursue the five priorities set at their second summit meeting in 
Cancun in March 2005:

  € Strengthening Competitiveness
  € Avian and Pandemic Influenza
  € Emergency Management
  € Energy Security
  € Secure Borders

Of the five issues, the memo clearly states recommendations by the North 
American Competitiveness Council, or NACC, regarding competitiveness "took 
centerpiece" at the Feb. 23 meeting. Almost immediately, the memo says, 
governments "will need to begin assessing the potential impact of adopting 
recommendations made by the NACC and coordinating their response to the authors 
of the report."

The memo states "the most dynamic element on the plenary agenda was a meeting 
with the NACC, the body created by the Leaders in 2006 to give the private 
sector a formal role in providing advice on how to enhance competitiveness in 
North America."

The NACC consists of 30 multinational business corporations that advise SPP and 
set the action agenda for its 20 trilateral bureaucratic working groups.

The memo notes the NACC was created by the leaders in 2006 "to give the private 
sector a formal role in providing advice on how to enhance competitiveness in 
North America."

According to the memo, the NACC made recommendations in three areas: 
border-crossing facilitation, standards and regulatory cooperation, and energy 

The memo suggested NACC members were getting impatient, charging the speed of 
SPP regulatory change was too slow. The members complained of "the private 
sector's seeming inability to influence the pace of regulatory change 'from the 
bottom up.'"

"Some NACC representatives," the memo comments, "felt that direct signals from 
ministers were required if work was to advance at a pace rapid enough to address
challenges from more dynamic international competitors ­ particularly China. The
subtext was clear: In the absence of ministerial endorsement, bureaucracies are 
unlikely to act on the more challenging recommendations."

The memo noted the ministers agreed at their Feb. 23 meeting to finalize by June
a plan to create a coordinating body to prepare for the "North American response
to an outbreak of avian or pandemic influenza." The leaders are expected to 
finalize the plan at the August summit.

The memo also reported ministers agreed to create a coordinating body on 
emergency management similar to that set up for avian or pandemic flu. The 
governance structure of coordinating body was also scheduled for completion in 
June, so it could be presented to the leaders for final approval at the August 

A comment at the end of the memo said the ministers at their Feb. 23 meeting 
"acknowledged that the SPP was largely unknown or misunderstood and needed to be
better communicated beyond the officials and the business groups involved."

WND has reported that as many as 10,000 protesters plan to assemble in Quebec to
show opposition to the summit.

The Corbett Report, a Canadian blog that first reported on the memo obtained by 
Harder, noted the term "Security and Prosperity" was first used by the Canadian 
Council of Chief Executives, or CCOCE, in a Jan. 23, 2003, report entitled, 
"Security and Prosperity: Toward a New Canada-United States Partnership in North

CCOCE's membership consists of 150 of Canada's leading businesses. In the U.S., 
the Chamber of Commerce would be considered a counterpart.

WND previously reported on National Security Presidential Directive No. 51 and 
Homeland Security Presidential Directive No. 20, which allocate to the office of
the president the authority to direct all levels of government in the event he 
declares a national emergency.

WND also has previously reported that under SPP, the military of the U.S. and 
Canada are turning USNORTHCOM into a domestic military command structure, with 
authority extending to Mexico, even though Mexico has not formally joined with 
the current U.S.-Canadian USNORTHCOM command structure.

Previous stories:
10,000 protesters expected at North America summit
Bill paves way for Canada's 'disappearance'
Protesters to converge on North America summit
Commerce chief pushes for 'North American integration'
Idaho lawmakers want out of SPP
House resolution opposes North American Union
Residents of planned union to be 'North Americanists'
Congressman battles North Americanization
North American Union leader says merger just crisis away
'Bush doesn't think America should be an actual place'
Mexico ambassador: We need N. American Union in 8 years
Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union
'North American Union' major '08 issue?
Resolution seeks to head off union with Mexico, Canada
Documents reveal 'shadow government'
Tancredo: Halt 'Security and Prosperity Partnership'
North American Union threat gets attention of congressmen
Top U.S. official chaired N. American confab panel
N. American students trained for 'merger'
North American confab 'undermines' democracy
Attendance list North American forum
North American Forum agenda
North American merger topic of secret confab
Feds finally release info on 'superstate'
Senator ditches bill tied to 'superstate'
Congressman presses on 'superstate' plan
Feds stonewalling on 'superstate' plan?
Cornyn wants U.S. taxpayers to fund Mexican development
No EU in U.S.
U.S.-Mexico merger opposition intensifies
Tancredo confronts 'superstate' effort
Bush sneaking North American superstate without oversight?

Jerome R. Corsi is a staff reporter for WND. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard 
University in political science in 1972 and has written many books and articles,
including his latest best-seller, "The Late Great USA." Corsi co-authored with 
John O'Neill the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, "Unfit for Command: Swift 
Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry." Other books include "Showdown with 
Nuclear Iran," "Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics 
of Oil," which he co-authored with WND columnist Craig. R. Smith, and "Atomic 

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