-------------------------------------------------------- From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: FW: 10 yrs; Republican predicts totatal economic, infrastructure collapse Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:09:02 -0700 Organization: Institute for Cultural Ecology -----Original Message----- From: •••@••.••• [mailto:•••@••.•••] Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:33 AM To: •••@••.••• Subject: 10 yrs; Republican predicts totatal economic, infrastructure collapse HEADS UP- TOTAL GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?? Posted By: mrB Date: Friday, 3 June 2005 From: http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/cha...&contentid=2253 Renowned Funds Manager Predicts Global Economic Collapse By Al Martin (May 30) There was an interview on CNBC of the renowned funds manager Julian Robertson. He is one of the greatest of the old-timers. 53 years on the Street. He manages the Robertson group of funds. They used to call him, still do call him 'Never Been Wrong' Robertson. He has predicted every economic cycle, every debacle, every bull market, and every bear market. Of course, he's a very old man now. But his reputation on the Street is like nothing you could imagine. When the segment of his interview was through, his comments alone took the Dow Jones down 50 points. Just on his comments alone. That's how powerful this man's reputation is. Robertson was actually a teary-eyed, an old man. When Ron Insana asked him about his predictions, he said that he's worried about the speculative bubble in housing and the fact that more than 1/4 of all consumer spending is now sustained by that bubble, plus the fact that 20 million citizens could lose their homes in a collapse of the speculative bubble in housing, and that the Fed and, indeed, central banks worldwide would act in concert out of desperation to reinflate the global economy in the process, creating an inflationary spiral unheralded in the economic history of the planet. Insana then asks, "Where does it end?" And he said, "Utter global collapse." Not simply economic collapse; complete disintegration of all infrastructure and of all public structures of governments. Utter, utter collapse. That the end is collapse of simply epic proportion. In 10 years time, he said, whoever is still alive on the planet will be effectively starting again. And the comments were so negative. I've never heard anything like it. From a guy who was 53 years on the Street. This is Julian Robertson, the renowned Republican. And yet he blamed everything on 'the Bushonian Cabal,' that the Cabal has now consolidated power and money on the planet to the maximum extent possible. That the planet's net liquidity--that is, net free cash flow--is now a negative number. That the planet is not simply sinking into a sea of red ink; it is already sunk. The people just don't realize it yet. The enormity of it was such that he said that the Bush-Cheney regime--calls them 'the Bush-Cheney regime' (I swear this guy must listen to me)--the Bush-Cheney regime is preparing the nation for transition from democracy into dictatorship because a dictatorship will be necessary to control, not civil unrest. That isn't what he said. He said that it will be necessary to control, in 5 years' time, food and water riots. He said the federal government, that part of Patriot II Act, the internal exile, that the government is going to have to build now huge detention compounds on federal lands, probably in the West where the land is available, to potentially house 50 million or more citizens that will be in financial ruin. Food production will fall. And any further effort to control environmental destruction will be abandoned. Inflation will run into the double and eventually triple digits. People will be carrying around U.S. dollars in wheelbarrows like Germany. And he finally ended his comments by saying that he hopes that he is not alive to see this. And he looks at Ron Insana and he said, "The 'lucky' ones are the ones who are my age now." Total collapse of public infrastructure. Total collapse of medical care systems. All public pension plans, Social Security will collapse. All corporate pension plans will collapse. I've never heard anything like it. But he backed that up with some fabulous statistics that I have pointed out before in various articles. What he did is he did it all in literally one statement literally. But, 14% of all real estate transactions now being interest-only mortgages, and another 14% of people now, that, when they bought their homes, originated more than 100% of the purchase price in the mortgage and then borrowed further. This was on the Ron Insana show on May 24, 2004. I mean, it was absolutely extraordinary. And he had pointed out all that we have pointed out before. What he talked about is he globalized it a lot more than I have in the past by saying that the American consumer is effectively now supporting the rest of the planet, which is true; that consumption rates in all other nations are falling, have fallen to the point that the tax revenues to governments, that the business and industries those nation states are providing is now a net negative number relative to total debt service and public cost, that this exists in virtually every nation state on the planet now. And he pointed out, more importantly, and I'm trying to think how we imply this or how we express this to the people, what extraordinary times we are living in and how the destruction of the planet has been engineered by the Bushonian Cabal from 1980 to 1992, and then from 2001 to present, which has effectively destroyed the economic liquidity of the planet. And it was absolutely extraordinary. When Insana asked him, you know, he said he had sold all of his real estate and he was moving into one of the new super-secure compounds for wealthy Republicans for when the 'barbarians will be at the gate.' He said, "Ron, those barbarians will be potentially a third of the American population." Ron asked, "What are your friends doing?" The implication being wealthy Republicans. And, this is interesting, he said everyone that he knew that had a home worth more than a million dollars in the United States has sold it. They have sold all of their landholdings. They have liquidated all U.S. securities. They have bought a townhouse or something in one of the new ultra-high secure semi-secret Republican compounds with the barbed wire and the machine guns. And then they also own a home, like, in the Cayman Islands or somewhere in the Caribbean. He spoke of the new Republican high-security compounds that are being built throughout the Caribbean, and even in Switzerland. And this is what he points to: He said the new wave, or where the wealthy Republicans are going in their housing--and he's right. It tells you much about what the wealthy Republicans think of where this planet is going: that they all want to live in these ultra-high security communities that haven't even been built yet. And we're talking about not simply the guards at the gate. We're talking about communities the security of which have never been built before. He's referring to is these new gated communities that are being built with the 18-foot high walls and the machine-gun-toting guards and underground food lockers, cryogenic food lockers, and their own power plants, their own water. But it bespeaks volumes of where the top 10% of the nation feel the planet is going. The only thing that keeps popping into my mind is - what is it going to look like in ten years' time? What comes to mind is the final 30-second shot in the movie Rollover. The famed movie Rollover with Kris Kristoferson and Jane Fonda. The final 30-second shot when the decision was made, when Hume Cronyn is standing in his office in the Citi Bank building in New York with its 30-foot vaulted ceilings and mahogany paneling. He's got the phone in his hand and he's talking to the group of bankers, the 13 Gnomes, he called them, in Switzerland, that have the last remaining free cash flow in the world. He says, on the telephone, "Pull the plug." Then he lights up a cigar and pours himself a glass of brandy. And he looks down on the street. He's 20 floors up. It's all plate glass window. It was actually shot at the Citi Bank building. And he looks down the street. It's winter. December. Absolutely bitter cold, 3 feet of snow on the ground. And all is dark. The power's gone. No more power. Everything has begun to collapse. And the wind, you hear this frigid wind whistling through the canyons of the streets around Wall Street, which have become canyons. And there's a few people there in tattered rags, with steel drums, burning stuff to keep warm. It shows them, they keep dumping in U.S. currency to keep the fire going. And then at the end it shows down between Wall and Broad, there's like 2 or 3 hundred people, there's a food riot in progress. And Hume is sitting there looking out of his plate glass window with a cigar in his mouth. The very final scene: You see the food riots. Then you see the police come in in these ultra-high-tech-looking riot control, hover vehicles. They're all black matte with dark red digitized writing that says "State Security." And they start gassing the crowd. And then it shows the Citi Bank executive helicopter coming down on top of the 57th floor of the building to pick up Hume. He gets in the helicopter. The pilot actually asks him, "Where are we going?" And he said, "Oh, to my executive compound." The pilot points in the front seat of the helicopter and he said, "We have a case of the 1961 vintage Rothschild `61. Mr. Chairman, we secured an extra case for you." Then they fly over where the food riots are. And there's no power. And there's trash blowing through the streets. And some of the telephone poles have come down. And they swing over the harbor and most of the boats are swamped or sunk or all grungy. This is what Robertson's words reminds me of. * AL MARTIN is an independent economic-political analyst with 25 years of experience as a trader on NYMEX, CME, CBOT and CFTC. As a former contributor to the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, Al Martin is considered to be a source of independent analysis for financially sophisticated and market savvy investors. After working as a broker on Wall Street, Al Martin was involved in the so-called "Iran Contra" Affair as a fundraiser for the Bush Cabal from the covert side of government aka the US Shadow Government. His memoir, "The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider," (http://www.almartinraw.com) provides an unprecedented look at the frauds of the Bush Cabal during the Iran Contra era. His weekly column, "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway," is published weekly on Al Martin Raw.com, which also publishes a bimonthly newsletter called "Whistleblower Gazette." Al Martin's new website "Insider Intelligence" (http://www.insiderintelligence.com) will provide a long term macro-view of world markets and how they are affected by backroom realpolitik. Friday, 3 June 2005, 11:05 a.m. The Surfing The Apocalypse Network http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.com -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website (http://cyberjournal.org) or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland blog: http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", old draft: http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/rkmGlblTrans.html _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. 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