Re-2: Adrian Salbuchi:”Arab Spring”: Spontaneous or US-NATO Sponsored Psy Op?


Richard Moore

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Begin forwarded message [sarcastic introductory comments omitted]:
From: D
Date: 25 November 2011 05:10:14 GMT
To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: Adrian Salbuchi:”Arab Spring”: Spontaneous or US-NATO Sponsored Psy Op?

…here’s my conspiracy theory in opposition to that put up by Michel Chossudovky’s Global Research Canada.

Local realities in Tunisia made possible a regime change in which a population fed up with corruption edged out the dictatorship.  Egyptians, hating corrupt rule as most Arabs, like most of the rest of us, saw change was possible and gathered in a mass movement to oust Mubarak.  Washington first held back then, seeing the writing on the wall, dumped Mubarak and switched support to his military thugs.  But the tide of Arab resistance now threatens the brasshats too.  Even the European and American people are starting to stir in an initially diffuse sort of way.  Enemies of democracy – Moslem clerics and enforcers, brasshats, CIA, Mossad etc. – do their worst to ride the tiger and divert it where they can, but they can’t control everything.  One little psy op they’ll use is try to erode support by persuading unwary supporters of the tide of democratic change that there’s no such thing, that all those millions upon millions of Arabs and now westerners are dancing to their enemy’s tune.  Operators like Michel Chossudovsky and Global Research Canada have a role in this, either as dupes or as participants (my conspiracy theory doesn’t run to figuring out which).  THERE’s a conspiracy theory, a lot more plausible I reckon than the one put up by Adrian Salbuchi.

Cheers, D


Hi D,
Thanks for articulating what is most likely a widely held perspective. I welcome this opportunity to respond to that perspective.
I suggest that you are over-estimating the power of mass protests, and failing to consider the role of mass media in selectively attributing power to mass protests. If the West-ruling cabal had wanted Mubarak to stay in power, their mass global media could have ignored the protests, or described the protests in unfavorable terms. Mubarak could then have called in the army, put a stop to the protests, and this could have been reported as ‘restoring order’. Instead the protests were dramatically and widely reported as a ‘mass uprising for democratic reform’, and we can be quite sure this was accompanied by diplomatic pressure on Mubarak to step down, along with covert communications with the Egyptian military to play an ‘appropriate’ role.
In Bahrain, a nation where the cabal does not currently want regime change, there were mass protests very much like the ones in Egypt, also calling for democratic reform, with at least as much legitimate cause. In this case the protests were only scantily reported, and as soon as they were suppressed, with the active assistance of the USA and it’s Saudi allies, Bahrain was then ignored by the media. It would have been very easy indeed to bring about regime change in Bahrain if that were desired.

In addition, I suggest you are not taking into account the pattern of regime-change operations that we saw with the ‘Colored Revolutions’ in the former Soviet block. In those cases the role of the CIA, and of Soros-connected NGOs, has been well documented, and the betrayal of the people by the new pro-western regimes has also been well documented. Recognition of these precedents is of central importance in any attempt to interpret subsequent regime changes. 

It is important to note, in these times of global economic collapse, that there is widespread and urgent desire for democratic and economic reform throughout most of the world. Legitimate uprisings can be expected and are occurring, in Greece, in the USA, in Egypt, and in many other places. In each case, reporting by the mass media reflects the political and geopolitical interests of the cabal, and similar events are reported in quite dissimilar ways. In Greece in particular, it would have been very easy to encourage the emergence of genuine democratic regime change, if that were desired. Instead we read about how the people of Greece need to recognize the ‘hard realities of their situation’, and a central-banker stooge was installed in order to enforce discipline. 
