Wash Post: promoting new political initiative


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
rkm websitehttp://cyberjournal.org

Permit me to explain my questionable choice of posting title, above. Clearly the Wash Post is not explicitly promoting the initiative, below. But notice how the article says the initiative “is likely to place a third presidential candidate on the ballot in every state next year”. And contrast this to how Ron Paul’s campaigns have been treated in the mainstream media. Not that I’m Ron Paul fan, but he has a great number of supporters, and the media mainly just ignores him. Whereas here we have a brand new initiative, with no evidence yet that the public is interested, and yet already the media is telling us that the initiative has a great chance of getting somewhere. 

Similarly, with all the candidates, the media tells us what their chances are, without any particular evidence. That is to say, ‘public opinion’ is whatever the media says it is. Thus we are led to expect certain outcomes – planned outcomes I would say. The article quotes the initiative’s leader:
“Voters are saddened by the inability of people in Washington to deal with the issues that are important to them,” said the group’s chief executive, Kahlil Byrd, a Republican strategist…

So we are to expect salvation from a Republican strategist?? The initiative is described this way:

Americans Elect — which was formed and is backed by Peter Ackerman, a wealthy private investor and philanthropist, along with Byrd — wants to take the nominating process out of the hands of a few primary voters and make it more open through the use of technology. Registered voters who sign up on the group’s Web site would directly nominate and select candidates online in the spring

Not only a Republican is to save us, but a ‘wealthy private investor’??!! And how? – with an online voting system. If we were somewhat worried about rigged voting machines, we can be really worried about how an online system can be manipulated. The issues and outcomes are whatever the system administrators declare them to be. In this way elite plans can be characterized as ‘the will of the people’. Need I warn you? – Beware of elites bearing gifts.


Moderate Americans Elect group hoping to add third candidate to 2012 election ballot

The restless political middle — emboldened by the recent inability of a special congressional committee to agree on a debt-reduction deal — is staking out a controversial plan to insert itself into the 2012 election.

A bipartisan group of political strategists and donors known as Americans Elect has raised $22 million and is likely to place a third presidential candidate on the ballot in every state next year. The goal is to provide an alternative to President Obama and the GOP nominee and break the tradition of a Democrat-vs.-Republican lineup.

The effort could represent a promising new chapter for political moderates, who see a wide-open middle in the political landscape as congressional gridlock and bitter partisan fights have driven down favorability ratingsfor both parties.

“Voters are saddened by the inability of people in Washington to deal with the issues that are important to them,” said the group’s chief executive, Kahlil Byrd, a Republican strategist who once worked for Massachusetts Gov. Deval L. Patrick (D).

Americans Elect has ballot slots in Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio and five other states, with certification pending in several others.

The group is relying on an ambitious plan to hold a political convention on the Internet that would treat registered voters like fans of “American Idol,” giving everyone a shot at picking a favorite candidate.

“We want to gather millions of people and allow them to run authentically through the process,” Byrd said, calling it a “wide-scale draft movement for presidential candidates.”

Unlike the Green Party, Americans Elect is not creating a separate party, but trying to change the political process in two ways. First, the group seeks to create a mixed-party ticket, requiring its presidential candidate to pick a running mate from a different party.

Second, Americans Elect — which was formed and is backed by Peter Ackerman, a wealthy private investor and philanthropist, along with Byrd — wants to take the nominating process out of the hands of a few primary voters and make it more open through the use of technology. Registered voters who sign up on the group’s Web site would directly nominate and select candidates online in the spring. A final nominee would be selected in June.

All of this has the potential to affect the 2012 election, said Nicco Mele, who lectures at Harvard University on technology and politics and helped build an online following for former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean.

Americans Elect’s online nomination process could be “potentially disruptive” to the presidential campaign, he said.

No candidates for the Americans Elect nomination have officially declared, but some prominent people are associated with the effort, including former New Jersey governor Christine Todd Whitman (R), who serves on the group’s board of directors.

New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s name has also been mentioned, probably because a leader in the effort to draft the independent into the 2008 presidential race is involved in Americans Elect.