Now 88 Dead Scientists and Microbiologists


Richard Moore

From: "Westaway" <•••@••.•••>
To: "Westaway" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Now 88 Dead Scientists and Microbiologists
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:35:08 -0700

Now 88 Dead Scientists
And Microbiologists
Compiled By Mark J. Harper
Updated June 16, 2005

While some of these deaths may be purely coincidental and seem
to pose no connection, many of these deaths are highly
suspicious and appear not to be random acts of violence. Many
are just plain murders.

If you see any incorrect dates or errors, please provide me
with accurate information, Thank you! Peace, Mark

Marconi Scientists Mystery

In the 1980,s over two dozen science graduates and experts
working for Marconi or Plessey Defence Systems died in
mysterious circumstances, most appearing to be 'suicides.' The
MOD denied these scientists had been involved in classified
Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way

Judge for yourself...

March 1982 - Professor Keith Bowden, 46

-- Expertise: Computer programmer and scientist at Essex
University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as an
expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft.

-- Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle
went out of control across a dual carriageway and plunged onto
a disused railway line. Police maintained he had been drinking
but family and friends all denied the allegation.

-- Coroner's verdict: Accident.

April 1983 - Lt. Colonel Anthony Godley, 49

-- Expertise: Head of the Work Study Unit at the Royal College
of Military Science.

-- Circumstance of Death: Disappeared mysteriously in April
1983 without explanation. Presumed dead.

March 1985 - Roger Hill, 49

-- Expertise: Radar designer and draughtsman with Marconi.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died by a shotgun blast at home.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

November 19, 1985 - Jonathan Wash, 29

-- Expertise: Digital communications expert who had worked at
GEC and at British Telecom,s secret research centre at
Martlesham Heath, Suffolk.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of falling from a
hotel room in Abidjan, West Africa, while working for British
Telecom. He had expressed fears that his life was in danger.

-- Coroner's verdict: Open.

August 4, 1986 - Vimal Dajibhai, 24

-- Expertise: Computer software engineer with Marconi,
responsible for testing computer control systems of Tigerfish
and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at
Croxley Green, Hertfordshire.

-- Circumstance of Death: Death by 74m (240ft.) fall from
Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. Police report on the body
mentioned a needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock,
but this was later dismissed as being a result of the fall.
Dajibhai had been looking forward to starting a new job in the
City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no
reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he
was in the last week of his work with Marconi.

-- Coroner's verdict: Open.

October 1986 - Arshad Sharif, 26

-- Expertise: Reported to have been working on systems for the
detection of submarines by satellite.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of placing a
ligature around his neck, tying the other end to a tree and
then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed
down. His unusual death was complicated by several issues:
Sharif lived near Vimal Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, he
committed suicide in Bristol and, inexplicably, had spent the
last night of his life in a rooming house. He had paid for his
accommodation in cash and was seen to have a bundle of
high-denomination banknotes in his possession. While the
police were told of the banknotes, no mention was made of them
at the inquest and they were never found. In addition, most of
the other guests at the rooming house worked at British
Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked
at British Aerospace on guided weapons technology.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

January 1987 - Richard Pugh, 37

-- Expertise: MOD computer consultant and digital
communications expert.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead in his flat in with his
feet bound and a plastic bag over his head. Rope was tied
around his body, coiling four times around his neck.

-- Coroner's verdict: Accident.

January 12, 1987: Dr. John Brittan, 52

-- Expertise: Scientist formerly engaged in top secret work at
the Royal College of Military Science at Shrivenham,
Oxfordshire, and later deployed in a research department at
the MOD.

-- Circumstance of Death: Death by carbon monoxide poisoning
in his own garage, shortly after returning from a trip to the
US in connection with his work.

-- Coroner's verdict: Accident.

February 1987 - David Skeels, 43

--Expertise: Engineer with Marconi.

--Circumstance of Death: Found dead in his car with a hosepipe
connected to the exhaust.

--Coroner's verdict: Open.

February 1987 - Victor Moore, 46

-- Expertise: Design Engineer with Marconi Space and Defence

-- Circumstance of Death: Died from an overdose.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

February 22, 1987 - Peter Peapell, 46

-- Expertise: Scientist at the Royal College of Military
Science. He had been working on testing titanium for its
resistance to explosives and the use of computer analysis of
signals from metals.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead allegedly from carbon
monoxide poisoning, in his Oxfordshire garage. The
circumstances of his death raised some elements of doubt. His
wife had found him on his back with his head parallel to the
rear car bumper and his mouth in line with the exhaust pipe,
with the car engine running. Police were apparently baffled as
to how he could have manoeuvred into the position in which he
was found.

-- Coroner's verdict: Open.

March 30, 1987 - David Sands, 37

--Expertise: Senior scientist working for Easams of Camberley,
Surrey, a sister company to Marconi. Dr. John Brittan had also
worked at Camberley.

--Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when he allegedly
made a sudden U-turn on a dual carriageway while on his way to
work, crashing at high speed into a disused cafeteria. He was
found still wearing his seat belt and it was discovered that
the car had been carrying additional petrol cans. None of the
'normal' reasons for a possible suicide could be found.

--Coroner's verdict: Open.

April 1987 - George Kountis (age unknown)

-- Expertise: Systems Analyst at Bristol Polytechnic.

-- Circumstance of Death: Drowned the same day as Shani Warren
(see below) - as the result of a car accident, his upturned
car being found in the River Mersey, Liverpool.

-- Coroner's verdict: Misadventure. (Kountis, sister called
for a fresh inquest as she thought 'things didn't add up.')

April 10, 1987 - Shani Warren, 26

-- Expertise: Personal assistant in a company called Micro
Scope, which was taken over by GEC Marconi less than four
weeks after her death.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found drowned in 45cm. (18in) of
water, not far from the site of David Greenhalgh's death fall.
Warren died exactly one week after the death of Stuart Gooding
and serious injury to Greenhalgh. She was found gagged with a
noose around her neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands
tied behind her back.

-- Coroner's verdict: Open. (It was said that Warren had
gagged herself, tied her feet with rope, then tied her hands
behind her back and hobbled to the lake on stiletto heels to
drown herself.)

April 10, 1987 - Stuart Gooding, 23

-- Expertise: Postgraduate research student at the Royal
College of Military Science.

-- Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash while on holiday in
Cyprus. The death occurred at the same time as college
personnel were carrying out exercises on Cyprus.

-- Coroner's verdict: Accident.

April 24, 1987 - Mark Wisner, 24

-- Expertise: Software engineer at the MOD.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead on in a house shared with
two colleagues. He was found with a plastic sack around his
head and several feet of cling film around his face. The
method of death was almost identical to that of Richard Pugh
some three months earlier.

-- Coroner's verdict: Accident.

May 3, 1987 - Michael Baker, 22

-- Expertise: Digital communications expert working on a
defence project at Plessey; part-time member of Signals Corps

-- Circumstance of Death: Fatal accident owhen his car crashed
through a barrier near Poole in Dorset.

-- Coroner's verdict: Misadventure.

June 1987 - Frank Jennings, 60

-- Expertise: Electronic Weapons Engineer with Plessey.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead from a heart attack.

-- No inquest.

January 1988 - Russell Smith, 23

-- Expertise: Laboratory technician with the Atomic Energy
Research Establishment at Harwell, Oxfordshire.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of a cliff fall at
Boscastle in Cornwall.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

March 25, 1988 - Trevor Knight, 52

-- Expertise: Computer engineer with Marconi Space and Defence
Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead at his home in Harpenden,
Hertfordshire at the wheel of his car with a hosepipe
connected to the exhaust. A St.Alban,s coroner said that
Knight,s woman friend, Miss Narmada Thanki (who also worked
with him at Marconi) had found three suicide notes left by him
which made clear his intentions. Miss Thanki had mentioned
that Knight disliked his work but she did not detect any
depression that would have driven him to suicide.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

August 1988 - Alistair Beckham, 50

-- Expertise: Software engineer with Plessey Defence Systems.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found dead after being electrocuted
in his garden shed with wires connected to his body.

-- Coroner's verdict: Open.

August 22, 1988 - Peter Ferry, 60

-- Expertise: Retired Army Brigadier and an Assistant
Marketing Director with Marconi.

-- Circumstance of Death: Found on 22nd or 23rd August 1988
electrocuted in his company with flat electrical leads in his

-- Coroner's verdict: Open

September 1988 - Andrew Hall, 33

-- Expertise: Engineering Manager with British Aerospace.

-- Circumstance of Death: Carbon monoxide poisoning in a car
with a hosepipe connected to the exhaust.

-- Coroner's verdict: Suicide.

Above list compiled by Raymond A. Robinson in 'The Alien
Intent' (A Dire Warning)
(Note: link above is dead)
.com/orgonegal/marconi-scientists.html (Thanks Joe C. for the
web archive link.)

1988 - Stanley Irving Sigal, 35

-- Expertise: Top AIDS researcher at Merck.

-- Circumstance of Death: In seat number 13B on Pan American
Flight that was shot down over Lockerbee Scotland.

Date? - Dr. C. Bruton

-- Expertise: He had just produced a paper on a new strain of
CJD. He was a CJD specialist who was killed before his work
was announced to the public.

-- Circumstance of Death: died in a car crash.

1994/95? - Dr. Jawad Al Aubaidi

-- Expertise: Veterinary mycoplasma and had worked with
various mycoplasmas in the 1980s at Plum Island.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was killed in his native Iraq
while he was changing a flat tire and hit by a truck. Source -
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD

1996 - Tsunao Saitoh, 46

-- Expertise: A leading Alzheimer's researcher

-- Circumstance of Death: He and his 13 year-old daughter were
killed in La Jolla, California, in what a Reuters report
described as a "very professionally done" shooting. He was
dead behind the wheel of the car, the side window had been
shot out, and the door was open. His daughter appeared to have
tried to run away and she was shot dead, also.

Dec 25, 1997 - Sidney Harshman, 67

-- Expertise: Professor of microbiology and immunology. "He
was the world's leading expert on staphylococcal alpha
toxins," according to Conrad Wagner, professor of biochemistry
at Vanderbilt and a close friend of Professor Harshman. "He
also deeply cared for other people and was always eager to
help his students and colleagues."

-- Circumstance of Death: Complications of diabetes

July 10, 1998 - Elizabeth A. Rich, MD, 46

-- Expertise: An associate professor with tenure in the
pulmonary division of the Department of Medicine at CWRU and
University Hospitals of Cleveland. She was also a member of
the executive committee for the Center for AIDS Research and
directed the biosafety level 3 facility, a specialized
laboratory for the handling of HIV, virulent TB bacteria, and
other infectious agents.

-- Circumstance of Death: Killed in a traffic accident while
visiting family in Tennessee

September 1998 - Jonathan Mann, 51

-- Expertise: Founding director of the World Health
Organisation's global Aids programme and founded Project SIDA
in Zaire, the most comprehensive Aids research effort in
Africa at the time, and in 1986 he joined the WHO to lead the
global response against Aids. He became director of WHO's
global programme on Aids which later became the UNAids
programme. He then became director of the Francois-Xavier
Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, which was set up
at Harvard School of Public Health in 1993. He caused
controversy earlier this year in the post when he accused the
US National Institutes of Health of violating human rights by
failing to act quickly on developing Aids vaccines.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died in the Swissair Flight 111
crash in Canada.

March 2000 - Larry C. Ford

-- Expertise: Served as a consultant to both the CIA and the
chemical and biological-weapons program of the South African
Defense Forces, headed by Wouter Basson. His contributions to
Basson's program included lectures on converting ordinary
items into lethal biological weapons. He provided samples of
virulent, designer strains of cholera, anthrax, botulism,
plague, and malaria, as well as a bacteria he claimed had been
mutated to be "pigment specific" for the white minority
government of South Africa.
.edwardhumes.c om/articles/medicine.shtml

-- Circumstance of Death: Died of a shotgun blast at his home
in Irvine, Orange County, California. His death was later
ruled a suicide.
<>http://www. /archive/000055.html

April 15, 2000 - Walter W. Shervington, MD, 62

-- Expertise: An extensive writer/ lecturer/ researcher about
mental health and AIDS in the African American community.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died of cancer at Tulane Medical

July 16, 2000 - Mike Thomas, 35

-- Expertise: A microbiologist at the Crestwood Medical Center
in Huntsville.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died a few days after examining a
sample taken from a 12-year-old girl who was diagnosed with
meningitis and survived.

December 25, 2000 - Linda Reese, 52

--Expertise: Microbiologist working with victims of

--Circumstance of Death: Died three days after she studied a
sample from Tricia Zailo, 19, a Fairfield, N.J., resident who
was a sophomore at Michigan State University. Tricia Zailo
died Dec. 18, a few days after she returned home for the

May 7 2001 - Professor Janusz Jeljaszewicz

-- Expertise: Expert in Staphylococci and Staphylococcal
Infections. His main scientific interests and achievements
were in the mechanism of action and biological properties of
staphylococcal toxins, and included the immunomodulatory
properties and experimental treatment of tumours by

November 2001 - Yaacov Matzner, 54

-- Expertise: Dean of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical
School in Jerusalem and chairman of the Israel Society of
Hematology and Blood Transfusions, was the son of Holocaust
survivors. One of the world's experts on blood diseases
including familiar Mediterranean fever (FMF), Matzner
conducted research that led to a genetic test for FMF. He was
working on cloning the gene connected to FMF and investigating
the normal physiological function of amyloid A, a protein
often found in high levels in people with blood cancer.

-- Circumstance of Death: Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram
Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when
their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short
of the landing field.

November 2001 - Professor Amiram Eldor, 59

-- Expertise: Head of the haematology institute, Tel Aviv's
Ichilov Hospital and worked for years at Hadassah-University
Hospital's haematology department but left for his native Tel
Aviv in 1993 to head the haematology institute at Ichilov
Hospital. He was an internationally known expert on blood
clotting especially in women who had repeated miscarriages and
was a member of a team that identified eight new anti-clotting
agents in the saliva of leeches.

-- Circumstance of Death: Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram
Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when
their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short
of the landing field.

November 6, 2001 - Jeffrey Paris Wall, 41

-- Expertise: He was a biomedical expert who held a medical
degree, and he also specialized in patent and intellectual

-- Circumstance of Death: Mr. Walls body was found sprawled
next to a three-story parking structure near his office. He
had studied at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Nov. 16, 2001 - Don C. Wiley, 57

-- Expertise: One of the foremost microbiologists in the
United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the
immune system responds to viral attacks such as the classic
doomsday plagues of HIV, ebola and influenza.

-- Circumstance of Death: Police found his rental car on a
bridge outside Memphis, Tenn. His body was found Dec. 20 in
the Mississippi River.

Nov. 21, 2001 - Vladimir Pasechnik, 64

-- Expertise: World-class microbiologist and high-profile
Russian defector; defected to the United Kingdom in 1989,
played a huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure
out how to modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of
mass biological destruction.

-- Background: founded Regma Biotechnologies company in
Britain, a laboratory at Porton Down, the country´s chem-bio
warfare defense establishment. Regma currently has a contract
with the U.S. Navy for "the diagnostic and therapeutic
treatment of anthrax".

-- Circumstance of Death: The pathologist who did the autopsy,
and who also happened to be associated with Britain´s spy
agency, concluded he died of a stroke. Details of the
postmortem were not revealed at an inquest, in which the press
was given no prior notice. Colleagues who had worked with
Pasechnik said he was in good health.

Dec. 10, 2001 - Robert M. Schwartz, 57

-- Expertise: Expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic
micro-organisms, founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology
Association, and the Executive Director of Research and
Development at Virginia´s Center for Innovative Technology in

-- Circumstance of Death: stabbed and slashed with what police
believe was a sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His
daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan high priestess,
and several of her fellow pagans have been charged.

Dec. 14, 2001 - Nguyen Van Set, 44

-- Expertise: animal diseases facility of the Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization had just come
to fame for discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which
could be modified to affect smallpox.

-- Circumstance of Death: died at work in Geelong, Australia,
in a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked storage lab
and died from exposure to nitrogen.

January 2002 - Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski.

-- Expertise: Two microbiologists. Both were well known around
the world and members of the Russian Academy of Science.

-- Circumstance of Death: Glebov died as the result of a
bandit attack and Brushlinski was killed in Moscow.

January 28, 2002 - David W. Barry, 58

-- Expertise: Scientist who codiscovered AZT, the antiviral
drug that is considered the first effective treatment for

-- Circumstance of Death: unknown

Feb. 9, 2002 - Victor Korshunov, 56

-- Expertise: Expert in intestinal bacteria of children around
the world

-- Circumstance of Death: bashed over the head near his home
in Moscow.

Feb. 14, 2002 - Ian Langford, 40

-- Expertise: expert in environmental risks and disease.

-- Circumstance of Death: found dead in his home near Norwich,
England, naked from the waist down and wedged under a chair.

Feb. 28, 2002 - Tanya Holzmayer, 46

- -Expertise: a Russian who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focused
on the part of the human molecular structure that could be
affected best by medicine.

-- Circumstance of Death: killed by fellow microbiologist
Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she
opened the door to a pizza delivery. Then he shot himself.

Feb. 28, 2002 - Guyang Huang, 38

-- Expertise: Microbiologist

-- Circumstance of Death: Apparently shot himself after
shooting fellow microbiologist, Tanya Holzmayer, seven times.

March 24, 2002 - David Wynn-Williams, 55

-- Expertise: Respected astrobiologist with the British
Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that
might survive in outer space.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died in a freak road accident near
his home in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he
was jogging.

March 25, 2002 - Steven Mostow, 63

-- Expertise: Known as "Dr. Flu" for his expertise in treating
influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism of the Colorado
Health Sciences Centre.

-- Circumstance of Death: died when the airplane he was
piloting crashed near Denver.

August 05, 2002 - David R. Knibbs, PhD, 49

-- Expertise: Director of Electron Microscopy at Hartford
Hospital and had a doctorate in pathobiology from the
University of Connecticut. He also served as an adjunct
faculty member at the University of Hartford.

-- Circumstance of Death: He collapsed and died after an
evening run (one of his joys in life).

Nov. 12, 2002 - Benito Que, 52

-- Expertise: Expert in infectious diseases and cellular
biology at the Miami Medical School

-- Circumstance of Death: Que left his laboratory after
receiving a telephone call. Shortly afterward he was found
comatose in the parking lot of the Miami Medical School. He
died without regaining consciousness. Police said he had
suffered a heart attack. His family insisted he had been in
perfect health and claimed four men attacked him. But, later,
oddly, the family inquest returned a verdict of death by
natural causes.

April 2003 - Carlo Urbani, 46

-- Expertise: A dedicated and internationally respected
Italian epidemiologist, who did work of enduring value
combating infectious illness around the world.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died in Bangkok from SARS (severe
acute respiratory syndrome) - the new disease that he had
helped to identify. Thanks to his prompt action, the epidemic
was contained in Vietnam. However, because of close daily
contact with SARS patients, he contracted the infection. On
March 11, he was admitted to a hospital in Bangkok and
isolated. Less than three weeks later he died.

June 24, 2003 - Dr. Leland Rickman of UCSD, 47

-- Expertise: An expert in infectious disease who helped the
county prepare to fight bioterrorism after Sept. 11.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was in the African nation of
Lesotho with Dr. Chris Mathews of UCSD, the director of the
university's Owen Clinic for AIDS patients. Dr. Rickman had
complained of a headache and had gone to lie down. When he
didn't appear for dinner, Mathews checked on him and found him
dead. A cause has not yet been determined.

July 18, 2003 - Dr. David Kelly, 59

-- Expertise: Biological warfare weapons specialist, senior
post at the Ministry of Defense, an expert on DNA sequencing
when he was head of microbiology at Porton Down and worked
with two American scientists, Benito Que, 52, and Don Wiley,

-- Helped Vladimir Pasechnik found Regma Biotechnologies,
which has a contract with the U.S. Navy for "the diagnostic
and therapeutic treatment of anthrax"

-- Circumstance of Death: He was found dead after seemingly
slashing his wrist in a wooded area near his home at
Southmoor, Oxfordshire.

Oct 11, 2003 - Michael Perich, 46

-- Expertise: LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the
West Nile virus. Perich worked with the East Baton Rouge
Parish Mosquito Control and Rodent Abatement District to
determine whether mosquitoes in the area carried West Nile.

-- Circumstance of Death: Walker Police Chief Elton Burns said
Sunday that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge,
crashed his Ford pickup truck about 4:30 a.m. Saturday, while
heading west on Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish. Perich's
truck veered right off the highway about 3 miles east of
Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns said. Perich,
who was wearing his seat belt, drowned. The cause of the crash
is under investigation, Burns said. "Mike is one of the few
entomologists with the experience to go out and save lives
today." ~ Robert A. Wirtz, chief of entomology at the federal
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

November 22, 2003 - Robert Leslie Burghoff, 45

-- Expertise: He was studying the virus that was plaguing
cruise ships until he was killed by a mysterious white van in
November of 2003

-- Circumstance of Death: Burghoff was walking on a sidewalk
along the 1600 block of South Braeswood when a white van
jumped the curb and hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thursday, police
said. The van then sped away. Burghoff died an hour later at
Memorial Hermann Hospital.

December 18, 2003 - Robert Aranosia, 61

-- Expertise: Oakland County deputy medical examiner

-- Circumstance of Death: He was driving south on I-75 when
his pickup truck went off the freeway near a bridge over the
Kawkawlin River. The vehicle rolled over several times before
landing in the median. Aranosia was thrown from the vehicle
and ended up on the shoulder of the northbound lanes.

January 6, 2004 - Dr Richard Stevens, 54

-- Expertise: A haematologist. (Haematologists analyse the
cellular composition of blood and blood producing tissues eg
bone marrow)

-- Circumstance of Death: Disappeared after arriving for work
on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a
national manhunt, killed himself because he could not cope
with the stress of a secret affair, a coroner has ruled.

January 23 2004 - Dr. Robert E. Shope, 74

-- Expertise: One of the world's top experts on viruses and
infectious illnesses who was the principal author of a highly
publicized 1992 report by the National Academy of Sciences
warning of the possible emergence of new and unsettling
infectious illnesses. He had accumulated his own collection of
virus samples gathered from all over the world and worked on a
Defense Department project to develop antidotes to viral
agents that terrorists might use.

-- Circumstance of Death: The cause was complications of a
lung transplant he received in December, said his daughter
Deborah Shope of Galveston. Dr. Shope had pulmonary fibrosis,
a disease of unknown origin that scars the lungs.

January 24 2004 - Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley, 62

-- Expertise: One of the world's leading microbiologists and
an expert in developing and overseeing multiple levels of
biocontainment facilities. He was at the forefront in the
early studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow
disease while at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta,

-- Circumstance of Death: Died of massive heart attack.
Coincidently, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the
lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland
Security. The lab would have to be secure to house some of the
deadliest pathogens of tropical and emerging infectious
disease as well as bioweaponized ones.

March 13, 2004 - Vadake Srinivasan

-- Expertise: Was one of the most-accomplished and respected
industrial biologists in academia, and held two doctorate

-- Circumstance of Death: He died in a mysterious single car
accident in Baton Rouge, La. Crashed car into a guard rail and
ruled a stroke.

April 12, 2004 - Ilsley Ingram, 84

-- Expertise: Director of the Supraregional Haemophilia
Reference Centre and the Supraregional Centre for the
Diagnosis of Bleeding Disorders at the St. Thomas Hospital in

-- Circumstance of Death: unknown

May 5, 2004 - William T. McGuire, 39

-- Expertise: NJ University Professor and Senior programmer
analyst and adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of
Technology in Newark.

-- Circumstance of Death: His dismembered body was found
floating in three suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.

May 14, 2004 - Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, 56

-- Expertise: Mallove was well respected for his knowledge of
cold fusion. He had just published an open letter outlining
the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field
of new energy research. Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only
a matter of months before the world would actually see a free
energy device.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died after being beaten to death
during an alleged robbery.

May 25, 2004 - Antonina Presnyakova

-- Expertise: Former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in
Siberia --Circumstance of Death: Died after accidentally
sticking herself with a needle laced with Ebola.

June 22, 2004 - Thomas Gold, 84

--Expertise: He was the founder, and for twenty years the
director, of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space
Research, where he was a close colleague of Planetary Society
co-founder Carl Sagan. Gold was famous for his provocative,
controversial, and sometimes outrageous theories. Gold,s
theory of the deep hot biosphere holds important ramifications
for the possibility of life on other planets, including
seemingly inhospitable planets within our own solar system.
Gold sparked controversy in 1955 when he suggested that the
Moon's surface is covered with a fine rock powder.

--Circumstance of Death: Died of heart failure.

June 24, 2004 - Dr. Assefa Tulu, 45

-- Expertise: Dr. Tulu joined the health department in 1997
and served for five years as the county's lone epidemiologist.
He was charged with tracking the health of the county,
including the spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and
measles. He also designed a system for detecting a
bioterrorism attack involving viruses or bacterial agents.
Tulu often coordinated efforts to address major health
concerns in Dallas County, such as the West Nile virus
outbreaks of the past few years, and worked with the media to
inform the public.

-- Circumstance of Death: Dallas County's chief
epidemiologist, was found at his desk, died of a stroke.

June 27, 2004 - Dr Paul Norman, Of Salisbury, Wiltshire, 52

-- Expertise: He was the chief scientist for chemical and
biological defence at the Ministry of Defence's laboratory at
Porton Down, Wiltshire. He travelled the world lecturing on
the subject of weapons of mass destruction.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died when the Cessna 206 crashed
shortly after taking off from Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday. A
father and daughter also died at the scene, and 44-year-old
parachute instructor and Royal Marine Major Mike Wills later
died in the hospital.

June 29, 2004 - John Mullen, 67

--Expertise: A nuclear research scientist with McDonnell

--Circumstance of Death: Died from a huge dose of poisonous
arsenic. (Note: McDonnell Douglas did not exist in 2004. It
merged with Boeing in 1997.)

July 1, 2004 - Edward Hoffman, 62

-- Expertise: Aside from his role as a professor, Hoffman held
leadership positions within the UCLA medical community. Worked
to develop the first human PET scanner in 1973 at Washington
University in St. Louis.

-- Circumstance of Death: unknown

July 2, 2004 - Larry Bustard, 53

-- Expertise: A Sandia scientist who helped develop a foam
spray to clean up congressional buildings and media sites
during the anthrax scare in 2001. Worked at Sandia National
Laboratories in Albuquerque. His team came up with a new
technology used against biological and chemical agents.

-- Circumstance of Death: unknown

July 6, 2004 - Stephen Tabet, 42

-- Expertise: An associate professor and epidemiologist at the
University of Washington. A world-renowned HIV doctor and
researcher who worked with HIV patients in a vaccine clinical
trial for the HIV Vaccine Trials Network.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died of an unknown illness

July 21, 2004 - Dr Bassem al-Mudares

-- Expertise: He was a phD chemist

-- Circumstance of Death: His mutilated body was found in the
city of Samarra, Iraq and had been tortured before being

July 21, 2004: Dr. John Badwey 54

-- Expertise: Scientist and accidental politician when he
opposed disposal of sewage waste program of exposing humans to
sludge. Biochemist at Harvard Medical School specializing in
infectious diseases.

-- Circumstance of Death: Suddenly developed pneumonia like
symptoms then died in two weeks.

August 12, 2004 - Professor John Clark

-- Expertise: Head of the science lab which created Dolly the
sheep. Prof Clark led the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, one
of the world,s leading animal biotechnology research centres.
He played a crucial role in creating the transgenic sheep that
earned the institute worldwide fame.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was found hanging in his holiday

September 5, 2004 - Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani

-- Expertise: Iraqi nuclear scientist. He was a practising
nuclear physicist since 1984.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south
of Baghdad.

October 13, 2004 - Matthew Allison, 32

-- Expertise: (please help provide information - thank you
MJH) Fatal explosion of a car parked at an Osceola County,
Fla., Wal-Mart store was no accident, Local 6 News has
learned. Found inside a burned car. Witnesses said the man
left the store at about 11 p.m. and entered his Ford Taurus
car when it exploded. Investigators said they found a
Duraflame log and propane canisters on the front passenger's

November 2, 2004 - John R. La Montagne

-- Expertise: Head of US Infectious Diseases unit under Tommie
Thompson. Was NIAID Deputy Director.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died while in Mexico, no cause

December 21, 2004 - Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher

-- Expertise - Iraqi nuclear scientist

-- Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead north of Baghdad by
unknown gunmen. He was on his way to work at Diyala University
when armed men opened fire on his car as it was crossing a
bridge in Baqouba, 57 km northeast of Baghdad. The vehicle
swerved off the bridge and fell into the Khrisan river.
Al-Daher, who was a professor at the local university, was
removed from the submerged car and rushed to Baqouba hospital
where he was pronounced dead.

December 29, 2004 - Tom Thorne and Beth Williams

-- Expertise: Two wild life scientists, Husband-and-wife
wildlife veterinarians who were nationally prominent experts
on chronic wasting disease and brucellosis

-- Circumstance of Death: They were killed in a snowy-weather
crash on U.S. 287 in northern Colorado.

January 7, 2005 - Jeong H. Im, 72

-- Expertise: A retired research assistant professor at the
University of Missouri-Columbia. Primarily a protein chemist.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was stabbed several times and his
body was found in the trunk of his burning white, 1995 Honda
inside the Maryland Avenue parking garage.

January 24, 2005 - Roger L. Blair, 54

-- Expertise: He worked for the Kennedy Space center as a
micro-biologist and most recently for Wuesthoff Medical Center
as a Medical Laboratory Technician.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly

April 5, 2005 - Barbara Kalow, 45

-- Expertise: A FEDERAL government veterinary scientist and
was a researcher before being hired by the feds in 1992 as a
meat inspector. She then moved to veterinary biologics and was
promoted to the science branch to advise on animal health

-- Circumstance of Death: She died of asphyxiation after being
smothered by a pillow in her hotel room while on vacation in

Aril 18, 2005 - Douglas Passaro, 43

-- Expertise: He was an associate professor of epidemiology at
the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health
and had been an outbreak investigator with the Epidemic
Intelligence Service for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention before completing an Infectious Diseases Fellowship
at Stanford University in 2001.

-- Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly at his Oak Park home.

May 8, 2005 - David Banks, 55

-- Expertise: He was the principal scientist with Biosecurity
Australia and was involved in containing pest and disease
threats. His primary mission was protecting livestock and
plants in the country, and keeping diseases from crossing into
Australia. He was an expert in the propagation of diseases by
insect vectors, among other things.

-- Circumstance of Death: He died along with 15 other people
when the commuter plane he was traveling in went down in
Queensland, Australia.

May 20, 2005 - Robert J. Lull, 64

-- Expertise: A prominent physician at San Francisco General
Hospital who once headed the San Francisco Medical Society.
Lull focused on improvements in diagnosis and treatment of
thyroid cancer. Lull was a highly revered expert in the field
of nuclear medicine, a specialty that performs diagnostic
screens such as bone scans for cancer patients. Last year,
Lull lectured in San Francisco about the threat of nuclear

-- Circumstance of Death: He was found stabbed to death inside
the doorway of his Diamond Heights home.

June 7, 2005 - Leonid Strachunsky (age unknown)

-- Expertise: World Health Organization expert and director of
the Anti-Microbe Therapy Research Institute who specialized in
creating microbes resistant to biological weapons, to the
hepatitis outbreak.

-- Circumstance of Death: He was found dead in his hotel room
in Moscow, where he came from Smolensk en route to the United
States. He had been hit on the head with a champagne bottle,
and some of his possessions were missing.


MOSSAD (Israels Secret Service) Liquidates 310 Iraqi Scientists

More than 310 Iraqi scientists are thought to have perished at
the hands of Israeli secret agents in Iraq since fall of
Baghdad to US troops in April 2003, a seminar has found.

The Iraqi ambassador in Cairo, Ahmad al-Iraqi, accused Israel
of sending to Iraq immediately after the US invasion 'a
commando unit' charged with the killing of Iraqi scientists.

"Israel has played a prominent role in liquidating Iraqi
scientists. The campaign is part of a Zionist plan to kill
Arab and Muslim scientists working in applied research which
Israel sees as threatening its interests," al-Iraqi said.

Thanks to Steve Quayle

Thanks to the HAL TURNER SHOW

Thanks to Patricia Doyle and to all of those who sent numerous
emails to help correct this file and a special thanks to the
members of my forum who inspired me to compile it all.

Research file: Started Nov 28 2003


Mark J. Harper
June 16, 2005

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