LA 911 Conference: report from attendee


Richard Moore

From: Nila Sagadevan <•••@••.•••>
To: 911 Research
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Wow, what a show!

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

I attended the 9/11 Conference in LA last weekend ‹ a huge success, with over 
1200 attendees from as far field as Japan, Great Britain and Australia. Aside 
from numerous high-profile speakers, there were Media organizations from Great 
Britain and Australia as well as representatives from over 100 alternative press

C-SPAN, who were also present, recorded a superb one-and-a-half-hour panel 
discussion, which will be broadcast tomorrow (Wed) evening in the US. Please 
check your local listings.

BYU physics professor Steven Jones' authoritative lecture on the use of 
incendiary devices in the demolition of the trade towers and building 7 went 
further than ever before in its conclusive tone on the issue. Prof. Jones has 
now tested steel samples from two different sites that both clearly show the use
of thermate as a tool of implosion, and the analysis has been verified by two 
other universities.

Lt. Col. Robert M. Bowman, the former head of the Star Wars weapons defense 
system and PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech, also gave a
powerful presentation on the NORAD 9/11 stand down which was extremely well 
received. Others who impressed greatly included James Fetzer, Distinguished 
McKnight University Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, a 
former Marine Corps officer, author/editor of more than 20 books, and co-chair 
(along with Prof. Steven Jones) of Scholars For 9/11 Truth.

Also on stage were Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas, producers (along with Korey 
Rowe, who wasn't present) of the 9/11 blockbuster video, "Loose Change 2".  This
movie on the 9/11 fraud has broken all records and is widely considered the most
downloaded movie in history with over 5 million downloads worldwide. Dylan and 
Jason, two wonderfully amiable and inexhaustibly energetic young gentlemen who 
were busy recording interviews for three straight days, announced that Loose 
Change 3, which promises to be the definitive account of the 9/11 cover-up, will
be out in movie theaters before 9/11/06 (yes, in theaters).

William Rodriguez, the White House-decorated 9/11 hero who was a janitor at the 
WTC for some 20 years delivered an emotional speech that detailed his 
single-handed rescues of victims of bombs in the basements that were triggered 
seconds before the aircraft struck the North tower.  It was one of many speeches
over the weekend that drew thunderous standing ovations.

One of the highlights of the event was a personal appearance and speech by 
Hollywood star and 9/11 truth crusader Charlie Sheen.

Conspicuous absentees due to personal reasons (and who were sorely missed) 
included "Scholars" members David Ray Griffin, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy 
of Religion & Theology, Claremont Graduate University (and Author/editor of some
30 books, including "The New Pearl Harbor" and "The 9/11 Commission Report: 
Omissions and Distortions"), and Morgan Reynolds, Texas A & M Professor Emeritus
of Economics, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor for President 
George W. Bush, and former Director of the Criminal Justice Center at the 
National Center for Policy Analysis.

The overall sentiment after the conclusion of the conference was that it was the
most powerful, informative and progressive 9/11 symposium to date.

Kudos to Alex Jones of <> for having orchestrated
this unqualified success. The conference was a declaration of independence and a
warning to the watching media that major western governments are planning more 
acts of false flag terrorism in order to justify new wars and geopolitical 
domination of the globe as well as a domestic police state.

Reflecting a positive trend embraced by an earlier New York Times article, a 
Reuters report on the conference mainly sticks to the facts and avoids the 
scoffing, sneering tone of similar reports about 9/11 events we have seen over 
the last few years. The Reuters article has mainly been picked up by foreign 
news outlets. From previous experience it's generally known that newswire 
gatekeepers, ostensibly operating out of London, selectively sideline sensitive 
stories and order them not to receive substantive nationwide attention.

Publications such as Turkey's Zaman Online, South Africa's Independent Online, 
Qatar's Gulf News as well as Al Jazeera and Iran's Tehran Times all carried 
different versions of the original Reuters piece. The Washington Post was one of
the very few US newspapers to pick up the Reuters story (below).

Kind regards,


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