Jerry Mazza : Abiotic oil


Richard Moore

    This Bakersfield facility, like others in California, runs
    along the San Andreas fault line, which abounds along its
    route through the state with rich crude oil and natural gas
    fields, products of seepage from the earth's mantle, from the
    tectonic plates,...

Jerry cites David McGowan (see today's companion posting) as
the source of much of his analysis, and goes on to talk in
more detail about abiotic oil - in line with our Oct 5
posting, " Joe Vial: Russians overcome peak oil (?)".
(Should be "Vialls")

Thanks to Lynette "cheekymomma" for sending in this article.

I'd still like to see some really solid documentation of Russia's
successes with deep oil, and some kind of authoritative source
on abiotic oil in particular.



Oil Is NOT A Fossil 
Fuel - It Is Abiotic 
By Jerry Mazza 
Online Journal Contributing Writer 

It seems so easy to believe this idea. Oil contributes greatly
to polluting the environment. The industrial age has
intensified its use greatly. The more we use, the more we lose
fresh air, even the ozone. And therefore it seems almost
divine justice that we are about to exhaust this so-called
"fossil fuel" within several decades and two hundred years,
this cursed blessed hydrocarbon which took millions of years
to produce.

And, therefore, it almost seems we get what we deserve: a
petro-powered society in which once the oil supposedly runs
out we will suffer mass annihilations of population, famine,
war, total deceleration, a withdrawal into the caves. And,
therefore, we should have our prophet From the,
Michael Ruppert, predict this on an ongoing basis. And his
biblical tome, Crossing the Rubicon shall subhead the big
idea: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age
of Oil. Well, no, not so, kimosabe, not by a long shot.

To begin with, oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a theory put
forth by 18th century scientists. Within 50 years, Germany and
France's scientists had attacked the theory of petroleum's
biological roots. In fact, oil is abiotic, not the product of
long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for
worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and
natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of
earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all
about it.

In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian
scientists, cut off from the Western World's oil supply,
applied their keen minds to the problem and, by the 1960s, had
thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is
it any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading
producers and exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War
forced Russia to dig deeper, literally, to find oil deeper in
the earth in some places, and to look in other places where no
one had thought to look to reveal more. This while America
feels incumbent upon itself, since it claims oil production
and discovery has peaked and will fade to nothing in several
decades, that America's feels it must make war to take other
people's oil: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the Caspian Basin,
Sudan, etcetera.

And to others who have oil, it must either rattle its saber,
as with Venezuela, threaten to kill its president who will not
buckle and sell all his oil to America. And with the Saudis we
will protect them from their own terrorists and any Saddam
that comes along. And we will get in bed with them so long as
we can have the lion's share of their oil, and the say-so as
to who gets the rest. And therein lays the evil genius, secret
and sham of the 'Peak Oil' put on.

If oil, as coal, and natural gas, restores itself by nature,
if we will more likely run into it then out of it, how do we
continue to make money on it? Certainly not by giving oil away
at some reasonable price. After World War II, oil was about 25
cents a gallon at the pump. Even given the spiraling inflation
since then-last week I paid $3.50 a gallon for it in New York
City, 14 times that price. A week after the summer holiday
season ended (the peak usage season), oil is down to $3 a
gallon. I doubt if I'm the only one who notices oil's price
shoot up every summer, then slither down a bit after, and then
climb up in the middle of the winter when the heating bills
waft in, and old and poor people who can't afford the hikes
begin to freeze and die in their own homes.

Someone is shilling for the American petro-brokers, because
'Peak Oil' is a wonderful concept to use to go out and war for
"the control" of oil resources. So that a barrel of crude can
suddenly jump from $20 to $70 to $100 a barrel, or to two,
three or four hundred dollars a barrel, therefore providing
exponentially expanding profits for oil companies and oil
suppliers who relish the idea of having an "inelastic demand"
for their gasoline. 'Peak Oil,' as writer Dave McGowan points
out in his priceless Newsletters, which you can find at, 'Peak Oil' will even drive oil companies
like Shell, to attempt to shut down an incredibly profitable
facility, like the one it owns in Bakersfield, California,.

This Bakersfield facility, like others in California, runs
along the San Andreas fault line, which abounds along its
route through the state with rich crude oil and natural gas
fields, products of seepage from the earth's mantle, from the
tectonic plates, as Dave would say, 'passing gas' and rumbling
as they move. In fact, oil and the family of hydrocarbons are
often found at volcanoes and fault lines, as they are in
deserts, watery gulfs, and sea basins. Let's demystify it all.

The real reason a company like Shell Oil would close a
facility like Bakersfield-to bulldoze it, stop it-is to halt
the production, refining, and supply to drive up the price of
oil. It's that goddamn simple and ugly. And we're doing the
same thing today in Iraq, bulldozing a country, to control and
reduce its oil supply. Never mind supplying a botched
democracy that we can't even supply for ourselves in America.

Concurrently, we are also bringing apocalypse to its
population, thinning it with more than 100,000 dead, tearing
its infrastructure apart, water, sewage, power, media,
hospitals, name it. We are decentralizing Iraq's cities,
driving people out of them or out of the country, or bombing
them back to the Stone Age as our generals are so found of
saying. And Iraq, like Afghanistan, is the paradigm of the
future, of how we will engulf and devour countries, cities,
even our own, like New Orleans for instance, whose Gulf is a
rich source of oil, and through whose ports pass a large
percentage of our nation's supply.

The U.S. political henchmen are thinning the Iraq population
to fatten the profits of the oil barons like David
Rockefeller. In McGowan's own inimical words, from page three
of another Newsletter:

jail for selling fraudulently priced items as well as cheating
on generations of their corporate taxes (due to tax write off
'depletion allowances,' which they knew were lies. This
abiotic oil story is perhaps the largest underground ((no pun
intended)) scam story of the past 200 years: an ongoing
corporate success of pricing abiotic renewable oil to act out
an artificial scarcity, combined with all the related
ideologies required to sell that motif of artificial scarcity,
and all the millions they have made and still make on the
fraud, and all the tax dollars they have, stolen, etc."

In this concept of 'Peak Oil' you have the system's secret to
hold the world hostage. Not that we shouldn't take care to not
overuse oil, not that we should avoid conservation, or even to
stop poking the planet, and actually seek purely organic ways
in which to live. But now, now that we are here, and have
billions of people to sustain, we must not let vast numbers of
them be harmed, murdered, abused, because of feigned
shortages, economies overturned by outrageous prices, everyday
working people be bankrupted by same, to get to work, to warm
their homes, to cook their families' food, to participate in
an organized society. We must not make the beasts, the
Bilderbergers, the elites, the oligarchs use the 'Peak Oil'
lever to bend the backs of the world on its wrack.

Believing in 'Peak Oil' is not a price to pay to avoid the
price of drilling for oil in new ways, for setting fair and
unwavering commodity prices. The cost of blood and lives and
the future of nations are too much to pay for the folly of
'Peak Oil.' In fact, realizing that oil is a self-renewing
resource puts the neocon agenda into a new perspective.
Instead of seeing 'Peak Oil' as the end days of technological
civilization literally losing its power, see this idea as the
further manipulation towards fascist power and subjugation
that it is: still another way to scare the world into
believing its resources are terminally finite, and that we
must be led into another and another war that must be waged to

If we do not accept the lie, the manipulation of 'Peak Oil,"
it is not to say we can't devise new systems to bring life and
the world forward. It is only to put the petroleum barons on
notice. It then gives us a chance to bring people together, to
tear away the false scarcity, to share resources, to
experience peace, to alleviate poverty with the abundance of
renewable hydrocarbon resources, as with the abundance of the
human imagination. Or else we end up with another Ruppert
rubric, Sizing Up the Competition - Is China the Endgame?,
another piece of priceless paranoia to peddle for perdition,
another dark ops for a bright new generation of believers.
More war, endless war it is, to enrich the already rich, to
impoverish the already poor.

Do not let this happen, even in the short run. As reported by
the Energy Information Administration, International Energy

"Before hurricane Katrina reached the shores of the Gulf of
Mexico, most oil companies had taken the precautionary measure
of evacuating their 30,000 offshore employees and shuttering
their platforms and oil rigs. Therefore, it was not a surprise
that on Aug. 30, some 95% of the Gulf's production of 1.5
million barrels of oil per day was 'shut.' By Sept. 6, that
figure had dropped to 58%, with close to half of the oil
production capacity having been restored.

"On Sept. 2, the 26-nation International Energy Agency agreed
to make Available to the U.S., 2 million barrels of oil per
day, half petroleum and half gasoline. In other words, when
the gasoline shipments start arriving from Europe in the next
week or so, along with the 1 million barrels per day from the
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which are being released
under IEA guidelines, the U.S. will be swimming in oil."

And then there's this from the LaRouche Executive Intelligence
Report News Service: "When Sen. Byron Dorgan (ND-N.D.)
introduced his Windfall Profits Act on Sept. 7, he estimated
that the major oil companies were stealing $7 billion more per
month in profits than they had been 18 months ago. There is no
shortage of oil." Again from EIRNS:

THROUGH $70 PER BARREL. Key to this is that the oil cartel
controls all the critical facets of the industry, as a single
integrated system: (1) in the U.S., the oil production system
(aside from the imports); (2) the oil refinery network; (3)
the oil distribution network; and (4) international, the oil
derivatives market. It extracts a margin of $40 per barrel of
petroleum in pure theft to try to bail out the bankrupt world
financial-monetary system."

From the Observer, 9/11/05: THE OBSERVER OF LONDON DESCRIBED
has risen 10% since Katrina on expectation of "Iraq-style"
contracts-no-bid, cost-plus bonanzas. The Observer notes that
Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who leads the fight against the
massive corruption by Halliburtn and other Bush/Cheney cronies
in Iraq, is 'keeping a very close eye' on the contracts now
being put together for Katrina reconstruction.

The Observer also notes that Joe Allbaugh, Bush's first FEMA
chief and now a lobbyist in D.C., with Halliburton's KBR as a
client, is known as the "Karl Rove" of contracting."

And on and on it goes. And thanks to men of good will like
Dave McGowan, Lyndon LaRouche, geologist Thomas J. Brown, and
many others, for their knowledge, their courage, and their
guiding light. Let us follow wherever it shines, far from the
"Peak Oil' precipice to a level playing field for humanity. We
have nothing to lose but our shortages.

Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer residing in New York. Reach
him at •••@••.•••.

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necessarily reflect those of Online Journal.
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