Homeland Security cases Mall before Massacre


Richard Moore


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Ministry of Homeland Security Visited Omaha Mall Before Massacre

Kurt Nimmo
December 8, 2007

It was a coincidence, no doubt. Not only did Bush visit Omaha prior 
to the massacre, but so did the Ministry of Homeland Security.

"We learned today that shortly before the shooting a Homeland 
Security employee visited the West Roads Mall to talk with officials 
about the mall's security," reports Charles Gibson for ABC News (see 
video). "Airports and sports arenas have tightened security 
considerably since 9/11, but malls have been reluctant to do so."

"It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in 
operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11," 
write Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones. "This meant that NORAD radar 
screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. 
NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and 
therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed."

These exercises included Operation Northern Vigilance, the biowarfare 
exercise Tripod, Operation Vigilant Guardian, Operation Northern 
Guardian, and Operation Vigilant Warrior. Of course, such exercises, 
including simulated airliner hijackings and flying planes into the 
twin towers.

As Alex Jones reported in May, 2004, FEMA had arrived in New York on 
September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the 
auspices of a "biowarfare exercise" (Tripod) scheduled for September 
12, a fact revealed to Dan Rather by Tom Kenney of FEMA's National 
Urban Search and Rescue Team.

For some odd reason, a Google News search does not return a repeat of 
the ABC News admission that a Ministry employee was at the mall the 
same day as the massacre.

However, comrade Chertoff, in remarks after the event, admitted that 
the Ministry had an employee at the West Roads Mall prior to the 
incident, although the corporate media did not find this worthy of 

"We also have our protective security advisors who go and visit 
various facilities. We actually had one, by coincidence, at the mall 
in question at the time of the incident, discussing reaction to IEDs 
and what you can do to prevent or reduce your vulnerability to IEDs. 
We had, again, given over $45,000 to this particular mall as part of 
a Buffer Zone Protection Plan, which resulted in allowing them to 
build entrance bollards, portable barriers, and communication 

In other words, the Ministry sent a message in spades: malls, not 
unlike airports, are to become Gestapo zones. Prior to the shooting, 
the FBI prepared the ground by issuing a spurious warning about 
al-Qaeda, the documented CIA intelligence asset, striking malls in 
Los Angeles and Chicago.

"It's not a reflection that there's some specific imminent threat," 
Chertoff continued. "And of course, the story out of Omaha is not a 
terrorism-related story. It's similar to the tragedy we saw in 
Virginia Tech. We do live in an open society and there are people who 
are mentally disturbed who will sometimes take violent action. 
Obviously, the malls are almost all owned by private parties, so a 
lot of the responsibility for security lies with the private 
companies that own and operate the malls, and of course local 
government and local police play a major role as well."

If Chertoff and the Ministry have their way, however, our "open 
society" will become decidedly less so as cops - and even firemen and 
paramedics - are trained to recognize those who harbor "discontent" 
for the state, training "developed by the International Council of 
Shopping Centers, a trade group, and the Homeland Security Policy 
Institute at George Washington University at a cost of $2 million. It 
is the first standardized anti-terrorism curriculum written for the 
nation's estimated 20,000 mall security guards," as the Washington 
Post reported back in January.

In New York, they are ahead of the curve, according to the National 
Terror Alert website.

"New York law enforcement officers have implemented a model program 
that enlists" John and Jane Doe "in watching for possible terrorist 
activity during the busy holiday shopping season." It is called 
"Operation Safeguard," a coordinated effort "meant to thwart a 
potential terrorist attack through a public education campaign, as 
well as create an unannounced presence at local malls and the roads 
that feed them during the busiest shopping season of the year."

In other words, heavily militarized cops will scare the dickens out 
of shoppers, same as New York's Intelligence Division is "in the 
business of scaring people," as Popular Mechanics recently reported.

It is all about getting us accustomed to a heavy-handed police state, 
here to protect us, of course, so along as we do not demonstrate 
"discontent" or complain about its Gestapo tactics.

A few more mall incidents by deranged teenagers cranked up on pharm 
drugs - and maybe even a well-placed terrorist event - and the 
American people will be begging for surprise SWAT raids at the local 
mall and Ministry trained rentacops hallucinating Osama behind every 
concourse potted plant.

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