Fwd: 100+ articles on Militarisation of Aid to Haiti


Richard Moore

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From: “S.McDowall”
Date: 4 February 2010 14:51:18 GMT
To: <“Undisclosed-Recipient:;”@invalid.domain>
Subject: 100+ articles on Militarisation of Aid to Haiti

From VG
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:46 PM
Subject: 100+ articles on Militarisation of Aid to Haiti

100+ articles on Militarisation of Aid to Haiti
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:40 PM


Here is a list of more than 100 web links to articles on the hyper-militarisation of development assistance to Haiti. 
I hope this compilation of links will serve as a useful resource for activists, researchers and anyone else concerned about the latest military invasion of Haiti, the pretexts used for that invasion and the real reasons behind it.

The list, called “InvAID: The Militarisation of Aid to Haiti,” can be found here: 

Each item on the list includes, author, article title, original source, date, URL, and a short excerpt to give a flavour of what the article has to offer. 

Your help in posting this resource to websites, blogs, or circulating  this note to appropriate email lists would be appreciated.  

Richard Sanders
Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

P.S. I’ll continue to update and improve this list. Any corrections, critiques, or suggestions for additional articles,  would be most welcome.