---------- From: "dnordin" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Fw: [NN] Legislation pending to criminalize all American environmental activism Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 18:38:33 -0700 ---------- From: OBF Research <•••@••.•••> To: * * OBF Research (* * OBF Research) <•••@••.•••> Subject: [NN] Legislation pending to criminalize all American environmental activism Date: Friday, May 09, 2003 1:53 PM ===== A message from the nanoosenet mailing list ===== - From the It-Can't-Happen-Here--Or-Can-It? department: A powerful conservative lobbying group/think tank (American Legislative Exchange Council) is actively promoting model state legislation that would criminalize virtually all environmental activism. There are currently bills pending in Texas, Pennsylvania, Maine, and New York, and it may soon appear in at least Mississippi, Wisconsin, and Washington. Here's what the State Environmental Resource Center had to say about the Texas HB 433: " This legislation makes protesting environmental issues a criminal activity, and increases penalties for animal rights or environmental organizations participating in activities 'with an intent to influence a governmental entity or the public to take a specific political action.' " " Another key concern includes the definition of 'animal rights or ecological terrorist organization' as 'two or more persons organized for the purpose of supporting any politically motivated activity intended to obstruct or deter any person from participating in an activity involving animals or an activity involving natural resources.' " " Such vague language could encompass all environmental advocacy activity from signing petitions and peaceful protests and demonstrations to environmental organizations working to protect natural resources and environmental quality across the country. " " Furthermore, this bill would also create specific penalties for those who donate money to environmental organizations involved with political and social protests, demonstrations, and debates, as stated in the bill language: 'A person commits an offense if the person knowingly provides financial support, resources, or other assistance to an animal rights or ecological terrorism organization for the purpose of assisting the organization.' " For more information, see: <http://www.tompaine.com/feature.cfm/ID/7748> <http://www.serconline.org/watchdog/watchdog2003/watchdog29.html> This is an unprecedented direct assault on our rights to free speech and free association, and it's received virtually no coverage in the mainstream media (yet). While it's hard to imagine a bill like this passing, ALEC is a powerful, well-funded conservative think thank with a long history of influencing state legislative policy. We encourage everyone who cares about political freedom to follow this issue more closely, and to work with the media to shine the light on this ugly trend. -- ============================================================================ For the movement, the relevant question is not, "Can we work through the political system?", but rather, "Is the political system one of the things that needs to be fundamentally transformed?" cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog 'Truthout' excellent news source: http://www.truthout.org subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================================