Delta Force founder: “no real threat to the U.S. in the world”


Richard Moore


Another Prominent Military Figure Denounces NeoCons, Iraq,
War on Terror

Delta Force founder joins ranks who say there is no real
threat to the US and war is based on lies

Steve Watson / Infowars | March 27 2006

Retired Command Sergeant Major Eric Haney, founding member
of the military's elite covert counter-terrorist unit, Delta
force, has stated publicly for the record that he sees the
war in Iraq as an "Utter debacle" based on intentions by the
Bush administration that were "not what they stated" and
that "there is no real threat to the U.S. in the world".

Haney made the comments in an exclusive interview with David
Kronke for the LA Daily News published yesterday.

After Haney retired from the military his book "Inside Delta
Force" became the basis for the hit CBS drama "The Unit,"
where he now assumes technical adviser and executive
producer duties.

When questioned on Iraq Haney responded with the following:

     Utter debacle. But it had to be from the very first. The
     reasons were wrong. The reasons of this administration for
     taking this nation to war were not what they stated. (Army
     Gen.) Tommy Franks was brow-beaten and ... pursued warfare
     that he knew strategically was wrong in the long term.
     That's why he retired immediately afterward. His own staff
     could tell him what was going to happen afterward.

     We have fomented civil war in Iraq. We have probably
     fomented internecine war in the Muslim world between the
     Shias and the Sunnis, and I think Bush may well have started
     the third world war, all for their own personal policies.

We'd better take it seriously when the founder member of one
of the most elite military forces in the world says Bush has
fomented a third world war for personal gain.

Haney also described the climate of fear and repression that
the NeoCons have brought down upon America and its people,
and the rapid shift into authoritarian governance after

     For the first thing, our credibility is utterly zero. So we
     destroyed whatever credibility we had. ... And I say "we,"
     because the American public went along with this. They voted
     for a second Bush administration out of fear, so fear is
     what they're going to have from now on... this
     administration has worked overtime to divert the American
     public's attention from [Iraq]. Their lies are coming home
     to roost now, and it's gonna fall apart.

On the subject of torture Haney denounced the policies put
in place by the NeoCons, and purposefully singled out Dick
Cheney as the driving force behind torture. Haney suggested
that the only reason torture has become policy is because
Cheney LIKES it:

     That's Cheney's pursuit. The only reason anyone tortures is
     because they like to do it. It's about vengeance, it's about
     revenge, or it's about cover-up. You don't gain intelligence
     that way. Everyone in the world knows that. It's worse than
     small-minded, and look what it does. I've argued this on
     Bill O'Reilly and other Fox News shows. I ask, who would you
     want to pay to be a torturer? Do you want someone that the
     American public pays to torture? He's an employee of yours.
     It's worse than ridiculous. It's criminal; it's utterly

     We have exhaustively documented the sick twisted logic
     behind the policy of torture and how it is being used not as
     a way to gather intelligence but purely as a fear based
     psyop, a mass conditioning technique to goad the American
     public into conformity and acceptance of their criminal
     government's actions. Haney's comments suggest exactly this.

     Anyone who does not go along with the policy of torture is
     promptly removed from their positions and replaced, as was
     Brig. Gen. Rick Baccus, who refused to go along with the
     outright torture at Guantanamo Bay, and often stood in the
     way of tougher interrogation techniques before being

Baccus is another prominent military figure who has since
spoken out against such policies, stating that "Those people
are the ones who need to be publicly charged. I don't know
how high it needs to go."

Another military figure who has denounced the NeoCons is the
former General at Abu Ghraib, Janis Karpinski, who says she
was deliberately kept out of the loop and scapegoated in the
torture scandal in order to protect higher ups.

Back to Eric Haney, who even went as far as saying that
although the US armed forces are now completely consumed,
there is no real threat to America. Once again another
credible figure who has previous high ranking connections
inside the Pentagon and with the administration is touting
the fact that the perceived threat to the US post 9/11is a
complete fraud:

     Our military is completely consumed, so were there a real
     threat - thankfully, there is no real threat to the U.S. in
     the world, but were there one, we couldn't confront it.
     Right now, that may not be a bad thing, because that keeps
     Bush from trying something with Iran or with Venezuela.

Haney's comments tie in with revelations from earlier this
month when a Zogby poll indicated that 72% of troops in Iraq
want out. It seems that the vast majority of US and British
forces are now against the war.

We have seen senior officers quitting in disgust at the lack
of government respect and protection for their men, RAF
officers facing jail time for refusing to engage in
"illegal" actions, and SAS professionals walking away
denouncing the war as illegal and the actions of US troops
as "sub-human".

The London Independent last week reported that the number of
British soldiers going AWOL has trebled since the invasion
of Iraq.

What more will it take for this madness to end? The people
are against the war, the troops are against the war, senior
military officials are against the war.

Haney's closing comments reiterate the shift in majority
opinion and the awakening of many to the truth of the
Neoconservative criminality that we have been relentlessly
subjected to in recent years:

     ... ultimately I believe in the good and the decency of the
     American people, and they're starting to see what's
     happening and the lies that have been told. We're seeing
     this current house of cards start to flutter away. The
     American people come around. They always do.

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