Original source URL: http://pesn.com/2007/12/05/9500463_self-powered_battery_inventor_dead/ Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport? Official statement cites "natural causes" but others familiar with the disruptive potential of the inventor's technology to the existing power structure consider it a probable assassination. by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Copyright © 2007 On Nov. 11, inventor of a revolutionary, affordable, clean energy technology, Arie M. DeGeus of AMDG Scientific Corp was found slumped in his car, totally unresponsive, in the long-term parking lot of the Charlotte Douglass International Airport in North Carolina. He was taken to the hospital and died a short time later. The autopsy suggested heart failure, so officials were saying the death was a result of a medical problem or natural causes, and not likely to be a homicide. (Ref.; ref.) Those who were involved with his research are doubtful, citing, among other things, that he had been in relatively good health. The timing is also suspicious. He was apparently on his way to Europe where he was to secure major funding for the development and commercialization of his technology, which could make oil obsolete as a fuel source. Charlotte Macklenburg Police detective, M. Conner, said that it would be a while yet before the toxicology report comes in on this case. Tom Bearden, a well-known figure in the cutting-edge, clean energy technology industry, wrote a lengthy report on the inventor, his death, and his technology. He said: "DeGeus was the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of ³self-powering battery². Bearden also speculates about the cause of death, citing a technology that shoots an electromagnetic beam that destroys the body's control of its heartbeat. He said there are two basic sizes of the Venus ECCM technique. One has a range of around thirty feet, and the other, about the size of a bazooka, has an effective range of around 200 feet. Bearden claims to have been hit with such a device along with his colleague Ken Moore while at a restaurant several years ago. They felt the fibrillation and saw the would-be assassin about 20 feet away, with his suit coat pulled back, exposing a book-sized shooter. Fortunately, they were near an emergency exit and were able to get away before a lethal dose was received. DeGeus had been in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, demonstrating the technology to some people who were also seeking to raise money for its advancement. That group said that DeGeus was not the only person who knew how the technology works, and they hope to see it go ahead even though DeGeus is no longer around. The above information has been brought to the attention of the Charlotte media and police. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?lists=newslog Escaping the Matrix website: http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website: http://cyberjournal.org How We the People can change the world: http://governourselves.blogspot.com/ Community Democracy Framework: http://cyberjournal.org/DemocracyFramework.html Moderator: •••@••.••• (comments welcome)