* The emergence of the Anglo-American alliance London's banking elite accomplished much by its World War I project. Germany was eliminated as a major competitor, and Britain gained a dominant position in the Middle East, making her strategy of oil-based dominance viable. But London had paid a high price for these gains: Britain, along with the rest of Europe, ended up in deep debt to the House of Morgan, and America rather than Germany had become Britain's chief rival for global supremacy - in both oil and finance. There followed a relatively brief period of fraternal rivalry between America and Britain. The ink on the Versailles treat had barely dried when the powerful American oil interests of the Rockefeller Standard Oil company realized they had been skillfully cut out of the spoils of war by their British alliance partners. The newly carved Middle East boundaries, as well as the markets of postwar Europe, were dominated by British government interests through Britain's covert ownership of Royal Dutch Shell and the AngloPersian Oil Company (Engdahl, 58). Britain had positioned herself well, but there was no way she could maintain for long her timehonored position of global supremacy. America, in particular Wall Street elites, had gained too much out of the war, from the debts that were owed, and from the economic development enabled by Europe's immense wartime purchases. America's financial and business elites had tasted global power, and they were no longer going to play second fiddle to anyone. Britain's elite fraternity accommodated itself to this new situation by pursuing a dual strategy: in the short term London competed vigorously with America, and for the long term British elites planted the seeds of a strategic collaborative arrangement between the two powers. During the course of the Versailles talks, a new institution of Anglo-American coordination in strategic affairs was formed. Lionel Curtis, longtime member of the secretive Round Table or 'new empire' circle of Balfour, Milner and others, proposed organizing a Royal Institute of International Affairs. ŠThe same circle at Versailles also decided to establish an American branch of the London Institute, to be named the New York Council on Foreign Relations, so as to obscure its close British ties. The New York Council was initially composed almost entirely of the Morgan men, financed by Morgan money (Engdahl 55). The Council on Foreign Relations, as it eventually was named, was to become the primary vehicle of U.S. elite planning, with close ties to London. In the interim, however, America found itself locked in a bitter battle with Britain over oil fields and the control of markets. Despite its tremendous advantages of scale and financial resources, the U.S. found itself outmaneuvered on front after front, including even the petroleum resources of Latin America, where Britain managed to get hold of two-thirds of the developed oil fields. But in 1922, an unexpected shock forced a process which led some years later to a 'truce' in the Anglo-American conflict of the postVersailles period. A threatening new combination coming out of the East forced Washington and London to forge a condominium of global power, in which has formed the strategic center of that power to the present day (Engdahl 64). The 'shock' was a surprise agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union - the Rapallo Treaty - by which the Soviets agreed to forgive their war reparation claims, and Germany in turn agreed to sell industrial technology to the Soviets. This was very disturbing to Britain because it threatened to enable Germany get back on her feet, manage her reparations payments, and obtain oil directly from the Soviets. Britain immediately began working behind the scenes with her allies to thwart the German recovery plan. Within two days the allies formally objected to the treaty, and after some two months, the architect of the treaty, German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau, was conveniently assassinated under suspicious circumstances. Six months after that, with secret British encouragement, France occupied the Ruhr and brought German industrial activity to a halt. Germany was left in financial shambles, suffering under severe hyperinflation. Rapallo had been thoroughly defeated, and Britain's role had been carefully concealed. From this point forward we begin to see the clear formation of the Anglo-American strategic alliance, which still operates today. In October 1923, the U.S. secretary of state, Charles Evan Hughes, former chief council to Rockefeller's Standard Oil, recommended a new scheme to President Calvin Coolidge to continue the reparations pyramid of debt collection which had been shaken since the April 1922 Rapallo shock. Hughes won the appointment of a banker tied to the J.P. Morgan group, General Charles C. DawesŠ (Engdahl 72-73) The Dawes Plan was the first major indication of the growing Anglo-American agreement to consolidate and join forces in the postVersailles period. London had wisely reckoned it better to let the American's take center stage, while preserving its powerful influence on American policy. The Dawes Plan was the Anglo-American banking community's reassertion of full fiscal and financial control over Germany (Engdahl 73) The next major step in the development of the alliance occurred in 1927, when the 'Seven Sisters' oil cartel was formed. Their secret pact was formalized as the 'As Is' agreement of 1928, or the Achnacarry agreement. British and American oil majors agreed to accept the existing market divisions and shares, to set a secret world cartel price, and to end the destructive competition and price wars of the previous decade. The respective governments merely ratified this private accord the same year in what became the Red Line agreement. Since this time, with minor interruption, the Anglo-American grip over the world's oil reserves has been hegemonic. Threats to break that grip have been met with ruthless responses, as we shall later see (Engdahl 74-75). * Wall Street & The City: covert masters of the universe As we've been reviewing the birth of the Anglo-American alliance, the supreme power of finance, and the strategy of oil-based dominance, I've so far been presenting you with considerable detail. I think this has been necessary in order to make the story clear, and because in these developments we can already see the basic patterns that continue to characterize this alliance to this very day: the constant use of secrecy and deception, the utter ruthlessness of these people who plan world wars and economic collapses for their own enrichment, and the effectiveness with which they achieve their major objectives. In this section we'll be moving more quickly, briefly reviewing some the major historical events since 1927, and identifying, behind those events, the hidden hand and purpose of this elite alliance. With each summary, I'll indicate my sources. Let's begin with Mussolini. In November 1925 his fascist government worked out an agreement with the U.S. and Britain to repay Italy's war debts. One week later J.P. Morgan & Co., Italy's financial agents in America, loaned Italy $100 million, stabilizing Mussolini's regime. The fascist model provided the necessary 'discipline' to ensure repayments (Engdahl 77). But apart from Italy, the post-Versailles reparation program was an unstable pyramid of debt, based ultimately on Germany's ability to pay. One option would have been to encourage German recovery under its existing government, with Anglo-American control over the German economy by virtue of the Dawes Plan. This option was, apparently, considered by the banking elite to be less desirable than the fascist option. They decided to bring down the whole houseofcards financial system, and rebuild it based on a fascist Germany. At the request of the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, precipitating the stock market crash of 1929. The London and New York banks were then able to arrange the collapse of the German economy, and begin their 'Hitler Project' - with support from the highest levels in the British and American governments. Besides offering the same 'disciplinary repayment' advantage that fascist Italy provided, along with lucrative investment opportunities, the British and Americans sought to play Germany and the Soviet Union off against one another, in typical balanceofpowers fashion (Engdahl 78-84). Germany's war effort, both before and after America and Germany were officially at war, was a collaboration between German and American industrialists and bankers (Higham). Both Dulles brothers were partners in Sullivan and Cromwell which handled the legal affairs of American IG (the U.S. subsidiary of IG Farben). The Dulles brothers were also deeply involved in a number of U.S. and German firms and banks or their subsidiaries that contributed to the Nazi buildup and in U.S. firms which later traded with the enemy during World War II (such firms as the Chase Bank, Ford, ITT, General Aniline and Film, and Standard Oil) (Fresia 108). President Franklin Roosevelt knew that these corporations were trading with the enemy, there was little he could do. "Roosevelt was blackmailed," states Higham. "You can't run a war without Chase Bank, or Standard Oil of New Jersey, or ITT" (Fresia 109). By carefully coordinating its assistance to both Germany and the Soviets, U.S. elites were able to maximize those nations' mutual devastation. After entering the war officially, America had the additional lever of military action against the Axis, so as to further manipulate the progress of the war, in collaboration with British forces. America emerged from the war with its industry intact, with 40% of the world's wealth and industrial capacity, a monopoly on nuclear weapons, and control of the seven seas. Never before had one nation held such a degree of hegemony over world affairs. If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances. - Harry S. Truman, New York Times, June 24, 1941 The balance of power had quite clearly shifted from London to New York by this time, but the Anglo-American alliance continued, with an even firmer grip on global oil supplies. Winston Churchill declared the existence of the "Iron Curtain," and the Cold War was launched in order to inhibit the noncapitalist powers from interfering in, or benefiting from, the Anglo-American postwar blueprint of economic growth and popular prosperity. Our "fresh look" at the previous century has brought us full circle back to the point where it began: the era of the postwar blueprint. My purpose in this review has been to show how the largely covert Anglo-American alliance - of banking, intelligence, and oil interests - has come to dominate the world. While in the Matrix banks stay mostly out of the limelight as regards geopolitical affairs, in reality the top banks in New York and London are the prime movers in this alliance, and hence the prime movers in world affairs generally. The ten largest bank holding companies in the United States [today] are firmly in the hands of certain banking houses, all of which have branches in London. They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and J. Henry Schroder. All of them maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, principally through the Rothschild control of international money markets through its manipulation of the price of gold. Each day, the world price of gold is set in the London office of N.M. Rothschild and Company (Mullins 47-48). In Matrix reality nations go to war for noble causes. When we peel away the first layer of the Matrix, we find that nations go to war as part of a geopolitical struggle over dominance and empire. When we peel away the next layer, we find that for the past century even competitive imperialism has not been the full story: geopolitics itself turns out to be a rigged game, with nations being manipulated from behind the scenes by an elite financial clique for its own private benefit. * Abandoning Bretton Woods: the petrodollar scam The abandonment of the postwar economic blueprint, signaled by the end of the gold standard in 1971, can be seen as a replay of the decision by London's banking elite, a century before, to disinvest in the British economy, beginning the decline of Britain's economy and industry from their imperial position of global dominance. Once again the reason was the same: there was more to be gained in international markets - from investments and by financial manipulations - than there was in further domestic investment. And once again, disinvestment led to the economic and industrial decline of what had once been the world's greatest industrial power, in this case the USA. There is however a fundamental difference between these two parallel scenarios. Britain had never attained quite the same level of global military hegemony that America did, with its postwar Pax Americana regime. Britain may have ruled the waves, but it was relatively weak in land warfare. It could only maintain its strong geopolitical position by playing a shrewd balanceofpowers game - within the traditional context of competitive imperialism. When Britain declined industrially, its ability to win at this game depended on its use of covert intrigue and financial manipulations, and eventually on its strategy of oil-based dominance. America - with its Pax Americana regime and its Bretton Woods scheme - had actually transformed the global game itself, establishing what I have called a system of 'collaborative imperialism,' as part of a 'postwar blueprint.' While Britain chose effective strategies within a given game, the U.S. had actually set up a whole new game. Similarly, as Wall Street decided to abandon the economic aspects of the postwar blueprint, it was once again setting up a whole new game, another blueprint for some new kind of world economic order. Not only was it now seeking its rewards in global markets, as did The City a century before, but it was setting out to change the nature of those global markets to its own advantage. The postwar economic blueprint had been based on global economic growth and development, Western industrialization, financial stability, and relatively full Western employment. New York and London banks sought their rewards by investing in this immense global growth boom, and they favored stability and low inflation so as not to dilute the value their eventual returns from their investments. As it turns out, the abandonment of this economic blueprint was to be total: every single one of its foundations was to be cut away. August 15, 1971 stands as a pivotal date in this transition: that is when the Bretton Woods accords were officially repudiated, as regards the dollar gold standard, and that is when we begin to see the emergence of a new blueprint for the global economy. But in fact, the process of disinvestment in the U.S. domestic economy had begun much earlier, in the wake of the recession of 1957. The U.S. industrial base was aging by 1957, and in need of major investment and modernization. This was not an attractive proposition to the big New York banks, who saw much more promising opportunities in foreign investments, as did the London banks a century before. As dollars began to flow out of the U.S., into credithungry markets in Europe and around the world, the U.S. economy slid into further decline, and its industry became increasingly uncompetitive, while the recipient nations of the outward investments were able to modernize their own industrial infrastructures. Profits from these foreign investments were not returned to the U.S., but were reinvested again in foreign markets. This growing pool of expatriated U.S. capital was the beginning of what came to be know as the 'Eurodollar market' (Engdahl 109-113). Whereas normal investments in the U.S. economy were not considered desirable by the elite banking community, investment in a buildup in the highprofit military sector could offer significant returns. Banking and defense industry forces combined to encourage intervention in Vietnam. A young President Kennedy went along with this advice, as with much of the advice he got from influential circles. But as he became more confident in his leadership role as President, he increasingly began to follow his own vision of the national interest - which not surprisingly diverged with the interests of banking elites. Among other transgressions against the interests of this behindthescenes elite power center, Kennedy had decided, just a few days before his highly controversial assassination, to withdraw from Vietnam. Johnson, on assuming office as President only several days later, promptly reversed that decision (Engdahl 116-117). John Judge, a lifelong Washington D.C. resident, and a serious researcher into covert operations, relates an anecdote told to him by his mother - who at the time of Johnson's assuming office was a secretary to the Joint Chief's of Staff. Kennedy was assassinated on a Thursday, and Judge's mother was called in to do some typing the following Sunday, three days later. The memo she was asked to type declared that military planners should plan on the basis of a war that would last ten years and cost 50,000 American lives. She thought there must be some error in the figures, and called a member of the Joint Chiefs to confirm. He replied, in essence, that she should shut up and type. Ten years and 50,000 lives turned out to be a very accurate prediction of the actual outcome of the Vietnam project. The Vietnam war strategy was deliberately designed by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy, with Pentagon planners and key advisers around Lyndon Johnson, to be a 'nowin war' from the outset, in order to ensure a prolonged buildup of this defense component of the economy (Engdahl 114-115). This strategy of militarization and conflict offered a lucrative investment opportunity for Wall Street capital, but the Vietnam War could only be pursued by means of deficit spending on the part of the U.S. government - a situation reminiscent of Britain's predicament during World War 1. While Britain solved its funding problem with credit from the House of Morgan, the U.S. solved its Vietnam funding problems simply by printing money, in the form of Treasury bond issues. By the terms of Bretton Woods, these printed dollars became real: they could be exchanged at a fixed rate with any other major currency. No one doubted America's ability to stand behind its bonds, so these printedmoney bonds became a profitable place to park excess dollars. In this way Europe financed America's deficits during the Vietnam War (Engdahl 115). While the Bretton Woods accords gave America this advantage - it could literally print money and force the rest of the world to share the inflationary effects - the accords also brought an accompanying disadvantage: dollars could be exchanged for gold from the U.S. Treasury at the rate of $35 per ounce. Given the decline in the American economy, this exchange rate had become entirely unrealistic, significantly overvaluing the dollar in real economic terms. As a consequence, the U.S. experienced a dangerous drain not only of Eurodollar capital, but also of gold stocks. By 1971 decisive action was called for - the American economy, and the whole global financial system, was approaching melt down. There was an obvious and simple solution available for this crisis, a solution that could have been expected to restore financial stability: revaluing the dollar more realistically with respect to gold. This solution, however desirable it would have been for the American and global economies, was not acceptable to elite banking interests. They wanted to retain the power that an overvalued dollar had given them. As a stopgap, while they made arrangements for a new financial blueprint, they decided to abandon the fixed exchange rate system, in order to stem the drain of U.S. gold reserves. This is the context in which they advised Nixon, through their agents in his administration, to take the dollar off the gold standard (Engdahl 127-129). The new blueprint, for a new kind of global economy, was to be based on the timehonored strategy of oil-based dominance, but applied more drastically than ever before. The new scenario was presented by State Department economist Walter Levy, at a secret Bilderberger meeting in May 1973 in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. The meeting was attended by David Rockefeller (head of Chase Manhattan Bank), Robert O. Anderson (head of ARCO), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, and others with close ties to oil and banking interests. The scenario addressed the question: "What if OPEC oil revenues were to increase by 400%?" Besides offering windfall profits to the Anglo-American oil cartel, the scenario was also very appealing to the bankers. Since oil was priced in dollars, a sharp increase would lead to a demand for dollars, creating once again a strong-dollar regime, and ensuring the continued financial dominance of the Anglo-American banking elites. In addition, such an increase would greatly curtail industrial growth globally, shifting the balance of power even more towards the dollar and Anglo-American interests. Here was the core of a new financial blueprint, and it showed real promise. As so often before (e.g., World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam), an engineered war was to provide the vehicle for implementation of this elite agenda. Nixon's national security advisor, Henry Kissinger, with his secret, high-level diplomatic contacts in Israel and the Arab states, was in a perfect position to stir up the necessary trouble. By misrepresenting each side to the other, and blocking intelligence reports from reaching normal U.S. diplomatic channels, he was able to ensure the outbreak of war, and a predictable Arab oil embargo - since the U.S. would be forced to come to Israel's aid. The Yom Kippur war began on October 6, 1973, some five months after the pivotal Bilderberger meeting. By January 1974, three months later, the 400% rise in petroleum prices was a fait accompli (Engdahl 130-138). Thus began the petrodollar era. Instead of being overvalued by virtue of a fixed exchange rate and an unrealistic gold valuation, dollars were now overvalued because they were needed to pay for high-priced oil. Once again dollars could be printed, and the rest of the world would be forced to finance American deficits. This petrodollar wealth would then find its way to London's unregulated Eurodollar market, where it could be invested in global markets, taking full advantage of the speculative opportunities created by fluctuating currency exchange rates. The whole Bilderberger scheme had been a brilliant coup, and the Arab states took the blame for it all, just as Germany earlier was forced to take the blame for World War 1. Bretton Woods stability had now been replaced by petrodollar volatility, and the postwar blueprint of growth and prosperity had been sabotaged by an engineered oil shock. The stage was now set to establish an entirely new blueprint for the global economy, based on a radical 'free trade' agenda. Not only would this agenda transform the nature of the global economy, it would also undermine the principle of national sovereignty itself - a principle that had been the foundation of world affairs ever since the Treaty of Westphalia was signed in 1648. -- http://cyberjournal.org "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" http://www.cyberjournal.org/cj/rkm/Apocalypse_and_NWO.html List archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.•••