Ch 1 : The Matrix : Section 13


Richard Moore

* The UN and the new-millennium blueprint

    The last stage but one of every civilisation, is characterised
    by the forced political unification of its constituent parts
    into a single state.
    - Arnold Toynbee, The Study of History
    Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los
    Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This
    is especially true if they were told there was an outside
    threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that
    threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of
    the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from
    this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When
    presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
    willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being
    granted to them by their world government.
    - Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992
    Bilderbergers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech
    was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

Most of the new elite blueprint has now come into focus. The
principal elements are the continued dominance of the
Anglo-American clique and oil cartel, neoliberal economics, the
establishment of centralized corporatist institutions (WTO et
al) to manage financial and regulatory affairs, the use of
police-state methods to keep populations under control, and the
use of the Pentagon to manage geopolitical affairs in support
of this blueprint for world order in the new millennium.

The one element that remains out of kilter in our picture so
far is that of political governance. The relic of official
national sovereignty makes little sense in a world where
essential decision-making is being moved to centralized global
institutions. The blueprint would be much more balanced with
the establishment of a centralized political institution that
is in harmony with the elite agenda, and that has the charter
to deal with legislation and administration on a global basis.
The UN, as Kissinger suggests above, would be the natural
entity to groom for such a role.

In order for the UN to serve elite interests in this role it
would need to be 'reformed' in various ways. In terms of its
internal operations, the UN would need to be made more
centralized, so that it can be more directly controlled by
elites. In terms of its authority, it would need to be
established as a governing body with powers of enforcement and
taxation. We can see the beginnings of such a reform agenda in
the UN's recently published "Draft Outcome Document."

The language of this document, as we might expect, is couched
in terms of venerable principles, such as advancing human
rights and the cause of peace. Embedded in this language,
however, are certain key phrases that indicate the direction
the 'reform' effort is heading. In the excerpts below, such
key phrases have been emphasized.

In the following excerpts we see laid out the basic agenda of
enhancing the authority of the UN, and we see a footinthedoor
regarding taxing authority:

    V. Strengthening the United Nations
    117. We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen the United
    Nations with a view to enhancing its authority and efficiency
    as well as its capacity to address effectively the full range
    of the challenges of our time. We are determined to
    reinvigorate the intergovernmental organs of the United
    Nations and to adapt them to the needs of the twentyfirst
    119. We emphasize the need to provide the United Nations with
    sufficient and predictable resources with a view to enabling
    it to carry out its mandate in the fast changing and complex
    and challenging world (UN 27).
    Security Council
    125. We reaffirm that Member States have conferred on the
    Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of
    international peace and security, acting on their behalf, as
    provided by the Charter (UN 28).
    Global Governance and Systemic Issues
    28. We further reaffirm the need for the United Nations to
    play a more decisive and central role in international
    development policy and in ensuring coherence, coordination and
    implementation of development goals and actions agreed by the
    international community (UN 7).

Here we see executive power being centralized in the office of
the Secretary General, with only an annual responsibility to
report back to the General Assembly:

    Management reform
    136. We commit to ensure that the SecretaryGeneral has
    sufficient authority and flexibility to carry out his
    managerial responsibility and leadership; we support granting
    broad authority to the SecretaryGeneral to redeploy posts and
    resources from lower to higher priority areas, under relevant
    rules and regulations established by the General Assembly, and
    invite him to report to the General Assembly each year on
    outcomes (UN 31).

Just as the fear of crime and drugs was used to increase
police powers in the U.S., we see here similar means being
used to support greater UN authority, and the creation of a
permanent UN military force:

    112. Recognizing that justice is a vital component of the rule
    of law, we commit to end impunity for the most serious crimes
    of concern to the international community, such as crimes of
    genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, by
    cooperating with the International Criminal Court, the
    existing ad hoc and mixed criminal tribunals and other
    mechanisms for international justice (UN 26).

    Transnational crime
    93. We express our grave concern at the negative effects on
    development, peace and security and human rights posed by
    transnational crime, including smuggling and trafficking of
    human beings, narcotic drugs, and small arms and light
    weapons, and at the increasing vulnerability of States to such
    crime. We reaffirm the need to work collectively to combat
    transnational crime.
    96. We decide to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations
    Office on Drugs and Crime to provide assistance to Member
    States in those tasks upon request (UN 23).
    Use of force
    74. We reiterate our commitment to refrain from the threats or
    use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of
    the United Nations. We reaffirm that one of the Purposes and
    Principles guiding the United Nations is to maintain
    international peace and security, and to that end to take
    effective collective measures for the prevention and removal
    of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of
    aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about
    by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of
    justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of
    international disputes or situations which might lead to a
    breach of the peace (UN 19).
    56. Recognizing that peacekeeping plays a vital role in
    helping parties to conflict end hostilities and commending the
    contribution of UN Peacekeepers and other personnel in that
    regard, noting improvements made in recent years to United
    Nations peacekeeping, including the deployment of integrated
    missions in complex situations, and stressing the need  to 
    mount  operations  with  adequate  capacity  to  counter 
    hostilities  and  fulfill effectively  their  mandates,  we 
    urge  further  consideration  of  the  proposal  for  the
    establishment  of a  strategic military  reserve capacity  to
    reinforce  UN  peacekeeping missions in times of crises and
    endorse the creation of a standing capacity for rapid
    deployment of United Nations civilian police in peacekeeping
    (UN 16).

Here we see enshrined the principles of neoliberalism and
'free trade':

    Global partnership for development
    Implement regulatory frameworks and commercial laws that
    encourage business formation and build public confidence in
    private markets through a clear definition of property rights,
    protection of those rights, transparent rulemaking,
    enforcement of contracts and general respect for the rule of
    law (UN 4)
    24. We recommit to promote a universal, rulesbased, open,
    nondiscriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system,
    recognizing the major role that trade can play in promoting
    economic growth, employment and development for allŠ (UN 6)

Next we see the beginnings of a taxing authority for the UN,
under the cover of 'helping poorer nations:'

    UNITED NATIONS, Sep 27 (IPS) - Less than two weeks after the
    much-ballyhooed U.N. summit meeting of some 170 political
    leaders, the world's 132 developing nations want to sustain
    the pressure on rich donor nations to deliver on their
    The summit process, Annan pointed out, "clearly created
    stronger support" for 0.7 percent of gross national product as
    official development assistance from rich to poorer nations.
    As a result, Annan said, there will be tens of billions of
    dollars earmarked for the fight for development.
    Additionally, "innovative sources of financing" -- including a
    tax on airline tickets -- should begin to come on stream by
    next year.
    - Inter Press Service News Agency

Helping poorer nations might be a very good thing, if that was
actually intended. In this regard we might consider the 'debt
forgiveness' program announced at the recent G8 summit (July,
2005). Contrary to public perceptions, this program will make
things worse rather than better for the indebted nations. The
program is really a scheme by which Western taxpayers will
reimburse the IMF for uncollectible loans to the third world.
These reimbursements will then be subtracted from national aid
budgets, yielding no net gain to the 'forgiven' nations. Not
only that, but debtor nations which subscribe to this program
must submit to additional, harmful, privatization measures.
When we read about funding the "fight for development" we need
to keep in mind that this kind of aid is typically earmarked
for projects that benefit Western corporations more than the
recipient nations.

John Bolton, long known to be highly critical of the UN, has
recently been dispatched to the UN to push this reform process

    Washington -- The recent 2005 U.N. World Summit agreement was
    an important first step in what will be a long process of
    reform of the United Nations, U.S. Ambassador John R. Bolton

With the U.S. taking the leadership role in this UN 'reform'
campaign, and with the indicators we've already seen of where
that campaign is headed, it does indeed appear that the UN is
being groomed to become the political branch of a world
government, as Kissinger suggested. This is  a project that is
likely to find widespread support from the people of the
world, because it will be sold on the basis that it will
reduce poverty, fight terrorism, and bring world peace. Those
who point out that this garden path is leading directly to
global tyranny will most likely be dismissed as 'conspiracy

The political process will appear to have changed only
slightly in the West, with one more level of government added
- as the EU level has been added in Europe. All important
decisions, such as those regarding finance, 'security,' budget
allocations, taxation, environmental policy, corporate
regulations, migration of populations, the use of
geneticengineering and nuclear technologies, etc., will be
made by the remote UN world government.

People will feel totally detached from this centralized
process, just as today's Europeans feel detached from the
decisions made in Brussels. People will be encouraged to focus
their attention on their disempowered local governments, as in
the EU today, and as in Britain, with its phony devolution
regime. Whatever suffering the centralized government might
impose on Westerners will be blamed, as it is today in the EU
and Britain, on 'mismanagement' by these disempowered local
governments. Political parties will take turns claiming they
can 'better manage' if they win the next election.

The role of national governments under this new-millennium
blueprint will be reduced primarily to collecting taxes and
keeping its citizen's under control, so that corporations and
banks can pursue their neoliberal agenda unmolested by popular
unrest. This basic situation is not really that different than
how things are today, except that the regime will be even more
remote, even less democratic, and quite a bit more extreme in
its measures.

While the UN will have official political sovereignty, and
will have sufficient armed forces to enforce its will in most
cases, we can be sure that the U.S. will retain for itself an
independent role, and that the Pentagon will continue to be
the predominant military force. Consider these words, penned
recently by Newt Gingrich and George Mitchell, again with
emphasis added:

    The United States pursues its interests in international
    affairs, including issues of peace, stability, trade, and
    national security, in collaboration with others wherever
    possible. Our actions are usually more effective when they are
    taken in concert with others. At the same time, the United
    States can, and sometimes must, act independently if
    collective efforts cannot be achieved or are ineffective. The
    United States advances its interests through a range of
    multilateral arrangements, with both established organizations
    and ad hoc coalitions. A strong and effective United Nations
    can be an important instrument for the pursuit of the American
    goals of freedom and security (USIP vi).

We can now see the entire outline of the new-millennium
blueprint. Sovereignty is to be transferred from nation states
to a world government made up of the UN, the WTO, and various
other centralized global institutions. While the trappings of
democracy are likely to be retained, popular sentiment will
have little relevance to essential policy, as is already the
case today in most nations. The neoliberal economic regime
will give free reign to elite corporate and financial
interests, and any attempt at popular rebellion will be
brutally suppressed.

Behind all of these developments can be found the hidden hand
of the elite Anglo-American financial clique, subtly but
effectively orchestrating national agendas, global markets,
and the establishment of the new global regime. The ongoing
relationship of the elite clique to the new world government
will be much like its traditional relationship with the
American and British governments: the tail will be wagging the
dog. Public criticism will be focused on the visible globalist
institutions, on corporations, or on national governments,
while the bankers behind the curtains will be merrily counting
their takings.


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