Steve Watson: DoD Announces Civilian Expeditionary Workforce

2009-03-27 Richard Moore many links in original Defense Department Announces Civilian Expeditionary Workforce Obama’s promise of a civilian security force is set in motion Steve Watson Friday, Jan 30th, 2009 The Defense Department has established a “civilian expeditionary workforce” that will see American civilians trained and equipped to deploy overseas in support of … Read more

Here come killer robots

2009-03-27 Richard Moore “The pressure of an increasing battlefield tempo is forcing autonomy further and further toward the point of robots making that final, lethal decision,” he predicted. “The time available to make the decision to shoot or not to shoot is becoming too short for remote humans to make intelligent informed decisions.” How easily … Read more

Big brother marches on

2009-03-27 Richard Moore States Consider Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients Thursday 26 March 2009 by: Tom Breen       Charleston, West Virginia – Want government assistance? Just say no to drugs.     Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing.     The … Read more

Expanded Americorps has an authoritarian feel

2009-03-27 Richard Moore Expanded Americorps has an authoritarian feel By Examiner Editorial – 3/26/09 With almost no public attention, both chambers of Congress in the past week advanced an alarming expansion of the Americorps national service plan, with the number of federally funded community service job increasing from 75,000 to 250,000 at a cost of … Read more

comparing bailouts – banks vs. automakers

2009-03-27 Richard Moore President Obama said yesterday that his administration will offer the auto industry an aid package that will require General Motors and Chrysler to make “painful” and “pretty drastic” changes. … “If they’re not willing to make the changes and the restructurings that are necessary, then I’m not willing to have taxpayer money chase after bad … Read more

What is FEMA up to in Chicago?

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago February 11th, 2009 | Audio, Martial Law By: D. H. Williams @ 10:41 PM – EST An Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago reveals the contents of his meetings with FEMA and the Department … Read more

Why are they setting up and concealing mass graves in Phoenix?

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens Shepard Ambellas Infowars March 25, 2009 A usually quiet U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Cemetery, has been unusually active lately. The National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona is a beautiful 225 acre facility located in Phoenix. For the past 30-45 days in the … Read more

Medicaid Suit Could Determine Who Decides Care: Doctor or State

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Medicaid Suit Could Determine Who Decides Care: Doctor or State Alyson M. Palmer 03-25-2009 State governments and Medicaid plan administrators have shown keen interest in a case argued before Atlanta’s federal appeals court on Tuesday that could determine whether doctors or state officials get to decide how much medical care … Read more

Geithner seeks to give all power to the Fed

2009-03-26 Richard Moore The administration’s signature proposal is to vest a single federal agency with the power to police risk across the entire financial system.  … Geithner’s testimony will not identify which agency should hold those powers, but sources familiar with the matter said that the Federal Reserve, widely viewed as the most obvious choice, is … Read more

Obama: phony town-hall meetings in California

2009-03-26 Richard Moore In explaining why the large banks are receiving hundreds of billions worth of public funds for running their institutions into the ground, Obama said, “Here’s the problem. It’s almost like they’ve got—they got a bomb strapped to them and they’ve got their hand on the trigger. You don’t want them to blow … Read more

Fwd: Iluminati No, Just THE Family!

2009-03-26 Richard Moore _______ From: Joost van Steenis <•••@••.•••> Date: March 26, 2009 11:59:43 AM GMT To: power elite <•••@••.•••> Subject: Iluminati No, Just THE Family! Amsterdam, March 27 2009    Dear reader,   I just finished digitalizing a study a few friends, including myself, carried out around 1980 about the power of the Dutch … Read more

Obama: cult springing leaks

2009-03-26 Richard Moore The Voters’ Uprising: President Obama What Are You Thinking? By Don Hazen, AlterNet Posted on March 23, 2009, Printed on March 26, 2009 As each day’s events unfold, increasing numbers of people are getting angrier and angrier, demanding a government that represents their interests. Why? As Bill Greider so eloquently describes, … Read more

Dean Baker: Geithner’s toxic plan

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Timothy Geithner’s toxic plan The last-ditch effort to save Wall Street will hurt taxpayers and still require another big bailout down the line By Dean Baker Global Research, March 23, 2009 The Guardian Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner‘s latest bank bailout plan is another Rube Goldberg contraption intended to funnel taxpayer dollars to bankrupt banks, without being … Read more

Collapse: the Japanese front

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Poverty, unemployment and homelessness hit Japanese workers By Carol Divjak  26 March 2009 Amid plummeting exports and a deep recession in Japan, hundreds of thousands of people are facing unemployment and poverty. With the IMF forecasting that output in the world’s second largest economy will fall by 5.8 percent this year, … Read more

Canada brands Galloway “terrorist”

2009-03-26 Richard Moore “It’s all too much of a coincidence. What is happening is a dangerous and sinister attempt to criminalise efforts to build solidarity for the besieged people of Palestine to choose their own government.” Canada defends ban on British anti-war MP By Keith Jones  26 March 2009 Lawyers for British anti-war MP George … Read more

Glen Barry: Green Deal or Not: Industrial Capitalism Is Assured Death

2009-03-26 Richard Moore New Green Deal or Not: Industrial Capitalism Is Assured Death A New Green Deal must do more than provide continued employment in the speculative, industrial growth machine that is consuming the Earth’s ecosystems By Dr. Glen Barry on March 21, 2009  Global ecological sustainability is imminently threatened by a massive ecological bubble. Global terrestrial, … Read more

Chris Hedges: America Is in Need of a Moral Bailout

2009-03-26 Richard Moore America Is in Need of a Moral Bailout By Chris Hedges March 23, 2009 “TruthDig” — -In decaying societies, politics become theater. The elite, who have hollowed out the democratic system to serve the corporate state, rule through image and presentation. They express indignation at AIG bonuses and empathy with a working … Read more

Robert Scheer: Obama’s Toxic Advisers

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Obama’s Toxic Advisers Posted on Mar 24, 2009 By Robert Scheer Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont who is independent in spirit as well as party label, has placed a hold on President Obama’s nomination of Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Sounds like a minor issue to get worked … Read more

Mustafa Khan: The Zionist Crusade Against Palestinians

2009-03-26 Richard Moore The Zionist Crusade Against Palestinians By Mustafa Khan 26 arch, The original crusades went on for two hundred years spread over several centuries of the Middle Ages. Another such albeit inverted crusade began with the birth of Israel and its unrelenting and merciless drive against the Palestinians in order to … Read more

Diebold admits voting system flaws

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Diebold admits voting system flaws E-voting manufacturer says votes could be changed undetected Mar 23, 2009 Critics of electronic voting systems have had their warnings vindicated by two recent announcements. An official with Premier Election Systems, formerly known as Diebold, admitted that its audit log system was flawed enough that it would be … Read more

Guantanamo: OK to leave if you keep quiet

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Court says US asked detainee to drop torture claim By DAVID STRINGER – 3 days ago LONDON (AP) — U.S. authorities asked a Guantanamo Bay detainee to drop allegations of torture and agree not to speak publicly about his ordeal in exchange for his freedom, according to British court documents. A … Read more

If Wall Street Approves of Obama’s Plan, It Must Be a Winner!

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Brain-Dead Economic Reporting: If Wall Street Approves of Obama’s Plan, It Must Be a Winner! By Brad Reed, AlterNet Posted on March 25, 2009, Printed on March 26, 2009 Our press corps has discovered an important scoop: Rich people approve of using taxpayer money to help rich people. Immediately after the … Read more

Cold fusion: the saga continues

2009-03-26 Richard Moore Cold Fusion Proven True by U.S. Navy Researchers – Will Suppression of this Science be Repeated? by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor  (NaturalNews) The world owes Fleischmann and Pons a huge apology: The cold fusion technology they announced in 1989 — which was blasted by arrogant hot fusion scientists as … Read more

No medical insurance? Go to jail

2009-03-26 Richard Moore In the letter, the two insurance industry groups said their members are willing to “phase out the practice of varying premiums based on health status in the individual market” if all Americans are required to get coverage. Although the letter left open some loopholes, it was still seen as a major development. … Read more

Obama & transparency: no change here

2009-03-26 Richard Moore In the al-Haramain case, Obama has not only maintained the Bush administration approach, but the dispute has intensified, with the Justice Department warning that if the judge does not change his mind, authorities could spirit away the top-secret documents. Handling Of ‘State Secrets’ At Issue Like Predecessor, New Justice Dept. Claiming … Read more

Catherine Austin Fitts: Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble

2009-03-26 Richard Moore The Fed Did Indeed Cause the Housing Bubble Catherine Austin Fitts  To: The Wall Street Journal Re: “The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble” By: Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Dated: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 Ladies and Gentlemen: In his article on your opinion page, “The Fed Didn’t Cause the Housing Bubble,” Alan Greenspan … Read more

Yet another police murder with tasers

2009-03-24 Richard Moore Bay City, Michigan: Fifteen-year-old dies after Taser shooting By Tom Eley  24 March 2009 On Sunday, a Bay City, Michigan teenager died soon after police used a taser “stun gun” on him. Police were responding to a reported altercation between Brett Elder, 15, and another man early Sunday morning. Police claim … Read more

Biofuels: immoral and unsustainable

2009-03-24 Richard Moore Call on U.S. Government to Halt Ecologically Misguided Support for Large Scale Biofuel Since 23.03.09 27 people have participated in this protest action. Biofuel from food and already stressed ecosystems is immoral and unsustainable Please support US environmental and social justice groups calling upon the new Obama administration to halt financial … Read more

Scott Reuben & Pharma fraud

2009-03-24 Richard Moore (NaturalNews) The health community is up in arms over the discovery that a highly-respected and influential clinical researcher, Dr. Scott Reuben, fabricated the data used in over twenty pharmaceutical studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Read the full NaturalNews report on this topic here: These studies promoted the safety and “benefits” … Read more

Gates forcing biotech on Africa

2009-03-24 Richard Moore Hungry or not, don’t force GM down our throats By ANURADHA MITTAL Posted Saturday, March 21 2009 at 13:14 The biotech industry is using the increase in global hunger as a tool to win support for GM crops. Its tactics of “poor washing” (we must accept genetic engineering to increase production and improve livelihoods of farmers) … Read more

Glenn Greenwald: The Virtues of Public Anger

2009-03-24 Richard Moore The Virtues of Public Anger and the Need for More by Glenn Greenwald With lightning speed and lockstep unanimity, opinion-making elites jointly embraced and are now delivering the same message about the public rage triggered this week by the AIG bonus scandal:   This scandal is insignificant.  It’s just adistraction.  And, most important of all, public … Read more

Frances Moore Lappé: The City That Ended Hunger

2009-03-24 Richard Moore The City That Ended Hunger The City that Ended Hunger A city in Brazil recruited local farmers to help do something U.S. cities have yet to do: end hunger. by Frances Moore Lappé Published on Friday, March 13, 2009 by YES! Magazine “To search for solutions to hunger means to act … Read more

House adopts plan for Hitler Youth

2009-03-24 Richard Moore OBAMA WATCH CENTRALHouse adopts plan for ‘volunteer’ corpsAlso requires new evaluation of ‘mandatory’ service for all Posted: March 19, 2009 4:58 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh© 2009 WorldNetDaily The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new “volunteer corps” and consider whether “a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory … Read more

Obama’s Hitler Youth: video

2009-03-24 Richard Moore VIDEONETDAILYMilitant Obama youth march to ‘Alpha, Omega’ chantTeen boys in uniform drill, shout, profess, ‘Yes we can’ Posted: October 04, 2008 2:58 pm Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: recent archives: old archives: Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Senate stalling on bonus action

2009-03-24 Richard Moore This Senate delay was predicted in our earlier posting, this article by Barry Grey: Obama maneuvers to protect Wall Street bonuses The Masters of the Universe are certainly the masters in Washington. rkm ___ Senate Will Delay Action on Punitive Tax on Bonuses By Shailagh Murray and Paul Kane Washington … Read more

Geithner Seeks Expanded Power to Subsidize Cronies

2009-03-24 Richard Moore Besides seizing a company outright, the document states, the Treasury Secretary could use a range of tools to prevent its collapse, such as guaranteeing losses, buying assets or taking a partial ownership stake. Such authority also would allow the government to break contracts, such as the agreements to pay $165 million in … Read more

Film Review: The Obama Deception

2009-03-24 Richard Moore Film Review: The Obama Deception By John Kusumi Alex Jones’ new documentary, The Obama Deception, packs a powerful punch. Jones is known as a conservative / libertarian talk show host, activist, and filmmaker, running (and .net) and (and .tv) web sites. As one would expect from the title, Jones … Read more

Climate change: warming or cooling?

2009-03-23 Richard Moore As a result of his discovery of the effect of solar cycles on the Earth’s climate and in particular the lack of awareness he has observed in the media, government and among the people, he has begun a vocal and highly visible effort to alert all to the coming climate change in order that … Read more

Stefan Steinberg: Growing rift between US and EU

2009-03-23 Richard Moore The second important development last week was the decision by the US Federal Reserve to buy up to US$300 billion in Treasury bonds plus US$850 billion in other debts in a bid to fire up the moribund US economy. The decision by the Federal Reserve to basically print money to pump into … Read more

More economic nonsense from Obama

2009-03-23 Richard Moore That’s why we are scouring every corner of the budget and have proposed $2 trillion in deficit reductions over the next decade. In total, our budget would bring discretionary spending for domestic programs as a share of the economy to its lowest level in nearly half a century. And we will continue … Read more