Mike Whitney: Mike Spitzer to the Rescue

2009-04-06 Richard Moore The Spitzer case brings up some unsettling questions about Bush’s surveillance programs: mainly whether they are really being used to investigate potential terrorists or simply a means of destroying political enemies. … Just days before the scandal broke, The Washington Post published an article by Spitzer which linked the Bush administration to the mortgage fiasco. … Read more

Glenn Greenwald: How Wall Street owns Washington

2009-04-06 Richard Moore Just think about how this works.  People like Rubin, Summers and Gensler shuffle back and forth from the public to the private sector and back again, repeatedly switching places with their GOP counterparts in this endless public/private sector looting.  When in government, they ensure that the laws and regulations are written to redound … Read more

Juan Cole: How the US is Turning Afghanistan into Iraq

2009-04-06 Richard Moore http://www.juancole.com/2009/04/top-ten-ways-us-is-turning-afghanistan.html Informed Comment Thoughts on the Middle East, History, and Religion Juan Cole is President of the Global Americana Institute Top Ten Ways the US is Turning Afghanistan into Iraq 1. Exaggerating the threat. An Afghan army foot patrol was attacked by guerrillas in Helmand Province on Wednesday, according to AP. US and … Read more

David Walsh: Three more mass shootings in the US

2009-04-06 Richard Moore Jiverly Wong, a Vietnamese immigrant, after blocking its back door exit with his vehicle, burst into the American Civic Association—an immigrant aid organization—and opened fire on employees and students…. According to the New York Times, he was also “a gun enthusiast who often spent weekends shooting targets and trying out different guns at a … Read more

Brian O’Leary & Health Ranger Host Events in Vilcabamba, Ecuador

2009-04-06 Richard Moore http://www.naturalnews.com/026002.html Dr. Brian O’Leary, Health Ranger Host Live Events in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, May 8 – 13, 2009 Monday, April 06, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor Key concepts: Health, Health Ranger and Ecuador (NaturalNews) Former NASA astronaut and world-renowned alternative science pioneer Dr. Brian O’Leary has announced a once-in-a-lifetime event in Vilcabamba, Ecuador … Read more

Denis Boneau: Psy-ops & The Science of World Domination

2009-04-06 Richard Moore To implement this program of “psychological warfare” the secret services recruit specialists on behavioral sciences capable of inventing the “simple, clear and repetitive” white propaganda and the black propaganda aimed at provoking «disorder, confusion and… terror» within the enemy forces. Torture was considered a research field in social sciences [8]. During the Korean … Read more

Geithner causes crisis then makes excuses

2009-04-03 Richard Moore Billions of dollars worth of financial instruments known as credit derivatives were being traded daily, as banks and investors worldwide tried to protect against losses on increasingly complex and risky financial bets. But the buying and selling of these exotic instruments was stuck in a pencil-and-paper era. Geithner, then head of the … Read more

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court

2009-04-03 Richard Moore U.S. District Judge John D. Bates rejected the government’s argument, first made by the Bush administration and later adopted by the Obama Justice Department, that it could detain prisoners indefinitely in a “war zone.” Change you can believe in? rkm ___ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/02/AR2009040201796.html 3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court … Read more

G20 communiqué: Point by point analysis

2009-04-03 Richard Moore Under the G20 agreement, funding for the IMF will be increased by $500 billion to $750 billion. Japan agreed to provide $100 billion of the extra funding, the European Union $100 billion and China about $40 billion. Interesting how China is participating, yet holding back, given that they could contributed a whole … Read more

Anna Mundow: Politics and humanitarianism

2009-04-02 Richard Moore http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2009/03/22/politics_and_humanitarianism?mode=PF Politics and humanitarianism By Anna Mundow  |  March 22, 2009 Mahmood Mamdani, a third-generation East African of Indian descent, grew up in Uganda, studied at Harvard, taught at various African and American universities, and is currently Herbert Lehman Professor of Government at Columbia University. A political scientist and anthropologist, he is best … Read more

Kevin Gosztola: Give Obama a Chance to Do What?

2009-04-02 Richard Moore http://www.opednews.com/articles/Give-Obama-a-Chance-to-Do-by-Kevin-Gosztola-090402-285.html Give Obama a Chance to Do What? By Kevin Gosztola   If it weren’t for all the excuses being made for Obama’s and his administration’s actions, I would feel a whole lot better. I think others who suffered under the Bush Regime would too.   The populist anger across America is … Read more

Martial law being field-tested in Mexico

2009-04-02 Richard Moore In reading this article, one must keep in mind that the CIA runs the international drug trade, and that Calderón’s election was fraudulent. He was brought in to privatize Pemex, and there is a huge movement, and I’m not talking about drug barons, which opposes his administration. rkm ___ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/01/AR2009040104335.html As Mexico Battles … Read more

* George Galloway: audio speech re/banishment from Canada *

2009-04-02 Richard Moore http://rabble.ca/podcasts/shows/needs-no-introduction/galloway-gaza his speech is free: Galloway on Gaza BY HOST/PRODUCER: MEAGAN PERRY  | APRIL 1, 2009 Show Notes: You’re listening to a special edition of Needs No Introduction, Fresh ideas from speakers of note. British MP George Galloway was refused entry into Canada this week, Conservative Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney … Read more

2012 may bring the “perfect storm” – solar flares

2009-04-02 Richard Moore The solar maximum is expected in 2012.  University of New Hampshire scientist Jimmy Raeder states, “”We’re entering Solar Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a breach and … Read more

Dominique Moïsi: Obama and the End of Privileges

2009-04-02 Richard Moore In the eyes of a good part of American public opinion, Barack Obama’s economic team, from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to the president’s Chief Economic Advisor Larry Summers, like the king’s entourage at the end of the Ancien Régime, has inherited all the bad reflexes of the “court,” combining an excessive sympathy … Read more

The silence surrounding Sri Lanka

2009-04-01 Richard Moore http://www.truthout.org/033109T http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2009/03/31/the_silence_surrounding_sri_lanka/ ARUNDHATI ROY The silence surrounding Sri Lanka By Arundhati Roy  |  March 31, 2009 NEW DELHI THE HORROR that is unfolding in Sri Lanka becomes possible because of the silence that surrounds it. There is almost no reporting in the international press – or in the mainstream media in India, where … Read more

Rise of sea levels: ‘greatest lie ever told’

2009-04-01 Richard Moore The reason why Dr Mörner, formerly a Stockholm professor, is so certain that these claims about sea level rise are 100 per cent wrong is that they are all based on computer model predictions, whereas his findings are based on “going into the field to observe what is actually happening in the … Read more

Daniel Taylor: CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda

2009-04-01 Richard Moore http://www.infowars.com/cfr-unveils-global-governance-agenda/ CFR Unveils Global Governance Agenda Daniel TaylorOld-Thinker News March 31, 2009 The Council on Foreign Relations, often described as the “real state department”, has launched an initiative to promote and implement a system of effective world governance. The program, titled “ The International Institutions and Global Governance Program,” utilizes the resources of … Read more

Tom Burghardt: US Officials “Rediscover” ISI-Taliban Nexus

2009-04-01 Richard Moore While an open secret in Washington, Obama’s new product roll-out in the form of an ill-conceived plan to “disrupt, dismantle and defeat” al-Qaeda and the Taliban has everything to do with the construction of the $7.6 billion dollar “Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline that would cross western Afghanistan east of Herat and advance south … Read more

* Michael Hudson: Does US Face G20 Mutiny?

2009-03-31 Richard Moore Strange as it may seem – and irrational as it would be in a more logical system of world diplomacy – the “dollar glut” is what finances America’s global military build-up. It forces foreign central banks to bear the costs of America’s expanding military empire – effective “taxation without representation.” Keeping international … Read more

Surprise: CFR launches project for global governance

2009-03-31 Richard Moore The program draws on the resources of CFR’s David Rockefeller Studies Program to assess existing regional and  global governance mechanisms and offer concrete recommendations for U.S. policymakers… http://www.cfr.org/content/thinktank/CFR_Global%20_Governance_%20Program.pdf Council on Foreign Relations   International Institutions and Global Governance Program  World Order in the 21st Century   A New Initiative of the Council … Read more

FLASH ** US Backing for World Currency Stuns Markets **

2009-03-30 Richard Moore US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner shocked global markets by revealing that Washington is “quite open” to Chinese proposals for the gradual development of a global reserve currency run by the International Monetary Fund. … The Chinese proposal, outlined this week by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan, calls for a “super-sovereign reserve currency” under … Read more

Obama’s Afghan escalation: where is it leading?

2009-03-30 Richard Moore Obama’s plan calls for replicating in Afghanistan Bush’s military “surge” in Iraq and launching military strikes at will in Pakistan. It confirms that Obama’s candidacy was not a move towards peace, but the expression of a struggle inside the American ruling elite over the strategic priorities of US imperialism. The region has … Read more

The G20 summit: are the outcomes already known?

2009-03-30 Richard Moore London – Mar 14, 2009 – Finance ministers and central bankers from the world’s big economic powers moved Saturday to paper over sharp differences in their efforts to combat the global recession with a pledge to return the international economy to growth. … following the meeting … the finance ministers had ‘reached a consensus for … Read more

Ken Cole: Understanding the Bolivarian Alternative

2009-03-30 Richard Moore After opposition to neoliberalism in Seattle, Genoa, the World Social Forum and elsewhere; Third World governments’ inability to agree to further trade liberalization at the WTO; and regional opposition organized by the Alianza Social Continental, it became politically impossible for Latin American government representatives to reach agreement on the ALCA proposal at … Read more

Number Of Chronically Hungry Tops One Billion

2009-03-29 Richard Moore The number of chronically hungry people has surpassed the 1bn mark for the first time as the economic crisis compounds the impact of high food prices, the United Nations’ top agriculture official has warned. In an interview with the Financial Times, Jacques Diouf, director-general of the Food and Agriculture Organisation, warned that the … Read more

The return of Hoovervilles

2009-03-29 Richard Moore Far from implementing a new reform agenda, Obama made clear on Tuesday that a massive attack on social programs was being readied, to be implemented as soon as the bank bailouts are complete. He referred repeatedly to the high cost of healthcare and the need for “Entitlement reform”—i.e., the debts building up … Read more

Mexico: the next Iraq?

2009-03-29 Richard Moore There is ample evidence that US bankers are among the principal beneficiaries of drug profits. Earlier this year, the head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said his agency had found mounting indications that money from drug trafficking was playing a key role in the bailout of failing … Read more

Chossudovsky: The Canada-Israel “Public Security” Agreement

2009-03-29 Richard Moore Under the proposed agreement, the Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada is in liason with his Israeli counterpart the Director General of Public Security for the Government of the State of Israel. Together they chair a joint Management Committee.  http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=12913 British MP George Galloway barred from Canada under the Canada Israel … Read more

James P. Tucker: Next Bilderberger: Vouliagmeni, Greece, May 14-17

2009-03-28 Richard Moore According to wikipedia, James Tucker has been investigating Bilderberger meetings for some time. rkm ___ http://www.prisonplanet.com/plutocrats-to-meet-in-greece.html Plutocrats To Meet In Greece James P. Tucker, Jr.American Free Press Friday, March 27, 2009 Related: Reports: Bilderberg To Meet in Athens Note: As we previously reported, Bilderberg may have disseminated reports of meeting in Greece … Read more

Insider reveals how banks promote credit card debt

2009-03-28 Richard Moore http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/5029530.stm Britain’s streets of debt: Whistleblower THE WHISTLEBLOWER  “ The most profitable customers are those that are perhaps the most vulnerable ”  A powerful insider breaks the banking industry’s code of silence and reveals how the High Street banks deliberately target their customers and push borrowing. Speaking exclusively to the BBC, this whistleblower is … Read more

Jonathan May reveals insider secrets

2009-03-28 Richard Moore … the controlling interest of the prime banks is held by the same people who have the controlling interest in the major oil companies. They control through a joint stock trust which was set up by the original Rockefellers here in America in 1870. This was three years before the United States … Read more

Obama & Iraq: we’re staying after all

2009-03-27 Richard Moore Obama’s decision to go along with the military proposal for a “transition force” of 35,000 to 50,000 troops thus represents a complete abandonment of his own original policy of combat troop withdrawal and an acceptance of what the military wanted all along – the continued presence of several combat brigades in Iraq … Read more

Open for Questions, Obama style

2009-03-27 Richard Moore President Obama, who used the Internet as a prime driver of his successful campaign for office, turned to the Web yesterday to harness support for his economic agenda by hosting an electronic town hall meeting from the White House.      Starters: the objective is selling, not listening. Wireless microphone in hand, Obama paced … Read more

Obama: major escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan

2009-03-27 Richard Moore Far from al-Qaeda being vanquished and the threat to the United States diminished, the official said, “seven and a half years after 9/11, al-Qaeda’s core leadership has moved from Kandahar, in Afghanistan, to a location unknown in Pakistan . . . where we know they’re plotting new attacks” against this country and … Read more

William Kotke: The Revolt Of The Militant Gardners

2009-03-27 Richard Moore The basic fact of empire is centralization of power. This is where the militant gardeners really hit them where it hurts – in the pocket book. Decentralization is the word that causes trembling up and down the halls of the International Bank of Settlements. As the militant gardeners achieve power over their … Read more

The GIVE Act: Paul Joseph Watson’s view

2009-03-27 Richard Moore The passage of such shocking legislation with barely a whimper from political activist groups goes to show how well the corporate media has performed in camouflaging the legislation with flowery characterizations of helpful volunteerism, when in reality the bill creates the pretext for mandatory national service and the creation of a multi-million … Read more

The GIVE Act: NY Times view

2009-03-27 Richard Moore http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/23/national-service-corps-bill-clears-senate-hurdle/ National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle By KATE PHILLIPS Following overwhelming House passage last week, the Senate tonight voted74 to 14 on a procedural move that essentially guarantees a major expansion of a national service corps, a cornerstone of volunteerism that dates back to the era of President Kennedy. It’s … Read more

Excerpts from Obama’s “Organizing for America” training video

2009-03-27 Richard Moore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EglMVfUB74 ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites:  http://www.governourselves.org/ http://escapingthematrix.org/ http://cyberjournal.org recent archives: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newslog/messages http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/messages old archives:  http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?lists=newslog http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)