Peter Crabb: The Age of Technofascism

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ The Age of Technofascism by Peter Crabb    21 March 2010 “If every age has its own characteristic doctrine, there are a thousand signs which point to Fascism as the characteristic doctrine of our time.” Benito Mussolini, Italian Encyclopedia (1932) I sat down at my kitchen table a … Read more

Ron Pearson’s theory of the universe

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Summary of Ron Pearson’s Theory by Rory Macquisten In order to understand how Ron Pearson’s work can explain psychic phenomena we must first look at his theory for how the Universe began. The current Big Bang theory, whereby the Universe was created from out of a massive explosion, … Read more

An attack on health care in the guise of reform

2010-03-22 Richard Moore The bill aims to deal with what is seen as a pressing problem for the ruling elite. While corporations, with the collaboration of the unions, have been able to drive down wages and increase productivity, they have not been able to put a brake on spiraling medical costs. These come in the … Read more

HealthCare: no “Twilight of the Interest Groups”

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ In other words, this bill was negotiated using the standard, secret, sleazy Beltway lobbyist/industry practices that candidate Obama frequently condemned and vowed to defeat.  And these industries extracted such huge benefits as a result of these secret deals — a bill shaped to their liking and profit objectives — … Read more

M K Bhadrakumar: Mumbai attacks planner was a CIA agent

2010-03-22 Richard Moore This report is not surprising. Global Research figured this out as soon as the attack happened. It’s good to have the hard evidence finally. rkm _______ A senior Indian editor wrote on Sunday, “Headley … was convicted on drug charges and sent to jail in the US. We know also that he … Read more

** Frances Moore Lappe: We Need to Grow Up as a Species

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Taking all this in — truly accepting the good, the bad and the ugly in ourselves — we can drop the false and failing good-guys-vs.-bad-guys frame. We can grow up as a species. Accepting who we really are, we can identify the conditions shown to bring out the worst. … Read more

Afghanistan: US Military Protects Opium Poppies

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ We should also keep in mind that the CIA controls the international drug trade. rkm ____________ [more material in original] US Military Protects Opium Poppies Revealing News Articles  March 22, 2010 Dear friends, Below are key excerpts of important news articles which include revealing information on the protection … Read more

Bonobos: excellent video

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Susan Savage-Rumbaugh on Bonobos ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: Climate science: observations vs. models Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation The Grand Story of Humanity related websites: archives: moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Health care reform bill dooms America

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Health care reform bill dooms America to Pharma-dominated sickness and suffering by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor  (NaturalNews) Today the medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the health and freedom of all Americans. With the support of an inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs … Read more

interesting video re/ common law in UK

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic – WE Have the Power! English Freemen standing in court. ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: Climate science: observations vs. models Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation The Grand Story of Humanity related websites: archives: moderator: … Read more

Arundhati Roy on Obama’s Wars

2010-03-22 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Arundhati Roy on Obama’s Wars, India and Why Democracy Is “The Biggest Scam in the World” We speak with acclaimed Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy on President Obama, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, India and Kashmir and much more. Roy also talks about her journey deep … Read more

* Chris Hedges: Zero Point Of Systemic Collapse

2010-03-20 Richard Moore We can march in Copenhagen. We can join Bill McKibben’s worldwide day of climate protests. We can compost in our backyards and hang our laundry out to dry. We can write letters to our elected officials and vote for Barack Obama, but the power elite is impervious to the charade of democratic … Read more

The anti-Venezuela election campaign

2010-03-20 Richard Moore The anti-Venezuela election campaign aletho | March 19, 2010 at 3:05 pm | Categories: “Hope and Change”, Deception, Mainstream Media, Warmongering | URL: Venezuela’s election is not until September, but the international campaign to delegitimise the government has already begun Mark Weisbrot | | 18 March 2010 Venezuela has an election for its national assembly in September, … Read more

Pravda, Lisa Karpova: U.S. Iran Sneak Attack?

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ For Iran’s children, for Iran’s innocent, for Iran’s great civilization and past! Civilized humans of the world unite and STOP the insanity, stop the killers and destroyers of civilization, stop the war criminals! Stop aggression! Stop war! Stop imperialism! Damn the bombs! Damn the war pigs! We must all … Read more

* must read * Engdahl: High-stakes Eurasian chess game

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ This article makes it very clear why the US is planning a nuclear war with Russia and China: The SCO, founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the heads of state of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, has evolved into what might be called Halford Mackinder’s worst nightmare—a … Read more

* must read * Engdahl: High-stakes Eurasian chess game

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ This article makes it very clear why the US is planning a nuclear war with Russia and China: The SCO, founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the heads of state of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, has evolved into what might be called Halford Mackinder’s worst nightmare—a … Read more

US: obscene new medical doctrine

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ In a radical departure from civilized ethical medicine, “the experiment isn’t focused on individual impact. Instead, it suggests that the goal is a benefit that might accrue to society if the chemicals decrease sexual retrovirus transmission.”  That is, if you kill off ‘undesirables’ with toxic drugs, they won’t have … Read more

Edward Jay Epstein: Ruling the World of Money (BIS)

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Ruling the World of Money by Edward Jay Epstein -1983 Harpers Magazine reprinted from Monetary Reform Magazine – Canada website: email: •••@••.••• TEN TIMES A YEAR – once a month except in August and October – a small group of well dressed men arrives in Basel, Switzerland. … Read more

Vladimir Radyuhin: Russian Military Involvment in Afghanistan?

2010-03-20 Richard Moore This is very strange. The CSTO is basically an anti-NATO force. What does it mean to have both organizations operating in Afghanistan? Particularly when the US aims to maximize heroin production, and CSTO wants to curtail it? rkm ___ Russian Military Involvment in Afghanistan: U.N. Recognises Russia-Led Bloc By Vladimir Radyuhin … Read more

Healthcare scam: Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Miles Mogulescu Entertainment attorney, writer, and political activist Posted: March 16, 2010 12:57 PM NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option For months I’ve been reporting in The Huffington Post that President Obama made a backroom deal last summer with the for-profit hospital lobby … Read more

Fwd: Israeli Jews/ The Military knows who did 9-11

2010-03-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Mossad was clearly the most appropriate organization to demolish the Twin Towers. And of course a group of them were arrested when they were seen cheering and filming as the towers came down. But they were acting as the agents of the US government, which the material below doesn’t … Read more

The nature of the Obama image

2010-03-18 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Begin forwarded message: From: “S.McDowall” Date: 18 March 2010 02:58:14 GMT Subject: Rather clever ‘I am whatever you want me to be, for I am just a projection of you. And I got a big smile, see.’ ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: Climate science: observations vs. … Read more

Jerusalem Post: “4-8 weeks left for diplomacy on Iran”

2010-03-16 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ During his speech, Ayalon said Iran “is the source of instability in the Middle East. For Iran, the nuclear program is not a means but an end.” What hutzpah, from the source of instability in the Middle East. rkm ________ March 16, 110 Tuesday 9 Nisan 3870 2:52 IST    … Read more

Matt Ridley: The case against the hockey stick

2010-03-16 Richard Moore Not all the data showed a 20th century uptick either. In fact just 20 series out of 159 did, and these were nearly all based on tree rings. In some cases, the same tree ring sets had been used in different series. In the end the entire graph got its shape from … Read more

Joseph McCormick: Building bridges between left-right grassroots

2010-03-16 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___________ Building bridges between left-right grassroots March 13, 10:42 AMTranspartisan ExaminerJoseph McCormick How do you build trust, respect and communication between grassroots conservatives, liberals, greens, independents and people who don’t identify with any label? A couple weeks ago we held a Transpartisan Community Building evening in Seattle (at … Read more

Dahr Jamail: The New ‘Forgotten’ War

2010-03-16 Richard Moore‘forgotten-war The New ‘Forgotten’ War by Dahr Jamail  March 15th, 2010 | Extra! The Magazine of FAIR IRAQ OCCUPATION FALLS INTO MEDIA SHADOWS   “The Western world that slaughtered Iraq and Iraqis, through 13 years of sanctions and seven years of occupation, is now turning its back on the victims. What has remained of … Read more

Anti-Semitism: Zionism’s indispensable alibi

2010-03-16 Richard Moore’s-indispensable-alibi/ Anti-Semitism: Zionism’s indispensable alibi aletho | March 15, 2010 at 5:00 pm | Categories: Deception, Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism | URL: By Maidhc Ó Cathail | 15 March 2010 Although Zionism typically represents itself as the solution to anti-Semitism, the truth is less flattering. In fact, hostility toward Jews is indispensable to the cause of … Read more

Privately-owned Federal Reserve to micromanage US economy

2010-03-16 Richard Moore US bank regulation bill unveiled Democrat senators have unveiled proposed new laws that will give the US Federal Reserve more regulatory powers over big US banks. The new banking regulation bill proposes the establishment of a new consumer protection agency at the Fed, with powers to regulate all lending. The bill … Read more

Global collapse and how the media spins it

2010-03-16 Richard Moore Here we see how the media plays the fiddle as Rome burns. First we are told about the burning: Maryland’s two largest counties outlined spending cuts Monday that would reach from children’s health clinics to nursing homes, slice tens of millions of dollars in education spending and furlough thousands of public employees.  … Read more

Shaeffer Cox: The Solution (video)

2010-03-15 Richard Moore Shaeffer tells us about some very interesting things going on in Fairbanks, Alaska. Basically they’re setting up their own alternative government, with their own common-law court, militia, etc. It’s from a right-wing perspective, there are some sound ideas in what they’re doing, and the central theme is self-governance. In fact I’ll want … Read more

Marjahs wartime propaganda (video)

2010-03-10 Richard Moore Marjahs wartime propaganda ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: Climate science: observations vs. models Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation The Grand Story of Humanity related websites: archives: moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

Kurt Haskell interview, Flight 293 eyewitness

2010-03-09 Richard Moore Kurt Haskell – Flight 293 Christmas day bomber  18 Feb interview on Rollye James show, beginning at 5 min 20 sec. Kurt Haskell and his wife were on the flight. ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• blog for subscribers: Climate science: observations vs. models Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation … Read more

W Joseph Stroupe: China inoculates itself against dollar collapse

2010-03-09 Richard Moore Hence, China’s central bank is enacting with a sense of urgency prudent measures, both explicit and clandestine, to significantly decrease exposure to the dollar. If the details of such measures should become sufficiently public and should attract undue global attention before China accomplishes its goals, a dollar panic might be triggered. … Read more

Chris Hedges: Calling All Rebels

2010-03-09 Richard Moore Those who do not rebel in our age of totalitarian capitalism and who convince themselves that there is no alternative to collaboration are complicit in their own enslavement. They commit spiritual and moral suicide. Calling All Rebels Posted on Mar 8, 2010 By Chris Hedges There are no constraints left to halt … Read more

ABC vs. Loose Change

2010-03-09 Richard Moore Begin forwarded message: From: “Lifeforce” Date: 9 March 2010 03:38:21 GMT To: “AB” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Fw: ABC Vs. Loose Change          WOW!  This restores my faith in our youth.  The producers of “Loose Change” are “interviewed” by ABC.  It is obvious that the ABC toadie, producer, was sent to do a “chop job” on these two … Read more

John Vidal: 21st-Century African Land Grab

2010-03-08 Richard Moore Ethiopia is only one of 20 or more African countries where land is being bought or leased for intensive agriculture on an immense scale in what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era We are seeing dispossession on a massive scale. It means less food is available and … Read more

The Siege of the Fictional City of Marja

2010-03-08 Richard Moore The Siege of the Fictional City of Marja aletho | March 8, 2010 at 2:37 pm | Categories: Deception, Mainstream Media, Warmongering | URL: A War of Perception and Misinformation By Gareth Porter | March 8, 2010 For weeks, the U.S. public followed the biggest offensive of the Afghanistan War against what it was told … Read more

Does Israel hope to spark a new wave of suicide bombing?

2010-03-08 Richard Moore Does Israel hope to spark a new wave  of suicide bombing? aletho | March 8, 2010 at 4:43 pm | Categories: Ethnic Cleansing, Racism, Zionism, Illegal Occupation,Subjugation – Torture | URL: By Stuart Littlewood | 9 March 2010 Here in the civilized West we hate suicide bombers with a passion. We’re taught that the proper … Read more

The Demonic Cabal

2010-03-05 Richard Moore This article has lots of images, so I’m not posting it all here. I’ve quoted some of the opening material below. It’s a good article, with a map of elite organizations, lots of good quotes and images, etc. The Demonic Cabal Introduction From all available evidence * it’s clear that the … Read more

The deceitful attack on Social Security

2010-03-05 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Again, this is an image-rich article, and you’ll need to go to this link to see it. I’ve quoted some of the introductory material below. rkm ______ The demonic cabal and its Wall Street lackeys are increasing their attacks on Social Security:      1.     Using the economic collapse they engineered … Read more