...alternate Subject line: "Right-wing 'propaganda' and mind control" __________________________ Watch Russo's film on Google video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4312730277175242198&q= "America: From Freedom to Fascism" A documentary by Aaron Russo http://www.freedomtofascism.com/ Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo ("The Rose," "Trading Places") set out on a journey to find the evidence. This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents and tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card which becomes law in May 2008. This ID card will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips which are essentially homing devices used to track people. This film shows in great detail and undeniable facts that America is moving headlong into a fascist police state. Wake up! http://www.freedomtofascism.com/downloads/dvd.php America: Freedom to Fascism is a compelling and troubling account of how the wealth of our nation was silently passed from its citizens to a handful of powerful bankers in 1913. ...Russo then showcases court cases where those accused of tax evasion have won precisely because the prosecution cannot provide evidence of a legal federal income tax law. __________________________ Friends, Russo's film was cited by Catherine Austin Fitts in a piece by hers that I posted on Jan 23. One of our regular subscribers then wrote in, asking why I was promoting 'libertarian propaganda'. He forwarded these comments in support of his query: [NoIraqWar] H.W. Brands, author of "The Money Men", praises the Federal Reserve Date: 1/22/07 10:06:55 PM Eastern Standard Time From: •••@••.••• (Jim Senyszyn) H.W. Brands author of "The Money Men" was on C-SPAN book TV very early this morning. He praised the Federal Reserve Bank as a hybrid of private capitalization under the control of a publicly appointed board of governors. The establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 was actually an attempt to wrest control of the money supply from J.P. Morgan. During the nineteenth century there was an economic panic every decade. This erratic economic behavior was solved by the Fed and economic performance of the United States after the establishment of the Fed was a vast improvement. There are two important issues here: the claims made by Russo, and the nature of the response to Russo's film. Let's talk first about Russo's claims... As regards the legality of the income tax, I don't really know what the truth is. The film (as you can see for yourself on Google) presents compelling evidence indicating that the 16th Amendment was never really adopted, that the tax is therefore illegal, and that several people have won cases in court on that basis. But for me the question is still open, as I haven't seen strong evidence from elsewhere. Also, I find it curious that people of wealth (movie stars or whoever) haven't challenged the law, given that they could could afford legal battles, and would have much to gain. Perhaps as a result of the film we may see such developments. In the meantime, I neither reject nor accept Russo's claims re/ the tax. Time, one hopes, will tell. As regards the Federal Reserve, however, I am quite sure Russo is giving us an accurate account. This is something I've read about in several sources that I consider reliable, and I wrote about it my own book (p. 16). With the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the printing of dollars was placed in private hands, and the government (really us) must pay interest to the Federal Reserve's private owners when it 'borrows' the dollars and puts them into circulation. Not only that, but the Fed sets interest rates, and basically determines the economic health of the nation. JFK, God bless him, had the courage to seize back power over the currency, and began printing Treasury Notes, cutting the Fed out of the loop. Many people think this is one the major reasons he was assassinated. That's a tough call, however, as JFK was also on the verge of ending the Cold War and withdrawing from Vietnam. His 'crimes' against the established order were many. The argument that the Fed was a "vast improvement" is a bit hard to swallow, given that the Great Depression happened on their watch. The argument that the Fed is under the control of 'publicly appointed board of governors' is a shallow one as well. Technically this is true, but in fact Presidents bow to the will of the private banking community when making appointments to the Fed. Here are two quotes from Woodrow Wilson in that regard, who later in his life evidently saw the error of his ways: "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." "Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it" Let's now turn to the response to Russo's film. The subscriber who wrote in is not the only one who sees the film as 'right wing propaganda'. The film's website claims that the film is "neither left nor right-wing", and this may be true of Russo's intentions, but there is something about the film that does have a right-wing flavor to it. I've been trying to put my finger on what that is. I think in part this has something to do with the stridency of the claims. The film says that a "great hoax" has been perpetrated on the American people. People on the left don't respond well to that kind of statement. It's OK to say that 'Bush lied', but to say a 'hoax has been perpetrated' goes against the grain. Perhaps it's because people on the left don't like to see themselves in the role of 'the fool': "There can't be a hoax, because I'm too smart and sophisticated to fall for a hoax." In part I also think it has something to do with the kind of language used. The film doesn't sound like something written by a graduate of a prestigious university. It's more down to earth, more folksy. I suspect there's some kind of unconscious 'class superiority' at work here. "If you don't talk like a gentleman, you're working class, beneath me." Perhaps this why I get by with some of the stuff I write. No one has responded to me about "Escaping the Matrix" (either the article or the book) and accused me of being a conspiracy theorist. And yet, I'm basically claiming that the whole system is a conspiracy, from top to bottom. Do I get by with this because I use multi-syllable words and long sentences? I don't do this on purpose, it's how I was brought up, but I do get complaints from the 'less educated' that they have trouble parsing my material. (They don't use the word 'parse' by the way, but that's what they mean. They simply say that reading my material 'gives them a headache'.) Whatever the reasons for this 'dismissal syndrome', the result enables a very sophisticated kind of mind control. If 'they' want the liberal majority to reject an idea, 'they' simply promote that idea in right-wing circles. I don't think Russo is guilty of this, because his stuff has a strong ring of sincerity, but he falls into the trap nonetheless. My favorite example of this 'dismissal syndrome' is the Waco incident. To those on the left, the only thing they think about is the fact that Koresh was a child molester. Because of this crime, they dismiss any criticism of the Federal assault that resulted in the incineration of everyone in the compound, including the women and children who presumably the assault was intended to protect. Those on the left accept that the deaths were 'accidental' and 'unavoidable'. Only from right-wing sources do we learn that the incineration was intentional, and that there were much less dramatic ways to arrest the guilty. Koresh, for example, went jogging in the mornings, and could easily have been apprehended without a military assault. Those on the left pay no attention to such reports, which they perceive as 'right-wing conspiracy theories'. Those on the right are deceived as well, by the way. They attribute the assault partly to the fact that the Waco people had guns, and the government is 'out to get our guns'. My own view is that Waco was incinerated to destroy the evidence -- evidence that Waco was a CIA research project into mind control. My reasoning is based on the principle of 'modus operandi'. The truth about the first 'Operation Mind Control' was revealed to us only after the research was completed. That first one was about LSD and hypnosis being used on subjects, research that enabled 'Manchurian Candidate' style operations. But mind-control over individuals is kid stuff. The real pay dirt comes when you can control groups, and the way to do that is through cult techniques. The Symbionese Liberation Army, People's Temple, and the Move folks in Philadelphia were examples of these experiments. Waco fits right into the profile. In each case, some naturally charismatic cult leader begins to gain a following. Then his (they seem to be men as a rule) group is infiltrated by agents who track progress and make sure the leader gets the support he needs. If the group gets in trouble with the law, as is likely, police investigations are mysteriously abandoned. The group is protected while the study is being carried out. When discovery can no longer be avoided (People's Temple) or when the experiment is complete (Waco), then everyone is killed including the leader, by poisoned kool-aid, flames, or whatever. Dead men tell no tales. The final part of the profile is that 'revelations' only come out in right-wing channels, thus ensuring that the liberal majority doesn't get upset by these government crimes. What, you might ask, would be the purpose of these cult-mind-control experiments? That, my dear Watson, is elementary: it's to learn how to better control all of our minds. What has been learned in these experiments is deployed in very sophisticated ways. The lessons can be applied directly, by creating large-scale cults, such as the fundamentalist movement. Members of such cults are easy to manipulate, as they rely on narrow authority channels for their 'truth', and ignore 'outsiders' as 'not getting it'. The lessons also work in indirect ways, by the phenomenon of 'cult rejection'. That is, those of us who are not fundamentalists disbelieve whatever the fundamentalists believe. This is the same mechanism I identified above as a 'dismissal syndrome'. Anti-cults can be manipulated just as easily as cults. All of this ties back into what I was trying to convey with my Jan 25 posting on "Science and the Akashic Field". Don't judge the telescope until you look through it. Looking won't hurt you; not looking might. What are you afraid of? The only thing you have to lose is your mind-control chains. Without further introduction, I offer to you this next message. Try to look at it with an open mind. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Westaway" <•••@••.•••> To: "Westaway" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Those With No Chip: Merge Right..... Thoughts on How to STOP the NEXT Planned False Flag Terrorist Event..... Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 21:50:43 -0800 ----- Original Message ----- From: <•••@••.•••>IAHF.COM To: <•••@••.•••> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 4:29 PM Subject: Those With No Chip: Merge Right..... Thoughts on How to STOP the NEXT Planned False Flag Terrorist Event..... Those With No Chip Merge Right......John in IAHF Office...............Ron Paul for President IAHF List: Please use the phone script discussed in my last alert to contact members of the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee in opposition to FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter: <http://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive_show_message.php?jham+554> Throughout history, governments have used wars as an instrument of CONTROL- as a way of tightening their grip on the people. I am ANGRY and FED UP with what is happening in America, and the world today, and I'm doing everything I can to oppose and stop it. When I saw the cartoon (above) of traffic at a US Border crossing showing the slow lane crammed with cars of those who haven't gotten microchipped, I know from living in a border town that this warning is all too real, and we ignore it at our peril! Where I'm coming from in this alert is that I don't want to GO there, and I'm sure none of you do either- but there ARE things we CAN do to fight back- so lets USE them! NEOCON PLAN TO ATTACK IRAN CAN BE STOPPED! HOW THIS TIES IN WITH DEFENDING HEALTH FREEDOM The Neocons are gearing up* to attack IRAN, and all of us, world wide, must ban together to KEEP this from happening or we won't be able to slow, and stop the ongoing stripping of our civil liberties which these constant acts of false flag terrorism are intended to set the stage for- and that includes stopping CODEX and the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter. Fortunately, there ARE things we CAN DO to fight back.... and we'll be listing them here. * THE IRAN WAR BEGINS <http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=PIL20070205&articleId=4689> Yesterday I went to a theater in Vancouver BC where I watched Alex Jones' latest documentary film: Terror Storm. You can view it on the web at no charge here <http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4757274759497686216> or you can buy a copy of it here: <http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2006/230606terrorstorm.htm> I urge you to tell everyone you know about this film. The more people who watch it, the better we'll be able to fight back! The film begins by defining "False Flag" operations- explaining that throughout history, governments have staged terrorist acts for the purpose of gaining more and more control over the people of the world by manufacturing consent for war. Jones sets the context for 911, and for the Madrid and London bombings by by showing such historical examples of False Flag Terrorism as Hitler's burning of the Reichstag, (used to blame the Jews for the burning of the Parliament), Hitler's taking a prisoner out of a concentration camp, dressing him in a Polish army uniform, taking him to a German town on the Polish border and executing him near a German radio station. (Ruse used to "manufacture consent" for the Nazi invasion of Poland). It discusses how Roosevelt had broken the Japanese code, knew Pearl Harbor would be attacked, and let it happen to get us into WW2. It discusses the Gulf of Tonkin incident, (ruse used to get USA into war with Vietnam), the sinking of the USS Liberty. Israeli Navy and warplanes attacked a US intelligence vessel off the Israeli coast, President Johnson let it happen, refused to send US planes to repel the attackers, Israel murdered men in life rafts attempting to escape the sinking ship. A Russian ship witnessed the attack, and was the only reason Israel stopped attacking allowing the crippled ship to make its way to safety. Arabs were to be blamed for the attack. This was intended to be a ruse to set the stage for a war in which the US was to take over the entire middle east, but the plot was foiled. The survivors of the USS Liberty were ordered not to talk under threat of life in prison. The commander of the Liberty was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor- then was ordered not to discuss having received it. This historical review of False Flag terrorism creates a powerful backdrop which assists Jones in making highly cogent points pertaining to 911, the Madrid and London bombings. Through this education he hopes to generate massive opposition to similar tactics being used to manufacture consent for a US invasion of IRAN, and I'm with him all the way. Please go here http://www.lucasgray.com/video/peacetrain.html to watch footage from modern day Tehran and its people- ask yourself how you would feel if these people, and this beautiful city and country were attacked? What sort of false flag ruse will the Neocons try NEXT? NEVER FORGET that if IRAN is attacked, it would set the stage for the escalation of the police state right in our own backyards, and that includes the imposition of Codex vitamin restrictions via regional harmonization. In "TerrorStorm", Jones shows how the UK has become the world's biggest surveillance state, with millions of TV cameras monitoring everyone, everywhere. He shows hard evidence that the government was directly involved with the bombings in Madrid and in London. He interviews people on the street demonstrating how people are already engaging in DOUBLETHINK as their freedoms are being stripped away, and people go into DENIAL. We CAN'T AFFORD to do this folks, we've GOT to work harder to get the truth out there, and one way to do that is to assist Congressman Ron Paul in his Presidential bid! Congressman Ron Paul has been against the war from its beginning. He is openly calling for Bush's impeachment. He has been against all the unconstitutional laws that have been passed in recent years including the so called "Patriot Act" and the "Real ID Act". He is doing more than anyone to oppose the planned NAFTA Superhighway. He's done more than ANYONE in helping us to oppose CODEX, and he has consistently helped IAHF, and allied groups in our efforts to rein in the FDA. Please Help Ron Paul Here: <http://www.ronpaulexplore.com/>http://www.ronpaulexplore.com/ He's hated by both the Republican and Democrat parties because he INSISTS that the Constitution be obeyed, and NO ONE opposes the New World Order more. When I go to DC at the end of the month to push for Congressional Oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, Ron Paul will be helping me just as he has been every step of the way. He realizes we're up against a genocide agenda, an effort to cull our numbers, an effort to block our access to cognitive enhancing supplements that help us have the brain power needed to stop our would be controllers- the people who seek to microchip us and control us. He is aware of the CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control Program <http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/>http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/ He KNOWS the shadow government which controls our President and Congress are evil and he realizes the tie in between the Codex vitamin issue and mind control. <http://www.us-government-torture.com/KIT.html>http://www.us-government-torture.com/KIT.html (scroll down) When you have a driving force, GO with it. Its up to ALL of us to help his campaign. IAHF needs your ongoing assistance to do this work. We're going to need to make several trips to DC in the next few months starting with the one at the end of this month. Please alert more people to our work! Please assist us in Myspace by contacting us via <http://www.myspace.com/nopharma>http://www.myspace.com/nopharma Please forward this alert and urge more people to sign onto the IAHF list, but remember to delete the unsub link at the bottom before you forward it or someone might unsub you. YOUR DONATIONS ARE VITALLY NEEDED! PLEASE ASSIST US! IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Roberts WA 98281 USA paypal <http://iahf.com/index1.html>http://iahf.com/index1.html For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom 556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA http://www.iahf.com •••@••.••• 800-333-2553 N.America 360-945-0352 World <http://ymlp.com/u.php?•••@••.•••> -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Blogs: cyberjournal forum http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ Achieving real democracy http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ for readers of ETM http://matrixreaders.blogspot.com/ Community Empowerment http://empowermentinitiatives.blogspot.com/ Blogger made easy http://quaylargo.com/help/ezblogger.html