It seems that Bush's admin has finally found the solution: "Divide Iraq" and then pit the three mini states created against one another. It's not the first time something like this happened. -------------------------------------------------------- Review: Articles Best bet: Dividing Iraq 10/15/2005 3:00:00 PM GMT Applying this method in Iraq would provoke serious "ethnic" conflicts, and eventually a civil war In what the American President George W. Bush claims to be another milestone on Iraq's road to democracy, Iraqi headed to polling stations today to give a "yes" or "no" to the proposed draft constitution, expected to further divide the country into three min states. It's far from what the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has stated: "You'll have the opportunity to exercise your democratic right to accept or reject the draft that is submitted to you" -"For the second time in less than a year; the future is in your hands." As long as the country is still occupied, the future will never be in the hands of the Iraqi people. There's no clarity about what the referendum means to the Iraqis, but it is for sure not a step forward in establishing democracy in the country as President Bush maintains- The constitution is so vague, changes came so late and distributing the draft copies has been so poor. But Bush does know what the vote means- it will give him a necessary cover for a cut-and-run exit strategy. It seems that Bush's admin has finally found the solution: "Divide Iraq" and then pit the three mini states created against one another. It's not the first time something like this happened. Nearly two years ago, The New York Times published an editorial carrying Leslie Gelb's by-line. He's an influential man who presided over the Council of Foreign Affairs, a think tank that brings together the CIA and the secretary of state. Gelb's plan simply suggests replacing Iraq with three mini-states: "Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center and Shiites in the south," so as to "put most of its money and troops where they would do the most good quickly -- with the Kurds and Shiites. The United States could extricate most of its forces from the so-called Sunni Triangle, north and west of Baghdad.... American officials could then wait for the troublesome and domineering Sunnis, without oil or oil revenues, to moderate their ambitions or suffer the consequences." In other words, strip the Sunnis of the country's wealth and thus break their determination to prevent the U.S. from pursuing its imperialistic agenda. Dividing Iraq has been an old Israeli dream. In 1982, Oded Yinon, an official from the Israeli Foreign Affairs office, wrote: "To dissolve Iraq is even more important for us than dissolving Syria. In the short term, it's Iraqi power that constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. The Iran-Iraq war tore Iraq apart and provoked its downfall. All manner of inter-Arab conflict help us and accelerate our goal of breaking up Iraq into small, diverse pieces." Gelb's plan is dissolving Iraq while transforming the north (Kurdish majority) and the south (Shiite majority) into "self-governing regions, with boundaries drawn as closely as possible along ethnic lines." The very same method resulted in a civil war and a bloodbath in Yugoslavia. The country's diverse regions contained significant minorities, and dividing it was impossible without the forced transfer of populations. Berlin and Washington financed and armed extremists, which eventually brought a civil war to the country. Same thing in Iraq, the country's three ethnic groups, the Shiites, the Kurds and the Sunnis do not reside "each in their own region," but are, for the most part, intermingled. Applying this method in Iraq, according to Gelb, would provoke serious "ethnic" conflicts, and eventually a civil war. Standing behind his barber's chair in this northern Iraqi town, discussing Iraq's new constitution, Mariwan Kamal Salam says "I want Kurdistan to be separated from the Iraqi government, because the Shiites and the Sunnis are going to repeat what Saddam did to us". Shiite Najaf tea shops in the traffic-clogged streets of Sunni neighborhoods in the Iraqi capital, and Internet cafes in Kurdish northern Iraq shows that Iraqis are split largely along the same ethnic and religious lines as their leaders are. Shiites, who form 60 percent of Iraq's population, view the constitution as the beginning of their influence and political domination. While the Sunni Arabs, who make up 20 percent of Iraq's 27 million population, say constitution will permit the Kurds and the Shiites swallow the nation's oil, split the nation autonomous regions and punish the Sunnis for Saddam's actions. Jonathan Morrow, an adviser to the committee that drafted the new constitution says: "In broad terms, it is a Kurdish-Shiite constitution that was presented as a fait accompli to the Sunni Arabs, who were not in the room when it was written". "It was written around Kurdish and Shiite dinner tables of the (U.S.-secured) Green Zone," Morrow, who works with the United States Institute of Peace, said. -- "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" List archives: Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.•••