Global Warming On The Ropes


Richard Moore

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Global Warming On The Ropes
Prison Planet | March 19, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson

The religion of man-made global warming has encountered a fierce backlash in 
recent weeks, partly as a result of Martin Durkin's excellent "Swindle" 
documentary, but also as a consequence of the sheer hysteria warming advocates 
are forced to attach their argument to when self-evident facts are in short 

A case in point was presidential candidate John Edward's screed last week, in 
which he said that global warming would make world war look like heaven . It 
being highly unlikely that Edwards fought in either of last century's world 
wars, he can only be fixing his premonition around an expected casualty figure 
of over 19 million human deaths as a result of a short term temperature 

The ironic truth, as highlighted in the "Swindle" documentary, is that Western 
enforced caps on carbon emissions, which are uniformly ignored by India and 
China, are preventing poverty stricken third world nations from achieving 
development by cutting off access to their huge natural resources. The measures 
employed to supposedly fight the negative impact of man-made global warming are 
in fact inflicting more death and disease on those already ravaged by famine and

Martin Durkin left a sufficient gap between his documentary and his next public 
statement to allow the frothing and maniacal vitriol to spew forth from the 
establishment left, aghast that their precious belief system had been challenged
by sober evidence impenetrable by public relations stunts, rock concerts and 
photos of polar bears supposedly stranded on icebergs.


His response, carried by the Telegraph , noted with surprise not the volume of 
the attacks but their consistently feeble premise, including charges that Durkin
had used an incorrect temperature graph when the program used the same one as 
the darlings of the climate cult, the IPCC.

"Too many journalists and scientists have built their careers on the 
global-warming alarm. Certain newspapers have staked their reputation on it. The
death of this theory will be painful and ugly. But it will die. Because it is 
wrong, wrong, wrong," concludes Durkin.

Another would-be President and establishment kingpin of the man-made circus, Al 
Gore, today appears before the Energy and Commerce Committee on Capitol Hill to 
make his case for further control freak measures to be clamped on our behavior 
in the name of saving mother earth.

Gore will face some very interesting questions and his reaction will go a long 
way to judging the real agenda behind the climate crowd.

"How can you continue to claim that global warming on Earth is primarily caused 
by mankind when other planets (Mars, Jupiter and Pluto) with no confirmed life 
forms and certainly no man-made industrial greenhouse gas emissions also show 
signs of global warming? Wouldn't it make more sense that the sun is responsible
for warming since it is the common denominator?"

"Do you think the earth is significantly overpopulated and that is a major 
contributor to your view of climate change. (If yes, what do you think is a 
sustainable population for the planet?)"

Gore is likely to try and evade the second question because any specific 
response will put him firmly in the same camp as the Dr. Pianka's of the world, 
who have openly advocated genocide to forcibly reduce world's population to a 
fraction of its current level.

The orthodoxy took another blow over the weekend when two of its own adherents, 
Professors Paul Hardaker and Chris Collier, warned their own choir to stop 
preaching doomsday scenarios about global warming, recognizing that the hysteria
has eroded a lot of credibility the man-made camp had built.

This admonition came too late because the fallacy of man-made global warming is 
already running out of steam for two reasons. One - the hysteria will only get 
louder because man-made advocates have a dearth of facts to base their alarmism 
on and always have to resort to fearmongering. Two - as we progress further into
the 21st century and the much vaunted eco-apocalypse never arrives, the 
alarmists will begin to look increasingly stupid and untrustworthy.

It is at this point that man-made global warming will hold as much legitimacy as
the 1970's global cooling scare does in hindsight, absolutely zero.

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