9/11 : blogger : good list of smoking guns


Richard Moore


Sunday, October 30, 2005
Who's really behind 9/11?

9/11 was one of the most shocking events ever, any loss of
life is tragic and especially in the horrific
circumstances that arose on 9/11.

Following the immediate aftermath governments around the
world along with the media instantly lay the blame in the
mountains of afghanistan, with the Al-Qaida group.

This is all common knowledge, I was disgusted at the
attacks. I too believed what I saw on the news. Yet the
more you read and the deeper you look at that day, the
darker it becomes.

Many people will dispell this blog as a simple conspiracy
theory. Yet, if take a step back from the subliminal
biggotry instilled in you by governments and media groups,
you too may be able to see past the end of your nose!

I plan to have a more detailed blog of our own up here in
the future, where we will look deeper into the REAL facts.

9/11 Smoking Guns
9/11 oddities
Pentagon Strike

Many people dont even know a few of the following:

1) In 1999 NORAD started conducting exercises in which
airplanes are hijacked and crashed into targets which
include the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

2) Also in 1999 the U.S. government paid the entire annual
salary of every single Taliban government official in
hopes to secure a stable government in Afghanistan that
will allow U.S. oil giant Unocal to build a pipeline
through it to connect to the Caspian Sea.

3) October 24, 2000 - The Pentagon conducts the first of
two emergency training exercises called MASCAL which is
about a mock plane crash of a passenger aircraft into the
Pentagon less than a year before 9/11.

4) January 2001 - Bill Clinton told President George W.
Bush about the threat al-Qaida posed, but the Bush
Administration ignored the warning.

5) April 2001 - The New York Port Authority granted a
99-year lease of the twin towers and four other buildings
to Silverstein Properties (who already owns the WTC 7) 
making it the most expensive real estate transaction in
New York history.

6) May 4, 2001 - PNAC member, Dov S. Zakheim, is sworn in
as the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)  and Chief
Financial Officer for the Department of Defense who was a
former vice president of System Planning Corp., a defense
contractor which makes remote control and flight
termination products.

7) June 2001 - Attorney General John Ashcroft stops flying
commercial aircrafts three months before 9/11.

8) June 16, 2001 - A simulated terrorist attack exercise
called "Mall Strike 2001" is conducted in the Pennsylvania
county of Westmoreland which borders Somerset county where
the city of Shanksville is located in.

9)  July 4, 2001 - Osama Bin Laden, wanted by the US
government since 1998, undergoes medical treatment at the
American Hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates where he
is met by a local CIA chief.

10) July 2001 - U.S. plans an attack on Osama bin Laden
and the Taliban."A former Pakistani diplomat has told the
BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama
Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks.

Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told
by senior American officials in mid-July that military
action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of

Mr Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US
representatives told him that unless Bin Laden was handed
over swiftly America would take military action to kill or
capture both Bin Laden and the Taleban leader, Mullah

The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be to
topple the Taleban regime and install a transitional
government of moderate Afghans in its place - possibly
under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.

He said that he was in no doubt that after the World Trade
Center bombings this pre-existing US plan had been built
upon and would be implemented within two or three weeks.

And he said it was doubtful that Washington would drop its
plan even if Bin Laden were to be surrendered immediately
by the Taleban." - BBC (09/18/01)

11) July 2001 - Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9/11

"A 40-year-old Federal Aviation Administration rule that
allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed was
inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to
lay at least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet
of airlines, none of which took advantage of the privilege
while it was in effect.

But in July 2001 - just two months prior to the Sept. 11
attacks - the rule was rescinded." - WorldNetDaily

12) July 2001 - Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC 7,
signs a 99-year lease for the rest of the WTC just six
weeks before the attacks.

13) August 2001 - Former assistant director of the FBI and
an expert on terrorism John O'Neill becomes chief of
security at the WTC, but doesn't start until the day
before 9/11.

14) August 25, 2001 - Raytheon and the U.S. Air Force
successfully auto lands a pilot-less FedEx Boeing 727 six
times at Holloman AFB, NM using a military GPS landing
system that will enable ground control to take control of
a hijacked airplane and force land it.

15) September 2001 - 25,000 British troops arrive in Oman
for Operation Swift Sword II, the largest British military
exercise planned a year ago, and after 9/11 happens, they
will help the U.S. in any military operation in
Afghanistan if needed.

16) September 5, 2001 - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
asks the Senate to approve the DoD's 2002 budget request
-- the largest defense spending increase since the mid
80's -- and talks about the importance of U.S. homeland
defense, warns about the threats of terrorism and missile
attacks, and later reports that he is confident that his
budget request will pass.

17) September 6, 2001 - A two week heightened security
alert at the WTC is lifted and bomb-sniffing dogs there
were abruptly removed.

18) September 6, 2001 - Large number of "put" options are
placed on United Airlines stock betting that the stock
price would fall.

19) September 6, 2001 - Some of the put options placed on
United Airlines stock were purchased through the
investment banking firm of Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown in
which the current Executive Director of the CIA, A.B.
"Buzzy" Krongard, used to be the company's CEO up until

20) September 8, 2001 - Most of a Marine Aviation group
moves further away from where the explosion at the
Pentagon will happen.

21) September 9, 2001 - General Ahmed Shah Massoud, the
leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, is assassinated
by two Arabs posing as journalists and at some point after
learning about General Massoud's assassination, California
Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (R)  scheduled an appointment
to meet with top White House officials in the National
Security Council at 2:30 pm on Sept. 11th to warn them
that "something big was about to happen".

22) September 9, 2001 - NORAD conducts operation "Northern
Vigilance," planned months in advance, which deploys
fighter jets to the Alaskan region to monitor a Russian
air force exercise. Keeping many U.S aircraft away from
the U.S

23) September 10, 2001 - A group of top Pentagon officials
cancel their travel plans for the next morning because of
security concerns.

24) September 10, 2001 - Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld announces that the Pentagon has lost track of
$2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS of military spending.

25) September 10, 2001 - San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown
receives a travel warning eight hours before the attacks.

26) September 10, 2001 - The Massachusetts Urban Search
and Rescue Task Force -- one of the first teams deployed
to the WTC -- arrives late in the evening and goes into
action the following morning on 9/11 according to task
force member Tom Kenney on a Dan Rather taped interview
that aired on Sept. 13th.

27) September 10, 2001 - Osama Bin Laden reportedly
undergoes kidney dialysis at a Pakistani military hospital
in which a "secret team" replaces the regular urology

28) September 10, 2001 - Pentagon medic Matt Rosenberg is
on the phone with the FBI talking about who has command of
the MASCAL emergency plane crash plan if a plane hits the

29) September 10, 2001 - Ex. CIA-director, former
President, and President Bush's Dad, George H.W. Bush,
meets with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers at a Carlyle
business conference in Washington D.C.

30) Ben Fountain, who worked in the 47th floor of the
south tower, says weeks before the attacks they had an
"unusual" amount of evacuations from the WTC and says he
thinks "they had an inkling something was going on."

31) September 12, 2001 - Mohammed Atta allegedly calls his

32) September 13, 2001 - On a Dan Rather taped interview,
Tom Kenney of The Massachusetts Urban Search and Rescue
Task Force says his squad was one of the first teams to be
deployed to the WTC for support and says his squad arrived
late in the evening of Monday Sept. 10 and goes into
action the following morning on Tuesday Sept. 11 causing a
stir on the internet that FEMA had prior knowledge about
the attacks, but FEMA officials and Mr. Kenney's wife
later say he simply "misstated" his arrival date in the
heat of the moment, although Mr. Kenney was never actually
interviewed and FEMA never mentions their planned
participation of a biochemical attack drill in NYC
scheduled to take place the day after 9/11.

33) September 16, 2001 - Osama Bin Laden releases a press
statement denying he had anything to do with the 9/11

34) September 17, 2001 - A passport is supposedly found
belonging to one of the alleged hijackers who's plane
crashed into one of the WTC's.

35) September 26, 2001 - Mayor Rudolph Giuliani bans all
video and photography at the WTC.

36) October 5, 2001 - Bob Stevens becomes the first person
to die from the anthrax attacks who was a photo editor at
American Media, Inc., the parent company who owns the
National Enquirer which published a photo of Bush's
daughter Jenna shown drunk with a cigarette in her hand
falling on top of another girl.

37) December 13, 2001 - The Pentagon releases a poor
quality amateur video that was supposedly found in a house
in Afghanistan that shows a husky looking Osama bragging
about the 9/11 attacks and who is writing with his right
hand in which the FBI says OBL is left-handed, wearing a
gold ring -- and possible gold watch -- which are strictly
forbidden in Islam, and the Bush Administration uses this
video to confirm his guilt and vindicate US military
action in Afghanistan. THIS VIDEO WAS A FAKE IT WAS NOT
BIN LADEN but, Ali Ben Said al-Ghamdi a Saudi cleric.

38) 9/11 (6:00 am)  - NORAD was in day two of a week long
exercise called "Vigilant Guardian" in which some of it's
military participants thought the first reports of the
hijackings later on in the day were "part of the

39) 9/11 Three F-16 jetfighters from the D. C. National
Guard at Andrews AFB, which is 15 miles from the Pentagon,
were flown 180 nautical miles away for a training mission
in North Carolina.

40) 9/11 (8:10 am)  - Flight 77 takes of from Dulles
airport in Washington D.C. in which the Bureau of
Transportation Statistics shows no stats for Flight 77
taking off that day, was piloted by Capt. Charles
Burlingame who was a Navy fighter pilot and once worked on
anti-terrorism strategies in the Pentagon (the same area
of the Pentagon that got hit) , and one of the many
unusual passengers on this flight was an Ex-Navy Admiral
who also was a jet fighter pilot that once worked in the
Pentagon and was also an American Airlines captain.

41) 9/11 - The instant messaging service Odigo, says that
two of its workers at their Israeli facility received
messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on
September 11 predicting the attack would happen. Many
reprts indicate 1 israeli died in the attacks some suggest
none at all perished on the day.

42)  9/11 - Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL)  and Rep. Porter Goss
(R-FL)  -- the chairmen of the Senate and House
Intelligence Committees -- along with Sen. John Kyl (R-AZ)
 and some other members of the House Intelligence
Committee are in a meeting at the Capital building with
the director of Pakistani intelligence (ISI) , Lt. Gen.
Mahmud Ahmad, who authorized a $100,000 wire transfer to
alleged lead 9/11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta.

43) 9/11 - NORAD's operation "Northern Vigilance" that had
jetfighters patrolling the Alaskan region to monitor a
Russian air force exercise is called off upon learning of
the first hijacking.

44) 9/11 (8:46 am)  - WTC janitor William Rodriguez was
working in the basement area of the North Tower when he
hears a large explosion from the floors below him seconds
before the first plane crashes into the top of the
building, rescues a fellow worker who is severely burnt
from the blast below, and also hears various explosions
from the 20th trough the 30th floors included the 34th
floor which was completely empty due to a "construction

45) 9/11 - WTC worker Mike Pecoraro and a co-worker, who
were in the basement of the North Tower, sees "white
smoke" begin to fill the room after a loud explosion and
believes a bomb went off on the basement floors above him
after he witnesses that the machine shop on Level C was
totally destroyed and a 50 ton hydraulic press there was
"gone", sees that the parking garage the floor above had
been totally destroyed, and sees that both lobbies of the
North and South Towers were heavily damaged too.

46) 9/11 - All four planes hijacked (two 757's & two
767's)  are made by Boeing -- a major defense contractor
-- that virtually have the same flight decks, can store an
entire flight path plan, and can be automatically flown
immediately after takeoff up until landing.

47)  9/11 - FAA memo says Flight 11 passenger was shot who
happened to be a multi-millionaire elite Israeli military
commando who understands Arabic and who happened to be
sitting directly in front of one of the alleged hijackers.
His lifelong friends state he was trained to kill with a
credit card or his hands and was extremely strong able to
benchpress 450lbs. How is it possible that terrorists
overcame this man, when they were not heavily armed?

48) 9/11 - A New Jersey homemaker witnesses a group of
young men on top of a white van cheering while they were
filming themselves with the burning WTC in the background
in which they were later arrested and identified as
Israeli citizens -- with some later found to be Israeli
spies -- and they were found with large amounts of cash, a
box cutter, and multiple foreign passports in their van.

49) 9/11 - CNN correspondent Jamie McIntyre reporting live
from the Pentagon says that there's no evidence of a plane
having crashed anywhere near the building.

50) 9/11 - Andrews Air Force Base, home to the D.C. Air
National Guard and Air Force One, is only 15 miles away
from the Pentagon, but supposedly had no jet fighters on
alert and couldn't manage to scramble any of it's fighters
units (121st Fighter Squadron, Naval Air Facility, and
Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 321)  in the air until
after the Pentagon was hit.

51) 9/11 - Flight 77 is allegedly flown into the Pentagon
by 28 year old Saudi Arabian Hani Hanjour who has never
flown a Boeing 757 in real life, was described by many of
his former flight instructors as a "horrible pilot," is
the only alleged hijacker to not have a passenger number
or seat assignment, and is thought that he might not have
had a ticket to get on board the plane.

52) 9/11 - When Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime
minister of Israel, was asked what the 9/11 attacks meant
for relations between the United States and Israel, he
replied, "It's very good." posted by Suspex at 12:06 AM



"Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World"

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