-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 21:28:54 -0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Molly Morgan Dear Richard - I have not had a chance to check out the revisions to the website yet, but I have finished the book and really loved it. Based on your last message I am not sure whether you are rethinking a book tour in the States or if you are still planning to do it (I hope you are). I am now living almost full-time in Mendocino County and am encouraged by all the economic localization work that's going on here. A group of friends host a local radio show twice a month called Corporations and Democracy. They'd like me to start hosting some shows and I told them I'm not so interested in the corporations aspect these days, but I'm very interested in democracy and I'd love to do a show interviewing you on your book. However, I don't know if the station has money in the budget to cover a one-hour call to Ireland. (But they might and I plan to ask.) I know you would find a receptive audience here and I think your ideas could help to challenge those doing standard activism and help continue to inspire those who are already thinking out of the box and working to bring communities together in new ways. There's no rush on this -- the earliest I could guest host a show would be mid-April. Would you prefer to do something like this when you're touring, and if so, do you have any dates yet? Are you as good on the radio as you are at the keyboard? cheers, molly -------- Dear Molly, Thanks for your message, and I'm glad you liked the book. :-) Phone-in radio interviews are a very good idea at this stage of book promotion. I've done lots of radio interviews in the past, and they've tended to come off quite well. I'm especially eager for interviews by folks who have read the book. We can get into the deeper issues more effectively that way, and listeners can get more value out of the interview. If telephone costs are really an issue, I can do the phoning, as I have a good discount long-distance plan. But these days most people have those. Certainly every radio station should! Audio online 'chat' or skipe may also be a good option in some cases. I'm not going to do a standard book tour. I think the net & radio interviews make a lot more sense in these early days of promotion. Once there are a reasonable number of people 'out there' who have read the book, then I want to do a tour. That tour won't be primarily to 'sell books': the purpose will be to meet with folks and talk about the ideas in the book and the ideas that were sparked in readers. In particular, I'd like to experiment with 'respectful listening' in these sessions, and hopefully discuss local opportunities for harmonization events. Mid-April sounds good; let me know. I love the Mendocino area and certainly will put that on my itinerary when the time comes for a tour. thanks again, rkm http://EscapingTheMatrix.org