Watergate II : scope of Fitzgerald’s power


Richard Moore



Wherein we submit our entry in the "guess how many indictments" pool. 

by thepen 


As always we feature the action link first, this one to
call for the impeachment of George Bush


There is a storm of historic proportions headed for the
United States, one that will make Hurricane Wilma (also en
route) look like a small splash in the pond by comparison.
It's been building and gathering strength in the
increasingly hot waters of the Special Counsel's office
for almost two years, and in a matter of days it may lay
waste to the entire political infrastructure of
Washington, D.C., from one end to the other.

We start with the understanding that the crime of the
century (so far) has taken place in Iraq.  Lies and forged
evidence duped the American people into waging preemptive
war against a country that posed no threat to us -- all
for the cynical and greedy purpose of enriching a handful
of the Bush administration's closest cronies. In the
process,  over 100,000 people have been senselessly
murdered and maimed, including many thousands of our own
service people. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been
looted from the treasuries of two countries, mostly our
own. Even worse, many believe that the attack of 9/11 was
not only foreseen by the inner circle of our government,
but that orders for a deliberate "stand-down" allowed it
to occur.  Why?  So that the horrific resulting tragedy
would justify all that followed.

The magnitude of these crimes is so monumental that their
perpetrators were obsessed with suppressing any evidence
of it. They ruthlessly smeared all critics, purging and
intimidating any dissenting voices. For them the
treasonous acts of exposing (and thereby destroying) one
of our most critical intelligence assets (a front company
secretly working to prevent the spread of WMD), were just
another day's collateral damage. Having lied successfully
for so long, having corrupted their mainstream corporate
media lap dogs, and having made eunuchs of many in the
"opposition" party, they considered themselves
unassailable.  Such arrogance has seldom been equaled.

What they did not count on was Patrick Fitzgerald. The
letter which appointed him as Special Counsel granted to
him the "authority of the Attorney General . . .
independent of the supervision or control of any officer
of the Department." Careful to confirm the extent of his
mandate, he further inquired and was advised that

"[It] is plenary and includes the authority to investigate
and prosecute violations of any federal criminal laws
related to the underlying alleged unauthorized disclosure,
as well as federal crimes committed in the course of, and
with intent to interfere with, your investigation, such as
perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence,
and intimidation of witnesses; to conduct appeals arising
out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted . .

"Plenary" means "absolute and unqualified." In a word,
Fitzgerald has all the power of the attorney general, the
top law enforcement officer of the federal government
himself, to pursue the facts wherever they may lead. It
therefore appears he now possesses his own authority, and
cannot be legally removed from his position, even by Bush.
 He has his own operating budget too, direct from the GAO.

For the criminal purposes of the Bush administration,
Patrick Fitzgerald is their worst nightmare come true. He
is a career prosecutor with a reputation for being not
only "frighteningly" brilliant but fearless, and with a
driving passion for determining the truth, their most
mortal enemy.  Indeed, the fastest way to get Fitzgerald's
fur up is to try to lie to him as a witness. See, he's a
workaholic already, and liars just make him work harder.
And if you've committed a federal crime like maybe . . .
oh gee, maybe like perjury . . . says an old attorney
friend, "Pat Fitzgerald's gonna get ya." Oh, and did we
mention that he always goes for the person at the top of
the conspiracy?

For those who are still trying to get their minds around
the possible indictment of Rove and Libby, now a near
certainty, consider that no one in the Bush camp is
capable of telling the truth under any circumstances. As
for Bush himself, one of his Harvard Business School
professors said that Dubya was "famous" in his class for
being a "pathological" liar.  Bush has known all along who
the leakers were, and he's been lying all along. 
Fitzgerald interviewed Bush for over an hour, and it's
unlikely that he told the truth in any respect. Bad move,
George. Fitzie don't play that.

But wait, you say; that interview wasn't under oath. Try
telling that to Martha Stewart who just got out of prison
from her conviction for deceiving an investigator.
Likewise with Dick Cheney.  Even if two of his bag men had
not cut deals with Fitzgerald already. And as for those
who did testify untruthfully to the grand jury under oath,
ask Li'l Kim what heinous lie she told to keep her in
federal prison for a year. All she did was deny that she
knew somebody that she did, in fact, know.

So let's put it together. We have a president who seems
unable to tell the truth. We have an independent
prosecutor of immaculate integrity who will not tolerate a
lie. The INESCAPABLE conclusion is that Bush will be
indicted, along with each and every member of his
administration who participated in this. There has been
talk on the web of 22 indictments. Rove and Libby --
(that's two), add two for Hannah and Wurmser (already
cooperating but not given immunity), plus Bush and Cheney
-- that gets us up to six . . . why don't we just say
conservatively for the purposes of the pool. . . that 12
people will be indicted.

Besides perjury (and false statements), Fitzgerald has
conspiracy and obstruction of justice to pick from as
well, and those are just a couple of the technical crimes.
Remember that he has the authority to pursue this
investigation wherever it leads, and he is driven to do
just that. He was born for this. Among other things, he
requested from the Italian authorities the files on the
forging of the Niger documents themselves.  That was what
Joe Wilson's trip was all about.  And why they were so
compelled to "out" his wife in the first place in their
clumsy attempt to discredit him. What do you think the
chances are that the most zealous prosecutor they could
have appointed won't get to the bottom of that one, too?
He may even expose what really happened on 9/11.  Wouldn't
that be the "coup de grace"?

So what happens next? What happens if Bush tries to
preemptively pardon everyone, INCLUDING himself? Even
Nixon wasn't that shameless. But don't put it past Bush to
trigger the greatest constitutional crisis of all time.
There are a couple of wrinkles involved here, beyond even
the public outroar that would result. The constitution
states that the president has the power to pardon "except
in Cases of Impeachment." That's why it is important that
you act now to demand the impeachment of Bush for all the
high crimes and misdemeanors that he has committed
already. In the end it may be the only way to restrain


If Bush tries to pardon himself AND cling to power, expect
winds of historic intensity for change. And in the center
of it all there will be a vacuum of power. For those
politicians who have shown no courage so far, this will be
their last chance!  Don't be surprised to see the
conspirators running to Roberts, their latest crony
appointment, to try to find a way out.  And eternal shame
on any member of the senate who lets that one slide
without demanding each and every document that could help
reveal the truth.


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by daljits1. Submitted on 2005-10-23 05:59:15 

Daljit Singh says: 

Such a cornered wreckless liar has the potential to
unleash a pre-emptive horrible war to drown any noise
against his team and himself. Fitzgerald life is at great
risk in the coming days, as the simplest way to beat him
is to erase him, followed by profound tributes about his
widsom and patriotism etc.If president has the power to
make Fitzgerald document, a classified one, he shall do it
in the interest of 'the nation', so that the contunued
focus is on fighting a war against 'terrorism'.



"Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World"

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