War preparations: Iran demonization propaganda broadens


Richard Moore

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U.S. President: Iran must stop supporting militants

Bush: Iran must stop supporting armed groups

By Reuters

As a fragile truce took hold in south Lebanon on Monday, U.S. President George 
W. Bush again blamed Hezbollah for provoking the month-long conflict, adding 
that the Islamic guerilla organization suffered a defeat in the war.

"Hezbollah attacked Israel, Hezbollah started the crisis and Hezbollah suffered 
a defeat in this crisis," Bush said.

His comments came after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said his group had 
achieved a "strategic and historic victory" over Israel and that it was the 
wrong time to publicly discuss disarming it.

Casting the war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas as part of a wider 
struggle against terrorism, Bush also said that Iran must stop supporting armed 
groups trying to derail democracies in Iraq and Lebanon.

Bush added Lebanon to Iraq and Afghanistan as a front in what his administration
calls the global war on terror. "The conflict in Lebanon is part of a broader 
struggle between freedom and terror that is unfolding across the region," he 

Unrelenting violence in Iraq has hurt Bush's popularity and Republicans are 
concerned that anti-war sentiment could hurt their bid to keep control of 
Congress in the November election.

"It's no coincidence that two nations that are building free societies in the 
heart of the Middle East - Lebanon and Iraq - are also the scenes of the most 
violent terrorist activity," Bush said.

The president has repeatedly blamed Iran and Syria for supporting Hezbollah in 
Lebanon, but on Monday his emphasis was on Tehran - saying it must back off 
supporting fighters in both Iraq and Lebanon.

"In both these countries, Iran is backing armed groups in the hope of stopping 
democracy from taking hold," Bush said.

The United States is pressing for international action to prevent Tehran from 
developing a nuclear weapon. Iran says its nuclear program is only for civilian 

"Iran has made clear that it seeks the destruction of Israel. We can only 
imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear 
weapon it seeks," Bush said.

Bush also dismissed critics who blame American policies for the current 
instability in the Middle East, saying the United States launched its "freedom 
agenda" only after September 11 and earlier attacks by al Qaeda, hostage-taking 
by militants in Iran, and attacks by Hezbollah.

"The message of this administration is clear. America will stay on the offensive
against al-Qaida. Iran must stop its support for terror, and the leaders of 
these armed groups must make a choice. If they want to participate in the 
political life of their countries, they must disarm," Bush said.

The UN-brokered truce came after about 1,100 people in Lebanon and 156 Israelis 
were killed in the conflict. While Israel says it killed around 530 Hezbollah 
guerrillas, Hezbollah has acknowledged about 80 fighters killed.

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