
Richard Moore




Maj. Gen. Zeevi-Farkash: 

'Israel Must Assume That Iran Would Use Nuclear Weapons
Against Israel'

'Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas Will Not Risk Armed Conflict
With Hamas & Isalamic Jihad'

'Syria's President Bashar Assad Could Halt Infiltrations
Across His Border Into Iraq, If He Wanted To'

Broadcast October 20 th , 2005 on IsraCast.com

Aharon Zeevi-Farkash

The Chief of IDF Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aharon Zeevi-Farkash
has warned that Iran's nuclear weapons program is a threat to
Europe no less than it is to Israel. In an interview with the
Israeli daily Maariv, the intelligence official also said
Israel should not rule out a military option, if the
diplomatic approach fails to deter Teheran from continuing its
clandestine program to produce nuclear weapons. As for the
Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas will back down rather than face a
military confrontation with the terror groups that defy his
authority. Gen. Zeevi-Farkash believes it is only a matter of
time before the U.S. attacks Syria, if President Bashar Assad
continues to allow the flow of guerillas and explosives across
the Syrian border into Iraq.

Iran's long range cruise missiles

'Israel must assume that if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon it
will drop it on the Jewish state'. That's the assessment of
Maj. Gen. Zeevi-Farkash, the chief of military intelligence,
in an interview with the Israeli daily Maariv. Missile
launchers, displayed in Iranian military parades that are
carried on Iranian TV, bear English inscriptions 'To Destroy
Israel'. Iran is the only state in the world that calls for
the annihilation of another state and Teheran is striving to
acquire nuclear weapons. And he added: 'Maybe at the outset
they will not drop 'the bomb' on Israel, but to be all the
time under the threat if something happens or if the Iranians
are not pleased about something, then we'll be their target!'
Therefore, Israel must draw the conclusion that such a regime
when it has the bomb will use it. The intelligence chief
disclosed that he has met with European prime ministers and
cabinet ministers. He told them that the connection between
the missiles with a range of 5,000 kilometers which Iran is
developing and a nuclear military capability means that Europe
will also be living in a totally different world. The Iranians
are not developing such missiles for Israel because Israel is
already within range of their operational Shihab 3 missile
(range of 1,300 kilometers). The Iranians were developing
5,000-kilometer ballistic missiles to target Europe.

The diplomatic effort by Germany, France and England, have
succeeded in setting back Iran's nuclear program by two or
three years, possibly more. Gen Zeevi-Farkash calls this an
impressive achievement for the so-called E-3, although they
have not halted it.

The intelligence chief was asked whether the campaign against
Iran might be based on false information such as in the case
of Iraq. He replied that Israel has intelligence data
indicating Iran is conducting a clandestine nuclear military
program that it is determined to advance. This was a threat to
the entire free world especially to Israel and Europe.
Zeevi-Farkash referred to a recent case in point. There was an
instillation near Teheran called Lovizan. In the fall of 2003,
inspectors at the International Atomic Energy Agency got wind
that it was linked to the secret nuclear program and asked to
see it. There were laboratories and very sensitive
installations that could be observed in aerial photographs.
The Iranians replied:' No problem, come in the beginning of
the new year'. But when the inspectors went to tour the site
they didn't find a thing. The entire installation had been
wiped off the face of the earth. Moreover, the Iranians had
plowed up two meters of the ground because sometimes samples
of earth can reveal the level of radiation and uranium
enrichment. The inspectors did not find anything because the
Iranians had moved the entire installation to another site.

Question: Did the intelligence officer see an option of a
future attack on Iran's secret nuclear sites?

'I think that we should start on the diplomatic and global
front. This involves international institutions, economic
sanctions, the isolation of Iran, and then only at the end of
this process, if there is no alternative, other things will
have to be done'.

Question: ' In your view is this an option?'

It's not for me to decide such things. However, I do not think
that it should be ruled out'.

Mahmoud Abbas

In the Palestinian arena, there were 'ups and downs' in the
confrontation between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and the
Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups. Abbas could do more to
rein in terrorism but this was a result of pressure. As the
Palestinian elections in January draw near, Abbas will realize
more and more that he must take a more determined stance
against the terrorists because the leadership of the
Palestinian Authority is at stake. It appeared headed for a
dual outcome; two main bodies would lead the PA, not one:
Fatah and Hamas. The question of their respective strength was
now being determined. In any case, the intelligence chief did
not believe Mahmoud Abbas would throw in the towel.

Question: 'What is Abbas's red line?' Zeevi-Farkash said Abbas
would not engage in an armed conflict with the terror groups;
the Palestinian leader has said as much. In the Palestinian
Authority the life of Abbas could be in danger and therefore
he would back away from any military clash with the
terrorists. This was something Israel had to take into

Syria: President Bashar Assad claims his border with Iraq runs
for 600 kilometers and it's impossible to seal it and prevent
guerillas joining the conflict again coalition forces inside
Iraq. The Israeli intelligence officer retorts: 'If the
Syrians want to seal their border, they seal it'. This was the
case with Syria's borders with Turkey, Jordan and also
Lebanon. Assad does not close off his Iraqi border
hermetically instead he enables the smuggling of explosive
charges made in Lebanon into Iraq. Assad is facing a double
bind. The Islamist terrorists are signaling him that if he
seals his border with Iraq tightly as the U.S. demands, then
the terrorists will put him in their crosshairs. The Syrian
leader must make a choice. If Assad closes off the border
totally, he will face an internal Jihad and Islamist
terrorism. However, a refusal may result in an American attack
on Syria. An American-British operation was possible if Assad
does not seal the Iraqi border. Gen. Zeevi-Farkash did not
think the Americans would acquiesce indefinitely to the
infiltrations from Syria into Iraq.

David Essing, ISRACAST, Jerusalem

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Transcription done by Yael Yaffe-Last

Studio Production by Avi Yaffe Jerusalem Recording Studios

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