-------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:00:34 -0700 (PDT) From: jeff wefferson <•••@••.•••> Subject: VIRGINA TECH SHOOTING AN EXACT REPEAT OF MARTIN BRYANT INCIDENT IN TASMANIA To: •••@••.••• NOTE FROM JEFF: this is not the comprehensive analysis I'd like to be sending on this, but here is my take on all this followed by a synopsis from Jean Hudon's Earth Rainbow Network. Check this out: the Martin Bryant incident in Tasmania, the Columbine shooting in Colorado, and the Virginia Tech incident ALL took place on almost the same day in April...and this day is that of HITLER'S BIRTHDAY, which was April 20. This is VERY CLEARY a precise repeat of the Martin Bryant incident in Tasmania a few years ago. Martin Bryant was a fairly dim-witted young man who had been under psychiatric care his whole life. One day "he" went into a cafe and shot 16 or so people. Eye-witnesses in the cafe who were not shot said the man acted almost like a robot, a highly-trained military shooter...who SHOT 16 PEOPLE IN THE HEAD WITH ONE SHOT WHILE SHOOTING FROM THE HIP!!! This could not have been Martin Bryant, who had an iq of 60! Read this excellent article from Nexus magazine analyzing the Martin Bryant incident. Many people are unaware that psychiatrists from the Tavistock Institute in London (where "brainwashing" was born) came and set up shop in Hobart in the 1950's because it was so far away they could do anything they wanted. There is even a Tavistock Street in Hobart. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/MartinBryant1.html It was a staged psy-op that used a psychiatrically manipulated "patsy", Martin Bryant to take the fall; a double who looked like Martin Bryant, who may have been the actual shooter; and possibly other marksmen in the area. This Virgina Tech incident is EXACTLY THE SAME THING. This "student" was clearly a psychiatrically-manipulated person set up to take the fall; who knows, he may have even thought he was going to shoot people. They send in military special forces who actually do the shooting...then get out as quickly as possible, leaving the fucked up Chinese guy there to get arrested...two hours later. You see, the university police had been ordered to "stand down" (that means, "sit there and don't do the job you are supposed to do in situations like this!") so the police, who are infiltrated and/or run by probably the CIA, could get their special force team out of there and set up the scene to incriminate the chinese guy in plenty of time. This state-sponsored terrorist event serves at least three main purposes that are important to the agenda of the fascist New World Order mentalities behind them: 1) to shock people and create fear...to make people WANT more police presence or whatever...to protect them from the EVIL CHINESE SHOOTERS! 2) to distract people from focussing on the ASTRONOMICALLY DIABOLICAL NATURE of what Bush/Cheney and other neo-Nazi CEO's are doing...for example, the EXTREME PUBLICITY ON THE 'DEPLETED URANIUM' THING HAPPENIING RIGHT NOW... 3) to convince people that GUNS ARE EVIL and that Americans have no right to own them. It's not guns that kill people...PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! THE FACT THAT TENS OR HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF AMERICANS OWN GUNS IS A VERY MAJOR OBSTACLE TO A DIRECT MILITARY TAKE-OVER OF AMERICA BY THE CURRENT REGIME. THEY ARE USING EVERY TACTIC THEY CAN PULL OUT OF THEIR TUMOR TO MANIPULATE PEOPLE INTO GIVING UP THEIR FREEDOMS VOLUNTARILY...BUT THERE'S WAY TOO MANY REDNECKS SCATTERED AROUND THE STATES WHO AREN'T BUYING IT...THEY'LL GO DOWN SHOOTING AND THE BUSH/CHENEY TEAM KNOWS IT! The Martin Bryant incident in Tasmania successfully resulted in Australians relinquishing their guns to the government. But it aint' going to happen in the USA. Besides, making guns illegal doesn't stop people from owning them. The reason that Thomas Jefferson and his mates wrote into the Constition "the right to bear arms" was PRECISELY so that if imperialist forces tried to take over the USA from within, every one would be armed and it would be impossible to do so by direct force. This is why the USA has been under intense psychological assault ever since WW2...if you have a gun pointed at you you are aware of it; but if you are being attacked by stuff you can't see or directly sense, then you cannot take preventive action...unless you know about it. This is why I spend so much energy trying to wake people up to the psychological operations assaulting us left and right 24-7. PEOPLE WE'VE GOT TO WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers jeff Virginia Tech Shooting 'Oddities' <http://www.legitgov.org/virginia_tech_shooting_oddities.html> "The average 'nut' is not this well armed, nor able to kill with such precision, and so quickly." (...) I have been watching Roanoke local TV with excellent coverage. Brian Williams of NBC interviewed two students, one who was shot. The following facts about the shooter emerged as they met face to face: 1. did not recognize from campus 2. reloaded clips (semi auto pistol(s)) very fast 3. "looked trained" in use of weapons, pro 4. wearing red cap, vest (impression of trained "beret") 5. authorities said he had "no ID" on him 6. gunman wearing all black (pro wear) 7. camera phone recorded "blast" after fired shots. The school police stood down for two hours, without notifying students or faculty. During the press conference, they said they often run "drills." School president and campus police chief were absolutely emotionless during both conferences, very matter of fact. Police not providing ID, not providing weapon details... Why? CLIP Sources: Feds Ordered VA Police To Stand Down (April 20, 2007) <http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/200407standdown.htm> <http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/200407standdown.htm> Local authorities were told to take no action to pursue killer - Police and EMT workers at Virginia Tech tell us that campus police were given a federal order to stand down and not pursue killer Cho Seung-Hui as Monday's bloodshed unfolded. Though wishing to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, we have received calls from police and EMT's who tell us that a stand down order was in place, and this is also confirmed by eyewitness Matt Kazee, who is a Blacksburg local. Kazee talked to local EMT's and police who told him the same thing, that the order was to wait until federal back up arrived before any action was taken. This explains the complete non-response of the police in the two hour gap between Cho's first two murders and the wider rampage that would follow later that morning. The policy of federal control over the University was put in place following a previous shooting in August 2006 in which a police officer and a hospital security guard were killed. In addition, a former long-term University police officer, George French, told the Alex Jones Show that it is routine to seal off a campus on which a suspected gunman is loose. "Setting up a series of roadblocks, controlling access to very large pieces of property, is very much routine on any university campus in Canada and in the United States," said French. "After a double homicide, when you're looking for a dangerous fellow with a firearm, I find it unfathomable that a series of roadblocks weren't set upŠto prevent the felon from escaping." French could find no logical conclusion other than deliberate inaction on the part of officials. "We have another coordinated, allowed eventŠthe parallels are so common in each case; you can write the script in advance." Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind Controlled Assassin (April 19, 2007) <http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2007/190407mindcontrolled.htm> Deadly accuracy, disturbing revelations suggest outside involvement in VA Massacre, cocktail of brainwashing from prozac, violent video games contributed to carnage - Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, whether you believe he was under the influence of outside parties or not, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning. Another School Shooter, Another Psychiatric Drug? (April 16, 2007) <http://cchr.com/index.cfm/9027/19828> 28 Dead and 62 Wounded in Recent Drug-Induced School Shootings- Today's shooting rampage at Virginia Tech is being called the deadliest school shooting incident in U.S. history, with initial reports citing 32 dead and 29 more wounded in the bloodiest school massacre since Columbine. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a mental health watchdog that initially discovered the psychiatric drug connection in the Columbine shootings, says the media and law enforcement must move quickly to investigate the Virginia shooter's psychiatric drug history -- a common factor amongst school shooters. In fact eight recent school shooters were under the influence of psychiatric drugs documented by the FDA to cause suicidal behavior, mania, psychosis, hallucinations, hostility and "homicidal ideation." In other instances the shooter's medical records were never made public, so their psychiatric drug use remains in question. CLIP http://www.cryobenthics.org http://www.regainyourbrain.org http://www.synthaissance.blogspot.com (NEW!) "I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's." William Blake "On Spaceship Earth, there are no passengers: everyone is crew." -- R. Buckminster Fuller -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website: http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website: http://cyberjournal.org Community Democracy Framework: http://cyberjournal.org/DemocracyFramework.html Subscribe cyberjournal list: •••@••.••• (send blank message) Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/ Moderator: •••@••.••• (comments welcome)