Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference


Richard Moore

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 22:43:38 -0700
Subject: FYI: Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference: "9/11, Canada and the New World 
Order - Reclaiming Our Destiny"

Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference

"9/11, Canada and the New World Order - Reclaiming Our Destiny"

June 22nd to 24th, 2007

April 15th, 2007 ­ The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society will be hosting a 
multi-speaker, international conference to expose the realities, myths, 
omissions and distortions of the official narrative of the events of September 
11th, 2001, and the evidence which contradicts what we, the public, have been 
told about that fateful day; the defining moment of the 21st Century.

The theme of the conference is "9/11, Canada and the New World Order ­ 
Reclaiming Our Destiny" and will therefore focus not only on what did or did not
occur, on that day,  but will also look critically at what has been done, and is
being done today, by our own government(s) with 9/11 as the justification, and 
why Canadians must demand a new, full, fair and impartial investigation into 

This page contains preliminary information and will be updated regularly, as 

Topics for discussion include:

Solid Evidence that directly contradicts the Official Narrative of 9/11

The History of False Flag Terrorism

Gate Keeping of information by the mass media, political parties and respected 
authors and political commentators.

The War On Terror and Canada's participation in it, our role in the War in 
Afghanistan, and that country's relationship to 9/11.

The use of Depleted Uranium Weapons which are permanently injuring and even 
killing Canadian Armed Forces personnel, and destroying Afghanistan and Iraq 
(and the world) with radioactive dust, as well Canada's roll in producing such 

The Weaponization of Space and Canada's participation in the space program, the 
Military Industrial Complex, as well as hi-tech weapons and their potential uses

The S.P.P. (Security and Prosperity Partnership) between the USA, Canada and 
Mexico, which many contend is a blueprint for a North American Union (without 
citizen input nor public debate), as well as the fate of democracy, civil 
rights, Canadian culture and our national identity.

Big Brother and the Surveillance of Ordinary Citizens in Canada and worldwide.

Globalization and "New World Order" agenda for Canada and the world.
The importance, methods and means of 9/11 Truth Activism

Confirmed speakers and their subjects:

Webster Griffin Tarpley  , journalist and author of "Synthetic Terror: Made in 
the USA" on False-Flag Terrorism

Barrie Zwicker  , journalist, TV host, media critic, and author of "Towers of 
Deception", will present The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy

Prof. Peter Dale Scott  , (U. Berkley) author, journalist, poet, and former 
Canadian Diplomat on Drugs, Oil, and War as well Parallels between the JFK 
Assassination and 9/11

William Thomas  , journalist and author of "All Fall Down" on the Lack of 
Military Response on 9/11

Prof. Steven E. Jones  , (B.Y.U.) on his published paper entitled "Why Indeed 
Did the WTC Buildings Completely Collapse".

Rowland Morgan  , journalist and author of Flight 93 Revealed on The Flight 93 
and other 9/11 anomalies.

Robin Hordon  , a former U.S. Air Traffic Controller on What Should Have 
Happened on 9/11 from an Aviation Perspective.

Ken Fernandez  , a lawyer, writer and Vice-President of the Canadian Action 
Party will discuss Canada's Response to 9/11 and the Virtual Capitulation of our
National Sovereignty.

Connie Fogal  , Leader of the Canadian Action Party on the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership and the North American Union. Her registered federal 
political party has made the need for a new, independent 9/11 investigation it's
first priority in it's election platform

Prof. Michael Keefer  , (U. Guelph) on the Gate Keepers - those in media or 
public position who refuse to examine the evidence and  / or dissuade others 
from doing so.

Prof. Alfred Webre    on "9/11 as a War Crime" and "The 9/11 Independent 
Prosecutor Act" as well the Weaponization of Space, Canada's roll in the space 
industry, and as well as his involvement with the International War Crimes 

Leuren Moret  , a scientist, writer and whistleblower on Depleted Uranium and 
Health Effects. UPDATE: We regret to inform you that Ms. Moret had to cancel due
to unforseen circumstances. We are seeking a replacement for this segment, 
however, she has offered us a DVD presentation for use if we can not find an 
adequate replacement speaker in time for the conference.

Dr. William Deagle, MD  on the New World Order Agenda, bio-weapons, virus 
threats and vaccines, 9/11 and the Oklahoma City Bombing anomalies and 

Hal Sisson  , author of "Modus Operandi 9/11" as well as former lawyer and 
entertainer will discuss this, his latest novel that offers a satirical look at 
the 'official conspiracy theory' of 9/11 (that which the US gov't and 9/11 
Commission would have us believe).

Parallel Side Events, Screenings and Workshops at this conference:

Several important documentaries examining the events of 9/11 in detail will be 
screened, including a preview of a forthcoming 9/11 documentary called Shadow 
Play by Australian director Gillian Norman.

In addition to identifying problems with the "Official Story" of 9/11 and the 
solutions that our governments have offered, this conference will also address 
solutions for Canada and for individuals. It is hoped that all speakers will 
offer their own perspectives on solutions. Mr. Ian Woods , Editor of Global 
Outlook Magazine will discuss the history and present state of the "9/11 Truth 
Movement" and Dr. Joe Hawkins , publisher of the very popular website 
'' will speak about the importance of "9/11 Truth Activism and some 
of the many ways to be active and effective. An optional workshop for personal 
growth and spirituality will be facilitated by Sahara of Vancouver's 
Freethinker's Club.

NEW - Added April 18th

A presentation on the "Turkish Terrorism Trials" regarding ongoing arrests and 
torture in Turkey of political activists in the name of the "War on Terror".  
For personal safety concerns, the presenter shall remain unnamed for the time 
being as the investigation goes on.

More info here 

Watch for more additions here!

Additional Notes:

Several other well known speakers in the 9/11 Truth Movement, celebrities, and 
some victim family members who have gone public with their 9/11 concerns, have 
been contacted and invited to attend and or speak here but are, as of yet, 
unconfirmed and therefore unnamed. They may yet be added to our list of speakers
and such information will be posted here as soon as we can confirm it.

About us:

The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society was officially registered under the Society's 
Act of the Province of British Columbia, Canada in March, 2007 (#S ­ 51906) and 
is dedicated primarily to affecting a new, full, fair and impartial 
investigation into the events of September 11th, 2001. We dedicate this 
conference to that end, in the interest of justice for the victims of the 9/11 
attacks (and their families), as well as for the sake of humanity as a whole. 
The truth must be known and be told.

Proceeds from this event will go to future public events and other endeavours to
raise public awareness about 9/11 issues and questions, in and around the 
Vancouver area, and to support continued independent research and exposure of 
the 9/11 issues.

Dates and Times:

5 pm to 10pm on Friday, June 22nd, 2007
9 am  to 5 pm on Saturday, June 23rd, 2007
9 am  to 5 pm on Sunday, June 24th, 2007

Venue / Location:

The Maritime Labour Centre
1880 Triumph St..,
Vancouver, B.C.

V5L 1K3

Map Here

(close to Victoria Dr. and Hastings St, on the city's east side, about 15 
minutes from downtown).

Seating Capacity: 700 (Auditorium: 600 and Breakout Room: 100)

This facility is wheelchair accessible.

Program Schedule:  coming soon - details are not yet firmly established - 
additional speakers may yet be added

Ticket Purchases:

Tickets may be reserved by phone, fax or e-mail, and payable with cheque, money 
order, or via PayPal.

Tickets will also be available in person (cash) at our meetings and at the 
upcoming David Ray Griffin event, May 16th,

or at the door, if they are still available.

(See bottom of this page for address, phone / fax number, e-mail address).

NOTE: International purchases via regular mail, please purchase and send a Money
Order, not a personal cheque,

and purchase it in Canadian Dollars)

Admission Prices / Ticket Purchases (All prices include, postage, handling, GST 
and currency exchange where applicable):

Full Weekend Tickets: CDN $95.00 / US $85.00 (including 2 lunchtime meals)

with PayPal

Single Day Tickets:
Friday evening CDN $25.00 / US $ 22.00   - no meals

with PayPal

Saturday only:  CDN $50.00 / US $ 44.00  - includes lunchtime meal

  with PayPal

Sunday only:    CDN $50.00 / US $ 44.00  - includes lunchtime meal
with PayPal

Students and Seniors:
20% off the above prices (rebated at the door with appropriate ID)

<> Download 
Ticket Purchase Order Form Here (PDF) for cheque and money order payments, for 
any of the above

Hardship Cases:

Special documentable 'hardship' applications for reduced admission rates will be
considered on a case by case basis

in the 2 weeks prior to the event (if tickets are still available) We will be 
posting a form for this purpose soon.

Accommodations for 'Out of Town' guests:

We are working on deals for a group rate at nearby hotels. Please check back 
here soon for announcements

and web links for any participating hotels, etc



It is entirely possible that some or any one of our speakers must cancel this 
engagement due to unforeseen circumstances, therefore, no guarantee of the list 
of speakers is implied nor should be construed as such. However, with any such 
cancellations, we shall endeavour to find an adequate replacement, where and if 
possible, prior to start of the conference. Ticket purchases will only be 
refunded if, for any reason the conference must be canceled.

Alcohol and Drugs:

Alcoholic beverages will NOT be served NOR will their consumption be condoned or
tolerated. Consumption of any prohibited substances will also not be tolerated.

Age Restrictions:

This event is intended for adults and juveniles (minimum age 17). There are no 
facilities for children and the subject matter should be regarded as  mature. 
Out of respect for others, please do not bring babies and small children. We 
thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Privacy Policy:

We do NOT give away, share, nor sell any personal data (names, addresses, phone 
numbers, credit card info, e-mail addresses, etc) received from ticket sales.

This entire event will be professionally, digitally video-recorded and published
whole, or in segments, on DVDs, on the Internet and / or or public TV. Anyone 
attending must be of the understanding that, at some point, their face and / or 
voice recorded in scenes showing the crowd, without right of compensation. 
Portions may be televised. DVDs of this conference will be made available at a 
later date to the public and attendees for a nominal fee to cover costs.

Media Policy:

Anyone not affilated with a recognized media organization may, without prior 
consent of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society, report on this conference in print,
personal homepages, blogs, public forums etc, with photos and with private video
recordings not to exceed 30 minutes each (non-profit use). For recording beyond 
this limit, we ask that you confer with us and receive our express written 
permission in advance.

Members of the media are asked to register upon arrival and to present their 
credentials. To avoid unnecessary delays, advance notice would be appreciated.

Entry to Canada from the USA:

If you are flying to and from Vancouver, a valid passport is required to enter 
Canada, as well as to re-enter the USA.  However, you may choose to fly to 
Bellingham, WA which is often cheaper (1 hour's drive from Vancouver, BC) and 
take a bus or rental car to Canada via the Blaine, WA border crossing.

For Ticket Purchases, please make cheques and money orders payable to:

Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society
Box #32 - 2902 Main Street,
Vancouver, BC
V5T 3G3

Tel. / Fax: (604) 608-5667
E-mail: <>e-mail form


Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL: 604-733-8134
FAX: 604-733-8135
Email: <mailto:•••@••.•••>•••@••.•••
ICIS: <>


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