* US official confirms: “There will be an attack on Iran” *


Richard Moore

         And what do we do if just the opposite happens - a strike on
         Iran unifies Iranians behind the regime? An Administration
         official told me it's not even a consideration. "IRGC IED's
         are a casus belli for this Administration. There will be an
         attack on Iran."

This WILL be a nuclear attack. It WILL be proceeded by another inside 
job similar to 9/11.  It WILL send some of our aircraft carriers to 
the bottom of the sea. It WILL halt all oil shipping in the gulf. It 
WILL be followed by some  kind of martial law regime under FEMA and 
Homeland Security. It MAY lead to economic chaos in the USA. It MAY 
lead to unexpected escalation, perhaps due to rogue Israeli 
adventurism, and perhaps involving Russia.

I'd say get your money out of banks and into cash. Stay away from 
large public concentrations and famous places / targets. Say goodbye 
the world you've known. It'll be the Katrina-treatment for all of us. 
Didn't you realize that Katrina was a successful test run of how 
'emergencies' will be responded to? (See: 

         Incidentally, he also is convinced the IRGC is helping Iraqi
         Shi'a militias sight in their mortars on the Green Zone.
         "The way they're dropping them in, in neat grids, tells me
         all I need to know that the Shi'a are getting help. And
         there's no doubt it's Iranian, the IRGC's," he said.

Wow! They can't even protect a perimeter around the Green Zone! How 
embarrassing. No wonder they're looking for someone to blame.


Original source URL:

Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007
Prelude to an Attack on Iran
By Robert Baer

Reports that the Bush Administration will put Iran's Islamic 
Revolutionary Guard Corps on the terrorism list can be read in one of 
two ways: it's either more bluster or, ominously, a wind-up for a 
strike on Iran. Officials I talk to in Washington vote for a hit on 
the IRGC, maybe within the next six months. And they think that as 
long as we have bombers and missiles in the air, we will hit Iran's 
nuclear facilities. An awe and shock campaign, lite, if you will. But 
frankly they're guessing; after Iraq the White House trusts no one, 
especially the bureaucracy.

As with Saddam and his imagined WMD, the Administration's case 
against the IRGC is circumstantial. The U.S. military suspects but 
cannot prove that the IRGC is the main supplier of sophisticated 
improvised explosive devices to insurgents killing our forces in Iraq 
and Afghanistan. The most sophisticated version, explosive formed 
projectiles or shape charges, are capable of penetrating the armor of 
an Abrams tank, disabling the tank and killing the crew.

A former CIA explosives expert who still works in Iraq told me: "The 
Iranians are making them. End of story." His argument is only a state 
is capable of manufacturing the EFP's, which involves a complicated 
annealing process. Incidentally, he also is convinced the IRGC is 
helping Iraqi Shi'a militias sight in their mortars on the Green 
Zone. "The way they're dropping them in, in neat grids, tells me all 
I need to know that the Shi'a are getting help. And there's no doubt 
it's Iranian, the IRGC's," he said.

A second part of the Administration's case against the IRGC is that 
the IRGC has had a long, established history of killing Americans, 
starting with the attack on the Marines in Beirut in 1983. And that's 
not to mention it was the IRGC that backed Hizballah in its 
thirty-four day war against Israel last year. The feeling in the 
Administration is that we should have taken care of the IRGC a long, 
long time ago.

Strengthening the Administration's case for a strike on Iran, there's 
a belief among neo-cons that the IRGC is the one obstacle to a 
democratic and friendly Iran. They believe that if we were to get rid 
of the IRGC, the clerics would fall, and our thirty-years war with 
Iran over. It's another neo-con delusion, but still it informs White 
House thinking.

And what do we do if just the opposite happens - a strike on Iran 
unifies Iranians behind the regime? An Administration official told 
me it's not even a consideration. "IRGC IED's are a casus belli for 
this Administration. There will be an attack on Iran."

- Robert Baer, a former CIA field officer assigned to the Middle 
East, is TIME.com's intelligence columnist and the author of See No 
Evil and, most recently, the novel Blow the House Down

Copyright  2007 Time Inc. All rights reserved.

Original source URL:


If you thought the Cheney White House could not be so crazy as to 
attack Iran given the existing debacle in Iraq, we have news for you. 
They ARE that crazy. As reported by Time magazine on line yesterday, 
an administration official declared unilaterally "There will be an 
attack on Iran", based on the totally bogus assertion that they are 
the source for the IEDs being used in Iraq. And the only way to stop 
the insanity is to impeach the Vice President immediately.

ACTION PAGE ON CHENEY IMPEACHMENT: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachmen...

Never mind that all anyone has to do is Google the words "missing 
explosives iraq" and in seconds you will find all the links to how 
340 bulk tons of the most powerful military explosives just walked 
away from the Al Qa'qaa storage depot and others, which HAD been 
under U.N. seal, until they were left entirely unguarded for a month 
and a half while the U.S. military was only interested in protecting 
the oil ministry.

Never mind that all one of the strategic Keystone Cops in the Vice 
President's office would have to do is Google the words "ieds copper 
discs" and in seconds they too would find all the links to how local 
machine shops in Iraq were cranking out the parts needed to make all 
those IEDS as a cottage industry, given that they now have enough 
stolen high explosives stockpiled for a 200 year insurgency at 
current rates of attacks.

And yet still the push is from Cheney's office to tell even bigger 
lies about Iran than he ever told about Iraq, and to escalate yet 
another fraudulent casus belli into world war with a billion Muslims, 
99.999 percent of whom would have rather just be left alone in peace 
had we not gone out of our way to bomb their cities.

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