US General captured by Resistance; fighting rages in ar-Ramadi


Richard Moore

From: William Bowles
Subject: Iraq: US General captured by Resistance; fighting rages in ar-Ramadi 

News and opinions on situation in Iraq
03/08/04        US General captured by Resistance; fighting rages in ar-Ramadi.

In a dispatch posted at 4:40pm Tuesday, Mecca time, the
correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in ar-Ramadi reported that
fierce fighting had been raging in the area of the city since
9 :30am and that in some places it had grown into direct and
bloody battles at such close quarters that US Apache
helicopters are unable to take part for fear of hitting their
own troops.

The correspondent wrote that the fighting was under way in the
area of the sports playing field, al-Fajjariyah, and near the
Agricultural College, and it was also raging around the
Maternity Hospital.

US troops closed off all roads leading to the city of
ar-Ramadi and the correspondent has no information on the
extent of casualties as a result of the violent fighting under
way because of the danger of approaching the front lines.

The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam wrote, however, that
Resistance forces launched a painful attack at the US
aggressor troops in which they captured an American General on
Tuesday morning. The General was accompanying a US column
heading from a US outpost to the command headquarters, set up
by the Americans in the Republican Palace in ar-Ramadi.

The capture of the American general sparked the fighting, as
US forces moved to close all roads to and from ar-Ramadi to
prevent his being taken outside the city area. US forces are
insisting that they will not open the roads until the
Resistance hands the back to them.

One large column of US forces attempted to get to ar-Ramadi
along the expressway north of al-Fallujah, but Resistance
fighters from that city confronted the advancing Americans,
unleashing a hail of rockets and mortars upon them, splitting
the column in two. The rear half of the column fled back to
Baghdad, the front part attempted to make for ar-Ramadi, but
failing that, made their way to the US occupation base at
al-Habbaniyah instead.

The residents of northern districts of al-Fallujah could see
the flames and smoke rising into the sky from fires burning in
wrecked US military vehicles.

Resistance destroys US tank, Humvee southwest of al-Fallujah
Tuesday evening.

Iraqi Resistance forces destroyed an American tank and a
Humvee in the village of ash-Shamiyah, south west of
al-Fallujah a few minutes before9 :00pm Mecca time, according
to the local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam. The
correspondent, who was 250 meters away when the attack
occurred, reported that the ambush was laid near the village
mosque. The reporter was unable to ascertain the extent of US
losses, however, because the American aggressor troops
immediately closed off the scene of the attack and would not
allow anyone to approach.

US forces frequently seal off areas in which Resistance
attacks take place enabling themselves to evacuate dead and
wounded, to haul off the wreckage of vehicles and to clean up
the area before the press is allowed back in. Such actions
enable the Americans to hide the extent of their losses in men
and materiel.

Resistance pummels American base in at-Taji; US airlift of
casualties lasts over five hours.

Iraqi Resistance fighters at 7:45am on Tuesday morning fired
six massive Grad rockets at the US aggressor base in at-Taji,
northwest of Baghdad. The rockets slammed into the camp, and
one of them scored a direct hit on the main ammunition
storehouse, setting off a series of massive and continuous

With the road cut by Resistance activity, the Americans used
huge Chinook helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded
after the explosions died down at8 :30am. The movement of the
huge helicopters evacuating casualties continued until2 :00pm
in the afternoon, according to the local correspondent of
Mafkarat al-Islam.

Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee east of al-Fallujah.

An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb exploded on the highway east
of al-Fallujah at3 :30pm Tuesday afternoon. According to the
local correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam, the blast set one
American Humvee on fire. Afterward, US troops closed the
highway to traffic and it remained closed when the
correspondent posted his report at6 :20pm Mecca Time, Tuesday.

Resistance frees Iraqi woman from US clutches, then attacks US
column in al-Karmah.

At7 :50pm Mecca Time, the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam
filed a report on an incident that took place in al-Karmah
earlier in the day.

Early on Tuesday 24 US aggressor troops stormed into the home
of an Iraqi woman in search of her husband, who, the Americans
think, is an active member of the local Resistance.

When the troops failed to find the husband, they took the wife
captive instead, putting her in a vehicle in their column of
five Humvees. The captive woman cried out to the people in the
area, however, calling for help, and imploring them not to
allow what had been done to the prisoners of Abu Ghurayb to be
done to her.

In a few moments a crowd of more than fifty men of the
Resistance rushed to crowd around the Humvee carrying the
woman. They confronted the Americans and demanded the woman's
release. When the US troops refused, arguments and fist fights
broke out between the two sides, as the Resistance was
determined to avoid using weapons where the captive woman
might be hurt.

A short consultation then between the two sides by way of the
Iraqi translator accompanying he American invaders resulted in
an agreement whereby the Americans would release the woman on
condition that the crowd of Resistance fighters step away from
the American column and allow it to get away.

The Americans then were compelled to release the woman. When
she had been taken to a safe place, the leader of the
Resistance fighters called on his men to attack the Americans
in defense of the woman's honor. The collaborator translator
intervened saying that they couldn't attack the Americans
because they had an agreement with them. To that the
Resistance leader responded, 'what kind of agreement, what
kind of commitment do we have with them, when they violate the
honor of our women and abuse them? There is no agreement with
such people, no truce!'

The fighters began to lay into the collaborator translator to
kill him for his treason and then the Resistance opened fire
with rocket-propelled grenades and C5Ks on the Humvees,
destroying them and killing all aboard, before reinforcements
could come. The large number of fighters gathered in the area
enabled them to have done with the US aggressor troops

The mother was then moved out of al-Karmah along with her
children, lest the Americans return to exact some kind of
revenge on the family. Afterwards, the Americans in fact
encircled and imposed a blockade on al-Karmah, and the town
remained sealed off when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent
posted his report at7 :50pm Tuesday, Mecca time.

Sudden nighttime Resistance attack on US camp near Samarra'
leaves 16 Americans dead.

Early Tuesday morning Iraqi Resistance forces from Samarra'
attacked a US command point in the rural village of
ar-Rawashid in the al-Ishaqi district near Samarra'. The
Samarra' correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam arrived on the
scene eight hours after the fighting and local residents told
him that the Resistance stunned the sleeping American camp at
4:00am Tuesday when they attacked with rocket-propelled
grenades (RPGs), C5Ks, and machine guns. The soldiers at the
command post who manned an armored personnel carrier and two
Humvees - 16 men in all - were killed.

Local residents used their own weapons to shoot into the air
in celebration of the Resistance victory. Later US aggressor
troops moved in to storm houses in search of the Resistance
fighters, who, as usual, remained out of sight. The American
troops surrounded the village for two hours during their
search operation, but then departed.

Resistance car bomb wounds six Iraqi puppet troops near

An Iraqi Resistance martyrdom car bomb blast at a checkpoint
north of the town of Baëqubah wounded six Iraqi members of the
puppet so-called 'national guard,' according to 'national
guard' Lieutenant Muhammad ad-Dulaymi at the scene. Major
Deborah Stewart of the US1 st Infantry Division said the
wounded had been evacuated to a nearby hospital.

Resistance bomb kills puppet police chief.

An Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb Tuesday killed a local
puppet police chief in Baghdad, according to the American
Associated Press (AP). The Resistance car bomb in Baghdad's
upscale al-Mansur district killed the head of a local puppet
police station and wounded two of his bodyguards, the puppet
police said. The bomb exploded as Colonel Mu'ayyad Mahmud
Bashshar ash-Shamari, chief of the al-Ma'mun puppet police
station, was driving past.

Iraqi Dr. Zayid Muhammad was quoted by the Mafkarat al-Islam
as saying that the explosion took place in al-Washshash
district, west of Baghdad and killed the puppet police chief
of al-Ma'mun as well as another officer in the puppet police.
He said that a third puppet policeman was wounded and taken to
al-Yarmuk Hospital.

An AP TV film showed the wreckage of a small white truck
belonging to the puppet police around which could be seen
pools of blood.

In a dispatch posted at 6:45pm Mecca time, the correspondent
for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast which killed
Puppet police Colonel Bashshar took place in the al-Mansur
district of central western Baghdad near the large mosque

The correspondent added that the blast also killed two
'multinational' occupation troops and wounded two more in
addition to killing another officer in the Iraqi puppet
police. The US military had acknowledged earlier on Tuesday
that two 'foreign' occupation troops were killed and two more
wounded in a separate statement, but omitted any indication of
the fact that they were stricken in the same Resistance attack
that killed the puppet police chief. (See story below.)

US military admits four occupation soldiers killed in combat.

The US military admitted on Tuesday that two 'foreign'
soldiers were killed and two others wounded in an Iraqi
Resistance roadside bomb blast overnight on Baghdad's western
outskirts. Initial American reports failed to mention the
nationality of the invader troops, but an American Associated
Press (AP) report referred to them as American.

The American aggressors also acknowledged that two American
Marine invaders were killed in action in the rebellious
province of al-Anbar where al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi are
located. One of the US invaders died on Monday from wounds and
the other Tuesday, the US military said.

Resistance attack cuts off all Iraqi oil exports to Turkey.

Iraqi Resistance fighters struck an oil pipeline linking the
Kirkuk fields with the Turkish port of Ceyhan on Tuesday
morning, shutting down all Iraqi oil exports to Turkey,
according to a report broadcast by al-ëArabiyah satellite TV.

Engineer Nasir Qasim ëAbd al-Jabbar, a puppet official charged
with the unenviable task of keeping the flow in the Oil of the
North Company pipelines going, said 'a large explosion
occurred at6 :00am, local time, in the complex of pipes that
carry oil east of the city of al-Fath, which lies west of

ëAbd al-Jabbar added that the blast caused heavy damage to the
strategic pipeline, and halted all Iraqi exports of oil to the
Turkish port of Ceyhan.

A source at the Bayji oil refinery, the main one in the
country, confirmed that the Resistance had blown up the
pipeline carrying crude oil to the refinery and to the main
northern export pipeline that takes Iraqi oil to Ceyhan. That
route has been virtually closed down for nearly two months due
to persistent Resistance assaults.

Bayji is located180 km north of Baghdad. Local puppet police
reported that the Resistance blew up the pipeline there in the
early hours of Tuesday morning.

The Iraqi Resistance frequently targets the oil pipelines
carrying petroleum out of Iraq, because the returns from sale
of the Iraqi natural resource all go directly into the coffers
of the US aggressors and their stooges.

Al-Fallujah residents free four Jordanian hostages.

In a report posted at1 :30am Wednesday morning, Mecca time,
the al-Fallujah correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam reported
that the people of the city had released four Jordanian truck
drivers who had been held hostage by an Iraqi Resistance
group. The people of al-Fallujah released the four after
discovering that they were being held in a house in their

The correspondent wrote that the people of al-Fallujah stormed
into the house where the four were being held after learning
the location where the four truck drivers were being held
since earlier in the week. The people were able to take the
four out of the house where they were being held and then
transported them to a safe place from which they will be
turned over to the Jordanian embassy at an appropriate time
Wednesday morning.

The correspondent wrote that the people's raid on the house
took place at midnight, and that a group of 10 men took part.
Among those participating in the raid were members of the
guards of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Human
Rights (CSDHR) in al-Fallujah. They were heavily armed but the
operation involved no gunfire between them and the kidnappers,
as neither side sought to draw the blood of their brothers.

The guards of the CSDHR took charge of moving the former
hostages to safety. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent writes
that the guards of the CSDHR perform the function of
protecting and providing security in several neighborhoods of



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Richard Moore (rkm)
Wexford, Ireland
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