US expands pressure on Iran


Richard Moore

Original source URL:

        The nuclear part of the administration's long-term Iran
        strategy, designed by the State Department and European
        allies, offers Iran significant economic and diplomatic
        cooperation and a steady supply of enriched uranium produced
        outside the country for energy use in exchange for
        suspension. So far, Iran's refusal to accept the offer has
        led to the two unanimous Security Council resolutions --
        weakly worded, in the view of administration hard-liners.

Here we see the real reason for the US pressure. The US wants to cartelize 
control over nuclear  fuel, and doesn't want any independent operators.



Iranian Defiance Of U.N. Detailed
Nuclear Enrichment Continues, Report Says
By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 24, 2007; A01

Iran has again defied U.N. demands to suspend its nuclear enrichment programs, 
according to a report issued yesterday by the International Atomic Energy 
Agency, leading Bush administration officials to demand increased pressure on 

The IAEA report said that Iran has significantly accelerated its enrichment 
capability and has not provided a range of verification information to the 
agency. The IAEA's "level of knowledge of certain aspects of Iran's 
nuclear-related activities has deteriorated," the four-page document said. The 
report described the last 60 days of activity since an assessment in March led 
to the adoption of a U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran. 
That resolution stepped up the sanctions initially authorized in December.

"The pressure so far has not produced the results that we all have been hoping 
for," said Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. "The 
time has come," he said, to "ratchet up the pressure to bring about a change in 
Iranian calculation."

The IAEA report comes amid tension within the administration over how 
aggressively to respond to the continued Iranian defiance on a range of issues, 
including its nuclear program and support for international terrorism and 
violent insurgents in Iraq. Vice President Cheney's office and hard-liners on 
the National Security Council staff think the current carrot-and-stick strategy 
leans too far in the direction of carrots.

Standing two weeks ago aboard a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf, 150 
miles off the Iranian coast, Cheney said he wanted to "send a clear message to 
our friends and adversaries alike" that the administration will protect its 
interests and honor its commitments. Arab states have pressed for U.S. 
protection of oil supply routes. Yesterday, nine U.S. warships sailed through 
the Strait of Hormuz toward Iran to begin an unannounced exercise in 
international waters.

At the same time, the State Department recently succeeded in getting President 
Bush's authorization to hold direct talks with Tehran on the situation in Iraq 
-- something the president had repeatedly said he would not permit without a 
change in Tehran's behavior. The U.S. and Iranian ambassadors to Iraq are due to
begin a dialogue in Baghdad on Monday.

At a news conference last week with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bush said
that the United States would push for a third Security Council resolution if the
IAEA report was negative. The measure is expected to require additional 
restrictions on Iran, including mandatory travel bans on specific government 
officials, expanded prohibitions against dealing with Iranian companies and 
banks, and new sanctions against companies associated with Iran's Revolutionary 
Guard. Arms imports from Iran are currently banned; a ban on weapons exports to 
the country is also being considered.

U.S. officials said yesterday that the administration will delay pressing for 
new Security Council action until after the talks scheduled for next Thursday 
between European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Ali Larijani, 
Iran's top nuclear negotiator. On behalf of the United States, France, Britain 
and Germany, Solana has been instructed to consider even a month-long suspension
as Iranian progress, but Iran has refused and officials expressed little 
optimism the meeting would lead to a breakthrough.

Undersecretary of State R. Nicholas Burns called the IAEA report "disturbing, 
because it shows that Iran is effectively thumbing its nose at the U.N. and the 
entire international community. If Iran does not agree to sit down and 
negotiate, which we would prefer they do, then I'm quite sure there will be 
united and strong international pressure for a third resolution."

"The purpose would be to demonstrate to Iran that it is isolated and will pay an
increasingly heavy cost for this outrageous behavior," Burns said. Nicolas 
Sarkozy, France's new conservative president, told a German magazine, in his 
first public comments on the issue, that a nuclear-armed Iran would be 
"unacceptable" and that "one should not hesitate to toughen the sanctions."

IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei infuriated the administration and its 
European partners last week by telling reporters that the demands for suspension
have been "superseded by events" in Iran. He said they should accept a certain 
level of uranium enrichment in exchange for more inspections and Iranian 
agreement not to expand the program.

"We vehemently disagree . . . with the contention that somehow the international
community should allow Iran to get away with violating all of its obligations," 
said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity in
criticizing the IAEA chief. The official said that U.S., French and British 
officials will meet with ElBaradei at IAEA headquarters in Vienna tomorrow to 
express their displeasure.

Iran has said that it is interested only in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 
allowed under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and has denied that it is working 
toward a nuclear weapon.

The nuclear part of the administration's long-term Iran strategy, designed by 
the State Department and European allies, offers Iran significant economic and 
diplomatic cooperation and a steady supply of enriched uranium produced outside 
the country for energy use in exchange for suspension. So far, Iran's refusal to
accept the offer has led to the two unanimous Security Council resolutions -- 
weakly worded, in the view of administration hard-liners.

Bush last year also authorized diplomatic, intelligence, political and military 
measures targeting Iranian interests in the Middle East. Some of the measures, 
which followed decades of disruptive, classified activities authorized by 
previous administrations since relations with Tehran were severed in 1979, have 
been carried out with other governments in the region, officials have said. They
include efforts to counter Iranian backing of Hezbollah in Lebanon and recently 
increased Iranian support for the Taliban in Afghanistan. The authorization also
led several months ago to the arrest of a handful of Iranian operatives in Iraq.

During the enrichment process, uranium is rapidly spun in centrifuges. 
Yesterday's IAEA report said that during a surprise visit on May 13, nuclear 
inspectors found eight operating enrichment cascades -- each with 164 
centrifuges, for a total of 1,312 -- being fed uranium hexafloride at the 
underground facility near the town of Natanz. Five additional cascades were in 
various stages of completion. The number was more than four times the total 
number of centrifuges operating at the time of the last IAEA report, in 

Although the total was far from the 3,000 centrifuges that Iranian President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted would be operating by May, some nuclear experts 
said that point could be reached by early summer. The glass "is a little more 
than half full," said David Albright of the Institute for Science and 
International Security in Washington.

But the level of enrichment -- less than 5 percent -- is substantially lower 
than the 90 percent required to make a nuclear weapon, and it is unclear how 
much Iran is producing and how smoothly the complicated machines are operating. 
U.S. government and outside analysts differ on when Iran would be able to 
produce a bomb, with estimates ranging from 2009 to 2015. The United States and 
its European partners are sending their top nuclear specialists to the IAEA next
week to share information, more fully understand Iran's capabilities and reach 
consensus on a timeline.

Staff writer Colum Lynch at the United Nations contributed to this report.

© 2007 The Washington Post Company

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