U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming


Richard Moore

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U.S. show of force in Gulf alarming: Afghan paper
By Sayed Salahuddin
Sat May 26, 12:15 PM ET

A U.S. navy show of force on Iran's doorstep is "greatly alarming" for the 
region and the United States risked a bloody quagmire if it invaded Iran, a 
state-run Afghan newspaper said on Saturday.

A large flotilla of U.S. ships entered the Gulf on Wednesday in a dramatic show 
of military muscle, adding to pressure on Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions,
which the West says are an attempt to develop atomic weapons.

Afghan officials say privately a U.S. attack on neighboring Iran would further 
destabilize Afghanistan where U.S. and NATO troops are fighting a resurgent 

The English-language Kabul Times, which reflects the U.S.-backed government's 
thinking, said Iran should drop its nuclear ambition and not be so stubborn.

"This is ... greatly alarming news for the whole region lest American invaded 
Iran and create a blood bath of its people and another quagmire for itself," the
newspaper said in an editorial.

The U.S. show of force comes less than two weeks after Vice President Dick 
Cheney, speaking aboard a warship during a tour of the Gulf, said Washington 
would stand with others to prevent Iran gaining nuclear weapons and "dominating 
the region."

The Kabul Times said Iran should not confront the United States.

"Diplomacy required that it should have abandoned its nuclear ambition ... It is
not a good policy for a relatively small country to be stubborn and militant 
against a super power," it said.

Iran says it nuclear ambitions are for energy purposes only and its leaders have
made clear they would not yield to pressure. Iran has also said it would resist 
any threat and give a "powerful answer" to its enemies.

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