Friends, My first attempt at facilitating a harmonization session was reasonably successful. We only had one hour, so we only got into the very early stages of the process. But I could see that the potential was there for some useful dialog. Dynamic Facilitation is not easy, and I've got a lot more to learn, but I think I will be able to do OK with more practice. I'm now looking for more opportunities to give it another try. If you've got any ideas in that regard, let me know. I haven't reported back earlier because a friend was visiting from France, and she took me on a tour around the West of Ireland. We were blessed with excellent weather and that part of Ireland is truly gorgeous. It was a welcome holiday, but now I'm eager to get back to work and finish the book. There has been some good feedback which needs to be incorporated, and the footnotes and bibliography will take a bit of time. I've got a list of folks who want to pre-order copies and you'll be hearing from me when we are closer to publication. Below are comments from subscribers that have been piling up over the past few weeks. all the best, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Tom Paine Cronin" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Speech of Cuban Minister for Foreign Affairs Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 09:30:47 -0500 Thank you! Thomas Paine Cronin -------------------------------------------------------- From: •••@••.••• Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 14:59:04 EST Subject: Re: Speech of Cuban Minister for Foreign Affairs To: •••@••.••• Richard, powerful stuff and the very reason why you are correct to include the example of Cuba in your book. The Bush junta are, more than ever, very, very keen to throttle this "dangerous example" - this "symbol" - where people are prepared to speak the truth about fascism in America. jim ------ Hi Jim, With mixed feelings, I've decided to take out the material on third-world movements. I think it was a distraction from the main focus of the book. I may still include a section on Argentina, however, as it provides good examples of people empowering themselves outside of government channels. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Michelle Syverson" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: ENVISIONING A TRANSFORMATIONAL MOVEMENT Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 18:25:42 -0800 Dear Richard, This is really wonderful; many thanks. I think your ideas could, in fact, change the world and we must begin immediately. How? Where are the initial facilitators? In peace and hope, Michelle ---------- Hi Michelle, I welcome your enthusiasm. I am in contact with a few facilitators, and I could track down on-line networks of others. Their availability is not really a limiting factor. They do need to make a living and, particularly if travel is required, finding funds for facilitation would be a necessary part of "beginning immediately". I believe that the energy for getting the movement started will need to come from activists, or concerned citizens, who take the initiative to organize Wisdom-Council style events in their own communities. Such events have more democratic legitimacy if they arise from local initiative, and who else but local people have a natural self-interest in improving their communities? Retaining facilitators is simply one of the organizing tasks involved. If you do indeed feel energized to "begin", then my advice would be to seek out a few friends and contacts (four or so) in your own area who would be willing to work with you on such a local project. There's work involved, but not an overwhelming amount, particularly if there are a few people who share the load and support one another. And there isn't the stress that comes from confrontational-style activism. I can get you copies of a DVD or two, including portions of the Rogue Valley event, which might serve as good tools for communicating to people what you have in mind, and for opening up discussion. I wouldn't worry about contacting facilitators until after you've got a support group and an agreed project vision. Thanks again for your message, Richard -------------------------------------------------------- From: "ecopilgrim" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: ENVISIONING A TRANSFORMATIONAL MOVEMENT Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:24:38 -0800 Dear Richard, I know you don't want to hear me because you are so engrossed in Jim Rough and Tom Atlee's methods that you can't see the forest for the trees, but having worked with NLP, which is exactly what this is about, it makes me so sick at my stomach I want to vomit and run around tearing my hair because it is so evil. And you can't see it -- have no idea what you are doing. And, perhaps neither do Rough and Atlee. I really don't know how to make you understand, but I am sending you an article which may wake you up, but then I think sent it once before. with love and in peace, Eco ------ Hi Marguerite, Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step outta line, the men come, and take you away - Buffalo Springfield, FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 12:47:36 +1200 To: •••@••.••• From: Robert Gregory <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Ch 6: ENVISIONING A TRANSFORMATIONAL MOVEMENT Hi Richard Looking good! Seeing another way - the cultural transformation - I like your 1960's example - that era was a turning point and certainly LSD and other drugs transformed many individuals and groups too, as existing society could not explain, could not address, could not deal with these new differences. The shift in worldview is a good way of putting it - and that made me think of the time my wife and I spent in Vanuatu, living as the Melanesians did, and then, after a year plus, coming back to western society - the shift going was profound and deep and the shift back was even more profound and deep and the changes continue to this day. Another of the shifts for us then was going from tv to no electricity whatsoever and then back to tv and electricity etc - what a profound shift that was! We learned to talk and relate without the dominance of television! Harmonization is the experience that can make a shift - a move from one culture to another. In a sense, it seems that we may have shifted from a culture very gradually with the advent of radio, then television, then the plethora of communication/entertainment systems we have today. What if we were to give up television, for example? I would think that we could then appreciate each other much more, interact much more, and enjoy simple talking with other people. Television has robbed us of meaningful relationships with each other. The dynamics of the nuclear fusion bit did not work well for me as I read through - it needs to be spelled out in greater detail or expanded upon. Yes, I understand the metaphor, it just did not come across clearly for me as you have written it. Along the way, I would like to see a bit about Solidarity as developed in Poland - that transformation might serve as a good example or explanation. It was profound, and it resulted in significant changes. I really liked the bit about achieve victory, create new arrangements and transform, and then, the reversal of such. The means, if they can be set appropriately, will become the ends and that is what it is all about. Thank you for sharing and keep going! bob g Robert J. Gregory School of Psychology - Te Kura Hinengaro Tangata Massey University, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND ---------------------------- Hi Robert, You make a good point about Poland, and I may find a way to include a reference. But to do it justice would exceed the scope of the book. can't say everything! rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:17:54 EST Subject: Re: Ch 6: ENVISIONING A TRANSFORMATIONAL MOVEMENT To: •••@••.••• Dear Richard, This is why transformation will seem to take so long as "watching grass grow." WeThePeople must change internally and glow from the inside before we can light the rest of the world. We first must walk our own talk. I remember the frustration of my own baggage and have been working for over a decade upon my own personal values and relationships (being honest)--and not to role-play what I felt others expected from me. From where I am sitting, Richard, I witness a bubbling cauldron of dissent. It has yet to yield a true leader, but citizens are becoming angry. After the election on April 5, we will organize (again) to print a newsletter. There may even be an interesting article I may submit to you in future (after the legal process is over here). Regards, Diana Skipworth ----------------- Diana, You could be right, but here's what I say in my final chapter: Many social visionaries today believe that personal transformation on a massive scale is necessary before social transformation can be attempted. I suggest that this is a disempowering myth, a means of subjugation just like our other myths. It inhibits us from pursuing social transformation and it blames us, the victims, for a society that has in fact been fashioned by elites for their own benefit. This necessity of personal transformation myth can be seen as a vestige of the religious myth of original sin. The myth fails to recognize that the deficiencies in our current level of personal consciousness are due not to our inherent natures, but are largely the result of systematic conditioning. If the conditioning is removed, the path to personal transformation will be a far easier one. The conditioning can be removed by appropriate social transformation. If we insist that personal transformation occur first, we are prevented from moving forward. The teachings of Buddha and Christ have been known for thousands of years, and yet massive personal transformation-of the kind they themselves personified-has never occurred. How can we expect that it will suddenly happen in our own time? rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:58:29 -0800 From: Janet McFarland <•••@••.•••> X-Accept-Language: en-us, en To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: Hooray - book manuscript complete! Congratulations! You've done a great job. The world needs your book. I think the pre-order idea is a good one. Janet -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lola" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Hooray - book manuscript complete! Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 17:11:15 -0800 Congratulations! I'd be interested in your writing process sometime if you care to share it. Such as how many hours a day do you write, how long did it take you to do your book from start to finish, how do you protect yourself from distractions etc? ldv ------ Hi Lola, The book has taken about 9 months, which I've found to be a standard unit of measure for significant projects. There seems to be something in our genes about "gestation periods". Software projects, for example, often take either 9 or 18 months to complete. I don't really protect myself from distractions, and discipline is not something I subscribe to. I depend on my compulsiveness: once I start writing I don't want to stop. If I get compulsive about something else, I go with it. Writing itself for me is a process of discovery. I never know what I'm going to say in advance and I can never make outlines. One sentence leads to the next all by itself, as in this response. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 16:44:45 -0700 From: Janet McFarland <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: Ch 6: ENVISIONING A TRANSFORMATIONAL MOVEMENT Great chapter. Does it want to be two chapters? A natural stopping place is when you are done describing the power of the vision and start speaking about the potential repressive responses. Just a thought. I wonder if the video from the Rogue Valley Wisdom council you refer to could be posted on the web so people could watch it on their computer anywhere in the world? I would be interested in seeing it. Also, the kind of non-hierarchical organization you are describing has thrived for 50+ years among the 12 step programs, alcoholics anonymous being the founder. I suggest you look at the 12 traditions of aa - they describe guidelines to keep an organization disorganized yet functioning to serve its purpose brillliantly and in perpetuity, without leaders. the other great thing about this is that millions of people the world over have already experienced the harmonization and community that occurs in the meetings! Basically, you don't go into one of those programs until you've been beaten by our competitive society in some aspect of its controlled dysfunction and can't hide from that fact any more. You're ready to try something new. It's really incredible stuff, speaking strictly from my personal experience. One feature is aa etc can't be used to do anything but what it does, but still we're talking millions of people who have experienced it. that's got to be good for something... take care, janet -------------------------------------------------------- -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website ( or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", somewhat current draft: _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ cj list archives: newslog list archives: _____________________________ Informative links: ============================================================