Nancy J. Thorner
By Nancy Thorner and Bonnie O’Neil –
Most people in America don’t even realize that a U.N. program exists and is being enacted in our country right now. It is so complicated and difficult to believe that many simply dismiss it, considering it just a conspiracy theory. But even a cursory investigation reveals it is very real and the evidence is easily attained. It is called: “United Nations Agenda 21.” It is pure communistic in nature. We all must fight against it, if we are to remain a free people and nation. First, you have to learn the truth about it and its many tentacles which reach into almost every aspect of our lives.
The specific plan, United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, is to be implemented worldwide in order to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”
A product of The Rio Conference held at Rio de Janeiro from June 3 – 14, 1992 (Rio Declaration of Environment and Development), Agenda 21 marked a new beginning for the U.N. and represented a decided point of departure for the world organization. Americans at the highest level of government allowed an outside entity (the U.N.) to collaborate and dictate an agenda which will affect our entire country and every one of our citizens.
Although the initial impetus for Agenda 21 can be traced back to the Stockholm Conference of 1972, Agenda 21 became an official document at the 1992 Rio Conference through an extensive process of preparation at the professional level and negotiation at the political level.
Project 21 contained twenty-seven principles warning against a mode of growth that was leading to the extinction of life on earth. As such, Project 21 represented a major step forward in establishing the basic principles that must govern the conduct of nations and peoples towards each other and the Earth to ensure a secure and sustainable future. This plan was developed rather covertly, and due to that lack of transparency, we are still discovering some of the more grievous aspects of their Agenda.
Introduced as a cooperative task and challenge for world nations, Project 21 is based on two fundamental ideas: development and environment. To the Preparatory Council of the Rio Conference, it was impossible to have an environmentally sound planet in a socially unjust world, as these goals complement each other in each community and each country around the globe. They claimed without a global order with greater justice, tranquil prosperity would exist for no one. An awareness of belonging to a wider human community brought with it an obligation to reduce inequalities as a permanent cause if a better future were to be provided to mankind.
Notice all the “buzz” words in the above statement. They should sound familiar, as they are words and labels used by our mainstream media and “progressives” of today to promote the concepts outlined in Agenda 21.
Upon learning of Agenda 21, and the vast scope of its reach into our lives, begs the question “How did it all happen and why haven’t I heard of it?”
It began when One hundred nations attended the 1992 Rio Education on Environment and Development (Agenda 21), and according to the UN information Center, all nations in attendance agreed to the document.
Representing the U.S.A. was President George H. Bush, President, 1989 – 1993. In a News Conference given in Rio de Janeiro on June 13, 1992, Bush’s opening statement included the following remarks prior to questions taken from reporters:
Let’s me be clear on one fundamental point. The United States fully intends to be the world’s preeminent leader in protecting the global environment. We have been that for many years. We will remain so. We believe that environment and development, the two subjects of this Conference, can and should go hand in hand. A growing economy creates the resources necessary for environmental protection and environmental protection makes growth sustainable over the long term.
President Clinton signed U.N. Agenda 21 later on to continue the program in the United States. Agenda 21 is “soft-law,” so elements of it don’t have to be voted on by the Congress. That is particularly unfortunate, because the impact of this mandate will drastically impact our country in a myriad of ways, and yet basically two men inflicted this agenda on us all. A non-governmental organization, International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), has the responsibility of carrying out the goals of Agenda 21. Over 600 cities in the U.S. have since become members of ICLEI, and the number is growing. Costs are paid by taxpayers.
Is it possible Bush and Clinton were unaware of the full impact Agenda 21 will have? Has it changed from the time they were first introduced to it? It is hard to imagine they would have inflicted on us what we are now in the process of experiencing.
They were likely persuaded by lofty Agenda 21 talking points, such as these which are taken from their website: ”The concentration of population growth in developing countries and economic growth in the industrialized countries has deepened, creating imbalances which are unsustainable, in either environmental or economic terms. . . Population must be stabilized, and rapidly. If we do not do it, nature will, and much more brutally. The rich must take the lead in bringing their development under control, reducing substantially their impacts on the environment, leaving environmental ‘space’ for developing countries to grow. The wasteful and destructive lifestyles of the rich cannot be maintained at the cost of the lives and livelihoods of the poor, and of nature.
For the rich, the transition to sustainable development need not require regression to a difficult or primitive life. On the contrary, it can lead to a richer life of expanded opportunities for self-realization and fulfillment. More satisfying and secure because it is sustainable, and more sustainable because its opportunities and benefits are more universally shared.”
When our rights and quality of life are being stripped from us, those talking points will not appease us. We will know the U.N. statements are simply “cleverly devised words and talking points” to push an anti-American way of life upon us. The U.N. statements are designed to avoid negative public objections. If we all realized the full impact of Agenda 21 objectives, we would not be at all compliant. Fortunately, some have dug out the bare facts of how Agenda 21 will negatively impact our lives, and discovered a very dismal picture. Imagine Russia just before it fell apart or possibly China today. There will be few freedoms, if any at all for citizens, as the rules and regulations will dictate a whole different life for you and me.
Americans are largely in the dark about Agenda 21 because facts have largely been kept from the public, but also because the recession slowed their plans a bit. However, they are now beginning to be more aggressive in their implementation process. We all must learn of the specifics their plan. Education is essential if we, the public, are to stop Agenda 21. Hopefully, we can do so before experiencing the huge adverse effects on our lives. Once implemented, it will be much harder to stop and restore what has been lost to us.
Are the American people going to sit passively by while the United Nations seeks to co-opt, via individual governments, and eventually spawn a one-world government where individuals are stripped of all personal rights and freedoms? The whole idea seems futuristic and impossible to comprehend, like something out of George Orwell’s 1984, but this is the goal of U.N. Agenda 21 for now, and it will happen unless an army of us rise up and demand it stop.
As Agenda 21 covers so many areas of our lives (sometimes called a whole life plan), each aspect of their agenda must be explained individually and carefully. That is why we will be writing articles in several installments on issues relating to Agenda 21, among them being Property Rights and the Environment.
Sunday, March 23, 2014 at 08:00 AM | Permalink