There’s Something Wicked in the Wind


Richard Moore

There's Something Wicked in the Wind.

There¹s a lot of hysteria jumping off of the internet right now; what portion of
the internet is still operating. Let¹s face it, previous severance of 
communications links have proven to be a prelude to war. There are all manner of
theories chasing this event. Some of them are dark and dreadful if true.

I¹ve been given some credible alternatives to the cutting of major communication
cables in recent days. One of them is because gold is soaring. Markets in India,
Hong Kong and Tokyo were all geared for major trading which would have 
precipitated a huge flight from the dollar.

Another story I¹ve been given is that it¹s connected to the opening of the 
Iranian oil bourse with much the same intention of forestalling economic free 

A disturbing question comes into my mind. Wouldn¹t these same factors be present
once the cables were restored? I¹m not an economist so you will have to pardon 
my ignorance in such matters. It could be that enough time exists in the period 
before connectivity is back to make changes that can offset what is happening. 
StillŠ to me it seems like the situation is still there, just delayed.

The Super Bowl comes on in a few hours. This is a major focus of world 
attention. This particular Super Bowl has features to it seen only once before 
and this time it¹s even bigger.

We know that 9/11 was an inside job. What this tells us is that there is no 
limit to what these people would do. There is no moral limiter in their world 
view. They¹d as soon blow up a stadium full of people as they would pour 
themselves a drink. It¹s not a matter of if. It¹s only a matter of when.

Let me set the stage for you. For some years now there has been a noticeable 
transformation in the behavior of the domestic police forces. There have been 
radical alterations to the constitution and to presidential powers. Thugs 
control airport security against a threat they have no power to catch or halt. 
There has been an insidious change in the way domestic policing agencies are 
operating in present time. People are routinely violated, tazered and abused in 
various ways. The right of assembly is all but gone and the election process is 
rigged and manipulated.

Even though they know what is going on there is no real opposition of any kind 
in either house of congress. Fema camps have been built in various locations in 
America. We¹ve been given various reasons for this, none of them credible.

The Bush administration used a self-created domestic tragedy to justify invasion
of two different countries and is revving their engines outside the borders of 

It was Israeli neo-cons in the administration that engineered the assaults and 
now lobbies the loudest for the one pending. Israel has the world record for 
most false flag operations.

They launched a murderous attack on Lebanon and issue new threats against Iran 

British soldiers were apprehended with a car packed with explosives while 
dressed as Arabs. It is well known that Israeli trainers and special ops teams 
are all over Iraq. Israeli soldiers were photographed inside Abu Ghraib during 
the period before the scandal broke.

These three countries are the major players in most of the heavy violence taking
place now and in recent times. No country that any of them have attacked has 
attacked them. They have all been caught lying over and over again.

There has never been an American president more out of favor with his Œsubjects¹
than is George W. Bush. There is no way he is going to gain any greater favor 
than he has now. Because of the internet and their own lying eyes, a great 
number of Americans and people across the globe know what a lying psychopath 
George W. Bush is as well as the men behind the curtain who use him.

To orchestrate a terror attack and blame it on someone else all that you need is
to be in charge. When you are in charge you can send men with identification 
anywhere. These men can be investigating a terror threat at the same time that 
they set the charges. If you control the media then you can report what happens 
any way you want to.

This coming terror attack serves a great many useful purposes. It makes George 
W. Bush and his repressive acts heroic and perspicacious. It justifies 
everything that has been done so far. It allows for a heavily increased 
clampdown on dissidents who become enemy combatants. It justifies the most 
extreme measures against the countries blamed and in the cross-hairs. It takes 
the attention off of the domestic crisis. It takes all attention away from the 
genocide in Gaza and justifies any action Israel wishes to take there.

How do you stop official personnel from going anywhere they want to go and doing
anything they want to do when they have the papers and the guns and the ID?

This is an election year and meanwhile the Taliban cannot be stopped. Iraq is 
out of control. Hamas and Hizbollah are still present and these freedom fighters
are not going away. Every day more information appears that convicts the major 
players in the previous seven years of fascist enterprise.

Since the creation of The Project for the New American Century everything has 
followed according to plan. Enormous planning and effort has gone into all of 
it. Millions of lives have been lost and displaced. Horrible tactics have been 
employed. Mountains of proven lies have been dispensed. The juggernaut moves 
relentlessly forward without any official opposition. Do you think they just 
walk away from all of this? They murdered over 3,000 of their own citizens. 
These are serious people. These are very serious people.

I am not in any way suggesting that something is going to happen at the Super 
Bowl. It¹s been brought up so I¹m including it. I¹m not suggesting that 
something¹s going to happen today or tomorrow. Something is going to happen 
though. You have only to look at what has happened and what the voice of legion 
keeps hammering into the people¹s minds.

When pressure builds it must find an outlet. Many technologies harness this 
feature when they apply force against containment for the movement of machinery.
In human circumstance pressure must find a way out too. When pressure is 
intentionally generated by individuals of selfish intent it usually expresses 
itself upon the population.

We are dealing with a collection of dark and devious souls who have joined 
together in an enterprise of great misfortune to us all. Sooner or later they¹re
going to take that next step.

I am an optimist. I believe that the collective power in the hearts of humanity 
is always greater than its oppressors and I believe that evil always shoots 
itself in the foot eventually. It could be they get caught in the act. It could 
be the wind shifts for reasons we might never understand. Somehow I am certain 
that we prevail. I would rather that I could write about other things and I do 
but whatever appears on any day is always drawn from the conditions of the day 
and needs be said.

Our vigilance and our voices are a powerful weapon and they must be used to 
their fullest capacity. An informed population is a powerful thing. With every 
passing day more people discover what has been going on. This in itself is 
dangerous but critical mass will be reached. I only wish it did not have to come
at such a cost.



newslog archives:

Escaping the Matrix:

The Phoenix Project:

rkm blog: "How We the People can change the world":

The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis

Community Democracy Framework:

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