The North American Union: a Timeline


Richard Moore

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September 11, 2001

The Canada-U.S. border closes temporarily after 
terrorists attack the World Trade Center 
buildings in New York

September 25, 2001
Citing 9/11, Thomas d'Aquino, president of the 
Business Council on National Issues (now the 
Canadian Council
of Chief Executives), says that Canada "should 
engage in more fundamental harmonization and 
integration" with
the U.S. if we are going to keep the border open to trade.

November 26, 2001
Thomas d'Aquino and other unnamed "leaders" send 
a letter to Jean Chrétien and George W. Bush 
calling for a
"smart border" between Canada and the U.S. that 
would "use technology to enhance both security 
and the flow of
goods and people across the border."

December 12, 2001
Without legislative or public debate, Deputy 
Prime Minister John Manley and Homeland Security 
Director Tom
Ridge sign the Smart Border Declaration, a 
30-point plan to harmonize security and 
anti-terrorism regulations in
the two countries, including the creation of a 
common no-fly list and passenger surveillance 

April 2002
The C.D. Howe Institute releases a report by 
University of Toronto professor Wendy Dobson 
calling for "deeper
integration" with the United States, including a 
North American customs union, a common market, a 
sharing pact and full participation in the U.S. "war on terror."

June 28, 2002
John Manley and Tom Ridge announce progress on 
the Smart Border Declaration, including "stepped 
intelligence cooperation" and "a common approach 
to screen international air passengers before 
they arrive in
either country and identify those who warrant additional security scrutiny."

September 26, 2002
Canadian citizen Maher Arar is detained at New 
York's John F. Kennedy Airport and held for 12 
days, then
deported to Syria where he is imprisoned and 
tortured for a year. In 2006, a Canadian 
government commission
into the affair blames the hasty sharing of 
faulty information between Canadian and U.S. 
security agencies.

January 2003
The CCCE launches the "North American Security 
and Prosperity Initiative," calling on the 
governments of
Canada, Mexico and the U.S. to further integrate 
their three economies through a "new deal." The 
deal would
include a "comprehensive resource security pact" 
covering agriculture, metal, minerals and energy; 
"sharing the
burden of defence and security"; and "creating a 
new institutional framework" for North American 

April 3, 2003
The CCCE establishes a 30-member "CEO Action 
Group on North American Security and Prosperity." 
members include leaders from Canada's largest 
corporations, including EnCana, Dofasco, CAE, 
General Motors,
TransCanada Pipeline, BMO, Alcan and SNC Lavalin. 
"North American economic integration is well 
and irreversible and now, in the face of global 
terrorism, the economic and physical security of 
the continent are
indivisible," said Tom d'Aquino. "Canada and the 
United States should take the lead, in 
consultation with Mexico,
in developing a new paradigm for North American co-operation."

The Canada-U.S. border closes temporarily after 
terrorists attack the World Trade Center 
buildings in New York

September 25, 2001
Citing 9/11, Thomas d'Aquino, president of the 
Business Council on National Issues (now the 
Canadian Council
of Chief Executives), says that Canada "should 
engage in more fundamental harmonization and 
integration" with
the U.S. if we are going to keep the border open to trade.

November 26, 2001
Thomas d'Aquino and other unnamed "leaders" send 
a letter to Jean Chrétien and George W. Bush 
calling for a
"smart border" between Canada and the U.S. that 
would "use technology to enhance both security 
and the flow of
goods and people across the border."

December 12, 2001
Without legislative or public debate, Deputy 
Prime Minister John Manley and Homeland Security 
Director Tom
Ridge sign the Smart Border Declaration, a 
30-point plan to harmonize security and 
anti-terrorism regulations in
the two countries, including the creation of a 
common no-fly list and passenger surveillance 

April 2002
The C.D. Howe Institute releases a report by 
University of Toronto professor Wendy Dobson 
calling for "deeper
integration" with the United States, including a 
North American customs union, a common market, a 
sharing pact and full participation in the U.S. "war on terror."

June 28, 2002
John Manley and Tom Ridge announce progress on 
the Smart Border Declaration, including "stepped 
intelligence cooperation" and "a common approach 
to screen international air passengers before 
they arrive in
either country and identify those who warrant additional security scrutiny."

September 26, 2002
Canadian citizen Maher Arar is detained at New 
York's John F. Kennedy Airport and held for 12 
days, then
deported to Syria where he is imprisoned and 
tortured for a year. In 2006, a Canadian 
government commission
into the affair blames the hasty sharing of 
faulty information between Canadian and U.S. 
security agencies.

January 2003
The CCCE launches the "North American Security 
and Prosperity Initiative," calling on the 
governments of
Canada, Mexico and the U.S. to further integrate 
their three economies through a "new deal." The 
deal would
include a "comprehensive resource security pact" 
covering agriculture, metal, minerals and energy; 
"sharing the
burden of defence and security"; and "creating a 
new institutional framework" for North American 

April 3, 2003
The CCCE establishes a 30-member "CEO Action 
Group on North American Security and Prosperity." 
members include leaders from Canada's largest 
corporations, including EnCana, Dofasco, CAE, 
General Motors,
TransCanada Pipeline, BMO, Alcan and SNC Lavalin. 
"North American economic integration is well 
and irreversible and now, in the face of global 
terrorism, the economic and physical security of 
the continent are
indivisible," said Tom d'Aquino. "Canada and the 
United States should take the lead, in 
consultation with Mexico,
in developing a new paradigm for North American co-operation."

April 2004
Paul Martin's Liberal government unveils Canada's 
first-ever national security policy, called 
Securing an Open
Society, which is aimed at responding to the new 
"threat environment" through a "coordinated 
approach with other
key partners - provinces, territories, 
communities, the private sector and allies." 
While building on the Smart
Border Declaration with the United States, the 
new security policy contains many elements that 
will end up in the
Security and Prosperity Partnership, including 
increased cross-border cooperation on 
intelligence, pandemic
preparedness and transportation security.

October 15, 2004
The U.S. Council on Foreign Relations launches a 
tri-national "Independent Task Force on the 
Future of North
America," which is vice-chaired by CCCE President 
Thomas d'Aquino and co-chaired by John Manley. 
Force members include prominent integrationists 
like Wendy Dobson, Pedro Aspe, Luis de la Calle 
Pardo and
Carla Hills, all of whom will later participate 
in a secret North American Forum meeting to 
discuss continental
integration in Calgary, Alberta from September 12 to 14, 2006.

November 30, 2004
Following George W. Bush's first visit to Canada, 
then Prime Minister Paul Martin gives birth to 
the SPP by
issuing a joint statement on common security and 
prosperity called, "A new partnership in North 

Security priorities include: "improving the 
coordination of intelligence-sharing, 
cross-border law enforcement and
counter-terrorism; ... increasing the security of 
critical infrastructure, including 
transportation, energy, and
communications networks," and to, "pursue joint 
approaches to partnerships, consensus standards, 
and smarter
regulations that result in greater efficiency and 
competitiveness, while enhancing the health and 
safety of our

February 14, 2005
The Council of Canadians releases leaked minutes 
from an October 2004 Task Force on the Future of 
America meeting that describe bulk water exports 
as a politically "hot" long term goal of 
integration that should be
broached at a later date. Also being discussed by 
the task force are: eliminating current NAFTA 
exemptions for
culture; "crafting a North American 'resource 
pact' that would allow for greater intra-regional 
trade and investment
in certain non-renewable natural resources, such 
as oil, gas, and fresh water"; and a "North 
American brand
name" to portray North America as a sort of "club 
of privileged members." There are also plans to 
encourage a
North American identity among students in all three countries.

March 14, 2005
The Independent Task Force on the Future of North 
America releases a preliminary report, calling 
for the creation
of a North American economic and security 
community by 2010. Although it didn't include 
controversial "hot"
suggestions, such as a water-sharing agreement, 
among the report's key recommendations are the 
of a continental security perimeter, a common 
external tariff, a common border pass for all 
North Americans, a
North American energy and natural resources 
strategy, and an annual meeting where North 
American leaders
can discuss steps toward economic and security integration.

March 23, 2005
At a meeting in Waco, Texas, George W. Bush, Paul 
Martin and Vicente Fox issue a joint statement 
the creation of the Security and Prosperity 
Partnership of North America. The tri-national 
agreement, which
essentially brings Mexico into the Canada-U.S. 
"partnership" announced in November 2004, 
contains almost all of
the recommendations on continental economic and 
security integration proposed by the Independent 
Task Force
and the CCCE's Security and Prosperity Initiative before it.

October 2005
The first North American Forum brings together 
U.S., Canadian and Mexican government and business
representatives to discuss issues related to 
continental economic and social integration; it 
is held at a secret
location in Sonoma, California. Invitees include 
John Manley, Mexican ambassador to the U.S. 
Carlos de Icaza,
Chevron CEO David O'Reilly, former head of the 
CIA James Woolsey, and a host of U.S. policy 
advisors to
George W. Bush. There is one article about the 
forum in the North American media.

January 10-11, 2006
The Council of the Americas, United Postal 
Service and the North American Business Committee 
host a "Public-
Private Sector Dialogue on the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership of North America" in 
Louisville, Kentucky. The
meeting is attended by 50 government officials 
and business leaders from Canada, the U.S. and 
including members of the Canadian Privy Council 
Office, the Mexican Presidency, the U.S. 
Department of
Homeland Security and corporate reps from 
ExxonMobil, DaimlerChrysler, Ford, Tyco, and 
FedEx. Attendees
discussed "marrying policy issues with business 
priorities," musing that, "leadership from 
governments that
recognizes the importance of business issues to 
the overall social welfare empowers the private 
sector to engage
substantively and pragmatically on trade and 
security issues without undue deference to 
political sensibilities." A
"North American Competitiveness Council" to drive the SPP process is proposed.

January 23, 2006
The Conservatives take office in Ottawa with a 
minority government as Prime Minister Stephen 
Harper promises
to make Canada-U.S. relations a top priority 
despite polling data showing that the issue falls 
well below health
care and the environment for the Canadian public.

March 31, 2006
At the second SPP summit in Cancun, Mexico, 
President Bush, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and 
then Mexican
President Vicente Fox announce the creation of 
the North American Competitiveness Council 
(NACC). This
corporate working group is charged with directing 
the SPP process and includes at least 10 CEOs 
from each
country, including representatives from Lockheed 
Martin, Wal-Mart, General Motors, Home Depot 
Canfor and Suncor.

June 15, 2006
The NACC is officially launched at a joint press 
conference held by U.S. Secretary of Commerce 
Gutierrez, Mexican Economy Minister Sergio Garcia 
de Alba and Canadian Industry Minister Maxime 

According to a report from the Council of the 
Americas, the purpose of institutionalizing the 
North American
business community's involvement in the SPP 
process was "so that the work will continue 
through changes in
administrations." Furthermore, the NACC is to 
make sure that, "governments look to the private 
sector to tell them
what needs to be done." According to a Canadian 
government press release, the NACC "has a mandate 
provide governments with recommendations on broad 
issues such as border facilitation and 
regulation, as well as
the competitiveness of key sectors including 
automotive, transportation, manufacturing and 

August 15, 2006
The NACC meets in Washington, D.C. to hash out 
priority issues for the SPP. The business leaders 
decide that
the U.S. members will deal with "regulatory 
convergence," the Canadians will handle "border 
facilitation," and the
Mexican members will devise a plan for "energy integration."

September 12-14, 2006
The North American Forum meets for the second 
time, in Banff, Alberta, this time to discuss 
"demographic and
social dimensions of North American integration," 
security cooperation, and a "North American 
energy strategy."

Once again, the meeting is kept secret, despite 
the involvement of high-ranking military 
officials, politicians and
top bureaucrats - including Stockwell Day, who 
refuses to disclose the content of his speech to 
the media.

November 23, 2006
The Harper government releases a financial 
outlook document called Advantage Canada: 
Building a Strong
Economy for Canadians. Advantage Canada praises 
the SPP effort to seek regulatory convergence on 
security. It also indicates that the federal 
government is working with the provinces to speed 
up and streamline
the environmental assessment process, 
particularly as it affects cross-border 
infrastructure projects. Furthermore,
Advantage Canada emphasizes the importance of 
huge trade corridors to the economic wellbeing of 
the country,
and looks to the private sector to help with all 
new infrastructure projects. "For its part, 
Canada's New
Government intends to establish a federal P3 
office that will facilitate a broader use of P3s 
in Canadian
infrastructure projects," says the document. "The 
Government will also encourage the development 
and use of P3
best practices by requiring that P3s be given 
consideration in larger infrastructure 
investments that receive federal
program funding." Under the SPP's transportation 
agenda is an initiative to "examine the benefits 
of an intermodal
transportation concept for north America," the 
goal being to move foreign goods, mostly from 
Asia, quickly
through North America to key markets in the United States.

February 8, 2007
Former industry minister Maxime Bernier and 
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day join a 
handful of deputy
ministers and government policy advisors at a 
dinner meeting in Ottawa with members of the NACC 
and CCCE,
including Tom d'Aquino. According to information 
acquired by the NDP, the goal of the meeting was 
to provide an
opportunity, "for Canadian members to regroup and 
focus their planning" in advance of the February 
23, 2007
SPP ministerial meeting, also in Ottawa.

February 23, 2007
SPP ministers, including Maxime Bernier, David 
Emerson, Stockwell Day, and their U.S. 
counterparts Michael
Chertoff and Carlos Gutierrez, meet with the NACC 
to discuss the progress of the integration 
agenda. The NACC
releases a report containing 51 recommendations, 
including: "Complete negotiations, sign a new 
North American
Regulatory Cooperation Framework in 2007, and 
ensure consistent application of standards and 
requirements within each country." The corporate 
body suggests that, "upon signature of the 
framework, a North
American Regulatory Cooperation and Standards 
Committee, which includes the private sector, 
should be formed
to survey on a regular basis the variety of 
standards and regulatory differences by industry 
that impede trade and
seek to reduce the identified differences or 
develop other mechanisms to lessen their impact 
on the
competitiveness of North American industry."

March 19, 2007
The Conservative government releases its 2007 
budget - Aspire to a Stronger, Safer, Better 
Canada - in which it
promises to "improve Canada's regulatory 
framework" by "moving to finalize a new modern 
approach to smart
regulation," and by "working with the United 
States and Mexico through the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership of
North America to improve regulatory coordination 
and cooperation." At the heart of the 
government's strategy is
the adoption of a new Cabinet Directive on 
Streamlining Regulation that will come into 
effect on April 1, 2007.

Budget 2007 provides $9 million over two years to implement this initiative.

March 30-April 1, 2007
Over 1,500 people converge on Ottawa for 
Integrate This! Challenging the Security and 
Prosperity Partnership of
North America, a public teach-in on deep 
integration organized by the Council of 
Canadians, the Canadian Centre
for Policy Alternatives, the Canadian Labour 
Congress, Common Frontiers and a host of other 

April 1, 2007
The Government of Canada's new Cabinet Directive 
on Streamlining Regulation comes into effect, 
requiring that
all government departments take into 
consideration the "cost or savings to government, 
business, or Canadians
and the potential impact on the Canadian economy 
and its international competitiveness," as well 
as the "potential
impact on other federal departments or agencies, 
other governments in Canada, or on Canada's 
foreign affairs"
before moving ahead with new rules on everything 
from food and drugs to pesticides to the 
environment and
public health. The directive moves regulation in 
Canada further away from the precautionary 
principle and more in
line with the U.S. focus on risk assessment and voluntary compliance.

April 13, 2007
Leaked documents acquired by the Council of 
Canadians reveal that bulk water exports from 
Canada to the
United States are in fact being discussed in 
relation to the SPP. The North American Future 
2025 Project, which
is led by the U.S.-based Center for Strategic and 
International Studies, the Conference Board of 
Canada and the
Mexican Centro de Investigación y Docencia 
Económicas, involves a series of "closed-door 
meetings" on North
American integration dealing with a number of 
highly contentious issues including bulk water 
exports, a joint
security perimeter and a continental resource pact.

April 24, 2007
The Council of Canadians holds an "open-door" 
meeting in Calgary to discuss the threat of bulk 
water exports
posed by North American integration and the SPP 
in light of closed-door meetings of government 
officials and
business reps to discuss continental water management happening that same week.

April 27, 2007
North American transport ministers, including 
Conservative MP Lawrence Cannon, meet in Arizona 
for an SPP
meeting, "in order to confirm and advance our 
commitment to developing coordinated, compatible 
interconnected national transportation systems." 
Developing an "intermodal transportation concept 
for North
America" is an SPP initiative. A key milestones 
under that initiative commits transport ministers 
to, "work toward
establishing an intermodal corridor work plan and 
a Memorandum of Cooperation pilot project." The 
meeting, which the ministers describe as the 
first in a series, appears to be the beginning of 
this pilot project.

May 1, 2007
Council of Canadians National Chairperson Maude 
Barlow addresses the Commons Standing Committee on
International Trade regarding the SPP, energy and bulk water exports.

May 7, 2007
CanWest News Service reports that Canada is set 
to raise its limits on pesticide residues on 
fruit and vegetables
as "part of an effort to harmonize Canadian 
pesticide rules with those of the United States, 
which allows higher
residue levels for 40 per cent of the pesticides 
it regulates." According to the article, which 
appeared in papers
across the country, "the effort is being 
fast-tracked as an initiative under the Security 
and Prosperity Partnership
(SPP), a wide-ranging plan to streamline 
regulatory and security protocols across North 
America." The article
proves that regulatory harmonization as spelled 
out in NAFTA and the SPP puts downward pressure on
regulations and that higher standards are rarely 
if ever mutually adopted between harmonizing 

May 10, 2007
Conservative MPs storm out of parliamentary 
hearings into the SPP after the Tory chair of the 
Standing Committee on International Trade 
interrupts a presentation from Council of 
Canadians board member
Gordon Laxer linking the SPP to tar sands 
production. Committee chair Leon Benoit can't see 
the link between
the SPP and energy security for Canada, despite 
"energy integration" being a key priority of the 
SPP and of the
NACC. The meeting continues after all but one Conservative MP leaves the room.

June 11, 2007
Former industry minister Maxime Bernier, along 
with his chief of staff and several other policy 
advisors, meets
with the three national NACC secretariats at the 
Americas Competitiveness Forum in Atlanta, 
Georgia. According
to information acquired by the NDP, the minister 
received feedback on the NACC's recommendations 
and heard
its next steps.

June 18, 2007
Transport Canada's "no-fly" list, called 
Passenger Protect, comes into effect. Airlines 
begin checking passenger
names against a list of people deemed so 
dangerous to the flight that they should not be 
allowed to board.

Passengers who appear on the list may appeal 
mistakes to an "office of reconsideration." 
Security experts agree
that Canada's list will inevitably merge with the 
much larger U.S. "no-fly" list - a key priority 
of the SPP's security
agenda. Canada's airlines have already been using 
the U.S. list, which contains almost 500,000 
names, and
news reports from late May 2007 indicate they 
will continue to rely on it rather than Passenger 

July 31, 2007
Former industry minister Maxime Bernier and 
Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day attend a 
working lunch with
eight of the 10 Canadian NACC members plus Tom 
d'Aquino of the CCCE, according to information 
obtained by
the NDP. Topics for discussion include 
"expectations for [the] North American Leaders' 
Summit and Canadian
priorities," the "role of the NACC," and an 
update on the Prime Minister's recent visit to 
Latin America.

August 17, 2007
In a sure sign that opposition to the SPP is 
making an impact, the Liberal party releases a 
report called, "Strong
and Free: The Liberal Blueprint for the North 
American Leaders Summit at Montebello, Quebec." 
The report
incorporates the Council of Canadians' demands on 
the SPP, including "disclosing the complete list 
of SPP
working groups, their contact persons and 
participating membership [and] requiring them to 
provide opportunities
for public input." Liberal party leader Stephane 
Dion promises, "Should the Prime Minister fail to 
level with
Canadians, we will table a resolution calling on 
the government to inform Canadians of the work 
and negotiations
of the SPP, and to report to the House of Commons 
to allow for parliamentary scrutiny and a full 
and informed
debate when the Parliament reconvenes."

August 19, 2007
Thousands of people take to the streets of Ottawa 
to protest the SPP on the eve of the third annual 
Summit taking place the following day in 
Montebello, Quebec. According to later reports by 
the CBC, the Ottawa
Police Service spent $3.7 million on security for 
the day. Following the protest, the Council of 
Canadians brings
hundreds of people together at a public forum at 
the University of Ottawa where they hear about 
deep integration
from civil society representatives from Canada, 
the U.S. and Mexico, as well as from 
representatives of all four
major opposition parties.

August 20, 2007
Like the day before, thousands of protesters head 
to Montebello where they confront almost as many 
officers surrounding the Fairmont hotel where 
Prime Minister Harper is meeting with Presidents 
Bush and
Calderón. News reports several weeks later peg 
security costs for the Quebec police force alone 
at over $7
million. Harper refers to the gathering outside 
as "sad," while CCCE President Tom d'Aquino 
likens the protesters
to barbarians at the gates. "I do not say to 
myself, 'If I don't get an hour with the prime 
minister in the next six
months, I'm going to go out and protest and 
reject the system outright,'" he tells CBC News. 
"I don't do that
because civilized human beings - those who 
believe in democracy - don't do that." Later that 
night, d'Aquino and
the CCCE spend another hour or two with Industry 
Minister Jim Prentice, Finance Minister Jim 
Flaherty and Bank
of Canada Governor David Dodge, as well as 
several other deputy ministers, foreign officials 
and NACC
members, at a dinner in Ottawa, according to 
information obtained by the NDP. Council of 
Canadians activist and
filmmaker Paul Manley posts a video of the day's 
events on YouTube that depicts what look like 
three rock-
wielding undercover police officers - agents provocateurs - in the crowd.

August 21, 2007
The third annual SPP "Leaders Summit" wraps up in 
Montebello with a joint statement by Prime 
Minister Harper
on progress and next steps. But the headlines are 
about the YouTube video depicting agents 
provocateurs. (The
Quebec police force at first denies that there 
were undercover agents then admits it in an 
embarrassing flip-flop.)
Harper makes light of the protests by claiming 
the leaders were discussing jellybeans, while at 
the same time he
announces four major new SPP developments: an 
Intellectual Property Action Plan; the 
long-anticipated (by the
business community) Regulatory Cooperation 
Framework; a North American Plan for Avian and 
Influenza; and a treaty-level Agreement for 
Cooperation in Energy Science and Technology." 
The Canadian
Centre for Policy Alternatives will later release 
a report on regulatory harmonization with the 
United States in
which it notes that a side-agreement - Regulatory 
Cooperation in the Area of Chemicals - that 
appears on the
U.S. SPP website was not announced by the Canadian government.

October 12 - 14, 2007
The third annual North American Forum takes place 
in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Like previous years, 
the guest list
and agenda were kept secret but the Canadian 
Labour Congress receives a copy of the latter. 
According to the
leaked agenda, this year's forum was called, 
"North American Cooperation and Community." 
Leonard Edwards,
deputy minister of foreign affairs, moderated a 
session on the "Strategic dimensions of the North 
security and prosperity partnerships," while Tom 
d'Aquino spoke on a panel addressing the topic, 
"Investing in
competitiveness: new ideas and options for 
infrastructure, borders and business - 
Public/private partnerships,
municipal bonds and border development."

October 16, 2007
The Munk Centre's Project on Water Issues 
releases a report by Andrew Nikiforuk called, "On 
the Table: Water,
Energy and North American Integration." 
Confirming repeated statements by the Council of 
Canadians, the report
states that: "There is now a formal framework for 
discussing Canada's water as a trade item - the 
Security and
Prosperity Partnership (SPP) - which met most 
recently in August 2007 at Montebello, Quebec... 
While this
summit focused publicly on other continent-wide 
issues, the concept of trade in water has 
remained quietly but
persistently present under the larger banner of trade relations."

November 29, 2007
A Federal Court judge rules that Canada must 
reconsider the Safe Third Country Agreement it 
signed with the
United States in 2004, because, "Washington 
flouts conventions meant to safeguard immigrants 
against torture in
their homelands," according to a Globe and Mail 
article. The Safe Third Country agreement was a 
cornerstone of
the Smart Border Declaration of 2001 and a major 
component of the plan to harmonize refugee and 
policies. The court gives both parties (the 
Government of Canada and the Canadian Council for 
Refugees) until
January 14 to make and respond to submissions for an appeal.


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