The Golden Age, Psychopathy and the Sixth Extinction


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
Laura Knight-Jadczyk

When asked what I would like to write about for this issue of the Dot Connector, the first thing that came out of my mouth was “The Golden Age and how we got from there to where we are now and what it all means.” That is the topic that has been exercising my thinking for a number of years and I gave it an overview inWitches, Comets and Planetary Cataclysms (DCMIssue 11), where the topic was how the feminine energy of our society was debased step-by-step over millennia, as a consequence of planetary cataclysm beginning with the Great Deluge, also known as the Flood of Noah. But noticing what has happened is not the same as explaining why and how it could happen sociologically speaking. In that article I wrote the following:

“Regarding the alleged Flood of Noah, we can say that at more than one point in our known history, civilizations and cultures have collapsed and/or disappeared or been destroyed by no-one-knows-what… 

Researchers in the fields of archaeology and history are baffled by the lack of any direct archaeological or written explanations for the causes (as opposed to the effects), though there is a rich body of myth and folklore that very well might provide the answers if analyzed correctly… 

Some decades ago, certain natural scientists became intrigued by the problem and, concentrating on the Bronze Age collapses listed above, realized that the range of evidence suggested natural causes rather than human actions like invasion or warfare. So, they all started talking about climate change, volcanic activity, and earthquakes. At present, these types of explanations are actually included in some of the standard historical accounts of the Bronze Age period, though many problems still remain: no single explanation appeared to account for all the evidence. 

Immanuel Velikovsky upset everyone by suggesting that the Exodus – but only the Exodus – was caused by a bombardment of rocks, dust, carbons and so on as a result of Venus running amok in the Solar System. He collected an amazing assortment of myths and legends from around the world that strongly suggested that some sort of global cataclysm was being described, but when, where and how, exactly, it happened was rather iffy. There were others who wrote and talked about these matters before Velikovsky, including Ignatious Donnelly, who deserves an honorable mention for ascribing the myths to the Great Flood of Noah which he claimed was actually the destruction of Atlantis as described by Plato. Whether or not there was an advanced civilization known as Atlantis is not our concern here, but whether or not there was a flood, and when it may have occurred, is.”

One thing I want to do is address this last remark above: my concern here is whether or not there was an advanced civilization known as Atlantis and if there was, what sociological processes might have been involved in its rise and subsequent fall, how mankind lost this knowledge, and whether these elements are related by a common factor that is present in our own civilization leading us in the same direction. Obviously, this is a topic for a book, and a book is forthcoming, but for now, I’d just like to give an overview. 

continues… a very long article…
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