Syria to form its own Hezbollah


Richard Moore

A foolish move by Syria. Playing into Israel's hands. They are chomping at the 
bit to attack Syria. 

Syria seems to be overlooking the extent of the damage Lebanon has suffered, and
which Syria could suffer as well. Those places which have offered guerilla 
resistance to Israel -- Palestine and Lebanon -- have suffered greatly. 


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Thursday, August 17, 2006


Syria to form its own Hezbollah

Baath party official: Lebanon war proves 'resistance' against Israel works

Posted: August 17, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein

© 2006

JERUSALEM ­ On the heels of what it views as a Hezbollah victory against the 
Jewish state, Syria is forming its own Hezbollah-like guerilla organization to 
fight Israel in hopes of "liberating" the Golan Heights, an official from Syrian
President Bashar Assad's Ba'ath party told WorldNetDaily yesterday.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Syria learned from 
Hezbollah's military campaign against Israel the past month that "fighting" is 
more effective than peace negotiations with regard to gaining territory.

He said Syria's new guerilla force would be trained by Hezbollah leaders.

"Syria is very serious about establishing this new guerilla force," the official

In a televised address yesterday, Assad declared Hezbollah's path of 
"resistance" achieved results during the last four weeks of fighting against 

"The region has changed because of the achievements of the resistance 
[Hezbollah]," said Assad, speaking to a journalists association.

Assad said members of Hezbollah used their "will, determination and faith" to 
counter Israeli arms, enabling the Lebanese militia to defeat Israel.

"We tell them [Israelis] that after tasting humiliation in the latest battles, 
your weapons are not going to protect you ­ not your planes, or missiles or even
your nuclear bombs. ... The future generations in the Arab world will find a way
to defeat Israel," Assad said.

"The resistance is necessary as much as it is natural and legitimate," said the 
Syrian president, claiming the war in Lebanon revealed the limitations of 
Israel's military power.

"The result was more failure for Israel, its allies and masters," said Assad.

Hezbollah claims its goal is to liberate the Shebaa Farms, a small, 
200-square-kilometer bloc situated between Syria, Lebanon and Israel. The Farms 
is the last post held by Israel after its withdrawal in 2000 from positions it 
took along the Lebanese border.

Most Western analysts agree Hezbollah uses the pretext of the Shebaa Farms to 
maintain its weapons to start conflicts with the Jewish state. Hezbollah is 
sponsored by Syria and Iran.

The cease-fire resolution accepted by Israel earlier this week calls for 
negotiations leading to Israel's relinquishing of the Shebaa Farms.

The Baath party official told WND the new Syrian "resistance" group is calling 
itself the Front for the Liberation of the Golan, and is already in the process 
of being formed. He said it seeks to ensure the return of the Golan Heights.

Israel captured the Heights, strategic mountainous territory, after Syria used 
the terrain to attack the Jewish state in 1967 and again in 1973. The Golan 
Heights borders Israel, Syria and Lebanon.

Israeli security officials said they had no information about the Front for the 
Liberation of the Golan.

The Ba'ath party official told WND the Front was formed last month and will 
attempt attacks against Israel. The official said the group currently consists 
of "hundreds" of Syrian volunteers, many from the Syrian border with Turkey. He 
said Syria held registration for volunteers to join the Front in June.

The official said most Front members will be Palestinian and not members of the 
Syrian army.

"We know from history guerilla resistance works against Israel," said the 

He pointed not only to Israel's most recent confrontation with Hezbollah, but 
also to what he said was a previous Syrian "victory" against the Israeli Defense
Forces using guerilla tactics.

"After a cease-fire was imposed in 1973 [following the Yom Kippur War) for 100 
days Syria led guerilla attacks against Israel in the Golan Heights and they 
were successful. The IDF withdrew nearly 100 kilometers from the original 
cease-fire lines."

Indeed, after Syria accepted a United Nations cease-fire in October 1973, it 
waged a sporadic guerilla campaign against Israeli troops in the Golan until a 
disengagement agreement was reached March 31, 1974, that saw Israel withdraw 
from some sections of the territory.

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