U.S. Supreme Court denies parents of vaccine damaged children their right to seek justice
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of NaturalNews.com |
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/031453_Supreme_Court_vaccinations.html#ixzz1FenG7ezf
The parents sought compensation by first filing their case with the vaccine court — a special pseudo-justice system set up by the U.S. government to provide blanket immunity to the drug companies while still offering settlement payouts for parents whose children are damaged by vaccines. Since being formed in 1986, this court has paid out $1.9 billion to parents whose children were damaged by vaccines.
But in the case of Bruesewitz, their claim was denied. The vaccine court, after all, is run by the U.S. government, and the government doesn’t want too many payouts to take place because that would set a precedent of vaccine damage that could cost the government billions (or even trillions) of dollars in unexpected settlement fees.
So the Bruesewitz parents decided to file their claim in the regular court system as their last remaining option for seeking justice for the damage caused to their child by what can only be called a “faulty product” (the vaccine).
The great injustice of legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers
It is interesting that most people agree with the idea that when corporations make dangerous products that harm or kill children, they should be held accountable. Makers of baby strollers or infant formula, for example, are not granted immunity from lawsuits. Nor are makers of automobile child restraint seats or baby cribs. In every case other than vaccines, corporations are held accountable for the safety of their products. But like magic, when it comes to vaccines,safety is not their concernbecause they have zero liability anyway.
The liability, it turns out, has been shifted to the federal government which operates its “let’s-make-a-mockery-of-justice” vaccine court.This puts the federal government in the position of denying any validity to legitimate claims that vaccines harm children, because to admit such a thing would cause a tidal wave of claims to come flooding into the vaccine court, resulting in potentially trillions of dollars in payouts to all the parents whose children have been harmed by vaccines.
What we have here, folks, is a genuine circle-the-wagons, cover-your-eyes, deny-the-truthcover-upinvolving Big Government and Big Pharma operating “in cahoots.” The government gives the vaccine industry blanket immunity, then they both join hands in denying that vaccines cause any damage whatsoever.
The parents, meanwhile, are denied their Constitutional right to due process! Such is the upshot of today’s Supreme Court decision, which has now condemned countless more children to suffer the seizures, comas and deaths caused by vaccines — even while their parents will have no legitimate legal recourse.
That’s why this situation is not onlya travesty of public healthbut also a travesty of justice.
Vaccines are medical violence against children
The vaccine industry is killing children. It is maiming them, destroying their nervous systems and causing permanent harm.These are acts of medical violencecommitted against children. Even the vaccine court admits this link through its own cash payouts to parents of damaged (or dead) children.
And yet, the U.S. government continues to endorse these acts of violence against children. It even goes so far as toexcuse themby providing immunity to the corporations whose products harm these children.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that this blanket immunitytakes away any incentive of safetyfrom the vaccine manufacturers. With no liability, what motivation do they have to improve the safety of their products? They have none. No wonder vaccines continue to be so dangerous, manufactured with mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde among other neurotoxic ingredients.
This entire situation is nothing less than extraordinary. The vaccine industry gets blanket immunity. The government denies parents their Constitutional right to due process. The children continue to be harmed and killed by vaccines, and yet the parents have no means by which they can seek justice.
This is entirely un-America. It is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of justice and of course a violation of the health of our children.
This is, effectively,an act of state-sponsored medical terrorismagainst parents and children.
And it begs the question: When parents are denied due process; denied their Constitutional rights; denied their day in court and denied compensation for the harm that has been brought upon their children,what options of recourse do they have left?
Those denied justice through the courts will seek it in other ways
This is where acts of violence will no doubt enter the picture. Violence is the last, desperate option for those who have been denied all other options to resolve their grievances peacefully. When the courts, the government and the corporations haveconspired against youto harm your children and then deny you any legal recourse, it is only a matter of time before some parent of a vaccine-damaged child decides to take matters into their own hands through acts of violence committed against those who damaged their children.
Do not misinterpret this as an endorse of such actions. NaturalNews has consistently and repeatedly decried the use of violence to resolve problems. Yet we cannot deny that in this legal / pharma / government conspiracy that causes children to be harmed while denying parents any legitimate legal recourse, it is inevitable that angry, disenfranchised parents will sooner or later reach a boiling point and decide to pursue justice in the only way left available to them.
Vaccines, after all, are a form ofmedical violenceagainst children. It is unreasonable for the state to maintain the position that it can support a system of violence against children without fomenting violence as a reaction. Thesourceof the violence is, of course, the state itself, which is now even engaged in efforts to strip awayreligious exemption rightsof parents as well.
The vaccine industry declares war on America’s children
This is, as I mentioned earlier,an act of war against America’s children. Every war sooner or later spurs the rise ofa resistance. And today, the vaccine resistance movement is growing by leaps and bounds, with more and more parents, doctors, and even scientists joining it every day. Every death of a child by vaccines isblood on the hands of the vaccine pushersand the government which now openly conspires with it.
I can only pray that God has mercy on the souls of these vaccine death pushers, because there is little doubt that the parents of these maimed and dead children will not.
In an age when the government actively conspires to harm and even kill your children through a system of medical violence, parents not only have the natural right —but the duty— to take active measures to protect their children from further harm.
The uprising against the vaccine state
If this issue of the state enforcing acts of medical violence against children cannot be resolved through the Constitutionally-guaranteed right to due process, it will sadly and inevitably be resolved through acts of popular uprising. That is the lesson being learned today all over the world: In Egypt, Libya, Iran and even Wisconsin.
When the People are suppressed, with their children are maimed by the state, when their rights are denied by the courts, and when they feel as if they have no options remaining to them,they will sooner or later take to the streetswith sticks, or stones, or bullets. One way or another, they will seek the justice that has been denied them by the corrupt state, operating in a criminal conspiracy with the vaccine industry.
I pray for America. And I pray for the victims of the vaccine industry. I pray, but I do not dare hope, that thisgrave injusticecan be resolved without eventual bloodshed committed by those who have been driven to desperation by a corrupt, criminally-operated system ofmedical violenceagainst children.
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About the author:Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He has authored more than 1,800 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2010, Adams created NaturalNews.TV, anatural living video sharing sitefeaturing thousands of user videos on foods, fitness, green living and more. He also launched anonline retailer of environmentally-friendly products(BetterLifeGoods.com) and uses a portion of its profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He’s also the CEO of a highly successfulemail newsletter software companythat develops software used to send permission email campaigns to subscribers. Adams is currently the executive director of theConsumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and pursues hobbies such as martial arts, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening.
Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/031453_Supreme_Court_vaccinations.html#ixzz1FenLu9l2