Supreme Court considering landmark Constitutional case


Richard Moore

Original source URL:

November 29, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Dockets
Landmark Right to Petition Case

Two days ago, the U.S. Supreme Court docketed two Petitions for Writ of 
Certiorari arising from the same decision by the United States Court of Appeals 
in the case titled, We The People v. United States. The Supreme Court will 
consider the two Petitions together.

One Petition for Writ of Certiorari, submitted by WTP Chairman Robert Schulz, 
was assigned Docket Number 07-681. The second Petition for Writ of Certiorari, 
filed by attorney Mark Lane, who is representing the remaining Plaintiffs, was 
assigned Docket Number 07-680.

By the end of the year we will know whether the nation's Highest Court will take
upon itself the burden of considering -- for the first time in the Republic's 
history -- the constitutional meaning of the last ten words of the First 
Amendment, i.e., the People's Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of 

The burden is breathtaking in the scope of its implications. Our case rests on a
virtually irrefutable historical record establishing the true political purpose 
behind the Constitution¹s Petition Clause, or what we have come to call the 
³Accountability Clause.² The record is so unambiguous that it leaves no room for
its interpretation: If the People have evidence the Government is violating the 
Constitution the People may Petition for Redress of the Grievance, and if the 
Government does not respond to the Petition, the People may retain their money 
until their Grievances are Redressed.

On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing in American history or 
jurisprudence that contradicts the historical record or our assertions regarding
the power of this long-forgotten Right.

Obviously, there is a great deal at stake for both sides in this controversy -- 
the People and the Government.

Three and one-half years ago, nearly two thousand Americans sued the government 
of the United States for failing to respond to repeated Petitions for Redress of
Grievances that  cited numerous constitutional torts against the People.  These 
Petitions have required answers to specific questions regarding violations of 
the Constitution's War Powers clauses, Money clauses, Privacy clauses and the 
Government's enforcement of direct, un-apportioned taxes upon on the labor of 
ordinary American citizens in violation of the Constitution's Tax clauses.

After this week's docketing of the appeal, the Government now has thirty days to
either file a response brief, arguing why the Court need not hear the case, or 
inform the Court that the Government is waiving its right to file a response. 
Following either of these two events, the appeal will be distributed to the nine
Justices and scheduled for one of the Court¹s weekly conferences, which could 
happen by the end of the year or in January of 2008.

At that conference, the nine Justices will discuss this case and controversy and
vote on whether to hear the appeal.  Should the Court decide to take the case, 
it will issue a briefing schedule and will hear oral arguments.

The WTP Foundation extends a warm and most sincere ³thank you² to our friends 
and supporters who have stood strong for so many years now in defense of the 
Constitution and Liberty, in reliance upon the Creator and Original Intent.

Over this period we have methodically erected a solid foundation that will 
endure time -- an irrefutable documentary record of repeated, respectful acts of
Petitioning the Executive and Legislative Branches for Redress of the most 
serious of constitutional torts.

Our efforts will one day enable those that may come to pass judgment upon our 
nation¹s future to know that the People peacefully, and with great love of the 
Republic and the Rule of Law, sought justice, protection and the sanction of the
Highest Court in claiming and exercising the unalienable and constitutionally 
guaranteed Right of the People to peaceably hold the Government accountable to 
the Constitution, all for the purpose of securing for further enjoyment the 
Light of Liberty.

Freedom is so fragile, so easy to slip away. Unfortunately, it remains in the 
natural order of things for governments, and the men that run them, to seek 
encroachments upon the Liberty of the People. It is for this reason our 
Constitution was created.

In America, all that stands between the People and total tyranny and despotism 
is the Constitution. However, the Constitution can not defend itself. That¹s our
job. It remains the burden of each generation to honor and defend it, and in 
doing so, pass on to their heirs and assigns the meaning and significance of the
essential values and principles embodied by our founding documents. All it takes
is the negligence or neglect of one generation to break the ³chain of custody² 
and Freedom is lost forever.

We again urge those who can to please help fund the work of the Foundation.  Our
ongoing mission is of immeasurable importance to you and we cannot move our work
forward without your continuing financial assistance.  We hope that over the 
years we have proven ourselves, and the value of our efforts to you.  We 
encourage everyone to consider making a tax-deductible donation.

Almost Last Call for
2008 Freedom Calendars

Yes! We still have 2008 calendars available and, Yes! We still hope you will 
consider helping fund the Foundation's 2008 mission with a year-end donation.

A variety of calendar packages are available which include various WTP 
educational premiums or you can obtain multiple calendars for a qualifying 
donation (6 for $60, 12 for $100, etc.)

The calendars make great Christmas gifts for loved ones, friends and business 
associates to spread the word about the WTP organization.

Click here to donate and obtain your 2008 Freedom Calendar package!

Please visit the new NCEL Clean Elections Lawsuit Information Center. NCEL 
Flyers are available to print out & distribute.

We urge everyone to consider a donation to help finance WTP's National Clean 
Elections federal lawsuit.

The Landmark Right-To-Petition Lawsuit
and Operations of the WTP Foundation
are Funded Solely By Your Generous Support.

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